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V zavetju misli (2024)
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Ko bo čas (nedokončano) (2024)

New Archive Items
A8715 - Sprejem FTV (2024, photograph)
A8714 - Fotostrip (2024, photograph)
A8713 - Sprejem FTV (2024, photograph)
A8712 - Sprejem FTV (2024, photograph)
A8711 - Sprejem FTV (2024, photograph)

Most Wanted
Conseguenze dell'amore, Le (2004)

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Rok Kajzer Nagode

1319. dan: Foto 7 - Domov k spominu: Skupna - Drugi so molčali - snemanje 4 - K.A.O.S.: Gozd - K.A.O.S.: Na snemanju - Kar ostane: V zraku - Misli: Beg - Mladi Menendes: Sproščanje - Mladi Menendes: V dvigalu ujeti Menendes - NA KOLESIH ZGODOVINE: Snemanje v črni kuhinji - Nazaj: Scenska fotografija - Pred papirji - Ognjeni fantje - Foto 6: Scenska fotografija - Oropana duša: Stranišče je pekel - Plavanje: Bazen - Prespana pomlad: Riba napihovalka (foto 6) - Punjene paprike: Set luknja - Smeh - foto 1: Zajtrk - Smeh - foto 3: Čakanje - Šum: Del Ekipe - Šum: Slow Motion - Šum: Škatlica - Triada 2012: snemanje odlomka iz predstave Potohodec - Vis-à-vis: Snemanje - Zamejen: Jesoo - Živalski vrt: foto 4 - Maks: Foto 14 BTS - Maks: Foto 8 BTS - Otava: Ekipa na travniku - Posledice: Obračun - Rok Kajzer Nagode, portret -

Note (in Slovenian): Filmsko in televizijsko snemanje. Magister filmskega in televizijskega snemanja (št. 228-B).

Kovček (2010, Cameraman)
VIVIR: Finale (2011, Director, Director of Photography, Film Editor)
Noč akademij - Triada 2012 (2012, Cameraman)
Na poti / On the Road (2012, Cameraman, Director of Photography)
Zid / Wall (2012, Cameraman)
Ljubim mestece (2012, Chief Camera Operator)
Glasbeni triumf (2012, Camera Operator)
Do dna (2012, Chief Camera Operator)
Filmski almanah (2012, Featured, Participating)
Kultura (2012, Camera Operator)
Kam / Where to (2013, Photographer)
Ivan brez življenja / John Lacklife (2013, Actor, Photographer)
Na kolesih zgodovine / On the Wheels of History (2013, Director of Photography, Colorist)
Izhod / Leave, The (2013, Assistant Director)
Prepričanje / Belief (2013, Featured)
Ž'vali (2013, Assistant Director)
100 točk / Top Score (2013, Script Supervisor)
Neverjetno neprijetno (2013, Camera Operator)
Pogreb (2014, Light Designer)
Mladi Menendes / Diego Menendes: The Early Years (2014, Director of Photography, Participating, Cameraman)
Plavanje / Swimming (2014, Cameraman, Director of Photography)
Prespana pomlad / Springtime Sleep, The (2014, Director of Photography)
Vroča lazanja / Hot Lasagne (2014, Director of Photography)
Potenje morskega ježka / Sweating of Sea Urchins, The (2014, Director of Photography)
Gledališče upora - simpozij v sklopu Borštnikovega srečanja / Pogovor o partizanskem gledališču z Ivanko Mežan, Zoro Konjajev in Aleksandrom Valičem (2014, Cameraman)
Csillag (2015, Assistant Cameraman)
Ognjeni fantje / Fire Boys (2015, Assistant Cameraman)
Alex / Alex (2015, Assistant Cameraman)
Surovo meso (2015, Participating)
Hana (2015, Participating, Extra)
Smeh (2015, Assistant Cameraman)
V postelji s Titom / Sleeping With Tito (2015, Cameraman)
Ravnotežje / Balance (2015, Consultant)
Nazaj / Backwards (2015, Director of Photography)
Male ribe / Little Fish (2015, Assistant Cameraman)
Riot Ana / Riot Ana (2015, Director of Photography)
Živalski vrt / ZOO (2015, Director of Photography)
Recepcija (2015, Director of Photography, Participating, Cameraman)
GRU - GRU (2016, Video Author)
Misli / Thoughts (2016, Focus Puller)
Šum / Interference (2016, Director of Photography, Colorist)
K.A.O.S. / C.H.A.O.S. (2016, Director of Photography, Cameraman)
Vis-a-vis / Vis-a-vis (2016, Sound Recordist, Cameraman)
Domov k spominu / Back To The Memories (2016, Director of Photography, Gaffer, Cameraman, Color Grading)
Jogi in škatla / Jogi And a Box (2016, Focus Puller)
Oropana duša / Robbed Soul (2016, Cameraman)
Ljubljana - München 15:27 / Ljubljana - München 15:27 (2016, Assistant Cameraman)
Zamejen / Bordered (2016, Director of Photography, Gaffer, Color Grading)
1319. dan / 1319th Day (2016, Director of Photography)
Konec / End, The (2016, Colorist)
Srečno, Monte Carlo / All That Monte Carlo (2017, Director of Photography)
Kar ostane / What Remains (2017, Director of Photography, Colorist)
Akademija / Academy (2017, Featured)
Nežka / Nellie (2018, Assistant Cameraman)
Ples ljubezni / Dance of Love (2018, Director of Photography, Cameraman, Colorist)
Posledice / Consequences (2018, Director of Photography)
Otava / Otava (2021, Gaffer)
Maks / Maks (2021, Gaffer)
Soseda / Neighbours (2021, Gaffer)
In je ostala noč / And the Night Remained (2021, Gaffer)
Sprintaj mi ljubezen / Password is Love, The (2021, Participating)
Nočko, mami! / Sweet dreams, mommy! (2021, Light Designer)
Kar pustim, ostane / What I Leave, Remains (2022, Participating)
Drugi so molčali / Others Remained Silent (2022, Gaffer)
2030 / 2030 (2022, )
Stanovanje 33 / Apartment 33 (2022, Gaffer)
Punjene paprike / Stuffed Peppers (2022, Gaffer)
Daljne njive / Faraway Fields (2022, Gaffer)
Gnida / Scum (2022, Gaffer)
ŽIVAL-ČLOVEK-STROJ (2023, Cameraman)
Alenka / Alenka (2023, Gaffer)
Razglašena / Out of Tune (2023, Gaffer)

