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Last Entries
Bara no sôretsu (1969)
Dan nominirancev - nagrada za mladega dramatika, 54. TSD, Kranj - Mimobežnice (2024)
Dan nominirancev - nagrada za mladega dramatika, 54. TSD, Kranj - Čisto pravi deček (2024)
Dan nominirancev - nagrada za mladega dramatika, 54. TSD, Kranj - grem greš greva... (2024)
Dan nominirancev - nagrada Slavka Gruma, 54. TSD, Kranj - Nezakonske matere (2024)

New Archive Items
A8674 - Struktura in elementi pripovedi (2024, )
A8673 - Adept, letnik X, številka 1, 2023/2024 - digit. kopija (2024, magazine)
A8672 - Adept, letnik X, številka 1, 2023/2024 (2024, magazine)
V28063 (Blu-ray disc)
V28060 (Blu-ray disc)

Most Wanted
Birdman (2014)
Haine, La (1995)
Ed Wood (1994)
Au hasard Balthazar (1966)
Uns et les autres, Les (1981)

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Matjaž Ivanišin

Che Sara: filmska ekipa 1 - Che Sara: filmska ekipa 2 - Che Sara: filmska ekipa 3 - Che Sara: filmska ekipa 5 - Che Sara: filmska ekipa 8 - Che Sara: filmska ekipa 9 - Ivaninšin, Matjaž - Ivanišin Matjaž, portret 2 - Portret Matjaža Ivanišina s kamero - Quick view: filmska ekipa 1 - Quick view: filmska ekipa 2 - Quick view: filmska ekipa 3 - Quick view: foto 8 - Quick view: foto 9 - Quick view: režiser, foto 1 - Quick view: režiser, foto 2 -

Avtobiografija (1999, Cameraman)
Nekdo, ki je pozabil (2000, Director)
Che Sara / Che Sara (2002, Director, Screenwriter)
Karlo Jederman/ Jaz Karlo Jederman (2002, Director)
Karlo Jederman/ Gnar song (2002, Director)
Sezona 90/91 / Season 90/91 (2003, Assistant Director)
Vlažnost 81% / Humidity 81% (2003, Director, Screenwriter)
Klinika Kozarcky (2003, Director, Screenwriter)
Buc buc buc (2003, Director)
Kaj nam škodi / What is Hazardous for Our Health (2003, Director, Screenwriter)
Kostanjeva krona (2003, Director)
Sedem ur v pet poglavjih (2004, Director, Screenwriter)
Cabaret / Cabaret (2004, Director)
Quick View / Quick View (2005, Director, Screenwriter)
Moje male ljubice / Some Girls (2006, Director, Screenwriter)
Šentilj - Spielfeld, mejni prehod, ki ga ni več / Šentilj - Spielfeld, a Border Crossing that once was (2009, Director, Screenwriter, Director of Photography)
Boris, Milena, Radko (2013, Assistant Director)
Karpopotnik / Karpotrotter (2013, Director, Screenwriter)
Hiške / Houses (2014, Director, Screenwriter, Director of Photography)
Playing Men (2017, Screenwriter, Director)
Vsaka dobra zgodba je ljubezenska zgodba (2017, Director, Screenwriter, Cameraman)
Oroslan (2019, Director, Screenwriter)

