



Hitro iskanje
Uradne ure
Uradne ure arhiva in videoteke CTF:
ponedeljek, torek, sreda10:30-13:30

Zadnji vnosi
Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse (2021)
Close (2022)
Sparta (2022)
Amanda (2022)
Gajin svet 2 (2022)

Nove pridobitve
A8675 - Schengen (2024, magistrska naloga)
V28084 (DVD)
V28083 (DVD)
V28075 (DVD)
V28074 (DVD)

Najbolj gledani
Birdman (2014)
Haine, La (1995)
Ed Wood (1994)
Au hasard Balthazar (1966)
Uns et les autres, Les (1981)

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Hungry Hearts (2014)

Lačna srca
država: Italija
dolžina: 109min
reference: IMDb
izvorni format projekta: barvni
jezik: angleščina
celovečerni igrani film

Vsebina (angl.):The relationship of a couple who meet by chance in New York City is put to the test when they encounter a life or death circumstance. This is a brilliant, simple movie that sinks its claws into your chest midway and squeezes tight till the end. The story is original and very timely. I am not surprised it was a book first. It's not pap for the masses. No car chases. It has real danger, real horror, powerlessness, not knowing what to do, how to fix things. It has a real hero, a surprising one, and a tough, digestible, clear, honest ending. Impressive use of camera angles to distort weight perception and create the sense of claustrophobia in the characters' apartment. The acting is impeccable with the grandmother character as a superb standout. Interesting how it showed how difficult it is to take advice and put it into concrete action when one is caught up in a manipulative situation.
Saverio Costanzo (režiser)
Fabio Cianchetti (direktor fotografije)
Adam Driver (igralec, Jude)
Alba Rohrwacher (igralka, Mina)

Enote za izposojo iz Videoteke AGRFT:
pogojno prosto 25286 (DVD, izvirnik - ni za izposojo, slovenski podnapisi)
prosto 25287 (DVD, dovoljena izposoja, slovenski podnapisi)
prosto 25288 (DVD, dovoljena izposoja, slovenski podnapisi)

Napredno iskanje

Najdi niz:  
išči med osebami
išči med projekti
išči med enotami
najdeno naj vsebuje vsa gesla
najdeno naj vsebuje vsaj eno od gesel
Ideja: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. Vse pravice pridržane.
Podatki so last UL Akademije za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Vsakršna uporaba podatkov brez pisnega dovoljenja lastnikov pravic in navedbe vira je prepovedana!
Na današnji dan
Lionel Barrymore (28.4.1878-15.11.1954)
Ann-Margret (28.4.1941-)

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