



Quick Search
Official Hours
Official working hours of both Theatre Archive and Videotheque:

Last Entries
Zadnja šolska naloga (1961)
L'empire (2024)
Nič igranja, prosim! (2003)
Človek v lupini ali Kako nekaj povedati z jajci (2022)
Lutkovna animacija I (2023)

New Archive Items
A8725 - Izginem - strahovi v režijskem procesu - digit. kop. (2024, )
A8725 - Izginem - strahovi v režijskem procesu (2024, )
A8724 - Ribolov (2023, project documentation)
V28148 (DVD)
A8723 - Cvetenje (2024, project documentation)

Most Wanted
Wizard of Oz, The (1939)
Art of Kurosawa, The (2013)
Šičinin no samuraj (1954)
Vitalina Varela (2019)
Cavalo Dinheiro (2014)

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1. AGRFT festival - letak - digit. kop. - pdf. 1. AGRFT festival - poster - digit. kop. - pdf. 1. AGRFT festival - program, digit. kop. - pdf. AGRFT, produkcije zimskega semestra 2019/2020 - digit. kop. - pdf. plakat Akademijski list UL AGRFT 2022/2023, letnik X, št. 2 - digit. kopija - Akademijski list UL AGRFT 2023/2024 - digit. kop. - Blitz Kids - letak - Blitz Kids - plakat - Hočem osvojiti svet 2.1 - Igralka na prepihu kultur - digitalna kopija - Zimska pravljica - plakat -

Note (in Slovenian): Univerza v Ljubljani. Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.

Jovanović (Production Company)
Prostorski problemi AGRFT (Production Company)
Forum / AGRFT TVS 29.4.94 (Production Company)
Obisk (Production Company)
Maskiranje (Producer)
Mladost očetov (1946, Production Company)
Prva interna igralska produkcija (1946, Production Company)
Prvi izpit iz umetniške besede (1946, Production Company)
Mnogo hrupa za nič / Much Ado About Nothing (1947, Production Company)
Striček Mraz (1948, Production Company)
Županova Micka (1948, Production Company)
Varh / The Guardian (1948, Production Company)
Gimnazijci / Gimnazisty (1949, Production Company)
Tri sestre / Three Sisters (1950, Production Company)
Kritika Šole za žene / La Critique de L'École des femmes (1950, Production Company)
Improvizacija v Versaillesu / L'Impromptu de Versailles (1950, Production Company)
Sganarelle ali Namišljeni rogonosec / Sganarelle ou le Cocu imaginaire (1950, Production Company)
Večer umetniške besede (1951, Production Company)
Hedda Gabler / Hedda Gabler (1951, Production Company)
Za narodov blagor (1951, Production Company)
Kralj na Betajnovi (1951, Production Company)
Hlapci (1951, Production Company)
Pohujšanje v dolini Šentflorjanski (1951, Production Company)
Učene ženske (1951, Production Company)
Tartuffe (1951, Production Company)
Šola za žene (1951, Production Company)
Don Carlos (1951, Production Company)
Marija Stuart (1951, Production Company)
Razbojniki (1951, Production Company)
Figarova svatba (1951, Production Company)
Emilija Galotti (1951, Production Company)
Orlič (1951, Production Company)
Cyrano de Bergerac (1951, Production Company)
Veronika Deseniška (1951, Production Company)
Posnetovo prebujenje / The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet (1952, Production Company)
Margareta / La Marguerite (1952, Production Company)
Idealni soprog / The Ideal Husband (1952, Production Company)
Striček Vanja (1952, Production Company)
Tiran (1952, Production Company)
Hudičev učenec (1952, Production Company)
Elektra v črnini (1952, Production Company)
Ana Christie (1952, Production Company)
Marija Stuart (1952, Production Company)
Kozarec vode (1952, Production Company)
Siromakovo jagnje (1952, Production Company)
Cyrano de Bergerac (1952, Production Company)
Črna dama iz sonetov (1952, Production Company)
Ljudomrznik; Tartuffe; Smešne precioze (1952, Production Company)
Gospodična Julija / Fröken Julie (1953, Production Company)
Nalagani soprog / How He Lied to Her Husband (1953, Production Company)
Dež in vihar / The Wind and the Rain (1953, Production Company)
Mrtveci brez pogreba (Nepokopani mrtveci) (1953, Production Company)
Strast pod bresti / Desire Under the Elms (1954, Production Company)
Poslednja noč / La nuit des hommes (1954, Production Company)
Monologi (1954, Production Company)
Cyrano de Bergerac (1954, Production Company)
Orlič (1954, Production Company)
Dama s kamelijami (1954, Production Company)
Bele noči (1955, Production Company)
Sganarelle ali Namišljeni rogonosec / Sganarelle ou le Cocu imaginaire (1955, Production Company)
Tartuffe (1955, Production Company)
Ljudomrznik (1955, Production Company)
Oče / Fadren (1956, Production Company)
Prvi in zadnji / The First and the Last (1956, Production Company)
Kakor vam drago / As You Like It (1956, Production Company)
Škrjanček / L'Alouette (1956, Production Company)
Sen kresne noči (1956, Production Company)
Krefli (1956, Production Company)
Improvizirani prizori na študijskem odru AIU (1956, Production Company)
Človeški glas (1956, Production Company)
Hamlet (1956, Production Company)
Češnjev vrt / Višnevyj sad (1957, Production Company)
Na dnu / Na dne (1957, Production Company)
Tartuffe (1957, Production Company)
