Jovanović (Production Company) |
Prostorski problemi AGRFT (Production Company) |
Forum / AGRFT TVS 29.4.94 (Production Company) |
Obisk (Production Company) |
Maskiranje (Producer) |
Mladost očetov (1946, Production Company) |
Prva interna igralska produkcija (1946, Production Company) |
Prvi izpit iz umetniške besede (1946, Production Company) |
Mnogo hrupa za nič / Much Ado About Nothing (1947, Production Company) |
Striček Mraz (1948, Production Company) |
Županova Micka (1948, Production Company) |
Varh / The Guardian (1948, Production Company) |
Gimnazijci / Gimnazisty (1949, Production Company) |
Tri sestre / Three Sisters (1950, Production Company) |
Kritika Šole za žene / La Critique de L'École des femmes (1950, Production Company) |
Improvizacija v Versaillesu / L'Impromptu de Versailles (1950, Production Company) |
Sganarelle ali Namišljeni rogonosec / Sganarelle ou le Cocu imaginaire (1950, Production Company) |
Večer umetniške besede (1951, Production Company) |
Hedda Gabler / Hedda Gabler (1951, Production Company) |
Za narodov blagor (1951, Production Company) |
Kralj na Betajnovi (1951, Production Company) |
Hlapci (1951, Production Company) |
Pohujšanje v dolini Šentflorjanski (1951, Production Company) |
Učene ženske (1951, Production Company) |
Tartuffe (1951, Production Company) |
Šola za žene (1951, Production Company) |
Don Carlos (1951, Production Company) |
Marija Stuart (1951, Production Company) |
Razbojniki (1951, Production Company) |
Figarova svatba (1951, Production Company) |
Emilija Galotti (1951, Production Company) |
Orlič (1951, Production Company) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (1951, Production Company) |
Veronika Deseniška (1951, Production Company) |
Posnetovo prebujenje / The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet (1952, Production Company) |
Margareta / La Marguerite (1952, Production Company) |
Idealni soprog / The Ideal Husband (1952, Production Company) |
Striček Vanja (1952, Production Company) |
Tiran (1952, Production Company) |
Hudičev učenec (1952, Production Company) |
Elektra v črnini (1952, Production Company) |
Ana Christie (1952, Production Company) |
Marija Stuart (1952, Production Company) |
Kozarec vode (1952, Production Company) |
Siromakovo jagnje (1952, Production Company) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (1952, Production Company) |
Črna dama iz sonetov (1952, Production Company) |
Ljudomrznik; Tartuffe; Smešne precioze (1952, Production Company) |
Gospodična Julija / Fröken Julie (1953, Production Company) |
Nalagani soprog / How He Lied to Her Husband (1953, Production Company) |
Dež in vihar / The Wind and the Rain (1953, Production Company) |
Mrtveci brez pogreba (Nepokopani mrtveci) (1953, Production Company) |
Strast pod bresti / Desire Under the Elms (1954, Production Company) |
Poslednja noč / La nuit des hommes (1954, Production Company) |
Monologi (1954, Production Company) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (1954, Production Company) |
Orlič (1954, Production Company) |
Dama s kamelijami (1954, Production Company) |
Bele noči (1955, Production Company) |
Sganarelle ali Namišljeni rogonosec / Sganarelle ou le Cocu imaginaire (1955, Production Company) |
Tartuffe (1955, Production Company) |
Ljudomrznik (1955, Production Company) |
Oče / Fadren (1956, Production Company) |
Prvi in zadnji / The First and the Last (1956, Production Company) |
Kakor vam drago / As You Like It (1956, Production Company) |
Škrjanček / L'Alouette (1956, Production Company) |
Sen kresne noči (1956, Production Company) |
Krefli (1956, Production Company) |
Improvizirani prizori na študijskem odru AIU (1956, Production Company) |
Človeški glas (1956, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1956, Production Company) |
Češnjev vrt / Višnevyj sad (1957, Production Company) |
Na dnu / Na dne (1957, Production Company) |
Tartuffe (1957, Production Company) |
Judita / Judith (1957, Production Company) |
Županova Micka (1957, Production Company) |
Romeo in Julija (1957, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1957, Production Company) |
Macbeth (1957, Production Company) |
Varh / The Guardian (1958, Production Company) |
Elektra / Mourning Becomes Electra (1958, Production Company) |
Sen kresne noči (1958, Production Company) |
Učene ženske; Ljudomrznik; Don Juan (1958, Production Company) |
Sluga dveh gospodov (1958, Production Company) |
Macbeth (1958, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1958, Production Company) |
Praznik cvetočih češenj (1958, Production Company) |
Bratje Karamazovi (1958, Production Company) |
Galileo Galilei / Galileo Galilei (1959, Production Company) |
Kar hočete / Twelfth Night, Or what you will (1959, Production Company) |
Raztrganci (1959, Production Company) |
Monologi (1959, Production Company) |
Feničanke (1959, Production Company) |
Vojček (1959, Production Company) |
Za Lukrecijo / Pour Lucrèce (1960, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1960, Production Company) |
Othello (1960, Production Company) |
Kralj Edip (1960, Production Company) |
Izsiljena ženitev (1960, Production Company) |
Antigona (1960, Production Company) |
Dogodek v mestu Gogi (1960, Production Company) |
Brez tretjega (1960, Production Company) |
Muhe / Les Mouches (1961, Production Company) |
Večer umetniške besede (1961, Production Company) |
Sganarelle ali Namišljeni rogonosec / Sganarelle ou le Cocu imaginaire (1961, Production Company) |
Iz take smo snovi kot sanje (1961, Production Company) |
Rosmersholm (1961, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1961, Production Company) |
Kamniti gost (1961, Production Company) |
Vaja pri Molieru, Improvizacija v Versaillesu in Kritika šole za žene (1961, Production Company) |
Vaja pri Molieru, Sganarelle ali Namišljeni rogonosec (1961, Production Company) |
Vaja pri Molieru, Šola za žene (1961, Production Company) |
Vaja pri Molieru, Tartuffe (1961, Production Company) |
Vaja pri Molieru, Ljubezen zdravnik (1961, Production Company) |
Macbeth (1961, Production Company) |
Tinček Petelinček (1961, Production Company) |
Županova Micka (1961, Production Company) |
Med štirimi stenami (1962, Production Company) |
Don Juan v peklu / Don Juan in Hell (1962, Production Company) |
Zdravnik po sili / Le Médecin malgré lui (1962, Production Company) |
Bratje Karamazovi / Brat'ja Karamazovy (1962, Production Company) |
Veronika Deseniška (1962, Production Company) |
Pri Hrastovih (1962, Production Company) |
Fiesco / Verschwörung des Fiesco zu Genua (1963, Production Company) |
Trudni zastori (1963, Production Company) |
Trudni zastori (1963, Production Company) |
Učna ura (1963, Production Company, Production Company) |
Upornik (1963, Production Company) |
Dvojčka / Menaecchmi (1963, Production Company) |
Glumačeva smrt (1963, Production Company) |
Medigre: Budni stražnik (1963, Production Company) |
Uklenjeni Prometej (1963, Production Company) |
Medigre: Salamanška jama / La cueva de Salamanca (1963, Production Company) |
Medigre: Dva jezičneža / El Rufián dichoso (1963, Production Company) |
Medigre: Čudežno gledališče / El retablo de las maravillas (1963, Production Company) |
Marija Stuart (1963, Production Company) |
Kovarstvo in ljubezen / Kabale und Liebe (1963, Production Company) |
Rusalka (1963, Production Company) |
Krog s kredo / Der Kreidekreis (1963, Production Company) |
Praznik cvetočih češenj / Das Kirschblutenfest (1963, Production Company) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (1963, Production Company) |
Dona Diana (1963, Production Company) |
Gorje pametnemu (1963, Production Company) |
Izsiljena ženitev / Le mariage force (1963, Production Company) |
Šola za može / L´ecole des maris (1963, Production Company) |
Komedija zmešnjav / The Comedy of Errors (1963, Production Company) |
Zimska pravljica (1964, Production Company) |
Oblast / Vlast (1964, Production Company) |
Dva lopova / Dva lopova (1964, Production Company) |
Varh / The Guardian (1964, Production Company) |
Rendez-vous (1964, Production Company, Production Company) |
Nora (Prva zasedba) (1964, Production Company) |
Nora (Druga zasedba) (1964, Production Company) |
Romeo in Julija (1964, Production Company) |
Dva gospoda iz Verone (1964, Production Company) |
Veleja (1964, Production Company) |
Kastelka (1964, Production Company) |
Smešne precioze / Les precieuses ridicules (1964, Production Company) |
Dogodek v mestu Gogi (1964, Production Company) |
Prizori iz Shakespeara (1964, Production Company) |
Skušnja ali kaznovana ljubezen / La Répétition ou l'amour puni (1965, Production Company) |
Peklenski stroj / La Machine infernale (1965, Production Company) |
Igra o Robinu in Marioni (1965, Production Company) |
Striček Vanja / Djadja Vanja (1965, Production Company) |
Šola za obrekovanje / The School for Scandal (1965, Production Company) |
Kralj na Betajnovi (1965, Production Company) |
Jutro pred poroko (1965, Production Company) |
Snubač (1965, Production Company) |
Medved (1965, Production Company) |
Mož usode / The Man of Destiny (1965, Production Company) |
Balada o črnem noju (1965, Production Company) |
Peskovnik / The Sandbox (1965, Production Company) |
Zaprta vrata / Le Huis-clos (1965, Production Company) |
Don Carlos (1965, Production Company) |
Margareta / La Marguerite (1965, Production Company) |
Feniks preveč / A Phoenix Too Frequent (1965, Production Company) |
Igra o ljubezni in naključju / Le Jeu de l´Amour et du Hasard (1965, Production Company) |
Spoštljiva vlačuga / La putain respectueuse (1965, Production Company) |
Kriza vesti (1966, Production Company) |
Kako važno je biti resen / The Importance of Being Earnest (1966, Production Company) |
V gnevu se ozri / Look Back in Anger (1966, Production Company) |
Lažnivec / Le Menteur (1966, Production Company) |
Zgodba o živalskem vrtu / The Zoo Story (1966, Production Company) |
Shakespearov večer (1966, Production Company) |
Ljudomržnik / Le Misanthrope (1966, Production Company) |
Kar hočete ali Dvanajsta noč / What You Will or Twelfth-Night (1966, Production Company) |
Figarova svatba / Le mariage de Figaro (1966, Production Company) |
Pogled z mostu / A View from the Bridge (1966, Production Company) |
Kaj je resnica / Cosi è /se vi pare/ (1966, Production Company) |
Ovčji kal / Fuente ovejuna (1966, Production Company) |
Revizor (1966, Production Company) |
Spalnik Hiawatha / Pullman Car Hiawatha (1966, Production Company) |
Tartuffe (1966, Production Company) |
Ukročena trmoglavka / The Taming of the Shrew (1966, Production Company, Production Company) |
Rihard III. (1966, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1966, Production Company) |
Telefon (1967, Production Company) |
Miss Jenny Love / Miss Jenny Love (1967, Production Company) |
Lepa Vida (1967, Production Company) |
Kritika Šole za žene / La Critique de l'école des femmes (1967, Production Company) |
Sluga dveh gospodov / Il servitore di due padroni (1967, Production Company) |
Čas in Conwayevi / Time and the Conways (1967, Production Company) |
Županova Micka / Molly, the Mayor´s Daughter (1967, Production Company) |
Tri sestre / Tri sestry (1967, Production Company) |
Marija Stuart (1967, Production Company) |
Don Carlos (1967, Production Company) |
Madame Sans-Gene (1967, Production Company) |
Pokopljite mrtve / Bury the Dead (1967, Production Company) |
Variacije (1968, Production Company) |
Zapuščena zgodovina (1968, Production Company) |
Orfej in Evridika (1968, Production Company) |
Oglejte si novi svet, obiščite ZDA! (1968, Production Company) |
Drobno življenje (1968, Production Company) |
Obisk študentov kansaške univerze na AGRFT (1968, Production Company) |
Gospa ne bo zgorela / The Lady's Not for Burning (1968, Production Company) |
Zaprta vrata / Huis clos (1968, Production Company) |
Lizistrata / Lysistrate (1968, Production Company) |
Poslovilna večerja (1968, Production Company) |
Agonija (1968, Production Company) |
Božični nakupi (1968, Production Company) |
Za Lukrecijo (1968, Production Company) |
Kralj na Betajnovi (1968, Production Company) |
Za narodov blagor (1968, Production Company) |
Veronika Deseniška (1968, Production Company) |
Romeo in Julija (1968, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1968, Production Company) |
Macbeth (1968, Production Company) |
Improvizacija v Versillesu (1968, Production Company) |
Polikarp (1969, Production Company) |
Služkinji / Les Bonnes (1969, Production Company) |
Žena pred obzidjem / Große Schmährede an der Stadtmauer (1969, Production Company) |
Komedija zmešnjav / The Comedy of Errors (1969, Production Company) |
Koriolan / Coriolanus (1969, Production Company) |
Rihard III. / The tragedy of King Richard III (1969, Production Company) |
Katera je močnejša / Den starkare (1969, Production Company) |
Dva jezičneža / Los dos habladores (1969, Production Company) |
Nalagani soprog / How he lied to her husband (1969, Production Company) |
Requiem za vlačugo / Requiem for a nun (1969, Production Company) |
Steklena menažerija / The glass menagerie (1969, Production Company) |
Ljudomrznik (1969, Production Company) |
Šola za žene (1969, Production Company) |
Dona Diana / Desdén con el desdén (1969, Production Company) |
Dolgo božično kosilo / The Long Christmas Dinner (1969, Production Company) |
Smrt pijancev (1970, Production Company) |
Sin (1970, Production Company) |
Steklenica vode (1970, Production Company) |
Freska (1970, Production Company) |
Maja (1970, Production Company) |
No in (1970, Production Company) |
Plave noči (1970, Production Company) |
Stekleni zverinjak / The Glass Menagerie (1970, Production Company) |
Šola za vdove / L'École des veuves (1970, Production Company) |
Francoske kraljice / Queens of France (1970, Production Company) |
Izpitni nastop iz dramske ige II (1970, Production Company) |
Izpitni nastop iz dramske ige III (1970, Production Company) |
V svojem vrtu ljubi don Perlimplin Beliso ali Ljubezen don Perlimplina / Amor de don Perlimplín (1970, Production Company) |
Okrogle glave in koničaste glave ali Bogatija se rada druži z bogatijo / Die Rundköpfe und die Spitzköpfe oder Reich und Reich gesellt sich gern (1970, Production Company) |
Sodba (1971, Production Company) |
Kodri (1971, Production Company) |
Izraz (1971, Production Company) |
Filip Filip (1971, Production Company) |
Vladimir Skrbinšek (1971, Production Company) |
Pot je končana, potovanje ne (1971, Production Company) |
Dvorana (1971, Production Company) |
Odkritje (1971, Production Company) |
Trenutek resnice (1971, Production Company) |
Gospodična Julija / Fröken Julie (1971, Production Company) |
Kar hočete (1971, Production Company) |
Ljudomrznik (1971, Production Company) |
George Dandin ali Kaznovani soprog (1971, Production Company) |
Učene žene / Les femmes savantes (1971, Production Company) |
Tartuffe / Tartuffe ou l´Imposteur (1971, Production Company) |
Pantomima (1972, Production Company) |
Letenje v praznini (1972, Production Company) |
Ja sam ... / Jaz sem ... (1972, Production Company) |
O seljaku i pijesku (1972, Production Company) |
Priština (1972, Production Company) |
Kalandrija / La Calandria (1972, Production Company) |
Impresije (1972, Production Company) |
Portret Lidije Sotlarjeve (1972, Production Company) |
Dogodek v mestu Gogi (1972, Production Company) |
Gospoda Glembajevi (1972, Production Company) |
Nora (1972, Production Company) |
Čakajoč na Godota (1972, Production Company) |
Osem žensk (1972, Production Company) |
Pierrot in Pierrette (1972, Production Company) |
Spomin na dva ponedeljka (1972, Production Company) |
Pogled z mostu (1972, Production Company) |
Sluga dveh gospodov (1972, Production Company) |
Dva jezičneža (1972, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1972, Production Company) |
Hruške (1973, Production Company) |
Če gori, je hudič (1973, Production Company) |
Starinar (1973, Production Company) |
Podstrešje (1973, Production Company) |
Kartoteka / Kartoteka (1973, Production Company) |
Pesem o luzitanskem strašilu / Gesang vom lusitanischen Popanz (1973, Production Company) |
Troilus in Kresida (1973, Production Company) |
Don Juan (1973, Production Company) |
Nenaseljena hiša (1973, Production Company) |
Rešen (1973, Production Company) |
R.U.R. (1973, Production Company) |
Igra (1973, Production Company) |
Sveta Ivana (1973, Production Company) |
Koriolan (1973, Production Company) |
V agoniji (1973, Production Company) |
Kavarna (1974, Production Company) |
Izdajalsko srce (1974, Production Company) |
1370 gr (1974, Production Company) |
Črna pega čez oči (1974, Production Company) |
Hruške (1974, Production Company) |
Lutka (1974, Production Company) |
Ali naj te z listjem posujem? (1974, Production Company) |
Exitus (1974, Production Company) |
Moderato cantabile (1974, Production Company) |
Gotska plastika na Slovenskem (1974, Production Company) |
Poslednji trak / Krapp's Last Tape (1974, Production Company, Production Company) |
Srečni dnevi / Happy Days - Oh les beaux jours (1974, Production Company) |
Hotel Plaza (1974, Production Company) |
Bakhantke / Bakhai (1974, Production Company) |
Zaprta vrata (1974, Production Company) |
Čarobna noč (1974, Production Company) |
Leda, 2. dejanje (1974, Production Company) |
Leda, 1. dejanje (1974, Production Company) |
Romeo in Julija (1974, Production Company) |
Steklena menažerija (1974, Production Company) |
Kar hočete (1974, Production Company) |
Svet brez sovraštva (1974, Production Company) |
Tri sestre (1974, Production Company) |
Gosenica (1975, Production Company) |
En dan življenja Vinka D. (1975, Production Company) |
Igra (1975, Production Company) |
Beli azil (1975, Production Company) |
Danjela (1975, Production Company) |
Brez ljubezni se pretikaš skozi življenje, živi mrtvec (1975, Production Company) |
Zimsko veselje (1975, Production Company) |
