Midsummer Night's Dream, A / Sen kresne noči (Playwright) |
Veliki Britanci: Shakespeare / Shakespeare, gledališče nekoč in danes (BBC) (Featured) |
Romeo in Julija (nepopolno) (Playwright) |
Othello / Othello, the Moore of Venice (1923, Playwright) |
Kar hočete ali Na večer svetih treh kraljev / Twelfth Night or What You Will (1923, Playwright) |
Macbeth (1926, Playwright) |
Vihar / The Tempest (1930, Playwright) |
Sen kresne noči / A Midsummer Night's Dream (1930, Playwright) |
Kar hočete / Twelfth Night or What You Will (1932, Playwright) |
Beneški trgovec / The Merchant of Venice (1935, Playwright) |
Romeo And Juliet / Romeo in Julija (1936, Playwright) |
Kralj Lear / King Lear (1936, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1940, Playwright) |
Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe / Romeo in Julija na vasi (1941, Playwright) |
Othello (1941, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1941, Playwright) |
Henry V / Henrik V. (1944, Playwright) |
Prva interna igralska produkcija (1946, Playwright) |
Zimska pravljica / The Winter's Tale (1946, Playwright) |
Mnogo hrupa za nič / Much Ado About Nothing (1947, Playwright) |
Hamlet / Hamlet (1948, Playwright) |
Macbeth / Macbeth (1948, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1948, Playwright) |
Amants de Vérone, Les / Ljubimca iz Verone (1949, Playwright) |
Kralj Lear / King Lear (1949, Playwright) |
Sommarlek / Poletne igre / Summer Interlude (1951, Playwright) |
Tragedy of Othello: The Moor of Venice, The / Othello (1952, Playwright) |
Rihard tretji / Rihard III (1952, Playwright) |
Julius Caesar / Julij Cezar (1953, Playwright) |
Romeo and Juliet / Romeo in Julija (1954, Playwright) |
Richard III. / Rihard III. (1955, Playwright) |
Otello / Othello (1955, Playwright) |
Kakor vam drago / As You Like It (1956, Playwright) |
Sen kresne noči (1956, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1956, Playwright) |
Kumonosu jô / Krvavi prestol / Throne of Blood (1957, Playwright) |
Romeo in Julija (1957, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1957, Playwright) |
Macbeth (1957, Playwright) |
Sen kresne noči (1958, Playwright) |
Macbeth (1958, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1958, Playwright) |
Kar hočete / Twelfth Night, Or what you will (1959, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1960, Playwright) |
Othello (1960, Playwright) |
Iz take smo snovi kot sanje (1961, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1961, Playwright) |
Macbeth (1961, Playwright) |
Učna ura (1963, Playwright) |
Glumačeva smrt (1963, Playwright) |
Komedija zmešnjav / The Comedy of Errors (1963, Playwright) |
Kralj Lear (1964, Playwright) |
Zimska pravljica (1964, Playwright) |
Romeo in Julija (1964, Playwright) |
Dva gospoda iz Verone (1964, Playwright) |
Prizori iz Shakespeara (1964, Playwright) |
Othello / Othello (1965, Playwright) |
Fritz Kortner spricht Monologe (1965, Playwright) |
Shakespearov večer (1966, Playwright) |
Kar hočete ali Dvanajsta noč / What You Will or Twelfth-Night (1966, Playwright) |
Ukročena trmoglavka / The Taming of the Shrew (1966, Playwright) |
Rihard III. (1966, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1966, Playwright) |
Taming Of the Shrew, The / Ukročena trmoglavka (1967, Playwright) |
Romeo and Juliet / Romeo in Julija (1968, Playwright) |
Romeo in Julija (1968, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1968, Playwright) |
Macbeth (1968, Playwright) |
Twelfth Night / Dvanajsta noč (1969, Playwright) |
Komedija zmešnjav / The Comedy of Errors (1969, Playwright) |
