Official working hours of both Theatre Archive and Videotheque:Monday | 10am-1pm | Wednesday | 10am-1pm |
Édouard Louis, ou la transformation (2022)
Historias para no contar (2022)
Šterkijada (2023)
Homo-mensura - Projekcija in pogovor o Filipu Kalanu Kumbatoviču (2024)
3. AGRFT festival - 2024 (2024)
A8821 - Pisna naloga (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8820 - Dogodek v mestu Gogi (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8819 - Kovček (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8818 - Perpetum mobile (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8617 - Akademijski list UL AGRFT 2023/2024, letnik XI, št. II - pdf. (2024, playbill)
Salt of the Earth, The (2014)
Freudlose Gasse, Die (1925)
Pina (2011)
Nostalghia (1983)
Blue Velvet (1986)
| |
Olga Toni References: IMDb | SFC
Steber / Column (1997, Film Editor) |
Herzog / Herzog (1997, Film Editor) |
Balkanska ruleta / Balkan Roulette (1997, Film Editor) |
Obrazi zelene reke / Faces of the Green River, The (1999, Film Editor) |
Jebiga (2000, Film Editor) |
Ljubljana / Ljubljana (2002, Film Editor) |
Slepa pega / Blind Spot (2002, Film Editor) |
Na planincah / In the Mountains (2003, Film Editor) |
Angoraangora / Angoraangora (2005, Film Editor) |
Pogled sa Ajfelovog tornja / Pogled z Eifflovega stolpa / View from the Eiffel Tower, A (2005, Film Editor) |
Američanke / 100% Slovenian (2005, Film Editor) |
Ohcet / Wedding, The (2006, Film Editor) |
Gremo mi po svoje / Going Our Way (2010, Film Editor) |
Miklos Jancso - Writing With Camera (2010, Film Editor) |
Oči, lahko jaz šofiram? / Can I Drive, Daddy? (2011, Film Editor) |
Gmajna / Gmajna (2020, Film Editor, Sound Editor) |
Mentoring Work:
Jaz pa grem na zeleno travco (2005),
Miza, ki tudi laže / Table, that also Tells Lies (2006),
Amor magister optimus / Love is the Greatest Teacher (2007),
Skrbnik / Caretaker (2008),
Roki na steni / Hands on the Wall (2008),
Lasje / Hair Extensions (2008),
Nebo nad blokom / Sky Above the Town (2008),
Dan v Benetkah / Day in Venice (2008),
Sestrična / The Cousin (2009),
Krištofove slike / Krištofove obrazy / Krištof's Pictures (2009),
Kralj Matjaž / King Mathias (2009),
Dotik / The Touch (2009),
Vasi pod vodo / Villages Under Water (2009),
Klemen Klemen / Klemen Klemen (2010),
Generacija Južne Afrike / Generation of South Africa (2010),
Kamijondžije (2010),
Kolaž - Odboj (2010),
Ne vem še (2010),
Za zavesami (2010),
Guba (2010),
Bolha in teleskop (2010),
(Ob)viseti (2010),
Cesar / Emperor, The (2011),
Besni prerok / Furious Prophet, The (2011),
Peter Bossman dobrodošel / Welcome Peter Bossman (2011),
Smeti / Garbage day (2011),
Časovna banka / Time Bank (2011),
Preklete podlasice / Damn those weasles (2011),
Izpit / Exam, The (2011),
Onkraj (2011),
Mesidž (2011),
Božji otroci / Children of God (2012),
Kdo in kaj / Who and What (2012),
Benjamin / Benjamin (2012),
Franček in Otilija / Franček and Otilija (2012),
Limonada / Lemonade (2012),
Na poti / On the Road (2012),
Zid / Wall (2012),
Vsiljivka / Intruder, The (2012),
Beg / Escape (2013),
Bencin / Gasoline (2013),
Punce / Girls (2013),
Pomladi / Spring (2013),
Moje ime je Ogledalo / My name is Mirror (2013),
Na kolesih zgodovine / On the Wheels of History (2013),
Medijski projekt: Murko / Media product: Murko (2013),