Judita / Judith (1957, Production Company)
Županova Micka (1957, Production Company)
Romeo in Julija (1957, Production Company)
Hamlet (1957, Production Company)
Macbeth (1957, Production Company)
Varh / The Guardian (1958, Production Company)
Elektra / Mourning Becomes Electra (1958, Production Company)
Sen kresne noči (1958, Production Company)
Učene ženske; Ljudomrznik; Don Juan (1958, Production Company)
Sluga dveh gospodov (1958, Production Company)
Macbeth (1958, Production Company)
Hamlet (1958, Production Company)
Praznik cvetočih češenj (1958, Production Company)
Bratje Karamazovi (1958, Production Company)
Galileo Galilei / Galileo Galilei (1959, Production Company)
Kar hočete / Twelfth Night, Or what you will (1959, Production Company)
Raztrganci (1959, Production Company)
Monologi (1959, Production Company)
Feničanke (1959, Production Company)
Vojček (1959, Production Company)
Za Lukrecijo / Pour Lucrèce (1960, Production Company)
Hamlet (1960, Production Company)
Othello (1960, Production Company)
Kralj Edip (1960, Production Company)
Izsiljena ženitev (1960, Production Company)
Antigona (1960, Production Company)
Dogodek v mestu Gogi (1960, Production Company)
Brez tretjega (1960, Production Company)
Muhe / Les Mouches (1961, Production Company)
Večer umetniške besede (1961, Production Company)
Sganarelle ali Namišljeni rogonosec / Sganarelle ou le Cocu imaginaire (1961, Production Company)
Iz take smo snovi kot sanje (1961, Production Company)
Rosmersholm (1961, Production Company)
Hamlet (1961, Production Company)
Kamniti gost (1961, Production Company)
Vaja pri Molieru, Improvizacija v Versaillesu in Kritika šole za žene (1961, Production Company)
Vaja pri Molieru, Sganarelle ali Namišljeni rogonosec (1961, Production Company)
Vaja pri Molieru, Šola za žene (1961, Production Company)
Vaja pri Molieru, Tartuffe (1961, Production Company)
Vaja pri Molieru, Ljubezen zdravnik (1961, Production Company)
Macbeth (1961, Production Company)
Tinček Petelinček (1961, Production Company)
Županova Micka (1961, Production Company)
Med štirimi stenami (1962, Production Company)
Don Juan v peklu / Don Juan in Hell (1962, Production Company)
Zdravnik po sili / Le Médecin malgré lui (1962, Production Company)
Bratje Karamazovi / Brat'ja Karamazovy (1962, Production Company)
Veronika Deseniška (1962, Production Company)
Pri Hrastovih (1962, Production Company)
Fiesco / Verschwörung des Fiesco zu Genua (1963, Production Company)
Trudni zastori (1963, Production Company)
Trudni zastori (1963, Production Company)
Učna ura (1963, Production Company, Production Company)
Upornik (1963, Production Company)
Dvojčka / Menaecchmi (1963, Production Company)
Glumačeva smrt (1963, Production Company)
Medigre: Budni stražnik (1963, Production Company)
Uklenjeni Prometej (1963, Production Company)
Medigre: Salamanška jama / La cueva de Salamanca (1963, Production Company)
Medigre: Dva jezičneža / El Rufián dichoso (1963, Production Company)
Medigre: Čudežno gledališče / El retablo de las maravillas (1963, Production Company)
Marija Stuart (1963, Production Company)
Kovarstvo in ljubezen / Kabale und Liebe (1963, Production Company)
Rusalka (1963, Production Company)
Krog s kredo / Der Kreidekreis (1963, Production Company)
Praznik cvetočih češenj / Das Kirschblutenfest (1963, Production Company)
Cyrano de Bergerac (1963, Production Company)
Dona Diana (1963, Production Company)
Gorje pametnemu (1963, Production Company)
Izsiljena ženitev / Le mariage force (1963, Production Company)
Šola za može / L´ecole des maris (1963, Production Company)
Komedija zmešnjav / The Comedy of Errors (1963, Production Company)
Zimska pravljica (1964, Production Company)
Oblast / Vlast (1964, Production Company)
Dva lopova / Dva lopova (1964, Production Company)
Varh / The Guardian (1964, Production Company)
Rendez-vous (1964, Production Company, Production Company)
Nora (Prva zasedba) (1964, Production Company)
Nora (Druga zasedba) (1964, Production Company)
Romeo in Julija (1964, Production Company)
Dva gospoda iz Verone (1964, Production Company)
Veleja (1964, Production Company)
Kastelka (1964, Production Company)
Smešne precioze / Les precieuses ridicules (1964, Production Company)
Dogodek v mestu Gogi (1964, Production Company)
Prizori iz Shakespeara (1964, Production Company)
Skušnja ali kaznovana ljubezen / La Répétition ou l'amour puni (1965, Production Company)
Peklenski stroj / La Machine infernale (1965, Production Company)
Igra o Robinu in Marioni (1965, Production Company)
Striček Vanja / Djadja Vanja (1965, Production Company)
Šola za obrekovanje / The School for Scandal (1965, Production Company)
Kralj na Betajnovi (1965, Production Company)
Jutro pred poroko (1965, Production Company)
Snubač (1965, Production Company)
Medved (1965, Production Company)
Mož usode / The Man of Destiny (1965, Production Company)
Balada o črnem noju (1965, Production Company)
Peskovnik / The Sandbox (1965, Production Company)
Zaprta vrata / Le Huis-clos (1965, Production Company)