Koriolan / Coriolanus (1969, Playwright) |
Rihard III. / The tragedy of King Richard III (1969, Playwright) |
Korol Lir / Kralj Lear / King Lear (1970, Playwright) |
Richard III. - Henrik VI. - Conservatoire / Manufacture des Oeillets - igr.šola (1970, Playwright) |
Julius Caesar / Julij Cezar (1970, Playwright) |
Izpitni nastop iz dramske ige III (1970, Playwright) |
King Lear / Kralj Lear (1971, Playwright) |
Tragedy of Macbeth, The / Macbeth (1971, Playwright) |
Kar hočete (1971, Playwright) |
King Lear / Kralj Lear (1971, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1972, Playwright) |
Much Ado About Nothing (1973, Playwright) |
Troilus in Kresida (1973, Playwright) |
Koriolan (1973, Playwright) |
Merchant of Venice, The / Beneški trgovec (1974, Playwright) |
Kaufmann von Venedig, Der / Merchant of Venice / Beneški trgovec (1974, Playwright) |
Romeo in Julija (1974, Playwright) |
Kar hočete (1974, Playwright) |
Viel Laerm um Nichts / Veliko hrupa za nič (1975, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1975, Playwright) |
Troilus in Kresida (1975, Playwright) |
Macbeth (1975, Playwright) |
Ukročena trmoglavka (1976, Playwright) |
Rihard III. (1977, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1977, Playwright) |
Measure For Measure / Milo za drago (1978, Playwright) |
Romeo and Juliet / Romeo in Julija (1978, Playwright) |
Julius Caesar / Julij Cezar (1978, Playwright) |
Macbeth / Macbeth (1978, Playwright) |
As you like it (1978, Playwright) |
Macbeth (1978, Playwright) |
Julij Cezar (1978, Playwright) |
Kakor vam drago (1978, Playwright) |
Dva gospoda iz Verone (1978, Playwright) |
Izpitni nastop iz dramske ige III (1978, Playwright) |
As You Like It (Twelfth Night) / Kakor hočete (1979, Playwright) |
Henry VIII / Henrik VIII (1979, Playwright) |
Tempest, The / Vihar (1979, Playwright) |
Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (1979, Playwright, Playwright) |
Henry IV. / Henrik IV. (1979, Playwright) |
Merchant of Venice, The / Beneški trgovec (1980, Playwright) |
Taming Of the Shrew / Ukročena trmoglavka (1980, Playwright) |
Tempest, The / Vihar (1980, Playwright) |
Macbeth (1980, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1980, Playwright) |
Monologi (1980, Playwright, Playwright, Playwright) |
Dva gospoda iz Verone / The Two Gentelmens of Verona (1980, Playwright) |
Twelfth Night (1980, Playwright) |
Winter's Tale, The / Zimska pravljica (1981, Playwright) |
Troilus and Cressida / Troilus in Kresida (1981, Playwright) |
Othello / Othello (1981, Playwright) |
Midsummer Night's Dream, The / Sen kresne noči (1981, Playwright) |
Timon of Athens / Timon Atenski (1981, Playwright) |
Antony & Cleopatra (1981, Playwright) |
All's Well That Ends Well (1981, Playwright) |
Za Lukrecijo; Rihard III (1981, Playwright) |
Cymbeline / Cimbolin (1982, Playwright) |
King Lear / Kralj Lear (1982, Playwright) |
Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy, A / Seksi komedija kresne noči (1982, Playwright) |
Merry Wives of Windsor (1982, Playwright) |
Sen kresne noči (1982, Playwright) |
Macbeth / Macbeth (1983, Playwright) |
King Lear / Kralj Lear (1983, Playwright) |
Richard III. / Rihard III. (1983, Playwright) |
Henry VI. / Henrik VI. (1983, Playwright) |
Romeo in Julija (1983, Playwright) |
Comedy of Errors, The (1983, Playwright) |
Two Gentlemen of Verona, The (1983, Playwright) |
Romeo in Julija / Romeo and Juliet (1983, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1983, Playwright) |
Selektivni izpitni nastopiz dramske igre I (2. semester) (1983, Author) |
