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Official working hours of both Theatre Archive and Videotheque:
Urbani teatr - OHO (1969) Pasijon - OHO (1968) Kozmologija - OHO (1969) Morje - OHO (1969) Projekt tuba - OHO (1968) A8921 - Pupilija, papa Pupilo pa Pupilčki - predstava (1969, ) A8920 - Pupilija, papa Pupilo pa Pupilčki (1969, digital photograph, BW) A8919 - Gledališki projekti skupine OHO (1968, digital photograph, BW) A8918 - Homo mensura: Filip Kumbatovič (1985, digital photograph, BW) A8917 - Znamke, nakar še Emilija ... (1969, digital photograph, BW) Lighthouse, The (2019) Samourai, Le (1967) Bling Ring, The (2013) Pervert's Guide to Cinema, The (2006) Wild (2014) | Festival: PiterKiT student film festival (2023)festival type: international studentdatum festivala: 25.11.2023-29.11.2023 Festival Venue: Sankt Peterburg (RUS) Applications: Daljne njive (2022, in competition) Punjene paprike (2022, in competition) 2030 (2022, in competition)
Joseph L. Mankiewicz (11.2.1909-5.2.1993) Kirk Douglas (9.12.1916-5.2.2020) Christopher Plummer (13.12.1929-5.2.2021) Michael Mann (5.2.1943-) Charlotte Rampling (5.2.1946-) Errol Morris (5.2.1948-) Vladimir Jurc (5.2.1950-) Zoran Hochstätter (5.2.1955-12.8.2024) In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season. -0,3574219-1,367188E-02 |