Don Carlos (1965, Production Company)
Margareta / La Marguerite (1965, Production Company)
Feniks preveč / A Phoenix Too Frequent (1965, Production Company)
Igra o ljubezni in naključju / Le Jeu de l´Amour et du Hasard (1965, Production Company)
Spoštljiva vlačuga / La putain respectueuse (1965, Production Company)
Kriza vesti (1966, Production Company)
Kako važno je biti resen / The Importance of Being Earnest (1966, Production Company)
V gnevu se ozri / Look Back in Anger (1966, Production Company)
Lažnivec / Le Menteur (1966, Production Company)
Zgodba o živalskem vrtu / The Zoo Story (1966, Production Company)
Shakespearov večer (1966, Production Company)
Ljudomržnik / Le Misanthrope (1966, Production Company)
Kar hočete ali Dvanajsta noč / What You Will or Twelfth-Night (1966, Production Company)
Figarova svatba / Le mariage de Figaro (1966, Production Company)
Pogled z mostu / A View from the Bridge (1966, Production Company)
Kaj je resnica / Cosi è /se vi pare/ (1966, Production Company)
Ovčji kal / Fuente ovejuna (1966, Production Company)
Revizor (1966, Production Company)
Spalnik Hiawatha / Pullman Car Hiawatha (1966, Production Company)
Tartuffe (1966, Production Company)
Ukročena trmoglavka / The Taming of the Shrew (1966, Production Company, Production Company)
Rihard III. (1966, Production Company)
Hamlet (1966, Production Company)
Telefon (1967, Production Company)
Miss Jenny Love / Miss Jenny Love (1967, Production Company)
Lepa Vida (1967, Production Company)
Kritika Šole za žene / La Critique de l'école des femmes (1967, Production Company)
Sluga dveh gospodov / Il servitore di due padroni (1967, Production Company)
Čas in Conwayevi / Time and the Conways (1967, Production Company)
Županova Micka / Molly, the Mayor´s Daughter (1967, Production Company)
Tri sestre / Tri sestry (1967, Production Company)
Marija Stuart (1967, Production Company)
Don Carlos (1967, Production Company)
Madame Sans-Gene (1967, Production Company)
Pokopljite mrtve / Bury the Dead (1967, Production Company)
Variacije (1968, Production Company)
Zapuščena zgodovina (1968, Production Company)
Orfej in Evridika (1968, Production Company)
Oglejte si novi svet, obiščite ZDA! (1968, Production Company)
Drobno življenje (1968, Production Company)
Obisk študentov kansaške univerze na AGRFT (1968, Production Company)
Gospa ne bo zgorela / The Lady's Not for Burning (1968, Production Company)
Zaprta vrata / Huis clos (1968, Production Company)
Lizistrata / Lysistrate (1968, Production Company)
Poslovilna večerja (1968, Production Company)
Agonija (1968, Production Company)
Božični nakupi (1968, Production Company)
Za Lukrecijo (1968, Production Company)
Kralj na Betajnovi (1968, Production Company)
Za narodov blagor (1968, Production Company)
Veronika Deseniška (1968, Production Company)
Romeo in Julija (1968, Production Company)
Hamlet (1968, Production Company)
Macbeth (1968, Production Company)
Improvizacija v Versillesu (1968, Production Company)
Polikarp (1969, Production Company)
Služkinji / Les Bonnes (1969, Production Company)
Žena pred obzidjem / Große Schmährede an der Stadtmauer (1969, Production Company)
Komedija zmešnjav / The Comedy of Errors (1969, Production Company)
Koriolan / Coriolanus (1969, Production Company)
Rihard III. / The tragedy of King Richard III (1969, Production Company)
Katera je močnejša / Den starkare (1969, Production Company)
Dva jezičneža / Los dos habladores (1969, Production Company)
Nalagani soprog / How he lied to her husband (1969, Production Company)
Requiem za vlačugo / Requiem for a nun (1969, Production Company)
Steklena menažerija / The glass menagerie (1969, Production Company)
Ljudomrznik (1969, Production Company)
Šola za žene (1969, Production Company)
Dona Diana / Desdén con el desdén (1969, Production Company)
Dolgo božično kosilo / The Long Christmas Dinner (1969, Production Company)
Smrt pijancev (1970, Production Company)
Sin (1970, Production Company)
Steklenica vode (1970, Production Company)
Freska (1970, Production Company)
Maja (1970, Production Company)
No in (1970, Production Company)
Plave noči (1970, Production Company)
Stekleni zverinjak / The Glass Menagerie (1970, Production Company)
Šola za vdove / L'École des veuves (1970, Production Company)
Francoske kraljice / Queens of France (1970, Production Company)
Izpitni nastop iz dramske ige II (1970, Production Company)
Izpitni nastop iz dramske ige III (1970, Production Company)
V svojem vrtu ljubi don Perlimplin Beliso ali Ljubezen don Perlimplina / Amor de don Perlimplí­n (1970, Production Company)
Okrogle glave in koničaste glave ali Bogatija se rada druži z bogatijo / Die Rundköpfe und die Spitzköpfe oder Reich und Reich gesellt sich gern (1970, Production Company)
Sodba (1971, Production Company)
Kodri (1971, Production Company)
Izraz (1971, Production Company)
Filip Filip (1971, Production Company)
Vladimir Skrbinšek (1971, Production Company)
Pot je končana, potovanje ne (1971, Production Company)