Hamlet (1984, Playwright) |
Coriolanus (1984, Playwright) |
Life and Death of King John, The (1984, Playwright) |
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (1984, Playwright) |
Izpitni nastop iz dramske ige III (1984, Playwright) |
Much Ado About Nothing (1984, Playwright) |
Midsummer Night's Dream, A / Sen kresne noči (1985, Playwright) |
Ran / Kaos (1985, Playwright) |
Titus Andronicus (1985, Playwright) |
Rihard III.; Macbeth; Hamlet (1985, Playwright) |
Nacht, Die (1985, Playwright) |
Love's Labour's Lost (1985, Playwright) |
Kar hočete (1986, Playwright) |
Taming Of the Shrew / Ukročena trmoglavka (1986, Playwright) |
Ukročena trmoglavka / Taming of the Shrew, The (1987, Playwright) |
Kralj Lear (1987, Playwright) |
Othello (1988, Playwright) |
Romeo in Julija (1989, Playwright) |
Romeo in Julija (1989, Playwright) |
Romuald et Juliette / Romuald in Juliette (1989, Participating) |
Hamlet (1989, Playwright) |
Romeo in Julija (1989, Playwright) |
Othello (1989, Playwright) |
Othello / Othello (1990, Playwright) |
Hamlet / Hamlet (1990, Playwright) |
Ubu Rex cu scene din Macbeth (1990, Playwright) |
Hamlet / Hamlet (1990, Playwright) |
Odlomki - Sofokles - Shakespeare (1991, Playwright) |
My Own Private Idaho / Moj mali Idaho (1991, Playwright) |
Kar hočete (1991, Playwright) |
Sen kresne noči / A Midsummer Night's Dream (1992, Playwright) |
Hamlet / Macbeth (1992, Playwright) |
Kralj Lear (1992, Playwright) |
Timon Atenski (1992, Playwright) |
König Lear / Kralj Lear (1993, Playwright) |
Otello / Othello (1993, Playwright) |
Elsinor (1994, Playwright) |
Romeo in Julija, Hamlet, Othello (1994, Playwright) |
Psihiatrični bolniki in gledališče / Novi sen kresne noči (1994, Participating) |
Every Inch a King / portret Stephens Robert, King Lear (1994, Playwright) |
Hamlet / Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, The (1994, Playwright) |
Kralj Lear / King Lear (1995, Participating) |
Romeo in Julija-odlomki (1995, Playwright) |
Beneški trgovec (1995, Playwright) |
Othello / Othello (1995, Playwright) |
Kralj Lear (1995, Playwright) |
Richard III (1995, Playwright) |
Shakespeare - prizori (1996, Playwright) |
Beneški trgovec / Merchant of Venice (1996, Playwright) |
Midwinter's Tale, A / Pravljica sredi zime (1996, Playwright) |
Looking for Richard / V iskanju Richarda (1996, Playwright) |
Midsummer Night's Dream, A (1996, Playwright) |
Romeo + Juliet / Romeo + Julija (1996, Playwright) |
Otello (1996, Playwright) |
Romeo in Julija/ Macbeth/ Richard III./ Othello (1996, Playwright) |
Hamlet (1997, Playwright) |
8. dan (1997, Participating) |
Romeo in Julija iz Kočevskega roga / Romeo and Juliet of the Forest (1997, Playwright) |
Ukročena trmoglavka (1997, Playwright) |
King Lear - R. Eyre / Kralj Lear (1997, Playwright) |
Thousand Acres, A / Tisoč akrov (Kralj Lear) (1997, Playwright) |
Hamletas / Hamlet (1997, Playwright) |
Macbeth / Macbeth (1997, Playwright) |
Sen kresne noči / A Midsummer Night's Dream (1998, Playwright) |
Kralj Lear / King Lear (1999, Playwright) |
Sen kresne noči (1999, Playwright) |
Midsummer Night's Dream, A / Sen kresne noči (1999, Playwright) |
Titus / Titus (1999, Playwright) |
Glas (Rihard II., Henrik V., Rihard III.) (1999, Playwright) |
King Richard III (1999, Playwright) |
Vihar / Tempest, The (1999, Playwright) |
Ljubezni trud zaman / Love's Labour's Lost (2000, Playwright) |
Shakespeare 1.nadalj. (2000, Playwright) |
Hamlet / Hamlet - Scott (2000, Playwright) |
Richard III. (2000, Playwright) |
Kralj Lear / King Lear (2001, Playwright) |