Sesalnik / Vacuum Cleaner, The (2013),
Lucifer in Lilith / Lucifer and Lilith (2013),
Free Božidar / Free Božidar (2014),
Rejnica / Foster Mom (2014),
Zdravo! / Nazdar! (2014),
Hiša odprtih rok / House of Open Arms, The (2014),
Mladi Menendes / Diego Menendes: The Early Years (2014),
Moja lasulja (2014),
Kdo hudiča je Aydin Demir?! / Who the Fuck is Aydin Demir?! (2014),
Obljubu si / You Promised (2014),
Proti toku (2014),
Svetlo črna / Bright Black (2014),
Csillag (2015),
Ognjeni fantje / Fire Boys (2015),
Alex / Alex (2015),
Surovo meso (2015),
Hana (2015),
Smeh (2015),
Ravnotežje / Balance (2015),
Ne nazaj / Just Not Back (2015),
Ameriška / American Story (2015),
Morbideja / Morbidea (2016),
Povej naprej / Tell On (2016),
Tuper vare / Tuper Vare (2016),
Hočem bit slon (2016),
K.A.O.S. / C.H.A.O.S. (2016),
Vis-a-vis / Vis-a-vis (2016),
Domov k spominu / Back To The Memories (2016),
Gospod golob / Mister Pigeon (2016),
Odtisi / Impressions (2016),
Ljubljana - München 15:27 / Ljubljana - München 15:27 (2016),
Zamejen / Bordered (2016),
Sestreljeni / Stricken, The (2017),
Ati / Dad (2017),
Prazne sobe / Empty Rooms (2017),
Mrtvi kot / Blind Spot (2017),
Bližje / Closer (2017),
Izhod / Escape (2017),
Akademija / Academy (2017),
Nikar mi ne pobegni / Soil Stories (2018),
Mrak / Dusk (2018),
Ona išče senco, on čaka / She's Looking For a Shadow, He's Waiting (2018),
Ujetnica časa / Prisoner of Time, The (2018),
Zgodovina zapuščanja / History of Abandonment (2018),
O luni, mesecu in njunem odsevu / On the Moon, Luna, and Their Reflection (2018),
Trenje / Friction (2019),
Pasji dnevi / Dog Days (2019),
Zmenek / Date (2019),
Posebna ponudba / Special Offer (2019),
Alzheimer Cafe / Alzheimer Cafe (2019),
Tudi jaz vidim / I See in the Dark (2019),
Trezi / Trezi (2019),
Čas ne zabriše spomina / Time Does Not Erase Memory (2019),
(Ne)vidni / (In)visible (2020),
Pepelni drobci / Ash Dust (2020),
Zavrti me / Spin Me (2020),
Poletje na Chengdujski 19 / Summer on Chengdu str. 19 (2020),
Čutenje giba / Feeling the move (2020),
O, sranje! / Oh, Sh*t (2020),
Kje se bom zbudil jutri? / Where will I wake up tomorrow? (2021),
Erik, 8 let / Erik, 8 Years Old (2021),
La Tortuga / La Tortuga (2021),
Priložnost / Opportunity (2021),
Slovo / Farewell (2021),
Na poti / On the Way (2021),
Rodna gruda / Cradle (2021),
Kar pustim, ostane / What I Leave, Remains (2022),
Ines / Ines (2022) |
Items to borrow from AGRFT Archives: |
A4767 - Lasje (screenplay, Assistant) |
A7052 - Karikature sodelavcev FTV oddelka za razstavo ob 70. letnici AGRFT (poster, Depictee) |
Items to borrow from AGRFT Archives (Mentoring): A4772 - Nebo nad blokom (screenplay, Mentor),
A4602 - Oglas (shooting script, Assist. Mentor),
A4603 - Oglas (storyboard, Assist. Mentor),
A4586 - Praga (shooting script, Assist. Mentor),
A4749 - Skrbnik (project documentation, Mentor),
A4785 - Dan v Benetkah (project documentation, Mentor),
A4762 - Sestrična (shooting script, Mentor),
A4763 - Sestrična (project documentation, Mentor),
A4748 - Skrbnik (shooting script, Mentor),
A4773 - Nebo nad blokom (shooting script, Mentor),
A4783 - Dan v Benetkah (screenplay, Mentor),
A4784 - Dan v Benetkah (shooting script, Mentor),
A4768 - Lasje (shooting script, Mentor),
A4769 - Lasje (project documentation, Mentor),