Dvorana (1971, Production Company)
Odkritje (1971, Production Company)
Trenutek resnice (1971, Production Company)
Gospodična Julija / Fröken Julie (1971, Production Company)
Kar hočete (1971, Production Company)
Ljudomrznik (1971, Production Company)
George Dandin ali Kaznovani soprog (1971, Production Company)
Učene žene / Les femmes savantes (1971, Production Company)
Tartuffe / Tartuffe ou l´Imposteur (1971, Production Company)
Pantomima (1972, Production Company)
Letenje v praznini (1972, Production Company)
Ja sam ... / Jaz sem ... (1972, Production Company)
O seljaku i pijesku (1972, Production Company)
Priština (1972, Production Company)
Kalandrija / La Calandria (1972, Production Company)
Impresije (1972, Production Company)
Portret Lidije Sotlarjeve (1972, Production Company)
Dogodek v mestu Gogi (1972, Production Company)
Gospoda Glembajevi (1972, Production Company)
Nora (1972, Production Company)
Čakajoč na Godota (1972, Production Company)
Osem žensk (1972, Production Company)
Pierrot in Pierrette (1972, Production Company)
Spomin na dva ponedeljka (1972, Production Company)
Pogled z mostu (1972, Production Company)
Sluga dveh gospodov (1972, Production Company)
Dva jezičneža (1972, Production Company)
Hamlet (1972, Production Company)
Hruške (1973, Production Company)
Če gori, je hudič (1973, Production Company)
Starinar (1973, Production Company)
Podstrešje (1973, Production Company)
Kartoteka / Kartoteka (1973, Production Company)
Pesem o luzitanskem strašilu / Gesang vom lusitanischen Popanz (1973, Production Company)
Troilus in Kresida (1973, Production Company)
Don Juan (1973, Production Company)
Nenaseljena hiša (1973, Production Company)
Rešen (1973, Production Company)
R.U.R. (1973, Production Company)
Igra (1973, Production Company)
Sveta Ivana (1973, Production Company)
Koriolan (1973, Production Company)
V agoniji (1973, Production Company)
Kavarna (1974, Production Company)
Izdajalsko srce (1974, Production Company)
1370 gr (1974, Production Company)
Črna pega čez oči (1974, Production Company)
Hruške (1974, Production Company)
Lutka (1974, Production Company)
Ali naj te z listjem posujem? (1974, Production Company)
Exitus (1974, Production Company)
Moderato cantabile (1974, Production Company)
Gotska plastika na Slovenskem (1974, Production Company)
Poslednji trak / Krapp's Last Tape (1974, Production Company, Production Company)
Srečni dnevi / Happy Days - Oh les beaux jours (1974, Production Company)
Hotel Plaza (1974, Production Company)
Bakhantke / Bakhai (1974, Production Company)
Zaprta vrata (1974, Production Company)
Čarobna noč (1974, Production Company)
Leda, 2. dejanje (1974, Production Company)
Leda, 1. dejanje (1974, Production Company)
Romeo in Julija (1974, Production Company)
Steklena menažerija (1974, Production Company)
Kar hočete (1974, Production Company)
Svet brez sovraštva (1974, Production Company)
Tri sestre (1974, Production Company)
Gosenica (1975, Production Company)
En dan življenja Vinka D. (1975, Production Company)
Igra (1975, Production Company)
Beli azil (1975, Production Company)
Danjela (1975, Production Company)
Brez ljubezni se pretikaš skozi življenje, živi mrtvec (1975, Production Company)
Zimsko veselje (1975, Production Company)
Kmetija / The Farm (1975, Production Company)
Sranje / Slag (1975, Production Company)
Tri generacije - Šoferji (1975, Production Company)
Dva dinarja / Two Dinars (1975, Production Company)
Revijski skeči (1975, Production Company)
Dan gospoda X (1975, Production Company)
Monologi (1975, Production Company)
Hamlet (1975, Production Company)
Troilus in Kresida (1975, Production Company)
Macbeth (1975, Production Company)
Ifigenija na Tavridi (1975, Production Company)
Don Carlos (1975, Production Company)
Ta veseli dan ali Matiček se ženi (1975, Production Company)
Striček Vanja (1975, Production Company)
Čakajoč na Godota (1975, Production Company)
Šola za žene (1975, Production Company)
TV reportaža - Tri igralke (1976, Production Company)
No pasaran (1976, Production Company)
Pokopališče (1976, Production Company)
Aničina hiša / Annie's House (1976, Production Company)
Moja Ljubljana (1976, Production Company)
Ozri se v gnevu / Look Back in Anger (1976, Production Company)
Escurial / Escurial (1976, Production Company)
Tacek (1976, Production Company)
Plave kite (1976, Production Company)
Portret (1976, Production Company)
Delni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre III. (1976, Production Company)
Aleksander praznih rok (1976, Production Company)
Služkinji (1976, Production Company)
Ukročena trmoglavka (1976, Production Company)
Piknik na bojišču (1976, Production Company)
Novi duh (1977, Production Company)
2 generaciji - Zabavljači (1977, Production Company)
Nora čajanka (1977, Production Company)
Mali vojak (1977, Production Company)
Roka (1977, Production Company)
Tri igralke (1977, Production Company)
Pred zajtrkom / Before Breakfast (1977, Production Company)
