



Hitro iskanje
Uradne ure
Uradne ure arhiva in videoteke CTF:
ponedeljek, torek, sreda10:30-13:30

Zadnji vnosi
Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse (2021)
Close (2022)
Sparta (2022)
Amanda (2022)
Gajin svet 2 (2022)

Nove pridobitve
V28084 (DVD)
V28083 (DVD)
V28075 (DVD)
V28074 (DVD)
V28073 (DVD)

Najbolj gledani
Birdman (2014)
Haine, La (1995)
Ed Wood (1994)
Au hasard Balthazar (1966)
Uns et les autres, Les (1981)

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Another Woman (1988)

država: ZDA
dolžina: 81min
reference: IMDb
izvorni format projekta: 35mm, 1,85:1, barvni, comopt, mono
jezik: angleščina
celovečerni igrani film

Vsebina (angl.):Having recently turned fifty, Marion feels that she has led a so far blessed life. The well-respected Dean of Philosophy at a women's college, she is currently on sabbatical to write her latest book. Although her first husband Sam died tragically fourteen years ago from a mixture of alcohol and pills, she has recently remarried to Ken, who, married at the time, pursued her, while Ken's writer friend, Larry, also professed his love for her. She has a good relationship with her step-daughter Laura, seemingly better than Laura has with either Ken or Laura's own volatile mother, Kathy. Between her and her brother Paul, Marion always had the attention of their academic father. And she and Ken have a wide circle of friends with who they regularly and willingly socialize. But a series of incidents with these people in her life makes Marion wonder about the decisions that she's made... The film partially utilized story elements from Ingmar Bergman's Wild Strawberries (1957). (IMDb)
Woody Allen (režiser)
Woody Allen (scenarist)
Sven Nykvist (direktor fotografije)
Gena Rowlands (igralka, Marion)
Mia Farrow (igralec, Hope)
Ian Holm (igralec, Ken)
Gene Hackman (igralec, Larry)

Enote za izposojo iz Videoteke AGRFT:
pogojno prosto 24708 (DVD, izvirnik - ni za izposojo, angleški podnapisi)
prosto 24785 (DVD, dovoljena izposoja, angleški podnapisi)

Napredno iskanje

Najdi niz:  
išči med osebami
išči med projekti
išči med enotami
najdeno naj vsebuje vsa gesla
najdeno naj vsebuje vsaj eno od gesel
Ideja: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. Vse pravice pridržane.
Podatki so last UL Akademije za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Vsakršna uporaba podatkov brez pisnega dovoljenja lastnikov pravic in navedbe vira je prepovedana!
Na današnji dan
Carol Reed (30.12.1906-25.4.1976)
Ginger Rogers (16.7.1911-25.4.1995)
Ella Fitzgerald (25.4.1917-15.6.1996)
Al Pacino (25.4.1940-)

Gledališki katalog
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