A4774 - Nebo nad blokom (project documentation, Mentor),
A4756 - Roki na steni (screenplay, Mentor),
A4757 - Roki na steni (shooting script, Mentor),
A4758 - Roki na steni (project documentation, Mentor),
A4759 - Roki na steni (CD-ROM w/Digital Stills, Mentor),
A4899 - Krištofove slike (screenplay, Mentor),
A5021 - Kralj Matjaž (screenplay, Mentor),
A5022 - Kralj Matjaž (shooting script, Mentor),
A5023 - Kralj Matjaž (project documentation, Mentor),
A5031 - Vasi pod vodo (screenplay, Mentor),
A5032 - Vasi pod vodo (shooting script, Mentor),
A5033 - Vasi pod vodo (project documentation, Mentor),
A5026 - Dotik (screenplay, Mentor),
A5027 - Dotik (shooting script, Mentor),
A5028 - Dotik (project documentation, Mentor),
A5508 - Generacija Južne Afrike (project documentation, Mentor),
A5510 - Zgodboris po scenariju "Nežka" (storyboard, Mentor),
A5690 - Seminarska naloga in vaje (seminar - excercises, Mentor),
A5678 - Pisne naloge in vaje (seminar - excercises, Mentor),
A5679 - Pisne naloge in vaje (seminar - excercises, Mentor),
A5680 - Pisne naloge in vaje (seminar - excercises, Mentor),
A5681 - Pisne naloge in vaje (seminar - excercises, Mentor),
A5682 - Pisne naloge in vaje (seminar - excercises, Mentor),
A5682 - Pisne naloge in vaje (seminar - excercises, Mentor),
A5684 - Pisne naloge in vaje (seminar - excercises, Mentor),
A5685 - Pisne naloge in vaje (seminar - excercises, Mentor),
A5686 - Pisne naloge in vaje (seminar - excercises, Mentor),
A5687 - Pisne naloge in vaje (seminar - excercises, Mentor),
A5688 - Pisne naloge in vaje (seminar - excercises, Mentor),
A5520 - Izlet (project documentation, Mentor),
A5521 - Preklete podlasice (project documentation, Mentor),
A5522 - Onkraj (project documentation, Mentor),
A5677 - Analiza filma There will be blood (seminar - student paper, Mentor),
A5510 - Zgodboris po scenariju Blok (storyboard, Mentor),
A5579 - Cesar (project documentation, Mentor),
A5581 - Besni prerok (project documentation, Mentor),
A5584 - Časovna banka (project documentation, Mentor),
A5582 - Peter Bossman dobrodošel (project documentation, Mentor),
A5583 - Smeti (project documentation, Mentor),
A5674 - 21 gramov (seminar - student paper, Mentor),
A5675 - Resnična zgodba (seminar - student paper, Mentor),
A5676 - Analiza filma Repulsion (seminar - student paper, Mentor),
A5752 - Franček in Otilija (project documentation, Mentor),
A5753 - Božji otroci (project documentation, Mentor),
A5743 - Benjamin (project documentation, Mentor),
A5754 - Kdo in kaj (project documentation, Mentor),
A5766 - Limonada (project documentation, Mentor),
A5778 - Na poti (project documentation, Mentor),
A5780 - Zid (project documentation, Mentor),
A5779 - Vsiljivka (project documentation, Mentor),
A6944 - Vloga montažnega ritma pri grajenju odnosov med liki (, Mentor),
A7572 - Čustva v procesu montaže in njihov vpliv na gledalca (, Mentor) |
Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli © 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo. Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
Walter Ruttmann (28.12.1887-15.7.1941)
Max Steiner (10.5.1888-28.12.1971)
Friederich Wilhelm Murnau (28.12.1888-11.3.1931)
Sam Peckinpah (21.2.1925-28.12.1984)
Stevo Žigon (8.12.1926-28.12.2005)
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