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Vesna Kačanski Badmus

DEAD FATHER: Reportažni avto  - Katarza: Set selfie - Ljudožerci, 2. del: Snemanje - V postelji s Titom: Foto 6 -

Brucka v Ljubljani (2004, Script Supervisor)
Gramatikus / Gramatikus (2005, Script Supervisor)
Končno na svojem (2006, Script Supervisor)
Zabava na plaži pri Suarez Guaran Sanchez / Beach Party at Suarez Guaran Sancez (2006, Script Supervisor)
Dr. Savič / Dr. Savič (2006, Script Supervisor)
Skušnjava / Temptation (2006, Script Supervisor)
Iz opusa Janka Ravnikarja - klavirski recital / Janko Ravnikar opus - piano recital (2006, Script Supervisor)
Kvartet kitar, nokturno za violino in kitaro / Guitar Quartet, Nocturne for violin and guitar (2006, Script Supervisor)
Kot dva polža / Like Two Snails (2007, Script Supervisor)
Dvojne igre / Double Games (2007, Script Supervisor)
Škandal / Affair (2007, Script Supervisor)
Bajsa / Fatty, The (2008, Script Supervisor)
Soldat / Soldier (2008, Script Supervisor)
Ni vse črno belo / Not everything black and white (2008, Script Supervisor)
Preizkus z jabolkom / The Apple Test (2008, Script Supervisor)
Fragma: Merica sreče / Fragma: An Ounce of Luck (2008, Script Supervisor)
Fragma: V roju kresnic / Fireflies (2008, Script Supervisor)
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2009, Script Supervisor)
Obletnica / Anniversary (2010, Script Supervisor)
Naša demokracija / Our Democracy (2010, Script Supervisor)
To nisi ti / Maska (2010, Script Supervisor)
Klic v sili / Emergency Call (2010, Script Supervisor)
Pianista (2010, Script Supervisor)
Beli zajec / White Rabbit (2011, Script Supervisor)
Poročnik in kurat / Lieutenant and Curate (2011, Script Supervisor)
Boben usode / Drums of destiny (2011, Script Supervisor)
Kot kakšna žival se počutiš, ko si zaljubljena? / With what kind of animal do you associate with, when you're in love? (2011, Script Supervisor)
Od nas neče dobiti niko ništa (2011, Script Supervisor)
Kill Kenny - When it's over (2011, Script Supervisor)
Astronavt (2011, Script Supervisor)
Rock Partyzani - Anka Partizanka (2011, Script Supervisor)
Rock Partyzani - Vsi v en glas (2011, Script Supervisor)
Sean Conneries, The - Never Ever (2011, Script Supervisor)
Kill Kenny - Tarirariii (2011, Script Supervisor)
DEAD FATHER, Kam je odšel naš Veliki Oče? / DEAD FATHER, Where Did Our Great Father Go To? (2012, Script Supervisor)
Kekec, tri dni pred poroko / Kekec, Three Days Before Marriage (2012, Script Supervisor)
Mladost / Youth (2012, Script Supervisor)
Sedmina / The Afters of a Funeral (2012, Script Supervisor)
Ko sem se pogledala v ogledalo, sem bila videti stara (2012, Script Supervisor)
Krvavice / Bloody Sausages (2012, Script Supervisor)
Izhod / Leave, The (2013, Script Supervisor)
Prepričanje / Belief (2013, Script Supervisor)
Ž'vali (2013, Script Supervisor)
Talenti / Talent Show (2014, Script Supervisor)
Vroča lazanja / Hot Lasagne (2014, Script Supervisor)
Miss 3000 / Miss 3000 (2014, Script Supervisor)
Nisem ji pomahala, ko se je odpeljala z busom, čeprav vem, da je pogledala ven / I Didn't Wave Her Goodbye When She Left On a Bus Even Though I Knew She Looked Outside (2014, Script Supervisor)
Potenje morskega ježka / Sweating of Sea Urchins, The (2014, Script Supervisor)
V postelji s Titom / Sleeping With Tito (2015, Script Supervisor)
Živalski vrt / ZOO (2015, Script Supervisor)
Veselko (2016, Script Supervisor)
Katarza / Catharsis (2017, Script Supervisor)
Podpišite tukaj / Sign Here (2017, Script Supervisor)
Lačen / Hungry (2017, Script Supervisor)
Okusne duše / Tasty Souls (2018, Script Supervisor)
Živali, pozdrav! / Animals, Attention! (2018, Script Supervisor)
Butalci / The Wonderful People of Butale (2018, Script Supervisor)
Preteklost / Past, The (2019, Script Supervisor)
V zadnjem vagonu je v tretjem kupeju sedela ob oknu / In the Last Carriage, in the Third Compartment, a Lady Sitting at the Window (2019, Script Supervisor)
Poslušajte, gospod Marjan / Why don't you listen, Mr. Marjan (2019, Script Supervisor)
Alenka / Alice (2020, Script Supervisor)
Nenavadna čajanka / Mad Tea Party (2020, Script Supervisor)
Krpan / Krpan (2021, Script Supervisor)
Kastrirati kameleona / To Castrate a Cameleon (2021, Script Supervisor)
Stanovanje 33 / Apartment 33 (2022, Script Supervisor)
Debeluška (2022, Script Supervisor)
Komaj nič (2023, Script Supervisor)
Ljudožerci - 1. del / Cannibals - Part 1 (2023, Script Supervisor)
Ljudožerci - 2. del / Cannibals - Part 2 (2023, Script Supervisor)
Ljudožerci - 3. del / Cannibals - Part 3 (2023, Script Supervisor)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Lionel Barrymore (28.4.1878-15.11.1954)
Ann-Margret (28.4.1941-)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
