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Last Entries
Bara no sôretsu (1969)
Dan nominirancev - nagrada za mladega dramatika, 54. TSD, Kranj - Mimobežnice (2024)
Dan nominirancev - nagrada za mladega dramatika, 54. TSD, Kranj - Čisto pravi deček (2024)
Dan nominirancev - nagrada za mladega dramatika, 54. TSD, Kranj - grem greš greva... (2024)
Dan nominirancev - nagrada Slavka Gruma, 54. TSD, Kranj - Nezakonske matere (2024)

New Archive Items
A8674 - Struktura in elementi pripovedi (2024, )
A8673 - Adept, letnik X, številka 1, 2023/2024 - digit. kopija (2024, magazine)
A8672 - Adept, letnik X, številka 1, 2023/2024 (2024, magazine)
V28063 (Blu-ray disc)
V28060 (Blu-ray disc)

Most Wanted
Birdman (2014)
Haine, La (1995)
Ed Wood (1994)
Au hasard Balthazar (1966)
Uns et les autres, Les (1981)

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eKumba Index

(Slov. dramatizacija)

Alica v čudežni deželi (theatre production, 1986)
Alica v čudežni deželi (theatre production, 1994)
Besi (theatre production, 1986)
Blodnje (theatre production, 1986)
Butalci (theatre production, 1990)
Cesarična in pastir (theatre production, 1962)
Cica v metroju (theatre production, 1979)
Cipek in Capek (theatre production, 1969)
Čarovnik iz Oza (theatre production, 1968)
Idiot (theatre production, 2006)
Juliette Justine (theatre production, 2000)
Kraljica Margot (theatre production, 2005)
Krokar (theatre production, 1991)
Levitan (theatre production, 1985)
Martin Krpan (theatre production, 1979)
Medved Pu (theatre production, 1987)
Oliver Twist (theatre production, 1959)
Oliver Twist (theatre production, 1970)
Ostržek (theatre production, 1985)
Otok zakladov (theatre production, 1962)
Pika Nogavička (theatre production, 1974)
Pikica in Tonček (theatre production, 1958)
Ptički brez gnezda (theatre production, 1975)
Rdeča kapica (theatre production, 1969)
Resničnost (theatre production, 1985)
Strah in pogum (theatre production, 1984)
Stričkove sanje (theatre production, 1987)
Trije mušketirji (theatre production, 1967)
V osemdesetih dneh okoli sveta (theatre production, 1971)
Velika pustolovščina Toma Sawyerja (theatre production, 1967)
Vesela zgodba o žalostni princeski (theatre production, 1970)
Vodnjak želja (theatre production, 1958)
Živalski kabaret (theatre production, 1993)

Die Traumdeutung (seminar - excercises, 2009)
Dramatizacija in priredba Andersenove pravljice Cesarjeva nova oblačila za lutkovno predstavo (entrance exam paper, 2009)
Gledališče je tudi vsebina (seminar - student paper, 2008)
Gledališka postavitev po romanu Alberta Camusa Tujec (entrance exam paper, 2006)
Kako sem dramatiziral Dostojevskega (seminar - student paper, 1992)
Ostržek (seminar - student paper, 2007)
Tujec (seminar - student paper, 2006)


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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Mile de Gleria (19.4.1927-8.4.1986)
Vojko Anzeljc (19.4.1970-)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