Mostovi v Zambiji ali Nocoj bomo zidali (1977, Production Company)
Železniška postaja v Ljubljani (1977, Production Company)
Trnovo, kralj nesrečnega imena (1977, Production Company)
L'bez'n / Luv (1977, Production Company)
Peer Gynt (1977, Production Company)
Strast pod bresti (1977, Production Company)
Primorske zdrahe (1977, Production Company)
Potohodec (1977, Production Company)
Rihard III. (1977, Production Company)
Hamlet (1977, Production Company)
Kostanjeva krona (1977, Production Company)
Zgubljeni koraki (1977, Production Company)
Beraška opera (1977, Production Company)
Koraki (1978, Production Company)
Nekje v mestu (1978, Production Company)
Klinika (1978, Production Company)
Kamen (1978, Production Company)
Tisnikar (1978, Production Company)
Obrazi (1978, Production Company)
Prijatelja / Friends (1978, Production Company)
Šarevčeva sliva (1978, Production Company)
Tri medigre: Budni stražnik / La guarda cuidadosa (1978, Production Company)
Tri medigre: Dva jezičneža / Los dos habladores (1978, Production Company)
Tri medigre: Salamanška jama / La cueva de Salamanca (1978, Production Company)
Učene ženske (1978, Production Company)
Macbeth (1978, Production Company)
Julij Cezar (1978, Production Company)
Kakor vam drago (1978, Production Company)
Dva gospoda iz Verone (1978, Production Company)
Izsiljena ženitev (1978, Production Company)
Izpitni nastop iz dramske ige III (1978, Production Company)
Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (2. semester) (1978, Production Company)
V agoniji (1978, Production Company)
Krivda (1978, Production Company)
Selektivni izpitni nastop iz Dramske igre I (1. semester) (1978, Production Company)
Kralj na Betajnovi (1978, Production Company)
Spoštljiva vlačuga (1978, Production Company)
Portret (1978, Production Company)
Triptih Agate Schwarzkobler (1979, Production Company)
V temi (1979, Production Company)
Amen pod kamen (1979, Production Company)
Sveže novice iz kemije in fizike (1979, Production Company)
Obisk pri gospe Kislich (1979, Production Company)
Igra (1979, Production Company)
Anarholiberalist (1979, Production Company)
Mary Lou železniške postaje (1979, Production Company)
Tango / Tango (1979, Production Company)
Plešasta pevka / La Cantatrice chauve (1979, Production Company)
Poganka (1979, Production Company)
Leda (1979, Production Company)
Čakajoč na Godota (1979, Production Company)
Šola za žene; Don Juan (1979, Production Company)
Zaenkrat smo se izmazali (1979, Production Company)
Saloma (1979, Production Company)
Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (1979, Production Company)
Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (1979, Production Company)
Tri sestre (1979, Production Company)
Kralj na Betajnovi (1979, Production Company)
Blisk v noči (1980, Production Company)
Vid (1980, Production Company)
Ismeta in ostali (1980, Production Company)
Etuda za filmarja in plesalko (1980, Production Company)
Portret: Vinko Möderndorfer (1980, Production Company)
Žabe ali Prilika o ubogem Lazarju (1980, Production Company)
Soba (1980, Production Company)
Mušica ali komedija o finem govorjenju / La Moscheta (1980, Production Company)
Medved / Медведь (1980, Production Company)
Snubač / Свадьба (1980, Production Company)
Ljubezen (1980, Production Company)
Izsiljena ženitev (1980, Production Company)
Ljudomrznik (1980, Production Company)
Macbeth (1980, Production Company)
Hamlet (1980, Production Company)
Faust (1980, Production Company)
Ne budite gospe / Ne reveillesz pas madame (1980, Production Company)
Monologi (1980, Production Company)
Zaljubljenca v podzemeljski železnici / Les amants du metro (1980, Production Company)
Lov na čarovnice (1980, Production Company)
Pohujšanje v dolini Šentflorjanski (1980, Production Company)
Ženitev (1980, Production Company)
Kmetska smrt (1981, Production Company)
Arventur (1981, Production Company)
Bljuz (1981, Production Company)
Ljudje s psi (1981, Production Company)
Peraji (1981, Production Company)
Boštjan / Boštjan (1981, Production Company)
Mesec / Moon (1981, Production Company)
Plivnik (1981, Production Company)
Bitka (1981, Production Company)
Glas (1981, Production Company)
Marino - portret ribiča (1981, Production Company)
Sveča (1981, Production Company)
Bavšica (1981, Production Company)
Strahovi / Gengangere (1981, Production Company)
Za Lukrecijo; Rihard III (1981, Production Company)
Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (1. semester) (1981, Production Company)
Veronika Deseniška (1981, Production Company)
Romantične duše (1981, Production Company)
Jakob Ruda (1981, Production Company)
Kranjski komedijanti (1981, Production Company)
Don Carlos (1981, Production Company)
Vražji fant zahodne strani (1981, Production Company)
Selektivni izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (2. semester) (1981, Production Company)
Okus po medu (1981, Production Company)
Šola za žene (1981, Production Company)
Smešni preciozi (1981, Production Company)