Kmetija / The Farm (1975, Production Company) |
Sranje / Slag (1975, Production Company) |
Tri generacije - Šoferji (1975, Production Company) |
Dva dinarja / Two Dinars (1975, Production Company) |
Revijski skeči (1975, Production Company) |
Dan gospoda X (1975, Production Company) |
Monologi (1975, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1975, Production Company) |
Troilus in Kresida (1975, Production Company) |
Macbeth (1975, Production Company) |
Ifigenija na Tavridi (1975, Production Company) |
Don Carlos (1975, Production Company) |
Ta veseli dan ali Matiček se ženi (1975, Production Company) |
Striček Vanja (1975, Production Company) |
Čakajoč na Godota (1975, Production Company) |
Šola za žene (1975, Production Company) |
TV reportaža - Tri igralke (1976, Production Company) |
No pasaran (1976, Production Company) |
Pokopališče (1976, Production Company) |
Aničina hiša / Annie's House (1976, Production Company) |
Moja Ljubljana (1976, Production Company) |
Ozri se v gnevu / Look Back in Anger (1976, Production Company) |
Escurial / Escurial (1976, Production Company) |
Tacek (1976, Production Company) |
Plave kite (1976, Production Company) |
Portret (1976, Production Company) |
Delni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre III. (1976, Production Company) |
Aleksander praznih rok (1976, Production Company) |
Služkinji (1976, Production Company) |
Ukročena trmoglavka (1976, Production Company) |
Piknik na bojišču (1976, Production Company) |
Novi duh (1977, Production Company) |
2 generaciji - Zabavljači (1977, Production Company) |
Nora čajanka (1977, Production Company) |
Mali vojak (1977, Production Company) |
Roka (1977, Production Company) |
Tri igralke (1977, Production Company) |
Pred zajtrkom / Before Breakfast (1977, Production Company) |
Mostovi v Zambiji ali Nocoj bomo zidali (1977, Production Company) |
Železniška postaja v Ljubljani (1977, Production Company) |
Trnovo, kralj nesrečnega imena (1977, Production Company) |
L'bez'n / Luv (1977, Production Company) |
Peer Gynt (1977, Production Company) |
Strast pod bresti (1977, Production Company) |
Primorske zdrahe (1977, Production Company) |
Potohodec (1977, Production Company) |
Rihard III. (1977, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1977, Production Company) |
Kostanjeva krona (1977, Production Company) |
Zgubljeni koraki (1977, Production Company) |
Beraška opera (1977, Production Company) |
Koraki (1978, Production Company) |
Nekje v mestu (1978, Production Company) |
Klinika (1978, Production Company) |
Kamen (1978, Production Company) |
Tisnikar (1978, Production Company) |
Obrazi (1978, Production Company) |
Prijatelja / Friends (1978, Production Company) |
Šarevčeva sliva (1978, Production Company) |
Tri medigre: Budni stražnik / La guarda cuidadosa (1978, Production Company) |
Tri medigre: Dva jezičneža / Los dos habladores (1978, Production Company) |
Tri medigre: Salamanška jama / La cueva de Salamanca (1978, Production Company) |
Učene ženske (1978, Production Company) |
Macbeth (1978, Production Company) |
Julij Cezar (1978, Production Company) |
Kakor vam drago (1978, Production Company) |
Dva gospoda iz Verone (1978, Production Company) |
Izsiljena ženitev (1978, Production Company) |
Izpitni nastop iz dramske ige III (1978, Production Company) |
Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (2. semester) (1978, Production Company) |
V agoniji (1978, Production Company) |
Krivda (1978, Production Company) |
Selektivni izpitni nastop iz Dramske igre I (1. semester) (1978, Production Company) |
Kralj na Betajnovi (1978, Production Company) |
Spoštljiva vlačuga (1978, Production Company) |
Portret (1978, Production Company) |
Triptih Agate Schwarzkobler (1979, Production Company) |
V temi (1979, Production Company) |
Amen pod kamen (1979, Production Company) |
Sveže novice iz kemije in fizike (1979, Production Company) |
Obisk pri gospe Kislich (1979, Production Company) |
Igra (1979, Production Company) |
Anarholiberalist (1979, Production Company) |
Mary Lou železniške postaje (1979, Production Company) |
Tango / Tango (1979, Production Company) |
Plešasta pevka / La Cantatrice chauve (1979, Production Company) |
Poganka (1979, Production Company) |
Leda (1979, Production Company) |
Čakajoč na Godota (1979, Production Company) |
Šola za žene; Don Juan (1979, Production Company) |
Zaenkrat smo se izmazali (1979, Production Company) |
Saloma (1979, Production Company) |
Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (1979, Production Company) |
Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (1979, Production Company) |
Tri sestre (1979, Production Company) |
Kralj na Betajnovi (1979, Production Company) |
Blisk v noči (1980, Production Company) |
Vid (1980, Production Company) |
Ismeta in ostali (1980, Production Company) |
Etuda za filmarja in plesalko (1980, Production Company) |
Portret: Vinko Möderndorfer (1980, Production Company) |
Žabe ali Prilika o ubogem Lazarju (1980, Production Company) |
Soba (1980, Production Company) |
Mušica ali komedija o finem govorjenju / La Moscheta (1980, Production Company) |
Medved / Медведь (1980, Production Company) |
Snubač / Свадьба (1980, Production Company) |
Ljubezen (1980, Production Company) |
Izsiljena ženitev (1980, Production Company) |
Ljudomrznik (1980, Production Company) |
Macbeth (1980, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1980, Production Company) |
Faust (1980, Production Company) |
Ne budite gospe / Ne reveillesz pas madame (1980, Production Company) |
Monologi (1980, Production Company) |
Zaljubljenca v podzemeljski železnici / Les amants du metro (1980, Production Company) |
Lov na čarovnice (1980, Production Company) |
Pohujšanje v dolini Šentflorjanski (1980, Production Company) |
Ženitev (1980, Production Company) |
Kmetska smrt (1981, Production Company) |
Arventur (1981, Production Company) |
Bljuz (1981, Production Company) |
Ljudje s psi (1981, Production Company) |
Peraji (1981, Production Company) |
Boštjan / Boštjan (1981, Production Company) |
Mesec / Moon (1981, Production Company) |
Plivnik (1981, Production Company) |
Bitka (1981, Production Company) |
Glas (1981, Production Company) |
Marino - portret ribiča (1981, Production Company) |
Sveča (1981, Production Company) |
Bavšica (1981, Production Company) |
Strahovi / Gengangere (1981, Production Company) |
Za Lukrecijo; Rihard III (1981, Production Company) |
Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (1. semester) (1981, Production Company) |
Veronika Deseniška (1981, Production Company) |
Romantične duše (1981, Production Company) |
Jakob Ruda (1981, Production Company) |
Kranjski komedijanti (1981, Production Company) |
Don Carlos (1981, Production Company) |
Vražji fant zahodne strani (1981, Production Company) |
Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (2. semester) (1981, Production Company) |
Okus po medu (1981, Production Company) |
Šola za žene (1981, Production Company) |
Smešni preciozi (1981, Production Company) |
Noč, ko je izginil Maček Feliks (1982, Production Company) |
Odločba (1982, Production Company) |
Rahel stik (1982, Production Company) |
Tri dni prej (1982, Production Company) |
V spomin (1982, Production Company) |
Izpit (1982, Production Company) |
Too Much (1982, Production Company) |
Učna ura / La Leçon (1982, Production Company) |
Stari časi / Old Times (1982, Production Company) |
Utva (1982, Production Company) |
Dialogi (1982, Production Company) |
Sen kresne noči (1982, Production Company) |
Bobni v noči / Trommeln in der Nacht (1982, Production Company) |
Svobodni program slušateljev (1982, Production Company) |
Tartuffe (1982, Production Company) |
Veš sine, jaz sem bohem (1983, Production Company) |
In vendar se vrti (1983, Production Company) |
V slogi je moč (1983, Production Company) |
Važno je imenovati se Ernest / Importance of Being Earnest, The (1983, Production Company) |
Ura teče / Time Is Ticking, The (1983, Production Company) |
Tja bomo našli pot (1983, Production Company) |
Zmagujoča podoba narcisa (1983, Production Company) |
Sanjarjenje (1983, Production Company) |
Potohodec (1983, Production Company) |
Selektivni izpitni nastopiz dramske igre I (1. semester) (1983, Production Company) |
Romeo in Julija / Romeo and Juliet (1983, Production Company) |
Kralj na Betajnovi (1983, Production Company) |
Upnik (1983, Production Company) |
Sweeney agonistes (1983, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1983, Production Company) |
Selektivni izpitni nastopiz dramske igre I (2. semester) (1983, Production Company) |
Rak (1984, Production Company) |
Irena (1984, Production Company) |
Črno in rdeče / Black and Red (1984, Production Company) |
Konzervirana ulica (1984, Production Company) |
Noč nasilja (1984, Production Company) |
Kratek stik (1984, Production Company) |
Srp / Sickle (1984, Production Company) |
Služkinji / Les Bonnes (1984, Production Company) |
Karol / Karol (1984, Production Company) |
Izsiljena ženitev; Šola za može (1984, Production Company) |
Kralj na Betajnovi (1984, Production Company) |
Vražji fant zahodnega sveta (1984, Production Company) |
Izpitni nastop iz dramske ige III (1984, Production Company) |
Utva (1984, Production Company) |
Striček Vanja (1984, Production Company) |
Kdo se boji Virginije Woolf? (1984, Production Company) |
Izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (1984, Production Company) |
Plešem kačjega pastirja (1984, Production Company) |
Miška (1985, Production Company) |
Pohujšanje v dolini Šentflorjanski / Blasphemy in the Valey of St. Florian, The (1985, Production Company) |
Plug in zvezde (1985, Production Company) |
Minotavromanija (1985, Production Company) |
Mesec dni na kmetih (1985, Production Company) |
Avantura v F-molu (1985, Production Company) |
Drugi krog (1985, Production Company) |
Neznanec (1985, Production Company) |
Godzila (1985, Production Company) |
Sejalec (1985, Production Company) |
Pohujšanje v dolini Šentflorjanski (1985, Production Company) |
Tisoč in več (1985, Production Company) |
Vrtiljak / Reigen (1985, Production Company) |
Ljubezen in država (1985, Production Company) |
Ljudomrznik; Don Juan; Učene ženske (1985, Production Company) |
Rihard III.; Macbeth; Hamlet (1985, Production Company) |
Avtoštoparka (1986, Co-Production Company) |
Vakuum (1986, Production Company) |
Konjiček (1986, Production Company) |
Nekaj na G. (1986, Production Company) |
Hedda Gabler / Hedda Gabler (1986, Production Company) |
Strel v jeseni (1986, Production Company) |
Zgodba (1986, Production Company) |
Zima (1986, Production Company) |
Capriccioso (1986, Production Company) |
Peklenska mandarina / Clockwork Tangerine, A (1986, Production Company) |
Mali Rus (1986, Production Company) |
V glavi (1986, Production Company) |
Lepota in narod (1986, Production Company) |
Čakalnica (1986, Production Company) |
Talec / The Hostage (1986, Production Company) |
Namišljeni bolnik (1986, Production Company) |
Izpitni nastop iz dramske igre II (1986, Production Company) |
Portret Vide Jan - Juvanove (1987, Subject of discussion) |
Opera prima (1987, Production Company) |
Pridi sem in glejva (1987, Production Company) |
Gospodična Julija (1987, Production Company) |
Splav smrti / Totenfloss (1987, Production Company) |
Noč bogov (1987, Production Company) |
Beautiful side (hard) / Beautiful Side (Hard) (1987, Production Company) |
Telstar (1987, Production Company) |
Dež / Rain (1987, Production Company) |
Prizori: Ibsen, Miller (1987, Production Company) |
Kronologija pogodbe (1987, Production Company) |
Pripoved v verzih (1987, Production Company) |
Tartuffe (1987, Production Company) |
Skica (1987, Production Company) |
Zločin na Kozjem otoku / Delitto all'isola delle capre (1987, Production Company) |
Osvoboditev Skopja (1987, Production Company) |
Odpirač (1987, Production Company) |
Pred zajtrkom / Before breakfast (1987, Production Company) |
Anarhistova naključna smrt / Morte accidentali di un anarchico (1987, Production Company) |
Kralj Lear (1987, Production Company) |
Gospodična Julija (1987, Production Company) |
Nerazumljivosti (1988, Production Company) |
Helios (1988, Production Company) |
Akademija (1988, Production Company) |
Emil (1988, Production Company) |
Nina, kje si? / Nina, Where Are You? (1988, Production Company) |
Primer Vladimirja Pavlina / Vladimir Pavlin Case, The (1988, Production Company) |
Domov (1988, Production Company) |
Kruha in iger (1988, Production Company) |
Zasledovanje in usmrtitev Jeana Paula Marata / Die Verfolgung und Ermordung Jean Paul Marats (1988, Production Company) |
Improvizacije (1988, Production Company) |
Sganarel ali Namišljeni rogonosec (1988, Production Company) |
Othello (1988, Production Company) |
Služkinji / Les bonnes (1988, Production Company) |
Ljubezen nam je vsem v pogubo II (1988, Production Company) |
Don Giovanni (1988, Production Company) |
Smešni preciozi (1988, Production Company) |
Razglednice / Postcards (1989, Production Company) |
Dediščina / Nasledstvo (1989, Production Company) |
Romeo in Julija (1989, Production Company) |
Etida za slovenske begunce (1989, Production Company) |
Nebesni svod 1915-1989 (1989, Production Company) |
Prostor (po)gleda / Place With a View, A (1989, Production Company) |
Nekoč je bilo / Once upon a time (1989, Production Company) |
Silicijev horizont (1989, Production Company) |
Romeo in Julija (1989, Production Company) |
Moška stvar / Männersache (1989, Production Company) |
Zaprta vrata / Huis clos (1989, Production Company) |
Don Lorenzo (1989, Production Company) |
Jakob Ruda (1989, Production Company) |
Županova Micka (1989, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1989, Production Company) |
Romeo in Julija (1989, Production Company) |
Improvizacije na dano temo (1989, Production Company) |
Rihardova lesena noga / Richard´s cork leg (1989, Production Company) |
Tri sestre (1989, Production Company) |
Prizori (1990, Production Company) |
Prizori: Striček Vanja, Utva, Na odprtem morju (1990, Production Company) |
Striček Vanja (1990, Production Company) |
Učene ženske (1990, Production Company) |
Krivda (1990, Production Company) |
Premi govor (1990, Production Company) |
Sonce (1990, Production Company) |
Zakaj jih nisem vse postrelil? / Way Didn't I Shoot Them All? (1990, Production Company) |
Spirit of Action / Spirit of Action (1990, Production Company) |
Zabava za rojstni dan / The Birthday Party (1990, Production Company) |
Ljubiti, Klovni (1990, Production Company) |
Razdejanje (1990, Production Company) |
Nobene priče, nobenega papirja (1990, Production Company) |
Janez Pavarotti - Pojoča žaba / Janez Pavarotti - The Singing Frog (1990, Production Company) |
Kovarstvo in ljubezen / Kabale und Liebe (1990, Production Company) |
...and What About Morning? (1990, Production Company) |
Vesna (1990, Production Company) |
Kdo se boji Virginije Woolf? / Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1990, Production Company) |
Rešen / Saved (1990, Production Company) |
Nastopi klovnov (1990, Production Company) |
Čakajoč Godota (1991, Production Company) |
One Way Ticket / One Way Ticket (1991, Production Company) |
Odmevi v vetru (1991, Production Company) |
Dramska igra II 91 (1991, Production Company) |
Zločin na kozjem otoku / Delitto all'isola delle capre (1991, Production Company) |
Igralec, Petje, Zgodba, Mali princ (1991, Production Company) |
Odlomki - Sofokles - Shakespeare (1991, Production Company) |
Ljubezen do otroka (1991, Production Company) |
Fedra / Phèdre (1991, Production Company) |
Kaj je resnica / Così è (se vi pare) (1991, Production Company) |
Metuljčica I. del / Little Butterfly (1991, Production Company) |
Mississippi (1991, Production Company) |
Hipolitova zgodba (1991, Production Company) |
Koza je preživela / But the Goat Survived (1991, Production Company) |
Služkinji / Les Bonnes (1991, Production Company) |
Fotograf (1991, Production Company) |
Osmi dan: Podeželski plejboji (1991, Production Company) |
Rozenkranc in Gildenstern sta mrtva / Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead (1991, Production Company) |
Balkanski revolveraši / Balkan Gunfighters (1991, Production Company) |
Služkinji / Les Bonnes (1991, Production Company) |
Življenje plejbojev (1991, Production Company) |
Prizori (1991, Production Company) |
Lov na čarovnice (1991, Production Company) |
Kar hočete (1991, Production Company) |
Lov na čarovnice (A) (1991, Production Company) |
Zeleno (1991, Production Company) |
Rdeče (1991, Production Company) |
Barve: Zeleno (1991, Production Company) |
Sen kresne noči / A Midsummer Night's Dream (1992, Production Company) |
Projekt Istropolitana Journal I., II. (1992, Production Company) |
Projekt Istropolitana Journal III. (1992, Production Company) |
Rodef Gloria de Žigi (1992, Production Company) |
Prizori 1991/92 (1992, Production Company) |
Prizori (1992, Production Company) |
Prizori 1991/92 (1992, Production Company) |
Produkcija 1.sem 30.05. (1992, Production Company) |
Od Kneippa do kofeta s smetanco in nazaj (1992, Production Company) |
Sabajev / Sabajev (1992, Production Company) |
Peljhan (1992, Production Company) |
Tristosedemnajst a tišina ka (1992, Production Company) |
Cirkus Kansky / Kansky Circus (1992, Production Company) |
Če bi jaz bil (1992, Production Company) |
To smo mi (1992, Production Company) |
Summertime (1992, Production Company) |
Pygmalion, Steklena menažerija, Spoštljiva vlačuga (1992, Production Company) |
Tartuffe / Le Tartuffe ou l’Imposteur (1992, Production Company) |
Striček Vanja / Дядя Ваня (1992, Production Company) |
Hamlet / Macbeth (1992, Production Company) |
Branje Johna Cagea (1992, Production Company) |
Prešernove pesmi - Pevcu (1992, Production Company) |
Prešernove pesmi - Memento mori (1992, Production Company) |