Hamlet (2001, Playwright) |
Othello / Othello (2001, Playwright) |
Otello / Othello (2001, Playwright) |
Othello / Othello (2001, Playwright) |
Hamlet / Hamlet (2002, Playwright) |
Veronika (2002, Playwright) |
Tragedy Of Hamlet, The / Hamlet (2002, Playwright) |
Bollywood Queen / Kraljica Boolywooda (2002, Playwright) |
Julius Cesar / Julij Cezar (2002, Playwright) |
Hamlet / Hamlet (2003, Playwright) |
Eringekrepata (2003, Playwright) |
Ukročena trmoglavka / The Taming of the Shrew (2003, Playwright) |
Understanding Literature: The Elements Of Drama / Razumevanje književnosti: Elementi drame (2003, Playwright) |
Norec (2003, Playwright) |
Romeo & Juliet (2003, Playwright) |
Merchant of Venice, The / Beneški trgovec (2004, Playwright) |
Dva gospoda iz Verone / The Two Gentlemen of Verona (2004, Playwright) |
Titus Andronicus (2004, Playwright) |
As You Like It (2004, Playwright) |
Štiršekspir (2005, Playwright) |
Ukročena trmoglavka (2005, Author) |
Hamlet / Hamlet (2005, Author) |
Hamlet / Hamlet (2005, Playwright) |
ShakespeaRe-Told: Much Ado About Nothing (2005, Playwright) |
ShakespeaRe-Told: Macbeth (2005, Playwright) |
ShakespeaRe-Told: The Taming of the Shrew (2005, Playwright) |
ShakespeaRe-Told: A Midsummer Night's Dream (2005, Playwright) |
Sen kresne noči / Midsummer Night's Dream (2006, Playwright) |
Comedy Of Errors, The (2006, Playwright) |
Hamlet / Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, The (2006, Playwright) |
Kralj Lear / King Lear (2007, Playwright) |
Love's Labour's Lost / Ljubezni trud zaman (2007, Playwright) |
Othello (2007, Playwright) |
Macbeth / Macbeth (2008, Playwright) |
Othello / Othello (2008, Playwright) |
Romeo in Julija / Romeo and Juliet (2008, Playwright) |
King Lear / Kralj Lear (2008, Playwright) |
Hamlet / Hamlet (2009, Playwright) |
Projekt Hamlet (2009, Playwright) |
Hamlet (2009, Playwright) |
Macbeth (2010, Playwright) |
Hamlet (2010, Playwright) |
Tempest, The (2010, Playwright) |
Kar hočete / Twelfth Night, or What You Will (2011, Playwright) |
Julij Cezar / The Tragedy of Julius Caesar (2012, Playwright) |
Shakespeare's Sonnets (2012, Poet - Author) |
Cesare deve morire / Cezar mora umreti / Caesar Must Die (2012, Playwright) |
Henry V / Henry V (2012, Playwright) |
Kings, Love and Shakespeare's Rock'n'roll (2013, Playwright) |
Macbeth (2013, Playwright) |
Hamlet / Hamlet (2013, Playwright) |
Ukročena trmoglavka / Taming of the Shrew, The (2013, Playwright) |
Othello (2013, Playwright) |
NOW: In the Wings on a World Stage (2014, Playwright) |
Rihard III. + II. (2014, Playwright) |
Hamlet (2015, Playwright) |
Kralj Lear (2015, Playwright) |
Macbeth / Macbeth (2015, Playwright) |
Soneti (2016, Poet - Author) |
Ljubezen in smrt (2016, Playwright) |
King Lear (2016, Playwright) |
King Lear / Kralj Lear (2016, Playwright) |
Hamlet (2017, Playwright) |
Macbeth / The Tragedy of Macbeth (2017, Playwright) |
Shakespeare's Heroes and Villains (2017, Subject of discussion) |
Zimska pravljica / The Winter's Tale (2018, Playwright) |
Ukročena trmoglavka / The Taming of the Shrew (2018, Playwright) |
8. dan - 17. januar 2018 (2018, Subject of discussion) |
Kralj Lear / King Lear (2019, Playwright) |
H genotipu Hamlet (2020, Playwright) |
Items to borrow from AGRFT Archives: |
A670 - Shakespeare - film - Laurence Olivier (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion) |
A1058 - Srečni konec (screenplay, Based on the Work of) |
A1493 - Recenzije osmih dram (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion) |
