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Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse (2021)
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Gajin svet 2 (2022)

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V28084 (DVD)
V28083 (DVD)
V28075 (DVD)
V28074 (DVD)
V28073 (DVD)

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Birdman (2014)
Haine, La (1995)
Ed Wood (1994)
Au hasard Balthazar (1966)
Uns et les autres, Les (1981)

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Fran Albreht

Judita / Judith (1923, Translator)
John Gabriel Borkman (1926, Translator)
Življenje je lepo / La vie est belle (1929, Translator)
Don Karlos (1929, Translator)
Brez ljubezni / Bez ljubavi (1929, Translator)
Razbojniki / Die Räuber (1930, Translator)
Gospoda Glembajevi (1931, Translator)
Praznik cvetočih češenj / Das Kirschblütenfest (1933, Translator)
Kralj Edip / Ödipus und die Sphinx (1935, Translator)
Dies irae (1936, Translator)
Bela bolezen / Bílá nemoc (1937, Translator)
Matura (1937, Translator)
Gospoda Glembajevi (1946, Translator)
Gospa ministrica / Gospođa ministarka (1947, Translator)
Don Carlos (1951, Translator)
Razbojniki (1951, Translator)
Orlič (1951, Translator)
Volpone / Volpone or The Fox (1951, Translator)
Tiran (1952, Translator)
Gospodična Julija / Fröken Julie (1953, Translator)
Strast pod bresti / Desire Under the Elms (1954, Translator)
Orlič (1954, Translator)
Praznik cvetočih češenj (1958, Translator)
Don Karlos / Don Carlos, Infant von Spanien (1959, Translator)
Gospodična Julija (1964, Translator)
Don Carlos (1965, Translator)
Dona Diana / Desdén con el desdén (1969, Translator)
Izpitni nastop iz dramske ige II (1970, Translator)
Leda (1971, Translator)
Gospoda Glembajevi (1972, Translator)
Leda, 2. dejanje (1974, Translator)
Leda, 1. dejanje (1974, Translator)
Don Carlos (1975, Translator)
Strast pod bresti (1977, Translator)
Beraška opera (1977, Translator)
Leda (1979, Translator)
Don Carlos (1981, Translator)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Jean Vigo (26.4.1905-5.10.1934)
Rapa Šuklje (26.4.1923-13.4.2013)
Anton Tomašič (26.4.1937-)
Nika Likar (26.4.1982-)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