Prešernove pesmi - Kam (1992, Production Company) |
To je pot (1992, Production Company) |
Sanjal bom kostanje (1992, Production Company) |
Jazzie (1992, Production Company) |
Last Trip (1992, Production Company) |
Sea of Love (1992, Production Company) |
Kabare za tri groše (1992, Production Company) |
Zgodba, ki je (1993, Production Company) |
Good rockin' tonight / Good Rockin' Tonight (1993, Production Company) |
Karamazovi (1993, Production Company) |
Dialogi (1993, Production Company) |
Predavanje o škodljivosti tobaka (1993, Production Company) |
Prenašalca spominov (1993, Production Company) |
Soba brez številke (1993, Production Company) |
Filozofski poročnik in vaščanke (1993, Production Company) |
Waiting (1993, Production Company) |
Tik pred vojno z Eskimi (1993, Production Company) |
Človeški glas (1993, Production Company) |
Srečno! (1993, Production Company) |
Začasno bivališče (1993, Production Company) |
Tri sestre (1993, Production Company) |
Narodno gledališče (1993, Production Company) |
Daritev na grobu (1993, Production Company) |
Grajska dama (1993, Production Company) |
Metoda, Prizori (1993, Production Company) |
Prizori 1992/93 (1993, Production Company) |
Še en dan (1993, Production Company) |
O škodljivosti tobaka (1993, Production Company) |
V soju noči (1993, Production Company) |
Tango / Tango (1993, Production Company) |
Višnjev vrt / Вишнëвый сад (1993, Production Company) |
Na dnu / На дне (1993, Production Company) |
Predavanje o škodljivosti tobaka (1993, Production Company) |
Prizori (1993, Production Company) |
Maruška (1993, Production Company) |
Maša (1993, Production Company) |
Tartuffe / Tartuffe ou l'Imposteur (1993, Production Company) |
Človeški glas (1993, Production Company) |
Don Juan/ Ljudomrznik/ Učene ženske/ Šola za žene/ Tartuffe (1993, Production Company) |
Matiček se ženi (1993, Production Company) |
Nesporazum (1993, Production Company) |
Kaplja zločina (1993, Production Company) |
Pri psihologu (1993, Production Company) |
Začasno bivališče (1993, Production Company) |
Obračun (1993, Production Company) |
Pregled (1993, Production Company) |
Billie Holiday (1993, Production Company) |
Zbiralca imen (1993, Production Company) |
Waiting (1993, Production Company) |
Mesto umora (1994, Production Company) |
Green Dragons / Green Dragons (1994, Production Company) |
Forum: AGRFT, TVS (1994, Production Company) |
Cavazza Drolc (1994, Production Company) |
Feničanke (z dodanimi prizori iz Sofoklove Antigone) / Phoenician Women (1994, Production Company) |
Plaža / Beach, The (1994, Production Company) |
Bajazid, človek bomba / Bajazid - The Walking Bomb (1994, Production Company) |
Človeški glas (1994, Production Company) |
Elsinor (1994, Production Company) |
Romeo in Julija, Hamlet, Othello (1994, Production Company) |
Živite kot svinje / Live Like Pigs (1994, Production Company) |
Vlažne stene (1994, Production Company) |
Zelo kosmato vprašanje (1994, Production Company) |
Tik (1994, Production Company) |
Okus po krvi (1994, Production Company) |
Ljubezen (1994, Production Company) |
Radio / Radio (1994, Production Company) |
Potepuh (1994, Production Company) |
Korak s časom (1994, Production Company) |
Minnie & Moscowitz (2.) (1994, Production Company) |
Minnie & Moscowitz (1.) (1994, Production Company) |
Pesem brez refrena (1994, Production Company) |
Klatež (1994, Production Company) |
Fantje (1994, Production Company) |
Mami za praznik (1994, Production Company) |
Zadnji tango v Parizu (1994, Production Company) |
Meseno spoznanje (1994, Production Company) |
Niout (1994, Production Company) |
Diplomiranec (1994, Production Company) |
Namišljeni bolnik / Le Malade imaginaire (1994, Production Company) |
Gospodična Julija / Fröken Julie / Miss Julie (1994, Production Company) |
Tednik - O prostorskih problemih AGRFT (1995, Subject of discussion) |
Tramvaj poželenje/ Orfej se spušča (1995, Production Company) |
Služkinji / Les Bonnes (1995, Production Company) |
Prizori (1995, Production Company) |
EroT(R)ikon (1995, Production Company) |
Kralj Lear / King Lear (1995, Production Company) |
Ljudožerci (1995, Production Company) |
Gospod Puntila in njegov hlapec Matti / Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti (1995, Production Company) |
Kratka neresnična zgodba (1995, Production Company) |
Dramska igra 95 (1995, Production Company) |
Ljubimca (1995, Production Company) |
Maks (1995, Production Company) |
Narodno gledališče (1995, Production Company) |
Gagarin (1995, Production Company) |
Fliper (1995, Production Company) |
Prave sostanovalke spoznaš v stanovanju (1995, Production Company) |
KKK (1995, Production Company) |
Syrya / Syrya (1995, Production Company) |
Tednik - FTV AGRFT (1995, Featured) |
Telefon (1995, Production Company) |
Govor kapetana Djuraskovića (1995, Production Company) |
Dama v belem (1995, Production Company) |
Žena francoskega poročnika (1995, Production Company) |
Pomota (1995, Production Company) |
Produkcija 1995 (1995, Production Company) |
Vohuna (1995, Production Company) |
Saj ni res, pa je (1995, Production Company) |
Ne čakaj do konca (1995, Production Company) |
Človek brez sence (1995, Production Company) |
Povodni mož / The Underwater Man (1995, Production Company) |
Lunar / Moonwalker (1995, Production Company) |
Cesta v pekel / Road To Hell (1995, Production Company) |
Lojze se je zbudil tako kot ponavadi / Lojze Woke Up As Usually (1995, Production Company) |
Vinska trta (1995, Production Company) |
Električni stol nad Ljubljano ali Kaj počne slikar z dvema kovčkoma / An Electric Chair Above Ljubljana or What a Painter Can Do With Two Suitcases (1995, Production Company) |
Annie Hall (1995, Production Company) |
Moje dekle je še mlado (1995, Production Company) |
Zvedel sem nekaj novega (1995, Production Company) |
Moj očka ima konjička dva (1995, Production Company) |
Najino slovo (1995, Production Company) |
Druga izmena (1995, Production Company) |
Kratka zgodovina uboja (1995, Production Company) |
Upor črvov (1995, Production Company) |
Poskusi še enkrat, Woody / Play It Again, Woody (1995, Production Company) |
Servant (1995, Production Company) |
Baby can dance (1995, Production Company) |
Kralj Lear (1995, Production Company) |
Povabilo v grad / L´invitation au château (1995, Production Company) |
Žlahtni meščan / Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (1996, Production Company) |
Vrtiljak / Reigen (1996, Production Company) |
Smehljaj / Smile, The (1996, Production Company) |
Razigranost v levem in desnem očesu (1996, Production Company) |
Pepelca / Cinders (1996, Production Company) |
Diareja Co. / Diarrhea Co. (1996, Production Company) |
Izgubljene besede / Lost Words (1996, Production Company) |
Pavji krik / Peacock's Scream (1996, Production Company) |
Učna ura / Lecon, La (1996, Production Company) |
Matiček se ženi-Svatba-Kralj na Betajnovi-Ščuke pa ni-Halštat (1996, Production Company) |
Ne/znani oder 14.5.96 - AGRFT 50 let (1996, Portrayee) |
Nazaj v Ljubljano (1996, Featured) |
Produkcija DI, GLR (1996, Production Company) |
Shakespeare - prizori (1996, Production Company) |
Plešasta pevka / La Cantatrice chauve (1996, Production Company) |
Roll over Elise (1996, Production Company) |
Ne/znani oder JAN.01 / DIUB/GLR - TVS (1996, Production Company) |
Avantura (1996, Production Company) |
Mačka na vroči pločevinasti strehi (1996, Production Company) |
Izgubljene besede (1996, Production Company) |
Državljanstvo na čakanju (1996, Production Company) |
Spoved (1996, Production Company) |
Zgodba (1996, Production Company) |
Veliki bogovi (1996, Production Company) |
Prehod (1996, Production Company) |
V tvojih očeh (1996, Production Company) |
Pred zajtrkom (1996, Production Company) |
Lažna Ivana (1996, Production Company) |
Antigona (1996, Production Company) |
Gnostična maša (1996, Production Company) |
Prizori (1996, Production Company) |
Romeo in Julija/ Macbeth/ Richard III./ Othello (1996, Production Company) |
Na veliki cesti (1997, Production Company) |
Orkester / L'Orchestre (1997, Production Company) |
Šala zažene (1997, Production Company) |
Victor ali Otroci na oblasti / Victor ou les Enfants au pouvoir (1997, Production Company) |
Enodejanke (1997, Production Company) |
Hamlet (1997, Production Company) |
Svatba (1997, Production Company) |
Improvizacije - Vaje za ženski in moški glas - Ljubiti (1997, Production Company) |
Produkcija prvi letnik (1997, Production Company) |
Tri sestre (1997, Production Company) |
Brez štroma / FREAKquences (1997, Production Company) |
Čarobni prsti / Magic Fingers (1997, Production Company) |
Vivere / Vivere (1997, Production Company) |
Romeo in Julija iz Kočevskega roga / Romeo and Juliet of the Forest (1997, Production Company) |
Koromandija / Xanadu (1997, Production Company) |
Otroci na cesti / Children on Street (1997, Production Company) |
Črepinjice / Breakages (1997, Production Company) |
Ketna za princa (1997, Production Company) |
Maraton Portorož 97jan. / Filmski festival slovenski zgodovina (1997, Production Company) |
Človeški glas (1997, Production Company) |
Etude 1997 / AGRFT (SVHS) (1997, Production Company) |
The Pink Panter Theme (1997, Production Company) |
Kje so tiste stezice (1997, Production Company) |
The intertainer (1997, Production Company) |
Razredni sovražnik / Class Enemy (1997, Production Company) |
Santa putana (1997, Production Company) |
Alergija / Alergy (1997, Production Company) |
Solata za dve osebi (1997, Production Company) |
Blagajničarka (1997, Production Company) |
Neiztrohnjeno srce (1997, Production Company) |
Režiserjeva izbira (1997, Production Company) |
Mojca (1997, Production Company) |
X Mas Morning (1997, Production Company) |
Izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (1997, Production Company) |
Noč v hotelu / Night in a Hotel (1998, Production Company) |
Prizori (1998, Production Company) |
Prizori (1998, Production Company) |
Sen kresne noči / A Midsummer Night's Dream (1998, Production Company) |
Zven medenine / Misel lažnivka (1998, Production Company) |
Zabava za rojstni dan / The Birthday Party (1998, Production Company) |
Vbod / The Prick (1998, Production Company) |
Stan / Stan (1998, Production Company) |
Gola resnica / Bare Truth (1998, Production Company) |
Rave do jutra in naprej / Rave Till The Morning And Further (1998, Production Company) |
Zijalo / Zijalo (1998, Production Company) |
Ne budite gospe / Ne réveillez pas Madame (1998, Production Company) |
Desetka (1998, Production Company) |
Zjutro / A.M. (1998, Production Company) |
Sine / Sonny (1998, Production Company) |
Rop stoletja / Robbery of the Century, The (1998, Production Company) |
Oglas / Personal (1998, Production Company) |
Dim ni kar dim / Smoking It Off (1998, Production Company) |
Učene ženske / Les Femmes savantes (1998, Production Company) |
Krt pri Savici (1998, Production Company) |
Gibljive slike / AGRFT TVS 18.1.98 REŽ.. U.Kos (1998, Production Company) |
Smešni preciozi / Les Précieuses ridicules (1998, Production Company) |
Ne/znani oder jan.98 / AGRFT Di (1998, Featured) |
Delirium Credens (1998, Production Company) |
Bakanalije (1998, Production Company) |
Umazane roke (1998, Production Company) |
Solar 6 (1998, Production Company) |
Upornik (1998, Production Company) |
Krt v vrtcu (1998, Production Company) |
Radio night (1998, Production Company) |
Noč legvana (1998, Production Company) |
Spal bom cel dan (1998, Production Company) |
Oče (1998, Production Company) |
Kratka zgodba (1998, Featured) |
Kamni (1998, Production Company) |
Ples stresa (1998, Production Company) |
Frizerski salon (1998, Production Company) |
Ne vem zakaj pesem (1998, Production Company) |
Nesreča (1998, Production Company) |
Predstava (1998, Production Company) |
Špela (1998, Production Company) |
Brez (1998, Production Company) |
Like a Prayer (1998, Production Company) |
Talec (1998, Production Company) |
Menjava kož (1998, Production Company) |
Brain killers (1998, Production Company) |
Veter (1998, Production Company) |
Lara (1998, Production Company) |
Juš Kocham ce (1998, Production Company) |
Susn (1999, Production Company) |
Razbiti vrč / Der zerbrochne Krug (1999, Production Company) |
Vilinček z lune / Pierrot valt van de mann (1999, Production Company) |
Besi (1999, Production Company) |
Obločnica, ki se rojeva (1999, Production Company) |
Blodnje (1999, Production Company) |
Sod smodnika, Nežnosti / Bure baruta,Carícies (1999, Production Company) |
Bila sem tovarišica, ki je živela kot gospa (1999, Production Company) |
Lepotica in Zver čakata Godota v češnjevem vrtu, nakar še smeh (1999, Production Company) |
Medeja (1999, Production Company) |
Žabe ali Prilika o ubogem in bogatem Lazarju (1999, Production Company) |
Noe, Noe (1999, Production Company) |
Kralj Lear / King Lear (1999, Production Company) |
Čarobnik (1999, Production Company) |
10. planet / Tenth Planet, The (1999, Production Company) |
Ščetka / Brush, A (1999, Production Company) |
Podobe mesta / City Images (1999, Production Company) |
Prizori 99 (1999, Production Company) |
Vojna zvezdič (1999, Production Company) |
Vrt / Garden, The (1999, Production Company) |
V tranzitu / In Transit (1999, Production Company) |
Še dobro (1999, Production Company) |
Avto (1999, Production Company) |
Ižanska pravda (1999, Production Company) |
Odlomki - A. P. Čehov (1999, Production Company) |
Zavratne igre (1999, Production Company) |
Jezero / Lake, The (1999, Production Company) |
Kaj bi še rad? / The Ultimate Guide for Bachelors (1999, Production Company) |
Z nožem / With the Knife (1999, Production Company) |
Scenarij (1999, Production Company) |
Le v sanjah si tu (1999, Production Company) |
Ljubim jo (1999, Production Company) |
Fraza (1999, Production Company) |
Najlepši valček (1999, Production Company) |
Ukinjena proga (1999, Production Company) |
Ponedeljkov stric (1999, Production Company) |
Do zadnjega diha (1999, Production Company) |
Napevi (1999, Production Company) |
Kalinka (1999, Production Company) |
Fi-fi (1999, Production Company) |
Bad boy (1999, Production Company) |
Anybody seen my baby (1999, Production Company) |
Muha-ha-ha (1999, Production Company) |
Verjemi ljubezni (1999, Production Company) |
When doves cry (1999, Production Company) |
Bog lonaj (1999, Production Company) |
51, 52 (1999, Production Company) |
Stari banjo (1999, Production Company) |
Gori gori moja zvezda (1999, Production Company) |
Ruska ruleta? (1999, Production Company) |
Avtobiografija (1999, Production Company) |
Poslednja cigareta (1999, Production Company) |
Na vozičku (1999, Production Company) |
Red Line, The (1999, Production Company) |
Strah (1999, Production Company) |
Galerija (1999, Production Company) |
Štrom majster (1999, Production Company) |
Ah, ženo, ženo! (1999, Production Company) |
Fx, trik u glavo (1999, Production Company) |
EPP (1999, Production Company) |
Rock'n'roll afera (1999, Production Company) |
Cesta / Road, The (2000, Production Company) |
Malomeščanska svatba / Die Kleinbürgerhochzeit (2000, Production Company) |
Portreta z ozadjem / Two Portraits With Background (2000, Production Company) |
Poslednji trak / Krapp's Last Tape (2000, Production Company) |
Ljubezni trud zaman / Love's Labour's Lost (2000, Production Company) |
Arkadija (2000, Production Company) |
Prizori in Županova Micka (2000, Production Company) |
Cid / Le Cid (2000, Production Company) |
Belle Paris ali Obračun v Louvru (2000, Production Company) |
Reklame, Prizori iz vsakdanjega življenja, Cankar (2000, Production Company) |
Vaje v slogu - Žrtve mode bum bum (2000, Production Company) |
Z ljubeznijo / With Love (2000, Production Company) |
AGRFT - promocija / AGRFT dok. TVS (2000, Production Company) |
Figurae veneris / Figuae Veneris (2000, Production Company) |
MyWay / MyWay (2000, Production Company) |
Zlatko! / Zlatko! (2000, Production Company) |
Matura / The graduation (2000, Production Company) |
Obleka dela človeka / Fine feathers make fine birds (2000, Production Company) |
Nekoga moraš imeti rad / You Have to Love Somebody (2000, Production Company) |
Žile / Žile (2000, Production Company) |
Milagros / Milagros (2000, Production Company) |
Dvakrat na teden / Twice a Week (2000, Production Company) |
Flašofon / Bottlephone (2000, Production Company) |
Gusarski pohod / No more Heroes (2000, Production Company) |
Tišina pred nevihto / Calm Before the Storm (2000, Production Company) |
Predor / Tunnel, The (2000, Production Company) |
Zanamci (2000, Production Company) |
Richard III. (2000, Production Company) |
Pomota (2000, Production Company) |
Večerja (2000, Production Company) |
Ime mi je Bojan (2000, Production Company) |
Arkadija / Arcadia (2000, Production Company) |
Arkadija (2000, Production Company) |
Arkadija (2000, Production Company) |
Slani dež / Rain of Tears (2000, Production Company) |
Puhlež / The Shallow Man (2000, Production Company) |
Fiddler on the Roof / Goslač na strehi (2000, Production Company) |
Chicago / Chicago (2000, Production Company) |
Cabaret (2000, Production Company) |
Zmagoslav Tretji (2001, Production Company) |
Psiha / Psyché (2001, Production Company) |
Shopping and Fucking / Shopping and Fucking (2001, Production Company) |
AGRFT / Ne/znani oder Febr. 01 (2001, Production Company) |
Kralj Lear / King Lear (2001, Production Company) |
Striček Vanja / Djadja Vanja (2001, Production Company) |
Ljubiti (2001, Production Company) |
Pod mlečnim gozdom / Under Milk Wood (2001, Production Company) |
Knjige na potepu / Books On Wheels (2001, Production Company) |
Pavle / Pavle (2001, Production Company) |
Oblak / Cloud, The (2001, Production Company) |
Hot dog / Hot dog (2001, Production Company) |
En dan / One Day (2001, Production Company) |
Gledališki songi Kurta Weilla (2001, Production Company) |
Maska / Mask, The (2001, Production Company) |