A1859 - Hamlet - režijska knjiga 3. dejanja (seminar - student paper, Playwright) |
A2670 - Dvorni norci v Shakespearovi dramatiki (synopsis, Subject of discussion) |
A2670 - Dvorni norci v Shakespearovi dramatiki, 1. del (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion) |
A2670 - Dvorni norci v Shakespearovi dramatiki, 2. del (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion) |
A2670 - Dvorni norci v Shakespearjevi dramatiki (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion) |
A2782 - L'esthétique, c'est l'éthique (graduation thesis, Subject of discussion) |
A3053 - Režiser in njegov dvojnik (graduation thesis, Subject of discussion) |
A313 - Macbeth na filmu (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion) |
A3360 - Hamlet (entrance exam paper, Subject of discussion) |
A3418 - Kralj Lear (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion) |
A4101 - Richard Eyre: King Lear (1997) (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion) |
A3518 - Prevodi, priredbe in uprizoritve Shakespearovega Hamleta na slovenskih odrih (graduation thesis, Subject of discussion) |
A3832 - Shakespearova Romeo in Julija na slovenskih odrih (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion) |
A4203 - [šekspir] (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion) |
A4291 - Macbeth-priloga (entrance exam paper, Subject of discussion) |
A4476 - Shakespearova Romeo in Julija na slovenskih odrih, 2 (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion) |
A4290 - Macbeth (entrance exam paper, Subject of discussion) |
A4334 - [šekspir] (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion) |
A4634 - Hamlet versus Mundus (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion) |
A4858 - Macbeth - okvir uprizoritve (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion) |
A5373 - Romeo in Julija (seminar - student paper, Playwright) |
A4920 - William Shakespeare: Romeo in Julija (seminar - excercises, Subject of discussion) |
A5382 - Macbeth (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion) |
A5603 - Shakespearov norec; zunanja podoba notranjega dogajanja (masters thesis, Subject of discussion) |
A5764 - Julij Cezar - Cankarjev dom (playbill, Playwright) |
A6094 - Hamlet (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A6095 - Hamlet (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A6096 - Hamlet (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A6097 - Hamlet (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A6098 - Hamlet (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A6099 - Hamlet (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A6100 - Hamlet (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A6101 - Hamlet (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A6102 - Hamlet (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A6325 - Biti ali ne biti (kriv)? (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A6326 - Hamlet (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A6327 - Hamlet (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A6328 - Hamlet (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A6588 - Richard III. (, Playwright) |
A6515 - Vihar (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A6516 - Sen kresne noči (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A6970 - Hamlet (entrance exam paper, Playwright) |
A7394 - Nasilje jezika v dramatiki (seminar - student paper, Playwright) |
A6904 - Igrajmo Hamleta (, Playwright) |
A7119 - 130 (masters thesis - B, Subject of discussion) |
A8621 - Kar hočete (playbill, Playwright) |