Mentoring Work:
Sestreljeni / Stricken, The (2017), Ati / Dad (2017), Prazne sobe / Empty Rooms (2017), Zgodovina zapuščanja / History of Abandonment (2018), O luni, mesecu in njunem odsevu / On the Moon, Luna, and Their Reflection (2018), Preteklost / Past, The (2019), Alzheimer Cafe / Alzheimer Cafe (2019), Tudi jaz vidim / I See in the Dark (2019), Poslušajte, gospod Marjan / Why don't you listen, Mr. Marjan (2019), Trezi / Trezi (2019), Čas ne zabriše spomina / Time Does Not Erase Memory (2019), Prelom / Fracture (2020), (Ne)vidni / (In)visible (2020), Pepelni drobci / Ash Dust (2020), Čutenje giba / Feeling the move (2020), Kar pozabiš, odide z vetrom / What You Forget Goes Away With the Wind (2020), Krpan / Krpan (2021), Kje se bom zbudil jutri? / Where will I wake up tomorrow? (2021), Kornelj / Kornelj (2021), Na poti / On the Way (2021), Kastrirati kameleona / To Castrate a Cameleon (2021), Rodna gruda / Cradle (2021), 1/4 koraka / Quarter of a Step (2022), Ines / Ines (2022), To je moj dom / This is My Home (2022), Biti oče / Being a Father (2022), Stanovanje 33 / Apartment 33 (2022), 50/50 / 50/50 (2022), Kante / Clunkers (2022), Debeluška (2022), Domčani / Juvies (2023), Dušan / Dušan (2023), Impulz / Impulse (2023), Simonova vila / Simon's Villa (2023), Smrt / Smrt (2023), Komaj nič (2023), Mali princ / Little Prince, The (2023), Razrezana pita / Sliced Pie (2023), Živeti v dvoje (2023)

Third Award for the best Student Short Fiction Film (2003, GoEast, 3. Film Festival of Central and Eastern European Film)
Posebna omemba žirije (2003, SNIFF Mednarodni festival kratkega filma)
Posebna omemba žirije (2003, 5. International Student Film Festival Beograd)
Prešernova nagrada UL AGRFT (2005, Prešernove nagrade UL AGRFT)
Public Award (2006, Base Film Festival)
Best Script for film Quick View (2006, 8. Belo Horizonte International Short Film Festival)
Grand Prix (2006, AYE AYE Film Festival)
Grand Prix (2006, 4. International Short Film Festival)
Nagrada za najboljši študentski film (2006, 9. Festival Slovenskega filma)
Nagrada filmskih kritikov FIPRESCI (2006, 9. Festival Slovenskega filma)
Menzione speciala della giuria studenti (2006, 11. Milano Film Festival)
Special Mentions (2006, 13. International Film Festival ETIUDA&ANIMA)
Premio speciale per la fiction (2006, 11. Festival internazionale del cortometraggio di Siena)
Nagrada Jože Babič (2006, Nagrada Jože Babič)

Items to borrow from AGRFT Archives:
A586 - Nekdo, ki je pozabil (shooting script - admission paper, Paper Author)
A585 - Dva (, Paper Author)
A812 - Che Sara (seminar - shooting script, Paper Author)
A4054 - Kostanjeva krona (seminar - screenplay, Paper Author)
A4049 - Gnar Song (seminar - screenplay, Paper Author)
A4050 - Karlo Jederman (seminar - shooting script, Paper Author)
A4052 - O škodljivosti tobaka (seminar - student paper, Paper Author)
A3711 - Vlažnost 81% (seminar - screenplay, Paper Author)
A4055 - Klinika Kozarcky (seminar - shooting script, Paper Author)
A4051 - O škodljivosti tobaka (seminar - screenplay, Paper Author)
A4053 - Kaj nam škodi, oddaja z g. Njuhinom (seminar - shooting script, Paper Author)
A4985 - Gospodična Julija (screenplay, Paper Author)
A3938 - Buc buc buc (seminar - shooting script, Paper Author)
A4168 - Quick view - skeni negativov (CD-ROM, Paper Author)
A4983 - Nekatera dekleta (screenplay, Paper Author)
A4984 - Moje male ljubice (shooting script, Paper Author)
A4164 - Quick view (seminar - shooting script, Paper Author)
A4165 - Quick view (seminar - screenplay, Paper Author)
A4167 - Quick view (photograph (contact) C, Paper Author)
A4166 - Quick view (seminar - project documentation, Paper Author)
A7082 - Pusti me, da sanjam (, Co-Mentor)
A7304 - Avokado pade daleč od drevesa (, Co-Mentor)

Items to borrow from AGRFT Archives (Mentoring):
A8496 - To, kar pride po tem, ko je bilo povedano vse (, Mentor)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Harold Lloyd (20.4.1893-8.3.1971)
Don Siegel (26.10.1912-20.4.1991)
Ryan O'Neal (20.4.1941-)
Jessica Lange (20.4.1949-)
Barbara Sušec-Michieli (20.4.1967-7.7.2011)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