Snow Angel / Snow Angel (2001, Production Company) |
Nasvidenje ljubezen (2001, Production Company) |
Modra soba / The Blue Room (2001, Production Company) |
Dekle treh očetov / The Girl of Three Fathers (2001, Production Company) |
Striček Vanja (2001, Production Company) |
To je to (2001, Production Company) |
Matematika (2001, Production Company) |
SKA (2001, Production Company) |
Šola zapeljevanja (2001, Production Company) |
Norma (2001, Production Company) |
Hamlet (2001, Production Company) |
Piaf - Cocteau / Piaf - Cocteau (2001, Production Company) |
Berlinski cabaret in Marlene Dietrich (v letih 1920 - 1930) (2001, Production Company) |
Ameriški gledališki song (2001, Production Company) |
My fair lady / My fair lady (2001, Production Company) |
Happy End / Happy End (2001, Production Company) |
Nunsense / Nunsense (2001, Production Company) |
Orgazmus / Orgasmus (2002, Production Company) |
Salamanška jama / La cueva de Salamanca (2002, Production Company) |
Lulu (2002, Production Company) |
Ljubezen zdravnik / L'Amour médecin (2002, Production Company) |
Hamlet / Hamlet (2002, Production Company) |
Hoja po jajčnih lupinah / Walking on Eggshells (2002, Production Company) |
Sorodne duše (2002, Production Company) |
Amfitrion / Amphitryon (2002, Production Company) |
Kostanjeva krona (2002, Production Company) |
Ljubosumni starec / El viejo celoso (2002, Production Company) |
Paviljoni ali Kam grem, od kod prihajam in kaj je za večerjo / Paviljoni, ili kuda idem, odakle dolazim i šta jedem (2002, Production Company) |
Modra soba (politik in manekenka) / The Politician and Model (2002, Production Company) |
Nočitev z zajtrkom / Bed and Breakfast (2002, Production Company) |
Na čakanju / Waiting (2002, Production Company) |
Zlato srce / Golden Heart (2002, Production Company) |
Che Sara / Che Sara (2002, Production Company) |
Izlet / The Excursion (2002, Production Company) |
Boš pa mrzlo jedo / So, You Will Eat It Cold (2002, Production Company) |
Odlepljeni / Unplugged (2002, Production Company) |
Ukradeni otroci / Stolen Children, The (2002, Production Company) |
Mesečniki danes spijo / Sleepwalkers Sleep Tonight (2002, Production Company) |
Ko bom jaz umrl, bo en majhen pogreb / When I Die, It Will Be a Small Funeral (2002, Production Company) |
Filmski prizori, praktične naloge kandidatov FTV / Sprejem FTV 2002-03 (2002, Production Company) |
Selitev / Moving Away (2002, Production Company) |
Fužine zakon / Fužine Rules (2002, Production Company) |
Klara / Klara (2002, Production Company) |
Nedelja / Sunday (2002, Production Company) |
Jez (2002, Production Company) |
Modra soba (dramatik in igralka) (2002, Production Company) |
Hamletina iz Hrastovcev (2002, Production Company) |
Rdeča soba / The red room (2002, Production Company) |
Suša / Drought (2002, Production Company) |
O čem govoriva? / What Are We Talking About? (2002, Production Company) |
Tamala (2002, Production Company) |
Tamara / Tamara (2002, Production Company) |
Karlo Jederman/ Jaz Karlo Jederman (2002, Production Company) |
Dobr´ je / It´s Okay (2002, Production Company) |
Poslednji Krappov trak / Krapp's Last Tape (2002, Production Company) |
Karlo Jederman/ Gnar song (2002, Production Company) |
Paviljoni ali kam grem, od kod prihajam in kaj je za večerjo (2002, Production Company) |
Prekleti kadilci (2002, Production Company) |
Krisskoross (2002, Production Company) |
Vsakdo od nas kdaj v samoti uzre svoj obraz (2002, Production Company) |
Svila (2002, Production Company) |
Improvizacije (2002, Production Company) |
Silvie Arc Popović (2002, Production Company) |
Modra soba / Blue Room (2003, Production Company) |
Stebri družbe / Samfundets stötter (2003, Production Company) |
Hamlet / Hamlet (2003, Production Company) |
Kerst (2003, Production Company) |
Sezona 90/91 / Season 90/91 (2003, Production Company) |
Eringekrepata (2003, Production Company) |
Hladen otrok / Odveč / Španska vas / Trainspotting / Das kalte Kind / Redundant / The Conduct of Life / Trainspotting (2003, Production Company) |
Klinika Kozarcky (2003, Production Company) |
Ukročena trmoglavka / The Taming of the Shrew (2003, Production Company) |
No History - Know History - Part 1, 2 (2003, Production Company) |
Zgodba z zahodne strani / West Side Story (2003, Production Company) |
Dva (2003, Production Company) |
Metamorfoze3 / Metamorphoses (2003, Production Company) |
Nočno življenje (2003, Production Company) |
Enco, hvala / Enco, thank you (2003, Production Company) |
Oko sokolovo / Eye Of The Tiger (2003, Production Company) |
Črvi / Worms (2003, Production Company) |
Elektro-Orson / Elektro-Orson (2003, Production Company) |
Vlažnost 81% / Humidity 81% (2003, Production Company) |
Dan v mestu / Day In the City (2003, Production Company) |
Bolje kot orgazem / Better Than An Orgasm (2003, Production Company) |
Ali sem ti seksi? / Do You Think I'm Sexy? (2003, Production Company) |
Kapljica v morju (2003, Production Company) |
Klinika Kozarcky (2003, Production Company) |
Buc buc buc (2003, Production Company) |
Stebri družbe 2 (2003, Production Company) |
Stebri družbe 3 (2003, Production Company) |
Sever jug (2003, Production Company) |
Kaj nam škodi / What is Hazardous for Our Health (2003, Production Company) |
Kostanjeva krona (2003, Production Company) |
Addiction / Addiction (2003, Production Company) |
(NE)ODVISNA (2003, Production Company) |
Norec (2003, Production Company) |
Prerez semestralnega učnega programa v obliki učne ure (2003, Production Company) |
Stebri družbe 1 (2003, Production Company) |
Stebri družbe 4 (2003, Production Company) |
Solza / The Tear (2003, Production Company) |
Moja si / You are Mine (2003, Production Company) |
Electric cute / Electic cute (2003, Production Company) |
Ona spi (2003, Production Company) |
Nočna tarifa (2003, Production Company) |
Hlapci, Dogodek v mestu Gogi, Vrnitev Blažonovih, Vojaška skrivnost (2004, Production Company) |
Dva gospoda iz Verone / The Two Gentlemen of Verona (2004, Production Company) |
Jaz sem Vinko / I am Vinko (2004, Production Company) |
Slastni mrlič (2004, Production Company) |
Zabava za rojstni dan / The Birthday Party (2004, Production Company) |
Nekaj eksplicitnih fotk / Some Explicit Polaroids (2004, Production Company) |
Zločini srca / Crimes of the Heart (2004, Production Company) |
Seksualna perverzija v Čikagu / Sexual Perversity in Chicago (2004, Production Company) |
Strežni jašek / The Dumb Waiter (2004, Production Company) |
Peter Kržišnik / Peter (2004, Production Company) |
Štejemo / We Count (2004, Production Company) |
Avgust Šek / Avgust Sek (2004, Production Company) |
Dom za spominjanje / A Home to Remember (2004, Production Company) |
Ljudomrznik / Le Misanthrope ou l'Atrabilaire amoureux (2004, Production Company) |
Očetnjava / Fatherhood (2004, Production Company) |
Sošolca / Schoolmates (2004, Production Company) |
Sanje / Dreams (2004, Production Company) |
Dora in Fredi / Dora and Fredi (2004, Production Company) |
Cabaret / Kabaret (2004, Production Company) |
Uspavanka / Lullaby (2004, Production Company) |
C'est la vie / C'est la vie (2004, Production Company) |
Kyrie (2004, Production Company) |
Pisarniška zgodba (2004, Production Company) |
Stari Tišler (2004, Production Company) |
Rd bi vidu pot (2004, Production Company) |
Alter Ego / Alter Ego (2004, Featured) |
Dialog (2004, Production Company) |
Dialog (2004, Production Company) |
God(n) (L)ess musician (2004, Production Company) |
Ločitev v 4 korakih / Divorce in Four Easy Steps (2004, Production Company) |
Naše sardine / Our Sardines (2004, Production Company) |
Sluga / Servant (2004, Production Company) |
Razredni upornik (2004, Production Company) |
Sigmundove sanje / The Dreams of Profesor Sigmund (2004, Production Company) |
Kaj si zares mislim o Woodyju Allenu / What I Realy Think About Woody Allen (2004, Production Company) |
Hlapci / The Miniors (2004, Production Company) |
Pa tako lep dan / Day Dreamer (2004, Production Company) |
Podganar / The Ratman (2004, Production Company) |
Mladi virtuozi (2004, Production Company) |
Postrvin kvintet (2004, Production Company) |
Brucka v Ljubljani (2004, Production Company) |
Sedem ur v pet poglavjih (2004, Production Company) |
Cabaret / Cabaret (2004, Production Company) |
Umetnost giba I., II., III. letnik (2004, Production Company) |
Kaligula (2004, Production Company) |
Beli dež (2004, Production Company) |
Linč (2004, Production Company) |
Sozhino (2004, Production Company) |
Vonj po... (2004, Production Company) |
Philosophy ands (2004, Production Company) |
Smrt in ostale pomembne stvari v življenju (2004, Production Company) |
Tona brona (2004, Production Company) |
Metoda Butoh (2004, Production Company) |
Na živce mi greš (2004, Production Company) |
Barve: Bela (2004, Production Company) |
Nora (2005, Production Company) |
Stanovanje v tretjem nadstropju / Apartment on the 3rd Floor (2005, Production Company) |
Postrvin koncert (2005, Production Company) |
Latino groove (2005, Production Company) |
Barve / Colours (2005, Production Company) |
Štiršekspir (2005, Production Company) |
Zaprta vrata / Huis clos (2005, Production Company) |
Na dnu / Na dne (2005, Production Company) |
Samotni zahod / The Lonesome West (2005, Production Company) |
Flaša resnice (2005, Production Company) |
Pop / Priest in Prison (2005, Production Company) |
Pičke / Peaches (2005, Production Company) |
Grenki sadeži pravice / Grenki sadeži pravice (2005, Production Company) |
Učene ženske / Les Femmes savantes (2005, Production Company) |
Agamemnon / Aγαμέμνων (2005, Production Company) |
Noži v kurah / Knives in Hens (2005, Production Company) |
Reka na Poljskem / River in Poland (2005, Production Company) |
Primer: Vain / The Vain Case (2005, Production Company) |
Pes, ki je umrl ob pravem času / The Dog Died at the Right Time (2005, Production Company) |
A mia madre - Moji materi / To my Mother (2005, Production Company) |
Angoraangora / Angoraangora (2005, Production Company) |
Sretan put Nedime / Good Luck Nedim (2005, Production Company) |
Quick View / Quick View (2005, Production Company) |
Snubač / The Proposal (2005, Production Company) |
Nevidni človek / The Invisible Man (2005, Production Company) |
Telegram / Telegram (2005, Production Company) |
Veliki pobeg / The Great Escape (2005, Production Company) |
Sanje / Dreaming (2005, Production Company) |
Gramatikus / Gramatikus (2005, Production Company) |
Telegram (2005, Production Company) |
O miši in zidu (2005, Production Company) |
Ko naju več ne bo / When the Two of Us Are Gone (2005, Production Company) |
Raj je raj na Rock otočcu / Paradise is Paradise on Rock Otocec (2005, Production Company) |
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2005, Production Company) |
Macbeth / Macbeth (2005, Production Company) |
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2005, Production Company) |
Ukročena trmoglavka (2005, Production Company) |
Hamlet / Hamlet (2005, Production Company) |
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2005, Production Company) |
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2005, Production Company) |
Podoknica brez primere (2005, Production Company) |
Časovna zmešnjava / Time Mess (2005, Production Company) |
Jaz pa grem na zeleno travco (2005, Production Company) |
Aljoša, 21 let (2006, Production Company) |
Puške gospe Carrar (2006, Production Company) |
Ples besed / Dance of Words (2006, Production Company) |
Avdienca / Audience (2006, Production Company) |
Libero / Libero (2006, Production Company) |
Miza, ki tudi laže / Table, that also Tells Lies (2006, Production Company) |
Rupa / Luknja / Hole, The (2006, Production Company) |
Moje male ljubice / Some Girls (2006, Production Company) |
Idiot (2006, Production Company) |
Vladimir (2006, Production Company) |
Sen kresne noči / Midsummer Night's Dream (2006, Production Company) |
Kisli maček / Vinegar Tom (2006, Production Company) |
Kdo se boji Virginie Woolf (2006, Production Company) |
Bratje Karamazovi / The Brothers Karamazov (2006, Production Company) |
Pokemon je za froce / Pokemon is for Kids (2006, Production Company) |
Seksualna perverzija v Chicagu / Sexual perversity in Chicago (2006, Production Company) |
Improvizacija v Versaillesu / L'Impromptu de Versailles (2006, Production Company) |
Teorija igre, 1 (2006, Production Company) |
Zdravnik po sili / Le Medicin malgre lui (2006, Production Company) |
Pomembno je biti Ernest / The Importance of Being Earnest (2006, Production Company) |
Briga me (2006, Production Company) |
Kot ptič / Like a Bird (2006, Production Company) |
1/2 / 1/2 (2006, Production Company) |
Prezgodaj dva metra spodaj / Almost Six Feet Too Deep (2006, Production Company) |
Obleka / A Dress (2006, Production Company) |
Hej, tovariši / Hey Ho Comrades (2006, Production Company) |
Končno na svojem (2006, Production Company) |
Sunfall / Sunfall (2006, Production Company) |
Elegy / Elegy (2006, Production Company) |
Polka je najlepša stvar (2006, Production Company) |
Ti si ob meni (2006, Production Company) |
Nataliteta (2006, Production Company) |
Desno / To the Right (2006, Production Company) |
Živela vlada / The police (2006, Production Company) |
Kamni / The Stones (2006, Production Company) |
Deit (2006, Production Company) |
Prekooceanski let (Zgodba o Lindberghu) (2006, Production Company) |
Inkognito / Incognito (2006, Production Company) |
AGRFT poje pri Gajotu (2006, Production Company) |
Teorija igre, 2 (2006, Production Company) |
Mirjana Borčič, portret filmske pedagoginje (2006, Production Company) |
Intervju Ljubana Strune (2006, Production Company) |
Stane Podobnikar - Stanči scenski mojster slovenskega filma (2006, Production Company) |
Peter Zobec - portret (2006, Production Company) |
Tonski mojster Franci Velkavrh (2006, Production Company) |
Tintagilesova smrt / La mort de Tintagiles (2006, Production Company) |
Primat II. (2006, Production Company) |
Beyond (2006, Production Company) |
Mrtvec živi (2006, Production Company) |
Umetnost giba I.,II.,III. letnik (2006, Production Company) |
Mala gledališka raziskava o samoti (2006, Production Company) |
Intuicija je konica spoznanja (2006, Production Company) |
Babilonski rov (2006, Production Company) |
Al Araf (2006, Production Company) |
Človek ne jezi se (2006, Production Company) |
Zabava na plaži pri Suarez Guaran Sanchez / Beach Party at Suarez Guaran Sancez (2006, Production Company) |
Finally Woken They / Finally Woken They (2006, Production Company) |
Dr. Savič / Dr. Savič (2006, Production Company) |
Nina in zajec / Nina and the Rabbit (2006, Production Company) |
Dr. Savič / Dr. Savič (2006, Production Company) |
Black / Black (2006, Production Company) |
Kolaček (2006, Production Company) |
Dr. Savič / Dr. Savič (2006, Production Company) |
Dedicated Follower of Fashion / Dedicated Follower of Fashion (2006, Production Company) |
Lovišča hrabrih (2006, Production Company) |
Dr.Savič / Dr.Savič (2006, Production Company) |
Igrala je igrala (2006, Production Company) |
Jerusi / Jerusi (2006, Production Company) |
Skušnjava / Temptation (2006, Production Company) |
Iz opusa Janka Ravnikarja - klavirski recital / Janko Ravnikar opus - piano recital (2006, Production Company) |
Kvartet kitar, nokturno za violino in kitaro / Guitar Quartet, Nocturne for violin and guitar (2006, Production Company) |
Mladi virtuozi - kitarski duo Črnobelo / Young virtuosos - Quartet of clarinets (2006, Production Company) |
Dva / Two (2007, Production Company) |
Etuda (2007, Production Company) |
Driada (2007, Production Company) |
Kralj Lear / King Lear (2007, Production Company) |
Nora Nora / Nora Nora (2007, Production Company) |
Job / Job (2007, Production Company) |
Medeja / Medea (Μήδεια, Mēdeia) (2007, Production Company) |
Tri sestre / Three Sisters (Три сестры) (2007, Production Company) |
Fiziki / Die Physiker (2007, Production Company) |
Časopis na oder (2007, Production Company) |
Plesne predstave - gib (2007, Production Company) |
Umetnost giba I.,II.,III. letnik (2007, Production Company) |
Rogovci (2007, Production Company) |
Amor magister optimus / Love is the Greatest Teacher (2007, Production Company) |
Družina / The Family (2007, Production Company) |
Agape / Agape (2007, Production Company) |
Osa / Wasp, The (2007, Production Company) |
Srce je žalostno / The Heart is Sad (2007, Production Company) |
Proti oknu / Against the Window (2007, Production Company) |
Klepet s Piko / A Chat with Pika (2007, Production Company) |
Dedek Mraz / Grandpa Frost (2007, Production Company) |
To je Slovenija / This is Slovenia (2007, Production Company) |
Vučko / Wolfy (2007, Production Company) |
Bordo rdeča / Burgundy Red (2007, Production Company) |
Razsutje - igre poslednjih dni / Games of the Last Days (2007, Production Company) |
Pogrešal te bom / I'll Miss You (2007, Production Company) |
Kot dva polža / Like Two Snails (2007, Production Company) |
Lucifer / Lucifer (2007, Production Company) |
Turčin / Turčin (2007, Production Company) |
Poslovilna večerja / Farawell Dinner (2007, Production Company) |
Anatolova poroka / Anatol's Wedding (2007, Production Company) |
Potujoči stroj (2007, Production Company) |
Lost and Found (2007, Production Company) |
Embrio / Embrio (2007, Production Company) |
Podelitev Univerzitetnih Prešernovih nagrad (2007, Production Company) |
Metoda Butoh (2007, Production Company) |
Gledališče in politike predstavljanja (2007, Production Company) |
Dvojne igre / Double Games (2007, Production Company) |
Škandal / Affair (2007, Production Company) |
Kaj zdaj? (2007, Production Company) |
Doktor Savič / Doktor Savič (2007, Production Company) |
Dr. Savič (2007, Production Company) |
Umetnost giba II. - plesna kompozicija (2007, Production Company) |
Mladi virtuozi - kvartet klarinetov / Young virtuosos - Quartet of clarinets (2007, Production Company) |