Noč, ko je izginil Maček Feliks (1982, Production Company)
Odločba (1982, Production Company)
Rahel stik (1982, Production Company)
Tri dni prej (1982, Production Company)
V spomin (1982, Production Company)
Izpit (1982, Production Company)
Too Much (1982, Production Company)
Učna ura / La Leçon (1982, Production Company)
Stari časi / Old Times (1982, Production Company)
Utva (1982, Production Company)
Dialogi (1982, Production Company)
Sen kresne noči (1982, Production Company)
Bobni v noči / Trommeln in der Nacht (1982, Production Company)
Svobodni program slušateljev (1982, Production Company)
Tartuffe (1982, Production Company)
Veš sine, jaz sem bohem (1983, Production Company)
In vendar se vrti (1983, Production Company)
V slogi je moč (1983, Production Company)
Važno je imenovati se Ernest / Importance of Being Earnest, The (1983, Production Company)
Ura teče / Time Is Ticking, The (1983, Production Company)
Tja bomo našli pot (1983, Production Company)
Zmagujoča podoba narcisa (1983, Production Company)
Sanjarjenje (1983, Production Company)
Potohodec (1983, Production Company)
Selektivni izpitni nastopiz dramske igre I (1. semester) (1983, Production Company)
Romeo in Julija / Romeo and Juliet (1983, Production Company)
Kralj na Betajnovi (1983, Production Company)
Upnik (1983, Production Company)
Sweeney agonistes (1983, Production Company)
Hamlet (1983, Production Company)
Selektivni izpitni nastopiz dramske igre I (2. semester) (1983, Production Company)
Rak (1984, Production Company)
Irena (1984, Production Company)
Črno in rdeče / Black and Red (1984, Production Company)
Konzervirana ulica (1984, Production Company)
Noč nasilja (1984, Production Company)
Kratek stik (1984, Production Company)
Srp / Sickle (1984, Production Company)
Služkinji / Les Bonnes (1984, Production Company)
Karol / Karol (1984, Production Company)
Izsiljena ženitev; Šola za može (1984, Production Company)
Kralj na Betajnovi (1984, Production Company)
Vražji fant zahodnega sveta (1984, Production Company)
Izpitni nastop iz dramske ige III (1984, Production Company)
Utva (1984, Production Company)
Striček Vanja (1984, Production Company)
Kdo se boji Virginije Woolf? (1984, Production Company)
Izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (1984, Production Company)
Plešem kačjega pastirja (1984, Production Company)
Miška (1985, Production Company)
Pohujšanje v dolini Šentflorjanski / Blasphemy in the Valey of St. Florian, The (1985, Production Company)
Plug in zvezde (1985, Production Company)
Minotavromanija (1985, Production Company)
Mesec dni na kmetih (1985, Production Company)
Avantura v F-molu (1985, Production Company)
Drugi krog (1985, Production Company)
Neznanec (1985, Production Company)
Godzila (1985, Production Company)
Sejalec (1985, Production Company)
Pohujšanje v dolini Šentflorjanski (1985, Production Company)
Tisoč in več (1985, Production Company)
Vrtiljak / Reigen (1985, Production Company)
Ljubezen in država (1985, Production Company)
Ljudomrznik; Don Juan; Učene ženske (1985, Production Company)
Rihard III.; Macbeth; Hamlet (1985, Production Company)
Avtoštoparka (1986, Co-Production Company)
Vakuum (1986, Production Company)
Konjiček (1986, Production Company)
Nekaj na G. (1986, Production Company)
Hedda Gabler / Hedda Gabler (1986, Production Company)
Strel v jeseni (1986, Production Company)
Zgodba (1986, Production Company)
Zima (1986, Production Company)
Capriccioso (1986, Production Company)
Peklenska mandarina / Clockwork Tangerine, A (1986, Production Company)
Mali Rus (1986, Production Company)
V glavi (1986, Production Company)
Lepota in narod (1986, Production Company)
Čakalnica (1986, Production Company)
Talec / The Hostage (1986, Production Company)
Namišljeni bolnik (1986, Production Company)
Izpitni nastop iz dramske igre II (1986, Production Company)
Portret Vide Jan - Juvanove (1987, Subject of discussion)
Opera prima (1987, Production Company)
Pridi sem in glejva (1987, Production Company)
Gospodična Julija (1987, Production Company)
Splav smrti / Totenfloss (1987, Production Company)
Noč bogov (1987, Production Company)
Beautiful side (hard) / Beautiful Side (Hard) (1987, Production Company)
Telstar (1987, Production Company)
Dež / Rain (1987, Production Company)
Prizori: Ibsen, Miller (1987, Production Company)
Kronologija pogodbe (1987, Production Company)
Pripoved v verzih (1987, Production Company)
Tartuffe (1987, Production Company)
Skica (1987, Production Company)
Zločin na Kozjem otoku / Delitto all'isola delle capre (1987, Production Company)
Osvoboditev Skopja (1987, Production Company)
Odpirač (1987, Production Company)
Pred zajtrkom / Before breakfast (1987, Production Company)
Anarhistova naključna smrt / Morte accidentali di un anarchico (1987, Production Company)
Kralj Lear (1987, Production Company)
Gospodična Julija (1987, Production Company)
Nerazumljivosti (1988, Production Company)
Helios (1988, Production Company)
Akademija (1988, Production Company)
Emil (1988, Production Company)
Nina, kje si? / Nina, Where Are You? (1988, Production Company)
Primer Vladimirja Pavlina / Vladimir Pavlin Case, The (1988, Production Company)
Domov (1988, Production Company)
Kruha in iger (1988, Production Company)
Zasledovanje in usmrtitev Jeana Paula Marata / Die Verfolgung und Ermordung Jean Paul Marats (1988, Production Company)
Improvizacije (1988, Production Company)
Sganarel ali Namišljeni rogonosec (1988, Production Company)
Othello (1988, Production Company)
Služkinji / Les bonnes (1988, Production Company)
Ljubezen nam je vsem v pogubo II (1988, Production Company)
Don Giovanni (1988, Production Company)
Smešni preciozi (1988, Production Company)
Razglednice / Postcards (1989, Production Company)
Dediščina / Nasledstvo (1989, Production Company)
Romeo in Julija (1989, Production Company)
Etida za slovenske begunce (1989, Production Company)
Nebesni svod 1915-1989 (1989, Production Company)
Prostor (po)gleda / Place With a View, A (1989, Production Company)
Nekoč je bilo / Once upon a time (1989, Production Company)
Silicijev horizont (1989, Production Company)
Romeo in Julija (1989, Production Company)
Moška stvar / Männersache (1989, Production Company)
Zaprta vrata / Huis clos (1989, Production Company)
Don Lorenzo (1989, Production Company)
Jakob Ruda (1989, Production Company)
Županova Micka (1989, Production Company)
Hamlet (1989, Production Company)
Romeo in Julija (1989, Production Company)
Improvizacije na dano temo (1989, Production Company)
Rihardova lesena noga / Richard´s cork leg (1989, Production Company)
Tri sestre (1989, Production Company)
Prizori (1990, Production Company)
Prizori: Striček Vanja, Utva, Na odprtem morju (1990, Production Company)
Striček Vanja (1990, Production Company)
Učene ženske (1990, Production Company)
Krivda (1990, Production Company)
Premi govor (1990, Production Company)
Sonce (1990, Production Company)
Zakaj jih nisem vse postrelil? / Way Didn't I Shoot Them All? (1990, Production Company)
Spirit of Action / Spirit of Action (1990, Production Company)
Zabava za rojstni dan / The Birthday Party (1990, Production Company)
Ljubiti, Klovni (1990, Production Company)
Razdejanje (1990, Production Company)
Nobene priče, nobenega papirja (1990, Production Company)
Janez Pavarotti - Pojoča žaba / Janez Pavarotti - The Singing Frog (1990, Production Company)
Kovarstvo in ljubezen / Kabale und Liebe (1990, Production Company)
...and What About Morning? (1990, Production Company)
Vesna (1990, Production Company)
Kdo se boji Virginije Woolf? / Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1990, Production Company)
Rešen / Saved (1990, Production Company)
Nastopi klovnov (1990, Production Company)
Čakajoč Godota (1991, Production Company)
One Way Ticket / One Way Ticket (1991, Production Company)
Odmevi v vetru (1991, Production Company)
Dramska igra II 91 (1991, Production Company)
Zločin na kozjem otoku / Delitto all'isola delle capre (1991, Production Company)
Igralec, Petje, Zgodba, Mali princ (1991, Production Company)
Odlomki - Sofokles - Shakespeare (1991, Production Company)
Ljubezen do otroka (1991, Production Company)
Fedra / Phèdre (1991, Production Company)
Kaj je resnica / Così è (se vi pare) (1991, Production Company)
Metuljčica I. del / Little Butterfly (1991, Production Company)
Mississippi (1991, Production Company)
Hipolitova zgodba (1991, Production Company)
Koza je preživela / But the Goat Survived (1991, Production Company)
Služkinji / Les Bonnes (1991, Production Company)
Fotograf (1991, Production Company)
Osmi dan: Podeželski plejboji (1991, Production Company)
Rozenkranc in Gildenstern sta mrtva / Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead (1991, Production Company)
Balkanski revolveraši / Balkan Gunfighters (1991, Production Company)
Služkinji / Les Bonnes (1991, Production Company)
Življenje plejbojev (1991, Production Company)
Prizori (1991, Production Company)
Lov na čarovnice (1991, Production Company)
Kar hočete (1991, Production Company)
Lov na čarovnice (A) (1991, Production Company)
Zeleno (1991, Production Company)
Rdeče (1991, Production Company)
Barve: Zeleno (1991, Production Company)
Sen kresne noči / A Midsummer Night's Dream (1992, Production Company)
Projekt Istropolitana Journal I., II. (1992, Production Company)
Projekt Istropolitana Journal III. (1992, Production Company)
Rodef Gloria de Žigi (1992, Production Company)
Prizori 1991/92 (1992, Production Company)
Prizori (1992, Production Company)
Prizori 1991/92 (1992, Production Company)
Produkcija 1.sem 24.01.in 30.05. (1992, Production Company)
Od Kneippa do kofeta s smetanco in nazaj (1992, Production Company)
Sabajev / Sabajev (1992, Production Company)
Peljhan (1992, Production Company)
Tristosedemnajst a tišina ka (1992, Production Company)
Cirkus Kansky / Kansky Circus (1992, Production Company)
Če bi jaz bil (1992, Production Company)
To smo mi (1992, Production Company)
Summertime (1992, Production Company)
Pygmalion, Steklena menažerija, Spoštljiva vlačuga (1992, Production Company)
Tartuffe / Le Tartuffe ou l’Imposteur (1992, Production Company)
Striček Vanja / Дядя Ваня (1992, Production Company)
Hamlet / Macbeth (1992, Production Company)
Branje Johna Cagea (1992, Production Company)
Prešernove pesmi - Pevcu (1992, Production Company)
Prešernove pesmi - Memento mori (1992, Production Company)
Prešernove pesmi - Kam (1992, Production Company)
To je pot (1992, Production Company)
Sanjal bom kostanje (1992, Production Company)
Jazzie (1992, Production Company)
Last Trip (1992, Production Company)
Sea of Love (1992, Production Company)
Kabare za tri groše (1992, Production Company)
Zgodba, ki je (1993, Production Company)
Good rockin' tonight / Good Rockin' Tonight (1993, Production Company)
Karamazovi (1993, Production Company)
Dialogi (1993, Production Company)
Predavanje o škodljivosti tobaka (1993, Production Company)
Prenašalca spominov (1993, Production Company)
Soba brez številke (1993, Production Company)
Filozofski poročnik in vaščanke (1993, Production Company)
Waiting (1993, Production Company)
Tik pred vojno z Eskimi (1993, Production Company)
Človeški glas (1993, Production Company)
Srečno! (1993, Production Company)
Začasno bivališče (1993, Production Company)
Tri sestre (1993, Production Company)
Narodno gledališče (1993, Production Company)
Daritev na grobu (1993, Production Company)
Grajska dama (1993, Production Company)
Metoda, Prizori (1993, Production Company)
Prizori 1992/93 (1993, Production Company)
Še en dan (1993, Production Company)
O škodljivosti tobaka (1993, Production Company)
V soju noči (1993, Production Company)
Tango / Tango (1993, Production Company)
Višnjev vrt / Вишнëвый сад (1993, Production Company)
Na dnu / На дне (1993, Production Company)
Predavanje o škodljivosti tobaka (1993, Production Company)
Prizori (1993, Production Company)
Maruška (1993, Production Company)
Maša (1993, Production Company)
Tartuffe / Tartuffe ou l'Imposteur (1993, Production Company)
Človeški glas (1993, Production Company)
Don Juan/ Ljudomrznik/ Učene ženske/ Šola za žene/ Tartuffe (1993, Production Company)
Matiček se ženi (1993, Production Company)
Nesporazum (1993, Production Company)
Kaplja zločina (1993, Production Company)
Pri psihologu (1993, Production Company)
Začasno bivališče (1993, Production Company)
Obračun (1993, Production Company)
Pregled (1993, Production Company)
Billie Holiday (1993, Production Company)
Zbiralca imen (1993, Production Company)
Waiting (1993, Production Company)
Mesto umora (1994, Production Company)
Green Dragons / Green Dragons (1994, Production Company)
Forum: AGRFT, TVS (1994, Production Company)
Cavazza Drolc (1994, Production Company)
Feničanke (z dodanimi prizori iz Sofoklove Antigone) / Phoenician Women (1994, Production Company)
Plaža / Beach, The (1994, Production Company)
Bajazid, človek bomba / Bajazid - The Walking Bomb (1994, Production Company)
Človeški glas (1994, Production Company)
Elsinor (1994, Production Company)
Romeo in Julija, Hamlet, Othello (1994, Production Company)
Živite kot svinje / Live Like Pigs (1994, Production Company)
Vlažne stene (1994, Production Company)
Zelo kosmato vprašanje (1994, Production Company)
Tik (1994, Production Company)
Okus po krvi (1994, Production Company)
Ljubezen (1994, Production Company)
Radio / Radio (1994, Production Company)
Potepuh (1994, Production Company)
Korak s časom (1994, Production Company)
Minnie & Moscowitz (2.) (1994, Production Company)
Minnie & Moscowitz (1.) (1994, Production Company)
Pesem brez refrena (1994, Production Company)
Klatež (1994, Production Company)
Fantje (1994, Production Company)
Mami za praznik (1994, Production Company)
Zadnji tango v Parizu (1994, Production Company)
Meseno spoznanje (1994, Production Company)
Niout (1994, Production Company)
Diplomiranec (1994, Production Company)
Namišljeni bolnik / Le Malade imaginaire (1994, Production Company)
Gospodična Julija / Fröken Julie / Miss Julie (1994, Production Company)
Tednik - O prostorskih problemih AGRFT (1995, Subject of discussion)
Tramvaj poželenje/ Orfej se spušča (1995, Production Company)
Služkinji / Les Bonnes (1995, Production Company)
Prizori (1995, Production Company)
EroT(R)ikon (1995, Production Company)
Kralj Lear / King Lear (1995, Production Company)
Ljudožerci (1995, Production Company)
Gospod Puntila in njegov hlapec Matti / Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti (1995, Production Company)
Kratka neresnična zgodba (1995, Production Company)
Dramska igra 95 (1995, Production Company)
Ljubimca (1995, Production Company)
Maks (1995, Production Company)
Narodno gledališče (1995, Production Company)
Gagarin (1995, Production Company)
Fliper (1995, Production Company)
Prave sostanovalke spoznaš v stanovanju (1995, Production Company)
KKK (1995, Production Company)
Syrya / Syrya (1995, Production Company)
Tednik - FTV AGRFT (1995, Featured)
Telefon (1995, Production Company)
Govor kapetana Djuraskovića (1995, