Official working hours of both Theatre Archive and Videotheque:Monday | 10am-1pm | Wednesday | 10am-1pm |

El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019)
Chantal + Pedro (2020)
Žlahtna plesen Pupilije Ferkeverk (1969)
Voranc (2025)
Kino '84: Jim Jarmusch (1984)

V28229 (Blu-ray disc)
V28228 - Final season, Disc 2 (Blu-ray disc)
V28227 - Final season, Disc 1 (Blu-ray disc)
V28224 - Season 4, Disc 3 (Blu-ray disc)
V28225 - Season 5, Disc 1 (Blu-ray disc)
 Bling Ring, The (2013)
Fargo (1996)
Pervert's Guide to Cinema, The (2006)
Permanent Vacation (1980)
Wild (2014)
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Metka Leskovšek
Muhe / Les Mouches (1961, Actor) |
Iz take smo snovi kot sanje (1961, Actor, Actor, Actor, Actor, Actor, Actor, Actor, Actor, Actor) |
Kamniti gost (1961, Actor) |
Županova Micka (1961, Actor) |
Veronika Deseniška (1962, Actor) |
Pri Hrastovih (1962, Actor) |
Igrice (1962, Actor) |
Uklenjeni Prometej (1963, Actor) |
Šola za može / L´ecole des maris (1963, Actor) |
Komedija zmešnjav / The Comedy of Errors (1963, Actor) |
Zimska pravljica (1964, Actor) |
Nora (Prva zasedba) (1964, Actor) |
Nora (Druga zasedba) (1964, Actor) |
Spomini na Avgusta Cesarca (1964, Featured) |
Ivan Cankar in slovenski igralci (1964, Featured) |
Narobe stvari v mestu Petpedi (1967, Actor) |
Oresteia / Oresteia (1968, Actor) |

Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli © 2004, 2025 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo. Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
 Lovro von Matačić (14.2.1899-4.1.1985)
Relja Bašić (14.2.1930-7.4.2017)
Vilko Filač (14.2.1950-25.11.2008)
Nevenka Koprivšek (1.6.1959-14.2.2021)

In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
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