Mentoring Work:
Deuce / Deuce (2022), Iz mesca v mesec / Month To Month (2022)

Zlatolaske 2013/14: nagrada za najboljšo fotografijo v dokumentarnem ali igranem filmu (2014, Zlatolaske 2014)
Prešernova nagrada UL AGRFT za snemanje televizijske drame Potenje morskega ježka (2014, Prešernova nagrada UL AGRFT)
Prešernova nagrada UL AGRFT za snemanje dveh kratkih igranih filmov (2015, Prešernova nagrada UL AGRFT)
Prešernova nagrada UL AGRFT za snemanje dveh kratkih igranih filmov (2015, Prešernova nagrada UL AGRFT)
IRIS 2016 za študentski film (2017, Nagrada Združenja filmskih snemalcev Slovenije - IRIS 2016)
Zlatolaska za fotografijo (2017, Zlatolaske 2016/2017)
IRIS 2017 za študentski film (2018, Nagrada Združenja filmskih snemalcev Slovenije - IRIS 2017)
Nomination for Best Cinematography for Student Film (2019, IMAGO International Awards for Cinematography )

Items to borrow from AGRFT Archives:
A5518 - Fotostrip + rež. eksplikacija (entrance exam paper, Author)
A5698 - Portreti AGRFT, 2011-2012 (CD-ROM w/Digital Stills, Photographer)
A6209 - Prešernova nagrada za snemanje televizijske drame Potenje morskega ježka (, Awardee)
A7271 - Raziskovanje, restavriranja, digitaliziranje in revitaliziranje filmske dediščine (, Author)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
William Wyler (1.7.1902-27.7.1981)
Miklós Rózsa (18.4.1907-27.7.1995)
James Mason (15.5.1909-27.7.1984)
Youssef Chahine (25.1.1926-27.7.2008)
Sam Shepard (5.11.1943-27.7.2017)

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Na 5. Festivalu FUGA, ki je potekal od 10. do 15. julija 2024 v Kopru, ...
