Official working hours of both Theatre Archive and Videotheque:Monday | 10am-1pm | Wednesday | 10am-1pm |

Perfect Days (2023)
Heat and Dust (1983)
Róise & Frank (2022)
Jezdeca (2022)
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019)

V28229 (Blu-ray disc)
V28228 - Final season, Disc 2 (Blu-ray disc)
V28227 - Final season, Disc 1 (Blu-ray disc)
V28226 - Season 5, Disc 2 (Blu-ray disc)
V28224 - Season 4, Disc 3 (Blu-ray disc)
 Bling Ring, The (2013)
Fargo (1996)
Permanent Vacation (1980)
Wild (2014)
Ko pride lev (1972)
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eKumba Index
dance (Slov. ples)
(NE)ODVISNA (dance composition, 2003) | A. P. (Anno Passato) (short fiction, 1966) | All That Jazz (feature film, 1979) | An Expression of an Indian Classical Dancer (short documentary, 2020) | Ballet Adagio (animated short, 1972) | Bejart - Impresije (theatre production) | Beli dež (dance composition, 2004) | Beyond (dance composition, 2006) | Billy Elliot (feature film, 2000) | Butoh (lecture, 2013) | Canon (animated short, 1964) | Canon - Test (animated short, 1964) | Chairy Tale, A (animated short, 1957) | Chorus Line, A (feature film, 1985) | Christmas Cracker (animated short, 1963) | Chroma (ballet, 2006) | Conversation At The End of Life (short documentary, 2020) | Cost of Living, The (dance for camera, 2004) | Cunningham (documentary, 2019) | Čutenje giba (short documentary, 2020) | Dance (short documentary, 2005) | Dancer (documentary, 2016) | Dancing with Maria (documentary, 2014) | Deli Commedia (dance for camera, 1985) | Dialoge '99/II (dance theatre, 2004) | Dom svobode (short fiction, 2000) | Dvojno zlo (dance theatre, 2007) | Flashdance (feature film, 1983) | Footloose (feature film, 1984) | Fred Astaire - portret (television documentary) | Golem 2 (dance theatre, 2003) | Guillem Sylvie (television documentary, 1993) | IBM Presents Baryshnikov of Broadway (TV broadcast, 1980) | Infra (ballet, 2008) | July 4th 1941 (animated short, 1941) | Kako sem ujel Sokola (TV adaptation of a dance performance, 1993) | Kaligula (dance composition, 2004) | KDP (short fiction film - admittance, 2014) | Krisskoross (dance composition, 2002) | Labodje jezero (dance theatre, 1994) | Lili - razglednice futuristične ljubezni (dance theatre, 2008) | Limen (ballet, 2009) | Linč (dance composition, 2004) | Maske (dance theatre, 2005) | Meetings with Remarkable Men (feature film, 1979) | Metoda Butoh (dance composition, 2004) | Mlakar (television documentary, 1989) | Mrtvec živi (dance composition, 2006) | Narcissus (animated short, 1983) | Narcissus - Test (animated short, 1983) | Norec (dance composition, 2003) | Norman McLaren's Opening Speech (animated short, 1961) | On the Farm (animated short, 1951) | Pas de Deux (animated short, 1968) | Pas de Deux - Test (animated short) | Perspektiva (composition of a video dance, 2010) | Peter in volk (ballet, 1961) | Picasso (television documentary) | Pole dancing (short documentary, 2016) | Polychrome Fantasy (animated short, 1935) | Portret Milka Šparembleka (television documentary, 2000) | Postaja (dance performance, 2011) | Posvetitev pomladi (dance theatre, 1996) | Prekleti kadilci (dance composition, 2002) | Primat II. (dance composition, 2006) | Rainbow Dance (short fiction, 1936) | Romeo in Julija (dance theatre, 1995) | Rosas danst rosas (dance for camera, 1997) | Scrap Bodies (dance theatre, 1998) | Silen Cries (ballet, 1987) | Sirene (dance theatre, 2003) | Six and Seven-Eights (animated short, 1960) | Sozhino (dance composition, 2004) | Starinski plesi (examination, 2013) | Stomp Live (musical, 2009) | Strike a Pose (documentary, 2016) | Svila (dance composition, 2002) | Tahirjeva zgodba (dance composition, 2003) | Takt (dance theatre, 2009) | Tango, no me dejes nunca (feature film, 1998) | Tanzträume (documentary, 2010) | Trilogija, zadnje dejanje (dance theatre, 1997) | Two Bagatelles (animated short, 1952) | Umetnost giba I., II., III. letnik (examination, 2004) | Un Jour Pina a demandé... (documentary, 1983) | Vincent Warren (short documentary, 2005) | Vrhunci baleta (ballet) | Vrtoglavi ptič (short fiction, 1996) | Vsakdo od nas kdaj v samoti uzre svoj obraz (dance composition, 2002) | Xenia na gostovanju (short fiction, 1975) | Zgodovina modernega baleta (ballet) |
Butoh v Sloveniji (seminar - student paper, 2004) | Črna skrinjica: predstava zamenjanih vlog (, 2019) | Dualizmi (masters thesis, 2012) | Gib kot simbol notranje nuje (masters thesis - B, 2018) | Gibalno gledališče (seminar - student paper, 2001) | Gospod Nahtingale Včeraj Zdaj (, 2016) | Kako plesati odnos: Pas de deux Rosane Hribar in Gregorja Luštka (, 2016) | Kamniti čevlji (, 2020) | Pia Mlakar (seminar - excercises, 2009) | Ples z lutko (seminar - excercises, 2009) | Poželenje in prezir: vloga in položaj žensk v italijanskem futurizmu (, 2024) | Problem zapisa giba v drugi polovici XX. stoletja, 1. del (seminar - student paper, 2007) | Reči reči (, 2024) | Sodobni ples: Živa Kraigher (seminar - student paper, 2002) | Spreminjevalci podob (, 2024) | Telo v inštalaciji, inštalacija telesa (masters thesis, 2019) | Telo, ujeto v pogled (, 2021) | Ufuri v participatorno-interaktivni umetnosti (, 2021) |

Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli © 2004, 2025 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo. Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
 Prežihov Voranc (10.8.1893-18.2.1950)
Jean Rouch (31.5.1917-18.2.2004)
Miloš Forman (18.2.1932-13.4.2018)

In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
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