Mladi virtuozi; Trio Irenema, Duo Decorde (2007, Production Company) |
Dvominutno sovraštvo (2007, Production Company) |
Svila (2007, Production Company) |
Pasijon (2007, Production Company) |
Vrba (2007, Production Company) |
Prva devinska elegija (2007, Production Company) |
Povodni mož (2007, Production Company) |
Uklenjeni Prometej (2007, Production Company) |
Črtomir (2007, Production Company) |
Lolita (2007, Production Company) |
Sprašujem te vse o tebi (2007, Production Company) |
Norec (2007, Production Company) |
Parfum (2007, Production Company) |
Slončki / Elephants (2008, Production Company) |
Romulus Veliki / Romulus the Great (2008, Production Company) |
Preizkus (2008, Production Company) |
Utva / Seagull, The (Чайка, Čajka) (2008, Production Company) |
Spol (2008, Production Company) |
Sozij (2008, Production Company) |
Šola za može / The School for Husbands ( L`école des maris) (2008, Production Company) |
Susn / Susn (2008, Production Company) |
Razredni sovražnik / Class Enemy (2008, Production Company) |
Filoktet / Philoktetes ( Φιλοκτήτης / Philoktētēs) (2008, Production Company) |
Variacije na smrt Trockega / Variations on the Death of Trotsky (2008, Production Company) |
Besede, besede, besede / Words, Words, Words (2008, Production Company) |
Plešasta pevka / The Bald Singer (La Cantatrice Chauve) (2008, Production Company) |
Macbeth / Macbeth (2008, Production Company) |
Othello / Othello (2008, Production Company) |
Romeo in Julija / Romeo and Juliet (2008, Production Company) |
Opera za tri groše / Threepenny Opera (Die Dreigroschenoper) (2008, Production Company) |
Pozdravi / Les salutations (2008, Production Company) |
Kandid ali optimizem / Candide, or Optimism (Candide, ou l'Optimisme) (2008, Production Company) |
Umetnost giba I., II., III. letnik (2008, Production Company) |
Na senčni strani Alp / On the Dark Side of the Alps (2008, Production Company) |
Skrbnik / Caretaker (2008, Production Company) |
Roki na steni / Hands on the Wall (2008, Production Company) |
Lasje / Hair Extensions (2008, Production Company) |
Nebo nad blokom / Sky Above the Town (2008, Production Company) |
Vodni čut / Sense Of a Water (2008, Production Company) |
Dan v Benetkah / Day in Venice (2008, Production Company) |
Janez Janša: projekt / Janez Janša: The Project (2008, Production Company) |
Tračnice (2008, Co-Producer) |
Eva (this is my life) (2008, Participating) |
Vezuv (2008, Participating) |
Samoupravni organ / Communist Man, The (2008, Production Company) |
Bajsa / Fatty, The (2008, Production Company) |
Soldat / Soldier (2008, Production Company) |
Ni vse črno belo / Not everything black and white (2008, Production Company) |
Kolaž - Ljubljana je bulana (2008, Production Company) |
Kolaž - Maljčiki (2008, Production Company) |
Klavirski recital: F. Schubert, Impromptus op 90 št.3 v ges-duru (2008, Production Company) |
Klavirski recital: S. Prokofjev, Sonata št. 3 v a-molu, op. 28 (2008, Production Company) |
Klavirski recital: D. Scarlati, Sonate g-dur K146 L349, d-dur K33 L424, g-dur K125 L487 (2008, Production Company) |
Klavirski recital: P. I. Čajkovski, Dumka op. 59 (2008, Production Company) |
Klavirski recital: F. Chopin, Ballade op. 52 f-mol (2008, Production Company) |
Hedda Gabler, konec / Hedda Gabler, The End (2008, Production Company) |
Hedda Gabler, trikotnik / Hedda Gabler, Triangle (2008, Production Company) |
Hedda Gabler, album / Hedda Gabler, Album (2008, Production Company) |
Hedda Gabler, rokopis / Hedda Gabler, Manuscript (2008, Production Company) |
Trava (2008, Production Company) |
Preizkus z jabolkom / The Apple Test (2008, Production Company) |
Fragma: Merica sreče / Fragma: An Ounce of Luck (2008, Production Company) |
Fragma: V roju kresnic / Fireflies (2008, Production Company) |
Fragma: Nekakšen sindrom / Fragma: A Kind of Syndrome (2008, Production Company) |
Fragma: Ljubezen je energija / Fragma: Love=Energy (2008, Production Company) |
Partita v d-molu, BWV 1004, Allemanda (2008, Production Company) |
Baletna zmešnjava, G. F. Händel: Suita v G-Duru (2008, Production Company) |
Štiri skice za portret Janeza Drozga (2008, Production Company) |
Hudournik (2008, Production Company) |
Brata po mleku (2008, Production Company) |
XX (2008, Production Company) |
Cirkulana 41 (2008, Production Company) |
Dva obraza (2008, Production Company) |
Zadnji tango: v baletni (2008, Production Company) |
Jurij in zaklad želvjega jezera (2008, Production Company) |
Slakonjak (2008, Production Company) |
Hvala za 8 (2008, Production Company) |
Narcisa (2008, Production Company) |
Šemalšemal (2008, Production Company) |
Preobrazba (2008, Production Company) |
Nastop (2008, Production Company) |
Črnobela (2008, Production Company) |
Človek (2008, Production Company) |
Kakršnasem (2008, Production Company) |
...samo trening........ (2008, Production Company) |
Dolgčas (2008, Production Company) |
Romeo in Julija (2008, Production Company) |
Vincent in Moje življenje (2008, Production Company) |
Kasandra (2008, Production Company) |
Rigoleto (2008, Production Company) |
Izkušnja v celici številka 38 (2008, Production Company) |
Inšallah, Madona, Inšallah (2008, Production Company) |
Tri ljubezni (2008, Production Company) |
Mesečni deček (2008, Production Company) |
V Swannovem svetu (2008, Production Company) |
Muhe (2008, Production Company) |
Slike Doriana Graya (2008, Production Company) |
Klavirski recital: S. Prokofjev, Visions Fugitives, Op. 22, 1-11 (2008, Production Company) |
Klavirski recital študentov AG, O. Messianen: La Merle Noir (2008, Production Company) |
Cambiada, La (2008, Production Company) |
Trnuljčica - Variacije Aurore (2008, Production Company) |
Sestrična / The Cousin (2009, Production Company) |
Hamlet / Hamlet (2009, Production Company) |
Projekt Hamlet (2009, Production Company) |
Helena / Helen (Ελένη / Elenē) (2009, Production Company) |
Fedra / Phaedra (Phèdre) (2009, Production Company) |
Improvizacije, prizori iz vsakdanjega življenja, govorno oblikovanje (2009, Production Company) |
Borutovo poletje (2009, Production Company) |
Ana / Ana (2009, Production Company) |
Medved, Snubač, Jubilej (2009, Production Company) |
Vas lahko zapeljem? (2009, Production Company) |
Tartuffe ali Prevarant / Tartuffe ou l'Imposteur (2009, Production Company) |
Saloma / Salomé (2009, Production Company) |
Modra soba / The Blue Room (2009, Production Company) |
Umetnost giba I., II., III. letnik (2009, Production Company) |
Noga mi je bosa (2009, Production Company) |
Krištofove slike / Krištofove obrazy / Krištof's Pictures (2009, Production Company) |
Zlatolaske 2009 (2009, Production Company) |
Darilo / Present, The (2009, Production Company) |
Lov na race / Duck Hunting (2009, Production Company) |
Trst je naš! / Trieste is Ours (2009, Production Company) |
Kralj Matjaž / King Mathias (2009, Production Company) |
Dotik / The Touch (2009, Production Company) |
Vasi pod vodo / Villages Under Water (2009, Production Company) |
Tabataba / Tabataba (2009, Production Company) |
Žlahtna plesen Pupilije Ferkeverk (2009, Production Company) |
Emergency Lane (2009, Production Company) |
To White (2009, Production Company) |
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2009, Production Company) |
Srečko / Lucky (2009, Production Company) |
Nočni let / Night Flight, The (2009, Production Company) |
Solze v dežju / Tears in the Rain (2009, Production Company) |
Samo še en obrat / Just Another Turn Around (2009, Production Company) |
Memento Mori - Sing Us a Song / Gust of Wonder (2009, Production Company) |
Kolaž / Collage (2009, Production Company) |
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2009, Production Company) |
Nevidni prah / Invisible Dust (2009, Production Company) |
Igraj kolce (2009, Production Company) |
Filozofija in gledališče (2009, Production Company) |
Vloga gledalca v gledališču danes (2009, Production Company) |
Mali princ (2009, Production Company) |
Mož s podstrešja (2009, Production Company) |
1984 (2009, Production Company) |
Hamlet (2009, Production Company) |
Zločin in kazen (2009, Production Company) |
Tujec (2009, Production Company) |
Preobrazba (2009, Production Company) |
Craigovi marjoneti (2009, Production Company) |
Nesrečna Marinka (2009, Production Company) |
Drage dame, hvala! (2009, Production Company) |
Love (2009, Production Company) |
Javno (2009, Production Company) |
Obvious (2009, Production Company) |
Neznam.Nemorem.Neupamsi.Kajti?Jazja.Ahja! (2009, Production Company) |
Hvala za spomine (2009, Production Company) |
Ko se zbudim (2009, Production Company) |
Vsi imamo Marjana v sebi (2009, Production Company) |
Delovni jopič (2009, Production Company) |
Negativ (2009, Production Company) |
Klavirski trio Amarilis: A. Dvorak (2010, Producer) |
Obletnica / Anniversary (2010, Production Company) |
Moški / Real Man, A (2010, Production Company) |
Hodnik / The Corridor (2010, Production Company) |
Življenje je sen / La vida es sueño (2010, Production Company) |
Bolezen mladosti / Krankheit der Jugend (2010, Production Company) |
Konec igre / Fin de partie (2010, Production Company) |
Zlatolaske 2010 (2010, Production Company) |
Umetnost giba II. in III. letnik (2010, Production Company) |
George Dandin / George Dandin (2010, Production Company) |
Marjetka , str. 89 (Stara Sablja, Frajer, Mučenik)* / Gretchen 89ff (2010, Production Company) |
Marjetka , str. 89 (Črtavec, Freudovec, Začetnica)* / Gretchen 89ff (2010, Production Company) |
Marjetka , str. 89 (Diva, Dramaturginja, Hospitant)* / Gretchen 89ff (2010, Production Company) |
Marija Stuart / Maria Stuart (2010, Production Company) |
Improvizacije (2010, Production Company) |
Naša demokracija / Our Democracy (2010, Production Company) |
Antigona / Ἀντιγόνη (Antigóne) (2010, Production Company) |
Večer treh kratkih zgodb Edgarja Allana Poeja (2010, Production Company) |
Večer treh kratkih zgodb Edgarja Allana Poeja (2010, Production Company) |
Večer treh kratkih zgodb Edgarja Allana Poeja (2010, Production Company) |
Janez Janša. Boga ni. Vse je dovoljeno. (2010, Production Company) |
Obisk / Visit, The (2010, Production Company) |
Klemen Klemen / Klemen Klemen (2010, Production Company) |
Klinci / Rascals (2010, Production Company) |
Generacija Južne Afrike / Generation of South Africa (2010, Production Company) |
Veter v meni / Wind Inside Me, The (2010, Production Company) |
Za zaprtimi očmi / Behind Closed Eyes (2010, Production Company) |
Plešasta pevka / The Bald Soprano (2010, Production Company) |
Tartuffe (2010, Production Company) |
Bojim se zaspati / I'm Afraid To Sleep (2010, Production Company) |
To nisi ti / Maska (2010, Production Company) |
Dr. Savič / Doctor Savic (2010, Production Company) |
Kamijondžije (2010, Production Company) |
Župnikov konjiček / Parson's Pleasure (2010, Production Company) |
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2010, Production Company) |
Kolaž - Odboj (2010, Production Company) |
Grenak konec / Bitter End (2010, Production Company) |
Klic v sili / Emergency Call (2010, Production Company) |
Jaz : sem : samo : slučajno : jaz (2010, Participating) |
Dinamika sprememb v slovenskem gledališču 20. stoletja (2010, Publisher) |
Polifonično švica super Mario in njegova pravica (2010, Production Company) |
Doktor Savič (2010, Production Company) |
Doktor Savič (2010, Production Company) |
Doktor Savič (2010, Production Company) |
Tears in Rain (2010, Production Company) |
Money (2010, Production Company) |
Ana in Oli (2010, Production Company) |
Privid (2010, Production Company) |
Življenska pot (2010, Production Company) |
Nevideno (2010, Production Company) |
Samo kritičen (2010, Production Company) |
Breme (2010, Production Company) |
Če......................................... (2010, Production Company) |
Nenazadnje (2010, Production Company) |
Enisto (2010, Production Company) |
There and back again (2010, Production Company) |
Božanska komedija (2010, Production Company) |
Na klancu (2010, Production Company) |
Murphy (2010, Production Company) |
Starec in morje (2010, Production Company) |
Tisoč veličastnih sonc (2010, Production Company) |
Mala čarovnica iz Portobella (2010, Production Company) |
Otroka reke (2010, Production Company) |
Pianista (2010, Production Company) |
Ne vem še (2010, Production Company) |
Za zavesami (2010, Production Company) |
Guba (2010, Production Company) |
Bolha in teleskop (2010, Production Company) |
(Ob)viseti (2010, Production Company) |
Hamlet (2010, Production Company) |
Mirko in Lojz (2010, Production Company) |
Art (2010, Production Company) |
Kerozin (2010, Production Company) |
Feršterker (2010, Production Company) |
Barve: 3 fluorescentne barve - rdeča, rumena, zelena (2010, Production Company) |
Improvizacije (2011, Production Company) |
Tartuffe / Tartuffe, ou l'Imposteur (2011, Production Company) |
Utva / Čajka (2011, Production Company) |
Lepotica in zver (2011, Production Company) |
Postaja / Station, The (2011, Production Company) |
Trio Evterpa / Trio Evterpa (2011, Production Company) |
Ensamble 4 Saxess (2011, Production Company) |
Beli zajec / White Rabbit (2011, Production Company) |
Srečanje oblakov (2011, Production Company) |
Besedila za nič (2011, Production Company) |
Pod perutnico noči (2011, Participating) |
Kaj zdaj? (2011, Production Company) |
Medeja / Μήδεια / Mēdeia (2011, Production Company) |
Žabe (2011, Production Company) |
Alkestida / Ἄλκηστις (2011, Production Company) |
Zavratne igre / Jeux de massacre (2011, Production Company) |
Izdajalsko srce (2011, Production Company) |
Berači (2011, Production Company) |
Zamorka (2011, Production Company) |
Upornik (2011, Production Company) |
Crucifixion (2011, Production Company) |
V kaverni (2011, Production Company) |
Ni obale Ni (2011, Production Company) |
Vergerij (2011, Production Company) |
Grmače (2011, Production Company) |
Ozvezdje - Súhvezdia / Star constellations (2011, Production Company) |
Pogovor z Veno Tauferjem na UL AGRFT (2011, Production Company) |
Umetnost giba I., II. in III. letnik (2011, Production Company) |
Cesar / Emperor, The (2011, Production Company) |
Besni prerok / Furious Prophet, The (2011, Production Company) |
Peter Bossman dobrodošel / Welcome Peter Bossman (2011, Production Company) |
Smeti / Garbage day (2011, Production Company) |
Časovna banka / Time Bank (2011, Production Company) |
Poročnik in kurat / Lieutenant and Curate (2011, Production Company) |
Boben usode / Drums of destiny (2011, Production Company) |
Kot kakšna žival se počutiš, ko si zaljubljena? / With what kind of animal do you associate with, when you're in love? (2011, Production Company) |
Nikamor 13:22 / Nowhere 13:22 (2011, Production Company) |
Kje si stari? / What's up, dude? (2011, Production Company) |
Nad mestom se dani / Sunrise Over the City (2011, Production Company) |
Preklete podlasice / Damn those weasles (2011, Production Company) |
Izpit / Exam, The (2011, Production Company) |
Onkraj (2011, Production Company) |
Mesidž (2011, Production Company) |
Gramofon (2011, Production Company) |
Od nas neče dobiti niko ništa (2011, Production Company) |
Kill Kenny - When it's over (2011, Production Company) |
Cyrano de Bergerac / Cyrano de Bergerac (2011, Production Company) |
Sean Conneries, The - Bedn da smrdim (2011, Production Company) |
Astronavt (2011, Production Company) |
Rock Partyzani - Anka Partizanka (2011, Production Company) |
Pobeg / Escape (2011, Production Company) |
Rock Partyzani - Vsi v en glas (2011, Production Company) |
Sean Conneries, The - Never Ever (2011, Production Company) |
Kill Kenny - Tarirariii (2011, Production Company) |
Zmaj / Dragon (2011, Production Company) |
Karadžićev test / Karadžić's test (2011, Production Company) |
10 minut pred: Slike smrti (2011, Production Company) |
Asimptota konca (2011, Production Company) |
Me doy cuenta de que me faltas (2011, Production Company) |
Odpisana (2011, Production Company) |
Kje smo - tu smo (2011, Production Company) |
Svetloba noči (2011, Production Company) |
Poslednji ples? (2011, Production Company) |
Croquis (2011, Production Company) |
Življenje se vali skozi tebe kot ogromen plaz (2011, Production Company) |
Inferno (2011, Production Company) |
Night's Dawn, The (2011, Production Company) |
Slovenska zborna izreka (2011, Production Company) |
Monte Cristo (2011, Production Company) |
Beg (2011, Production Company) |
Ravnovesje (2011, Production Company) |
Volk (2011, Production Company) |
M.E.D (2011, Production Company) |
Kolaž: Radiohead - Creep (2011, Production Company) |
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2011, Production Company) |
Šok terapija (2011, Production Company) |
Prepih (2011, Production Company) |
Šporget (2011, Production Company) |
Parnas (2011, Production Company) |
FeTeVe (2011, Production Company) |
Ne se sončit (2012, Production Company) |
Tri sestre, Utva (2012, Production Company) |
Don Juan (2012, Production Company) |
Priredba Učenih žensk J. P. Moliera: Učene pičke ali Naj svet šumi (2012, Production Company) |
Potohodec (2012, Production Company) |
Noč akademij - Triada 2012 (2012, Production Company) |
DEAD FATHER, Kam je odšel naš Veliki Oče? / DEAD FATHER, Where Did Our Great Father Go To? (2012, Production Company) |
Zadet pravi čas (2012, Production Company) |
Kri - nolina (2012, Production Company) |
Božji otroci / Children of God (2012, Production Company) |
Kdo in kaj / Who and What (2012, Production Company) |
Pasji ravs (2012, Production Company) |
Železniška postaja Litija (2012, Production Company) |
EN stolEN stol (2012, Production Company) |
INN - GLORIUS BODIES (2012, Production Company) |
VIETNAMSKI PüJSKI (2012, Production Company) |
Julij Cezar / The Tragedy of Julius Caesar (2012, Production Company) |
Rihard III (2012, Production Company) |
Mojster in Margareta (2012, Production Company) |
Mali princ (2012, Production Company) |
Plašč (2012, Production Company) |
Preobrazba (2012, Production Company) |
Norveški gozd (2012, Production Company) |
Tarahumari (2012, Production Company) |
Karkoli je bolje kot nič? (2012, Production Company) |
Primadona (2012, Production Company) |
Salbutamolum (2012, Production Company) |
Snooze (2012, Production Company) |
Prisila (2012, Production Company) |
Popol (2012, Production Company) |
Razpeti mladiček (2012, Production Company) |
Al dente (2012, Production Company) |
Poročilo akademiji (2012, Production Company) |
Benjamin / Benjamin (2012, Production Company) |
Maks / Maks (2012, Production Company) |
Messi se je poškodoval / Messi injured (2012, Production Company) |
Franček in Otilija / Franček and Otilija (2012, Production Company) |
Hamlet / Medij (2012, Production Company) |
Kaj dobim, če svetu odvzamem rdečo? (2012, Production Company) |
Zaprta vrata (2012, Production Company) |
Goli obed (2012, Production Company) |
Domača bolezen za smrt (2012, Production Company) |
Pad (2012, Production Company) |
Ni ga ni ga (2012, Production Company) |
Limonada / Lemonade (2012, Production Company) |
Na poti / On the Road (2012, Production Company) |
Zid / Wall (2012, Production Company) |
Vsiljivka / Intruder, The (2012, Production Company) |
Kekec, tri dni pred poroko / Kekec, Three Days Before Marriage (2012, Production Company) |
Mladost / Youth (2012, Production Company) |
Sedmina / The Afters of a Funeral (2012, Production Company) |
Ko sem se pogledala v ogledalo, sem bila videti stara (2012, Production Company) |
Amelia / Amelia (2012, Production Company) |
Divji vzhod / Wild East (2012, Production Company) |
Orfej / Orfeo, L' (2012, Production Company) |
Časotresk / Time Turn (2012, Production Company) |
Montaža ekstaza (2012, Production Company) |
Krvavice / Bloody Sausages (2012, Production Company) |
Na polno slab dan / Worst day ever (2012, Production Company) |
Po Magrittu / After Magritte (2012, Production Company) |
Od zdaj naprej boš ti likal (2012, Production Company) |
Kar hočete (2012, Production Company) |
Frker (2012, Production Company) |
Bit (2012, Production Company) |
FeTeVe (2012, Production Company) |
Ljubim mestece (2012, Production Company) |
Glasbeni triumf (2012, Production Company) |
Do dna (2012, Production Company) |
Filmski almanah (2012, Production Company) |
Kultura (2012, Production Company) |
Gang novice (2012, Production Company) |
Machine de Molière, La (2013, Production Company) |
Produkcija prvega letnika dramske igre, gledališke režije in dramaturgije (2013, Production Company) |
Umazane roke / Les Mains sales (2013, Production Company) |
Metamorfoze (2013, Production Company) |
Ničesar ne obžalujem (2013, Production Company) |
Butoh / Butoh (2013, Production Company) |
Kaligula et al. (2013, Production Company) |
Rešeni (2013, Production Company) |
Predstava ob jezeru (Zidar) (2013, Production Company) |
Beg / Escape (2013, Production Company) |
Bencin / Gasoline (2013, Production Company) |
Punce / Girls (2013, Production Company) |
Pomladi / Spring (2013, Production Company) |
Kam / Where to (2013, Production Company) |
Ivan brez življenja / John Lacklife (2013, Production Company) |
Moje ime je Ogledalo / My name is Mirror (2013, Production Company) |
Na kolesih zgodovine / On the Wheels of History (2013, Production Company) |
Medijski projekt: Murko / Media product: Murko (2013, Production Company) |
Sesalnik / Vacuum Cleaner, The (2013, Production Company) |
Kings, Love and Shakespeare's Rock'n'roll (2013, Production Company) |
Predstava ob jezeru (Grabnar) (2013, Production Company) |
Predstava ob jezeru (Divjak) (2013, Production Company) |
Stoli / Les Chaises (2013, Production Company) |
Skomine / Crane (2013, Production Company) |
Služkinji / Les Bonnes (2013, Production Company) |
Pluton (2013, Production Company) |
Babe stare (2013, Production Company) |
Striptiz (2013, Production Company) |
Pozabljeno slovo (2013, Production Company) |
Kirtan (2013, Production Company) |
Naga na Prešercu (2013, Production Company) |
BUTOCáN (2013, Production Company) |
Zjutraj se zbudim pa te ni in se vprašam zakaj... (2013, Production Company) |
Sodobne plesne tehnike I, II, III (2013, Production Company) |
Izhod / Leave, The (2013, Production Company) |
Pleme , to sem jaz (2013, Production Company) |
Trilogija gospodar prstanov (2013, Production Company) |
Trenuci (2013, Production Company) |
Peti element (2013, Production Company) |
Frida ali o bolečini (2013, Production Company) |
Tihi škrebetavec (2013, Production Company) |
People ain't no good (2013, Production Company) |
Minotaver (2013, Production Company) |
Kralj Lear (2013, Production Company) |
J. L. Galeb (2013, Production Company) |
Črni deček (2013, Production Company) |
Lucifer in Lilith / Lucifer and Lilith (2013, Production Company) |
Prepričanje / Belief (2013, Production Company) |
Njen otrok / Her Child (2013, Production Company) |
Kopanje / Diving In (2013, Production Company) |
Prihodi odhodi / Arrivals Departures (2013, Production Company) |
Ž'vali (2013, Production Company) |
Avgust / Avgust (2013, Production Company) |
Ta zahvalni dan / This Thanksgiving Day (2013, Production Company) |
100 točk / Top Score (2013, Production Company) |
Skupinska razstava kustomgrafskih skic, fotografij in kostumov (2013, Participating) |
Skušnja (2013, Production Company) |
Skozi kostum spregovorim (2013, Production Company) |
Starinski plesi (2013, Production Company) |
Urškine sanje (2013, Production Company) |
Lazar (2013, Production Company) |
Nindri Indri (2013, Production Company) |
Bushido (2013, Production Company) |
Ali ljubiš mrliče z živim srcem (2013, Production Company) |
Nedeljsko kosilo (2013, Production Company) |
Nastop (2013, Production Company) |
Iz zakladnice neuspeha (2013, Production Company) |
Brez naslova (2013, Production Company) |
Neverjetno neprijetno (2013, Production Company) |
Ob kaminu (2013, Production Company) |
Tematike (2013, Production Company) |
Kumbukumbu (2013, Production Company) |
Triko (drugi del, r. Ramšak) (2014, Production Company) |
Triko (prvi del, r. Lucu) (2014, Production Company) |
Produkcija 1. semestra GLR, DI in DSU (2014, Production Company) |
1981 (2014, Production Company) |
Berenika / Bérénice (2014, Production Company) |
Andromaha / Andromaque (2014, Production Company) |
Britanik / Britannicus (2014, Production Company) |
Protection (2014, Production Company) |
Balet in ples I (2014, Production Company) |
Balet in ples II (2014, Production Company) |
Vsa ta ljubezen (2014, Production Company) |
MGL & AGRFT ROCKS! (2014, Participating) |
Zdaj letim! (2014, Production Company) |
Tik pred revolucijo: Mladost (2014, Production Company) |
Produkcija II. semestra GLR, DI in DSU (2014, Production Company) |
Zaljubljenca v podzemni železnici, 1. del, r. Ramšak / The Underground Lovers (2014, Production Company) |
Zaljubljenca v podzemni železnici, 2. del, r. Lucu / The Underground Lovers (2014, Production Company) |
Avtorski projekt: Uspeh (2014, Production Company) |
Penelopa (2014, Production Company) |
Pogreb (2014, Production Company) |
Biljard na hard (2014, Production Company) |
Maskiran kriminal (2014, Production Company) |
Free Božidar / Free Božidar (2014, Production Company) |
Rejnica / Foster Mom (2014, Production Company) |
Zdravo! / Nazdar! (2014, Production Company) |
Hiša odprtih rok / House of Open Arms, The (2014, Production Company) |
Mladi Menendes / Diego Menendes: The Early Years (2014, Production Company) |
Moja lasulja (2014, Production Company) |
Kdo hudiča je Aydin Demir?! / Who the Fuck is Aydin Demir?! (2014, Production Company) |
Obljubu si / You Promised (2014, Production Company) |
Proti toku (2014, Production Company) |
Iluzije (2014, Production Company) |
Cmurek (2014, Production Company) |
Mornar (2014, Production Company) |
Severne Elegije (2014, Production Company) |
Črni deček (2014, Production Company) |
Way of Peaceful Warior, The (2014, Production Company) |
Odeje (2014, Production Company) |
Ženske (2014, Production Company) |
Čakajoč Godota (2014, Production Company) |
Dnevnik uživalca mamil (2014, Production Company) |
Baal (2014, Production Company) |
Na cesti (2014, Production Company) |
Plavanje / Swimming (2014, Production Company) |
Talenti / Talent Show (2014, Production Company) |
Tujca / Strangers (2014, Production Company) |
Prespana pomlad / Springtime Sleep, The (2014, Production Company) |
Svetlo črna / Bright Black (2014, Production Company) |
Vroča lazanja / Hot Lasagne (2014, Production Company) |
Nisem ji pomahala, ko se je odpeljala z busom, čeprav vem, da je pogledala ven / I Didn't Wave Her Goodbye When She Left On a Bus Even Though I Knew She Looked Outside (2014, Production Company) |
Potenje morskega ježka / Sweating of Sea Urchins, The (2014, Production Company) |
Gotska okna (2014, Production Company) |
16 (2014, Co-Production Company) |
Tretji zaplodek (2014, Production Company) |
Stebri soli (2014, Production Company) |
Podoba iz otroštva (2014, Production Company) |
pretekLOST (2014, Production Company) |
Postrgavček ali moja nit (2014, Production Company) |
Peti element II (2014, Production Company) |
Bimbo(m) (2014, Production Company) |
Poslednji trak (2014, Production Company) |
Taleportala (2014, Production Company) |
Kopati za ognjem (2014, Production Company) |
Sodobne plesne tehnike I, II, III (2014, Production Company) |
Balet in ples II (2014, Production Company) |
Balet in ples I (2014, Production Company) |
Stolpa (2014, Production Company) |
Urbana histerija (2014, Production Company) |
Another point of view (2014, Production Company) |
Petek, 13. april 2001 (2014, Production Company) |
Panopticon (2014, Production Company) |
Zvezda v baletni (2014, Production Company) |
Gledališče upora - simpozij v sklopu Borštnikovega srečanja / Pogovor o partizanskem gledališču z Ivanko Mežan, Zoro Konjajev in Aleksandrom Valičem (2014, Production Company) |
Pogovor z uspešneži (2014, Production Company) |
Herostrat (2014, Production Company) |
Interpretacija sanj Alexandra McQuera (2014, Production Company) |
Časovni stroj (2014, Production Company) |
Dobro jutro - dober dan! (2014, Production Company) |
Betl Ham (2014, Production Company) |
Gremo mi po znanje (2014, Production Company) |
Med zvokom in glasbo (2014, Production Company) |
Keš, avti in r'n'r (2014, Production Company) |
Glej kaj vem (2014, Production Company) |
Urban life (2014, Production Company) |
Filmska delavnica 2014 (2014, Production Company) |
Čiščenje idiota (2015, Production Company) |
Gozd se svetlika (2015, Production Company) |
Jaz ali kdo drug (2015, Production Company) |
Hamlet (2015, Production Company) |
Produkcija I. semestra GLR in DI (2015, Production Company) |
Striček Vanja (2015, Production Company) |
Kralj Lear (2015, Production Company) |
Banana Split (2015, Production Company) |
Kaj pa bi, če bi (2015, Production Company) |
Imela bi otroke, vrt in petnajst zajcev (2015, Production Company) |
Tretji zaplodek - radijska igra (2015, Production Company) |
Čas, minevanje (2015, Production Company) |
Služkinji (2015, Production Company) |
C8H11N (2015, Production Company) |
Cardiophillia (2015, Production Company) |
Soba (2015, Production Company) |
Kar's naredu s' naredu ali šešir od kamenja (2015, Production Company) |
Od mene k tebi (2015, Production Company) |
Aj voliš - aj volim (2015, Production Company) |
Tashi delek (2015, Production Company) |
Munubu (2015, Production Company) |
Okostja meduz (2015, Production Company) |
UMRIuMIRU (2015, Production Company) |
Rez (2015, Production Company) |
MARAT: PO (2015, Production Company) |
Jagababa (2015, Production Company) |
Nostalgija (2015, Production Company) |
Kdo je napravil Vidku srajčico (2015, Production Company) |
Hipolit (2015, Production Company) |
Henderson, kralj dežja (2015, Production Company) |
Komunistični manifest (2015, Production Company) |
Nevarna razmerja (2015, Production Company) |
Zvezdnate noči (2015, Production Company) |
Jonatan Livingston Galeb (2015, Production Company) |
Božanska komedija - Pekel (2015, Production Company) |
Skomine (2015, Production Company) |
Ž (2015, Production Company) |
Leteča opica, čepeči tiger - zlata pest uničenja / Boj s svojo senco (2015, Production Company) |
Filmska delavnica 2015 (2015, Production Company) |
Prizoratorij (2015, Production Company) |
Plešasta pevka (2015, Production Company) |
La Justice ali utrujajoče ravnovesje (2015, Production Company) |
Plešasta pevka (2015, Production Company) |
Služkinji (2015, Production Company) |
Tik pred revolucijo: Kako sem postal terorist (2015, Production Company) |
Gospod Nahtingal Včeraj Zdaj (2015, Production Company) |
Norčevanje teme (2015, Production Company) |
E.T.I.D.A. (2015, Production Company) |
Moj Devetsto (2015, Production Company) |
Csillag (2015, Production Company) |
Medeja, Medeja, Medeja (2015, Production Company) |
Avtorski projekt: O ... (2015, Production Company) |
Ognjeni fantje / Fire Boys (2015, Production Company) |
Tri sestre (2015, Production Company) |
Mikrofon v zidu (2015, Production Company) |
Za ščepec premalo soli (2015, Production Company) |
Coitus interruptus (2015, Production Company) |
Alex / Alex (2015, Production Company) |
Surovo meso (2015, Production Company) |
Hana (2015, Production Company) |
Smeh (2015, Production Company) |
Zahajanje (2015, Production Company) |
V postelji s Titom / Sleeping With Tito (2015, Production Company) |
Ravnotežje / Balance (2015, Production Company) |
Veverce / Squirrels (2015, Production Company) |
Punca brez imena / Girl Without a Name, The (2015, Production Company) |
Nazaj / Backwards (2015, Production Company) |
Na novo / Anew (2015, Production Company) |
Male ribe / Little Fish (2015, Production Company) |
Riot Ana / Riot Ana (2015, Production Company) |
Krhanje lepote / Abrasion of Beauty (2015, Co-Producer) |
Živalski vrt / ZOO (2015, Production Company) |
Sodobne plesne tehnike I (2015, Production Company) |
Sodobne plesne tehnike II (2015, Production Company) |
Zborovanje ptic / Manteq Al - Teyr (2015, Co-Production Company) |
Pravila igre (2015, Production Company) |
Popokatepetl (2015, Co-Production Company) |
Balet in ples I (2015, Production Company) |
Ne nazaj / Just Not Back (2015, Production Company) |
Ameriška / American Story (2015, Production Company) |
Recepcija (2015, Production Company) |
Zvočno snemanje branja dramskih besedil na FBS (2015, Production Company) |
Triko (2015, Production Company) |
Vaje v slogu (2015, Production Company) |
Sem in se ne izprašujem zakaj (2015, Production Company) |
Pravica do avanture / Right to Adventure, The (2015, Co-Production Company) |
Nalezljivo veselje / Joy (2015, Co-Production Company) |
Ples limon / Lemon Dance (2015, Co-Production Company) |
Stoječi komik (2015, Production Company) |
Ritm stil (2015, Production Company) |
U cirkusu (2015, Production Company) |
Kreni plus - 1. oddaja (2015, Production Company) |
Kreni plus - 2. oddaja (2015, Production Company) |
Kreni plus - 3. oddaja (2015, Production Company) |
Kreni plus - 4. oddaja (2015, Production Company) |
Kreni plus - 5. oddaja (2015, Production Company) |
Mini opere (2016, Co-Producer) |
Džroazanmo (2016, Production Company) |
Antigona (2016, Production Company) |
Kralj Ojdipus (2016, Production Company) |
Malomeščanska svatba / Die Kleinbürgerhochzeit (2016, Production Company) |
12 (2016, Production Company) |
Soneti (2016, Production Company) |
Balet in ples I (2016, Production Company) |
Balet in ples II (2016, Production Company) |
Torzo (2016, Production Company) |
Naj gre vse v Pi ali kako sem si zapomnil 3141 decimalk (2016, Production Company) |
Počivaj v miru (2016, Production Company) |
Ljubezen in smrt (2016, Production Company) |
Šola letenja / Sodobne plesne tehnike I (2016, Production Company) |
Tehnične ovire / Sodobne plesne tehnike II (2016, Production Company) |
Gibna razstava - Peformance / Sodobne plesne tehnike I in II (2016, Production Company) |
Hiša Bernarde Alba / La casa de Bernarda Alba (2016, Production Company) |
Molieremobil (2016, Production Company) |
GRU - GRU (2016, Production Company) |
Srečanje (2016, Production Company) |
Slastni gnus / Delicious Disgust, The (2016, Production Company) |
Morbideja / Morbidea (2016, Production Company) |
Povej naprej / Tell On (2016, Production Company) |
Tuper vare / Tuper Vare (2016, Production Company) |
Hočem bit slon (2016, Production Company) |
Misli / Thoughts (2016, Production Company) |
Šum / Interference (2016, Production Company) |
K.A.O.S. / C.H.A.O.S. (2016, Production Company) |
Vis-a-vis / Vis-a-vis (2016, Production Company) |
Domov k spominu / Back To The Memories (2016, Production Company) |
Kontaktna improvizacija (2016, Production Company) |
Gospod golob / Mister Pigeon (2016, Production Company) |
Jogi in škatla / Jogi And a Box (2016, Production Company) |
Oropana duša / Robbed Soul (2016, Production Company) |
Agape - obredi ljubezni / Prvi del / ženske (2016, Production Company) |
Agape - obredi ljubezni / Drugi del / moški (2016, Production Company) |
Odtisi / Impressions (2016, Production Company) |
Avtorska kompozicija II (2016, Production Company) |
Avtorska kompozicija III (2016, Production Company) |
Ljubljana - München 15:27 / Ljubljana - München 15:27 (2016, Production Company) |
Slekla se bom v rumeno (2016, Production Company) |
Par poletja / LoveQuiz 2016 (2016, Production Company) |
Inhibis - Sleep (2016, Production Company) |
Usmiljenje / Charity (2016, Production Company) |
Persons from Porlock - Avalanche Peak (2016, Production Company) |
Life is Life (2016, Production Company) |
Veselko (2016, Production Company) |
Jazz in the pants - Prikrita odtujenost (2016, Production Company) |
Zgodba o jabolku (2016, Production Company) |
Nimaš pojma / You Don't Have A Clue (2016, Production Company) |
Big City Woman (2016, Production Company) |
Zamejen / Bordered (2016, Production Company) |
S trebuhom za kruhom (2016, Production Company) |
V njenih čevljih (trije monologi) (2016, Production Company) |
Mož, ki je imel ženo za klobuk (2016, Production Company) |
Cikel radijskih oddaj Literarni nokturno (2016, Production Company) |
1319. dan / 1319th Day (2016, Production Company) |
Konec / End, The (2016, Production Company) |
Obisk / Visit (2016, Production Company) |
Izredna produkcija - zvočno snemanje produkcije Umetniške besede študentov DI (2016, Production Company) |
Cikel študijskih radijskih produkcij UL AGRFT (2016, Production Company) |
Štirideset plus minus dve* (2016, Production Company) |
Človek (2016, Production Company) |
Sodobne plesne tehnike I (2016, Production Company) |
Glavišur (2016, Production Company) |
Kr eni športi (2016, Production Company) |
Obrazi (2016, Production Company) |
Press Space To Start (2016, Production Company) |
AGRFT aerobika 3 (2016, Production Company) |
AGRFT aerobika 2 (2016, Production Company) |
Popotnik (2016, Production Company) |
Gibna razstava in life performance ob praznovanju 70 let AGRFT (2016, Production Company) |
Plesni nastop ob svečani podelitvi akademijskih Prešernovih nagrad, diplom in magisterijev (2016, Production Company) |
Vaje in improvizacije (2017, Production Company) |
Odets (2017, Production Company) |
Murlin Murlo (2017, Production Company) |
Modra (2017, Production Company) |
Seksualna perverzija / Sexual Perversity in Chicago (2017, Production Company) |
So rdeči čeveljčki dovolj za nostalgijo po modrini neba? (2017, Production Company) |
Zločin in kazen (2017, Production Company) |
Skica za srce (2017, Production Company) |
Mlada umetniška beseda (2017, Production Company) |
Tempestas (2017, Production Company) |
Stanja (2017, Production Company) |
Hamlet (2017, Production Company) |
Ljubezničenja (2017, Production Company) |
Vas lahko zapeljem? (2017, Production Company) |
Tumor v glavi! (Jovo na novo) (2017, Production Company) |
Macbeth / The Tragedy of Macbeth (2017, Production Company) |
Dogodek v mestu Gogi (2017, Production Company) |
Tistega dne so se vsi sprehodili domov (2017, Production Company) |
Cikel radijskih oddaj Literarni nokturno (2017, Production Company) |
Literarni večer mlade umetniške besede (2017, Production Company) |
Upornik (2017, Production Company) |
Čevljarna / Shoemaker (2017, Production Company) |
Človek ne jezi se / Don't Get Mad Dude (2017, Production Company) |
Stereotipi / Stereotypes (2017, Production Company) |
Tu in tam / Here and There (2017, Production Company) |
Sestreljeni / Stricken, The (2017, Production Company) |
Kamniti čevlji (2017, Production Company) |
Anja Ganja / Anja Ganja (2017, Production Company) |
Ati / Dad (2017, Production Company) |
Prazne sobe / Empty Rooms (2017, Production Company) |
skEna (2017, Production Company) |
Mrtvi kot / Blind Spot (2017, Production Company) |
Sanje neke ptice (2017, Production Company) |
Bližje / Closer (2017, Production Company) |
Izhod / Escape (2017, Production Company) |
500 let / 500 Years (2017, Production Company) |
Brata / Brothers (2017, Production Company) |
Maruška / Marushka (2017, Production Company) |
Katarza / Catharsis (2017, Production Company) |
Kralj Kantor / King Kantor (2017, Production Company) |
Kar ostane / What Remains (2017, Production Company) |
Kikibio in žerjav / Chichibio And the Crane (2017, Production Company) |
Podpišite tukaj / Sign Here (2017, Production Company) |
Šumenje / Static (2017, Production Company) |
Starinski plesi (2017, Production Company) |
Živeti / To live (2017, Production Company) |
Ples Krinolin (2017, Production Company) |
Še sreča! / Lucky for us! (2017, Production Company) |
Akademija / Academy (2017, Production Company) |
Otrok, ki je ustvaril svet (Rekvijem) (2017, Production Company) |
Sinja ptica: V deželi spomina (2017, Production Company) |
Gostija (2017, Production Company) |
Po kreativni poti do znanja (2017, Production Company) |
Klanec Siromakov / Hill of the Poor (2017, Production Company) |
Razdejani / Blasted (2017, Production Company) |
Lačen / Hungry (2017, Production Company) |
AKTV - INT. - NEKJE - NEKDAJ - 1. 6. 2017 (2017, Production Company) |
AKTV - 25. 5. 2017 - UMETNICE in OBISK (2017, Production Company) |
AKTV - 20. 4. 2017 (2017, Production Company) |
Plesni nastop ob svečani podelitvi akademijskih Prešernovih nagrad in diplom (2017, Production Company) |
Plesni nastop ob svečani podelitvi akademijskih Prešernovih nagrad, diplom in magisterijev (2017, Production Company) |
Dan nominirancev: Ikarus, zgodba o poletu (2017, Producer) |
Dan nominirancev: Fant, dekle in sivolasi gospod (2017, Producer) |
Dan nominirancev: to jabolko, zlato (2017, Producer) |
Dan nominirancev: Naše gledališče (2017, Producer) |
Okusne duše / Tasty Souls (2018, Production Company) |
Risk / Risk (2018, Production Company) |
Oleanna / Oleanna (2018, Production Company) |
Zimska pravljica / The Winter's Tale (2018, Production Company) |
Se mi vsaj ni treba poljubljati (2018, Production Company) |
Ukročena trmoglavka / The Taming of the Shrew (2018, Production Company) |
Takšne so nas izbarli (2018, Production Company) |
Blitz Kids (2018, Production Company) |
Starinski plesi (2018, Production Company) |
Nežka / Nellie (2018, Co-Production Company) |
Sen 59 (2018, Production Company) |
Moje zimske počitnice (2018, Co-Production Company) |
Mavrično bela (2018, Co-Production Company) |
Zlata ribica (2018, Production Company) |
Miroslav (2018, Production Company) |
Polmrak (2018, Production Company) |
Mlada umetniška beseda (2018, Production Company) |
Idomenej / Idomeneus (2018, Production Company) |
Kakor dih / As Breath (2018, Production Company) |
00111101 (2018, Production Company) |
Strah (2018, Production Company) |
XX (2018, Production Company) |
Stabat mater (2018, Production Company) |
Abel in Kajn (2018, Production Company) |
Umor ljubezni, beg pred odpuščanjem (2018, Production Company) |
In my secret life (2018, Production Company) |
Prigode Toma Sawyerja (2018, Production Company) |
Ženske, ki tečejo z volkovi (2018, Production Company) |
Miracle in the Andes (2018, Production Company) |
Handmaid's Tale, The (2018, Production Company) |
Žabe (2018, Production Company) |
Piknik na robu ceste (2018, Production Company) |
Deklica z vžigalicami (2018, Production Company) |
Tramvaj poželenja (2018, Production Company) |
Man's search for meaning (2018, Production Company) |
Alica v čudežni deželi (2018, Production Company) |
Juri Muri v Afriki (2018, Production Company) |
Mit o Sizifu (2018, Production Company) |
Balada o Sneguročki (2018, Production Company) |
Erazem (2018, Production Company) |
Skušnja (2018, Production Company) |
Dvoje sva in hkrati eno (2018, Production Company) |
Srebrno rebro (2018, Production Company) |
Kralj na Betajnovi (2018, Production Company) |
Starci (2018, Production Company) |
Noč akademij A3 (2018, Participating) |
Vse bo v redu (2018, Production Company) |
Čarovnica iz zgornje davče (2018, Production Company) |
Dejanje 7 (2018, Production Company) |
Glasni gon (2018, Production Company) |
Galuboja (2018, Production Company) |
Martin (2018, Production Company) |
Ljubezen dan mladosti (2018, Production Company) |
Z eno nogo v sanjah (2018, Production Company) |
Vem veš (2018, Production Company) |
KILA_O BRECHTA (2018, Production Company) |
Avto stop (2018, Production Company) |
Nikar mi ne pobegni / Soil Stories (2018, Production Company) |
Ples ljubezni / Dance of Love (2018, Production Company) |
Živali, pozdrav! / Animals, Attention! (2018, Production Company) |
Spran / Washed Out (2018, Production Company) |
Assunta / Assunta (2018, Production Company) |
Mrak / Dusk (2018, Production Company) |
Balet II (2018, Production Company) |
Ona išče senco, on čaka / She's Looking For a Shadow, He's Waiting (2018, Production Company) |
Ujetnica časa / Prisoner of Time, The (2018, Production Company) |
Satirikonijada (2018, Production Company) |
Šakuntala 117, Spominjanje ljubezni, (2018, Production Company) |
Hlapec Jernej in njegova pravica (2018, Production Company) |
Uvajanje / Apprenticeship (2018, Production Company) |
Butalci / The Wonderful People of Butale (2018, Production Company) |
Zgodovina zapuščanja / History of Abandonment (2018, Production Company) |
Miroslav (2018, Production Company) |
Ufuri (2018, Production Company) |
Izredna produkcija - Literarni večer mlade umetniške besede (2018, Co-Production Company) |
Vaja (2018, Production Company) |
Živela je ženska (2018, Production Company) |
Univerzitetno prvenstvo v družabnem plesu (2018, Participating) |
Plesna kompozicija I. (2018, Production Company) |
Prah (2018, Production Company) |
Yaamaam, ker je bilo, kar je bilo (2018, Production Company) |
Balet I (2018, Production Company) |
Iva, 24 / Iva, 24 (2018, Production Company) |
O luni, mesecu in njunem odsevu / On the Moon, Luna, and Their Reflection (2018, Production Company) |
Trenutek / Moment, The (2018, Production Company) |
18,75 / 18.75 (2018, Production Company) |
Žrtve radia BUM BUM (2018, Production Company) |
AKTV 7. 6. 2018 - 2. del (2018, Production Company) |
AKTV 7. 6. 2018 - 1. del (2018, Production Company) |
AKTV 10. 5. 2018 - 2. del - Late night show s Tejo (2018, Production Company) |
AKTV 10. 5. 2018 - 1. del (2018, Production Company) |
Revizor (2018, Production Company) |
Pomagajte Anji (2018, Production Company) |
Božična ujetnika (2018, Production Company) |
Znalčki: O lovcih (2018, Production Company) |
Down The Line (2018, Production Company) |
Irena ne morem več! (2018, Production Company) |
Holiday Inn (2018, Production Company) |
Super 8 (2018, Production Company) |
Dick Skinners (2018, Production Company, Production Company) |
AKTV 19. 4. 2018 (2018, Production Company) |
AKTV 29. 3. 2018 (2018, Production Company) |
Zdravo je biti divji (2018, Production Company) |
Plesni nastop ob svečani podelitvi akademijskih Prešernovih nagrad, diplom in magisterijev (2018, Production Company) |
Dan po (2019, Production Company) |
Otroci na oblasti / Power to the Children (2019, Production Company) |
Antiprojekt Unesco (2019, Production Company) |
Še ni koncepta (2019, Production Company) |
Od blizu / Closer (2019, Production Company) |
Cikel Literarnih nokturnov s študenti UL AGRFT (2019, Co-Production Company) |
Zlatolaske 2017/2018 (2019, ) |
Déj`a vu (2019, Production Company) |
Teden slovenske drame: Bralne uprizoritve študentov AGRFT (2019, Production Company) |
Žetev in Kletev (2019, Production Company) |
Tobu (2019, Production Company) |
Samoborba (2019, Production Company) |
od A do T (2019, Production Company) |
Na oni strani mavrice (2019, Production Company) |
Nismo poslednji (2019, Production Company) | spet iz tišine... (2019, Production Company) |
Saburra (2019, Production Company) |
Lamur (2019, Production Company) |
Onyo (2019, Production Company) |
Ne vem (2019, Production Company) |
V dih (2019, Production Company) |
Grta pa Dovta (2019, Production Company) |
Olympia Stadion / Olympia Stadium (2019, Production Company) |
Občutki padanja (2019, Production Company) |
Skrivni svet vil in čmrljev (2019, Production Company) |
Gibalne tehnike in veščine 1 (2019, Production Company) |
Namišljeni bolnik (2019, Production Company) |
Mehaničen (2019, Production Company) |
Jaz sem ti (2019, Production Company) |
Epicenter ali zadnji tektonski premik (2019, Production Company) |
Mala terca (2019, Production Company) |
Med nama (2019, Production Company) |
Koža boža kožuh (2019, Production Company) |
Jastog (2019, Production Company) |
Ana Karenina (2019, Production Company) |
Ure do večnosti (2019, Production Company) |
Kdo je napravil Vidku srajčico (2019, Production Company) |
Kreon (2019, Production Company) |
Srečen kot Lazzaro (2019, Production Company) |
Aladin (2019, Production Company) |
Grof Gloster (2019, Production Company) |
Vklenjeni Prometej (2019, Production Company) |
Peter in volk (2019, Production Company) |
Vesoljska odiseja (2019, Production Company) |
Čarovnikov vajenec (2019, Production Company) |
Dežela ptic / Birdland (2019, Production Company, ) |
Črna skrinjica (2019, Production Company) |
Kralj Lear / King Lear (2019, Production Company) |
Požar / Fire (2019, Production Company, ) |
Oda petju (2019, Production Company) |
Preteklost / Past, The (2019, Production Company) |
Trenje / Friction (2019, Production Company) |
Češnjevi kolački / Cherry Cupcakes (2019, Production Company) |
Nihče ni rekel, da te moram imeti rad / Nobody Said I Have to Love You (2019, Production Company) |
Tehnike govora I (2019, Production Company) |
Pasji dnevi / Dog Days (2019, Production Company) |
Zmenek / Date (2019, Production Company) |
Ko umrem, sem srečen (2019, Production Company) |
Posebna ponudba / Special Offer (2019, Production Company) |
Alzheimer Cafe / Alzheimer Cafe (2019, Production Company) |
V zadnjem vagonu je v tretjem kupeju sedela ob oknu / In the Last Carriage, in the Third Compartment, a Lady Sitting at the Window (2019, Production Company) |
Počemučka: Piano and Screaming (2019, Production Company) |
Zlata verižica / Golden Necklace (2019, Production Company) |
Simpozij (2019, Co-Producer) |
Narezano življenje / Sliced-up Life (2019, Production Company) |
Garderoba / Wardrobe (2019, Production Company) |
Beli zajec, rdeči zajec / White Rabbit, Red Rabbit (2019, Production Company) |
Tudi jaz vidim / I See in the Dark (2019, Production Company) |
Avtoštop / Autostop (2019, Production Company) |
Poslušajte, gospod Marjan / Why don't you listen, Mr. Marjan (2019, Production Company) |
Trezi / Trezi (2019, Production Company) |
Usodni napevi (2019, Production Company) |
Filofest 2019 (2019, Participating) |
Mini opere: Anatomija misli (2019, Co-Production Company) |
Mini opere: Stari ima vedno prav (2019, Co-Production Company) |
Mini opere: Nepotrebna (2019, Co-Production Company) |
Mini opere: Uspavanka v sobi brez oken (2019, Co-Production Company) |
Mini opere: Gaja (2019, Production Company) |
AKTV 30. 5. 2019 - 1. del (2019, Production Company) |
AKTV 30. 5. 2019 - 2. del (2019, Production Company) |
AKTV 16. 5. 2019 (2019, Production Company) |
AKTV 25. 4. 2019 (2019, Production Company) |
Sejem želja (2019, Production Company) |
Če se kosti, mišice in sklepi sprostijo, gotovo zaspiš (2019, Production Company) |
Moj fant piše slabo poezijo (2019, Production Company) |
AKTV 21. 3. 2019 - 2. del (2019, Production Company) |
Čas ne zabriše spomina / Time Does Not Erase Memory (2019, Production Company) |
Filmski poklic - Direktor fotografije (2019, Participating) |
Filmski poklic - Montažer (2019, Participating) |
Filmski poklic - Oblikovalec zvoka (2019, Participating) |
Filmski poklic - Producent (2019, Participating) |
Filmski poklic - Scenarist (2019, Participating) |
Minutna drama: Odpri vrata! / Minute Drama: Open the Door! (2019, Production Company) |
Mlada umetniška beseda (2019, Co-Production Company) |
Gaganje / Gasping (2020, Production Company) |
Fantazma grande (2020, Production Company) |
Aškerčeva v gradnji (2020, Production Company) |
Pasjedivščina: Moja pasja dogodivščina (2020, Production Company) |
Roberto Zucco / Roberto Zucco (2020, Production Company) |
Ljudožerci (2020, Production Company) |
H genotipu Hamlet (2020, Production Company) |
Sodobne plesne tehnike 2 (2020, Production Company) |
Sodobne plesne tehnike 1 (2020, Production Company) |
Kazimir in Karolina / Kasimir und Karoline (2020, Production Company) |
Izohipse (2020, Production Company) |
Gmajna / Gmajna (2020, Production Company) |
Gibalne tehnike in veščine 1 (2020, Production Company) |
Velika prispodoba med nebesom in zemljo (2020, Production Company) |
Pot (2020, Production Company) |
Ona (2020, Production Company) |
Butoh (2020, Production Company) |
Padli angel (2020, Production Company) |
V svojem svetu (2020, Production Company) |
Tam nekje je... (2020, Production Company) |
Ritem krvi (2020, Production Company) |
K sebi (2020, Production Company) |
Karatejc (2020, Production Company) |
Saloma (2020, Production Company) |
Starec in morje (2020, Production Company) |
Faust - Marjetkina zgodba (2020, Production Company) |
Žute dunje (2020, Production Company) |
Price of Salt, The (2020, Production Company) |
Vse bo v redu (2020, Production Company) |
Krekhed (2020, Production Company) |
Self Makes You Weak, The (2020, Production Company) |
Becoming (2020, Production Company) |
Strah (2020, Production Company) |
Žid (2020, Production Company) |
Po mehaniki po-po-po pomaranči (2020, Production Company) |
ICE NINE (2020, Production Company) |
White warrior of Zaloška, The (2020, Production Company) |
Kill Jože (2020, Production Company) |
Gibalne tehnike in veščine II (2020, Production Company) |
Kill Bill (2020, Production Company) |
PALOMA (2020, Production Company) |
Gospodar prstanov - poslednji dvoboj (2020, Production Company) |
Musical (2020, Production Company) |
Tebi (2020, Production Company) |
Golota glasu (2020, Production Company) |
Balet On Line (2020, Production Company) |
Quatromeron (2020, Production Company) |
Balet I (2020, Production Company) |
Quatromeron - Pogovor po premieri (2020, Production Company) |
Ikozaedra (2020, Production Company) |
Gaea (2020, Production Company) |
On Line Čehov (2020, Production Company) |
O škodljivosti (2020, Production Company) |
Astrovid-19 (2020, Production Company) |
Kvartet - videoprojekcija / Quartett (2020, Production Company) |
Prelom / Fracture (2020, Production Company) |
(Ne)vidni / (In)visible (2020, Production Company) |
Goli pianist ali Mala nočna muzika (2020, Production Company) |
Pepelni drobci / Ash Dust (2020, Production Company) |
Maghisterija (2020, Production Company) |
Kvartet (2020, Production Company) |
Nič več kot to, kar je (2020, Production Company) |
Sam (2020, Production Company) |
Minutna drama (2020, Production Company) |
Alenka / Alice (2020, Production Company) |
Nenavadna čajanka / Mad Tea Party (2020, Production Company) |
Apokalipsa / Apocalypse (2020, Production Company) |
Zavrti me / Spin Me (2020, Production Company) |
Poletje na Chengdujski 19 / Summer on Chengdu str. 19 (2020, Production Company) |
Senzorialno v gledališču: na sledi vonjav v vsakdanjem življenju in onkraj njega (2020, Organizer) |
Kakšna plodna predstava: muzej naših ljubezni (2020, Production Company) |
Transnebesna železnica / Trans-celestial Railways (2020, Production Company) |
649 E 14 (2020, Production Company) |
Čutenje giba / Feeling the move (2020, Production Company) |
Sodobne plesne tehnike - Graham (2020, Production Company) |
Sodobne plesne tehnike - Balet osnove (2020, Production Company) |
Sodobne plesne tehnike - MA kombinacije (2020, Production Company) |
Sodobne plesne tehnike - vaje za 2. letnik (2020, Production Company) |
Kar pozabiš, odide z vetrom / What You Forget Goes Away With the Wind (2020, Production Company) |
Filmski poklic - Režiser (2020, Participating) |
Filmski poklic - Animator (2020, Participating) |
O, sranje! / Oh, Sh*t (2020, Production Company) |
Pod točko razno / Request under AOB (2020, Production Company) |
Quatromeron (2020, Production Company) |
Obletnica / Reunion (2020, Production Company) |
Od daleč in od blizu: študijski fragmenti (2021, Production Company) |
Strah in beda Tretjega rajha / Furcht und Elend des III. Reiches (2021, Production Company) |
Otava / Otava (2021, Production Company) |
Mnogo ljubezni za nič (kolaž prizorov iz Shakespearja) (2021, Production Company) |
Mislila sem, da bo konec sveta drugačen (2021, Production Company) |
Maks / Maks (2021, Production Company) |
Stevardesa (2021, Production Company) |
Katera pot vodi drugam (2021, Production Company) |
Mala nočna (2021, Production Company) |
Mo(r)je (2021, Production Company) |
My Morning Routine (2021, Production Company) |
Odhajanje (2021, Production Company) |
Osvobajanje (2021, Production Company) |
PA (2021, Production Company) |
Sedijo v krošnjah otroci (2021, Production Company) |
Standing (2021, Production Company) |
V jami tičim (2021, Production Company) |
Zavetje (2021, Production Company) |
Starec in morje (2021, Production Company) |
Utelešenje (2021, Production Company) |
Kaligula (2021, Production Company) |
Macbeth (2021, Production Company) |
Predator in luna (2021, Production Company) |
Evangelij po Mateju (2021, Production Company) |
Dioniz (2021, Production Company) |
George Orwell - 1984 (2021, Production Company) |
KAN (2021, Production Company) |
Butoh (2021, Production Company) |
Ekstaza (2021, Production Company) |
Klet-ka (2021, Production Company) |
Fatamorgana / Mirage (2021, Production Company) |
Žabe (2021, Production Company) |
Noži v kurah / Knives in Hens (2021, Production Company) |
Dramakurbija (2021, Production Company) |
Krpan / Krpan (2021, Production Company) |
A mamo? (2021, Production Company) |
Jagababa (2021, Production Company) |
Končna (2021, Production Company) |
Limona (2021, Production Company) |
Boj bližine (2021, Production Company) |
Kje se bom zbudil jutri? / Where will I wake up tomorrow? (2021, Production Company) |
Avdicija / Audition (2021, Production Company) |
Sodobne plesne tehnike - vaje za 1. letnik (2021, Production Company) |
Ion (2021, Production Company) |
Soseda / Neighbours (2021, Production Company) |
Erik, 8 let / Erik, 8 Years Old (2021, Production Company) |
La Tortuga / La Tortuga (2021, Production Company) |
Priložnost / Opportunity (2021, Production Company) |
Slovo / Farewell (2021, Production Company) |
Janko Žonta / Janko Žonta (2021, Production Company) |
In je ostala noč / And the Night Remained (2021, Production Company) |
Hočem osvojiti svet 3. 1 (2021, Production Company) |
Izginem / Jeg forsvinner (2021, Production Company) |
Hočem osvojiti svet 2.1 - Igralka na prepihu kultur (2021, Production Company) |
Sprintaj mi ljubezen / Password is Love, The (2021, Production Company) |
Karantenski blues (2021, Production Company) |
Kajuh - dokumentarni literarni kamišibaj o Karlu Destovniku (2021, Production Company) |
Na drugi strani (2021, Production Company) |
Filmski poklic - Kolorist (2021, Participating) |
Poskusi (njenega) življenja (2021, Production Company) |
Filmski poklic - Skladatelj filmske glasbe (2021, Participating) |
Filmski poklic - Asistent režiser (2021, Participating) |
Vse železo bo zarjavelo in se uničilo v moji krvi (T. Šalamun) (2021, Production Company) |
Deleuzov čas (2021, Production Company) |
Teden slovenske drame: Dan nominirank in nagrajenk: potem že tečem (2021, Producer) |
Teden slovenske drame: Dan nominirank in nagrajenk: Tega okusa še niste poskusili (2021, Producer) |
Teden slovenske drame: Dan nominirank in nagrajenk: Delo in deklica I-V: Drame tlačank (2021, Producer) |
Teden slovenske drame: Dan nominirank in nagrajenk: Nemeš: Franc (2021, Producer) |
Dan nominirank in nagrajenk: Okrogla miza (2021, Producer) |
Slovenski pasijon (2021, Production Company) |
Tri Moskve (2021, Production Company) |
Kornelj / Kornelj (2021, Production Company) |
Na poti / On the Way (2021, Production Company) |
Nikolaj / Nikolaj (2021, Production Company) |
Kastrirati kameleona / To Castrate a Cameleon (2021, Production Company) |
Ambienti (2021, Production Company) |
Rodna gruda / Cradle (2021, Production Company) |
Nočko, mami! / Sweet dreams, mommy! (2021, Production Company) |
Skušnja je boljši izraz za vajo (2022, Production Company) |
Praznovanje / The Birthday Party (2022, Production Company) |
Steklena menažerija / The Glass Menagerie (2022, Production Company) |
Bambina / Baby Doll (2022, Production Company) |
Mačka na vroči pločevinasti strehi / Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (2022, Production Company) |
Woyzeck (2022, Production Company) |
8372 (2022, Production Company) |
Ljubezen gre skozi želodec (2022, Production Company) |
52. Teden slovenske drame: Dan nominirancev, 2022 (2022, Production Company) |
52. Teden slovenske drame: logocentrična komedija za sedem punc o delcih, revoluciji in gledališču (2022, Production Company) |
52. Teden slovenske drame: Usedline (2022, Production Company) |
52. Teden slovenske drame: Zgodba o bakrenem kralju (2022, Production Company) |
52. Teden slovenske drame: Weltschmertz (2022, Production Company) |
BITI BITJE (2022, Production Company) |
-IZEM (2022, Production Company) |
Schindlerjev seznam (2022, Production Company) |
Šel je popotnik skozi atomski vek (2022, Production Company) |
Cast Away-Brodolom (2022, Production Company) |
Kurent (2022, Production Company) |
Povodni mož (2022, Production Company) |
Jean-Paul Marat (2022, Production Company) |
Mit o Sizifu, Sisyphus and the Sudden Lightness (2022, Production Company) |
Črne maske (2022, Production Company) |
Skodelica kave (2022, Production Company) |
Virginia Woolf (2022, Production Company) |
O, moja sobitja (2022, Production Company) |
Dvojni plesni večer: Kava, črna (2022, Production Company) |
Dvojni plesni večer: Metamorfoze (2022, Production Company) |
Vsaj veš, da si (2022, Production Company) |
Dobro jutro tovariši (2022, Production Company) |
Sideways (2022, Production Company) |
Ničti prostor (2022, Production Company) |
10-minutna dramska besedila študentov AGRFT: V senci (2022, Production Company) |
10-minutna dramska besedila študentov AGRFT: Zemlja joče (2022, Production Company) |
10-minutna dramska besedila študentov AGRFT: Ali imam štručko v pečici (2022, Production Company) |
10-minutna dramska besedila študentov AGRFT: Vrata (2022, Production Company) |
ALT + F4 (2022, Production Company) |
Tartuffe (2022, Production Company) |
L. V. (Lepa Vida) (2022, Production Company) |
Kar pustim, ostane / What I Leave, Remains (2022, Production Company) |
Bolezen mladosti (2022, Production Company) |
Butalski pripovedovalski večer (2022, Participating) |
Ko se žgem, 1. del: Ženska z vrečkami (2022, Production Company) |
Ko se žgem, 2. del: Zamrzovanje (2022, Production Company) |
Ko se žgem, 3. del: Deklica z vžigalicami: avtobiografska adaptacija (2022, Production Company) |
Ko se žgem, 4. del: Deklica (2022, Production Company) |
Romantične duše / Romantic Souls (2022, Production Company) |
Spominček / Souvenir (2022, Production Company) |
Dolgoročne posledice kratke izjave (2022, Production Company) |
1/4 koraka / Quarter of a Step (2022, Production Company) |
Triadni balet - reinterpretacija, 2022 / Das Triadische Ballet (2022, Production Company) |
Kvadraturin (2022, Production Company) |
Ines / Ines (2022, Production Company) |
To je moj dom / This is My Home (2022, Production Company) |
Biti oče / Being a Father (2022, Production Company) |
Drugi so molčali / Others Remained Silent (2022, Production Company) |
2030 / 2030 (2022, Production Company) |
Deuce / Deuce (2022, Production Company) |
Krik: Prvi glas (2022, Co-Production Company) |
Stanovanje 33 / Apartment 33 (2022, Production Company) |
Iz mesca v mesec / Month To Month (2022, Production Company) |
Stopnje žalovanja / Five Stages of Grief, The (2022, Production Company) |
Punjene paprike / Stuffed Peppers (2022, Production Company) |
Mehurčki / Bubbles (2022, Production Company) |
Konfrontacija podzavesti / Confrontation With the Subconscious (2022, Production Company) |
50/50 / 50/50 (2022, Production Company) |
tartif (2022, Production Company) |
Od kod, dekle, si ti doma (2022, Production Company) |
Dama slanih oči (2022, Production Company) |
Pljuča (2022, Production Company) |
Daljne njive / Faraway Fields (2022, Production Company) |
1. AGRFT festival (2022, Organizer) |
Gnida / Scum (2022, Production Company) |
Kante / Clunkers (2022, Production Company) |
Debeluška (2022, Production Company) |
Človek v lupini ali Kako nekaj povedati z jajci (2022, Production Company) |
Nekje daleč nekaj bo (2023, Production Company) |
Učna ura / La Leçon (2023, Production Company) |
Striček Vanja: Študija (2023, Production Company) |
Plešasta pevka (2023, Production Company) |
Kdo bo? (2023, Production Company) |
Dan nominirancev za nagrado Slavka Gruma, 53. TSD - Tekst telesa (2023, Production Company) |
Dan nominirancev za nagrado Slavka Gruma - Kako je padlo drevo (2023, Production Company) |
Dan nominirancev za nagrado Slavka Gruma - Te igre bo konec (2023, Production Company) |
Dan nominirancev za nagrado Slavka Gruma - deklici (2023, Production Company) |
Dan nominirancev za nagrado Slavka Gruma - Meja (2023, Production Company) |
Bralne uprizoritve 10-minutnih dramskih besedil študentov AGRFT (2023, Production Company) |
Pesem ptic v drevesnih krošnjah (2023, Production Company) |
ŽIVAL-ČLOVEK-STROJ (2023, Production Company) |
Spreminjevalci podob (2023, Production Company) |
Nekoč so govorila drevesa (2023, Production Company) |
Nekoč pred davnimi časi je v kraljestvu daleč stran živel plemič... (2023, Production Company) |
Zob me boli (2023, Production Company) |
Sabljanje (2023, Production Company) |
Oladi, Neli (2023, Production Company) |
Where is my sister? (2023, Production Company) |
Disco Inferno (2023, Production Company) |
Mali princ (2023, Production Company) |
Preobrazba (2023, Production Company) |
Morje izgubljenega časa (2023, Production Company) |
Za soncem (2023, Production Company) |
Gospodična Julija (2023, Production Company) |
Kralj na Betajnovi - pot J. Kantorja (2023, Production Company) |
Grmače (2023, Production Company) |
Slepci (2023, Production Company) |
Spirited Away (2023, Production Company) |
Amerikanci (2023, Production Company) |
Nesporazum (2023, Production Company) |
Enosmerna ulica 1 (2023, Production Company) |
Enosmerna ulica 2 (2023, Production Company) |
Zločin na Kozjem otoku (2023, Production Company) |
Balet II (2023, Production Company) |
Razdejani (2023, Production Company) |
"I do" (2023, Production Company) |
Performativni dan 1 (2023, Production Company) |
Balet I (2023, Production Company) |
Alenka / Alenka (2023, Production Company) |
2. AGRFT festival (2023, Producer) |
Kaj pa z Rdečo kapico?: 2. AGRFT festival (2023, Production Company) |
2. AGRFT festival: Festivalski performativ (2023, Production Company) |
2. AGRFT festival: Pišem ti (2023, Production Company) |
2. AGRFT festival: Astrov: študija (2023, Production Company) |
Domčani / Juvies (2023, Production Company) |
Umirajoči bog Triglav (2023, Co-Production Company) |
2. AGRFT festival: Krik: Vrzeli (2023, Co-Production Company) |
Dušan / Dušan (2023, Production Company) |
Hoffmanov zakon / Hoffman’s Law (2023, Production Company, Production Company) |
Impulz / Impulse (2023, Production Company) |
Razglašena / Out of Tune (2023, Production Company) |
Simonova vila / Simon's Villa (2023, Production Company) |
Smrt / Smrt (2023, Production Company) |
O nekem življenju (2023, Production Company) |
Komaj nič (2023, Production Company) |
Mali princ / Little Prince, The (2023, Production Company) |
Razrezana pita / Sliced Pie (2023, Production Company) |
Živeti v dvoje (2023, Production Company) |
Dober film / Good Movie (2023, Production Company) |
Mama mami (2023, Production Company) |
Ribolov / Fishing (2023, Production Company) |
Osebna / Papers (2023, Production Company) |
Ljudožerci - 1. del / Cannibals - Part 1 (2023, Production Company) |
Ljudožerci - 2. del / Cannibals - Part 2 (2023, Production Company) |
Ljudožerci - 3. del / Cannibals - Part 3 (2023, Production Company) |
Motorist / Motorbiker (2023, Production Company) |
deklici (2023, Co-Production Company) |
Grobo tkane niti / Threads (2023, Production Company) |
Premalo vsega / Lack of Everything (2023, Production Company) |
53. Teden slovenske drame: Dan nominirancev za nagrado Slavka Gruma (2023, ) |
Odmev (2023, Production Company) |
Območje zaupanja / Circle of Trust (2023, Production Company) |
Zbogom (2023, Production Company, Production Company) |
D-mol / D-moll (2023, Production Company) |
Lovedolls walk free (2023, Production Company) |
Lutkovna animacija I (2023, Production Company) |
Agmisterij (2024, Production Company) |
Instalacija (2024, Production Company) |
medtem ko skoraj rečem še ali prilika o vladarju in modrosti (2024, Production Company) |
Alica: nekaj solilogov o neznosnosti časa (2024, Co-Production Company) |
Dober človek (2024, Production Company) |
Ostanejo samo občutki (2024, Production Company) |
QR koda: avtorski projekt (2024, Production Company) |
Performativni dan 2 (2024, ) |
Plesna produkcija (2024, Production Company) |
Normalni ljudje (2024, Production Company) |
Utva (2024, Production Company) |
Okrogla miza Gledališče prihodnosti - prihodnost gledališča? (2024, Production Company) |
Bralne uprizoritve 10-minutnih dramskih besedil študentov AGRFT: Zakaj smo torej tukaj? (2024, Production Company) |
Bralne uprizoritve 10-minutnih dramskih besedil študentov AGRFT: Hortulanus (2024, Production Company) |
Bralne uprizoritve 10-minutnih dramskih besedil študentov AGRFT: Na robu sveta (2024, Production Company) |
Bralne uprizoritve 10-minutnih dramskih besedil študentov AGRFT: 00:00 (2024, Production Company) |
Bralne uprizoritve 10-minutnih dramskih besedil študentov AGRFT: Smrdiš po lepem (2024, Production Company) |
Bralne uprizoritve 10-minutnih dramskih besedil študentov AGRFT: Trpljenje srednje - (2024, Production Company) |
Dan nominirancev - nagrada Slavka Gruma, 54. TSD, Kranj (2024, Production Company) |
Dan nominirancev - nagrada za mladega dramatika, 54. TSD, Kranj (2024, Production Company) |
Nagrade Zlatolaska za študijsko leto 2022/2023 (2024, Production Company) |
Dan nominirancev - nagrada Slavka Gruma, 54. TSD, Kranj - Budnost zimskega jutra (2024, ) |
Dan nominirancev - nagrada Slavka Gruma, 54. TSD, Kranj - Nezakonske matere (2024, ) |
Dan nominirancev - nagrada za mladega dramatika, 54. TSD, Kranj - grem greš greva... (2024, ) |
Dan nominirancev - nagrada za mladega dramatika, 54. TSD, Kranj - Čisto pravi deček (2024, ) |
Dan nominirancev - nagrada za mladega dramatika, 54. TSD, Kranj - Mimobežnice (2024, ) |
Zgodbe iz družinskega dnevnika (2024, Production Company) |
Vzklitje (2024, Production Company) |
Misli neba (2024, Production Company) |
Odhajanje (2024, Production Company) |
Ujede in jetniki spominov (2024, Production Company) |
Kako se gradi človeka (2024, Production Company) |
Drevo življenja (2024, Production Company) |
Tekma (2024, Production Company) |
Beau comme un dieu (2024, Production Company) |
Dom domu dom (2024, Production Company) |
Težka voda (2024, Production Company) |
Dogodek v mestu Gogi - Hana (2024, Production Company) |
Nordijska mitologija - Pred začetkom in po njem (2024, Production Company) |
Nebo davnega poletja - Odsev (2024, Production Company) |
Preobrazba (2024, Production Company) |
Težka voda (2024, Production Company) |
Figurae Veneris Historiae (2024, Production Company) |
Strindberg med genialnostjo in norostjo (2024, Production Company) |
Drame princes - Smrt in deklica I-V (2024, Production Company) |
Ven?! (2024, Production Company) |
Ide gas (2024, Production Company) |
Iskanje sreče ali kdo je tu nor (2024, Production Company) |
Prostor igre (2024, Production Company) |
Conference of the Birds, The (2024, Production Company) |
Kako jemati njeno življenje (poskusi) (2024, Production Company) |
Ay, Carmella (2024, Production Company) |
Čehov material (2024, Production Company) |
Trnek / Hook(ed) (2024, Production Company) |
Prtljage (2024, Production Company) |
Bonaca / Bonazza (2024, Production Company) |
Gogi / Gogi (2024, Production Company) |
Juha / Soup, The (2024, Production Company) |
Vrtnarji ovenelih rož / Gardeners of Withered Flowers (2024, Production Company) |
Cvetenje / Blooming (2024, Production Company) |
Lutkovna animacija I - napovednik (2024, Production Company) |
Lutkovna animacija I (2024, Production Company) |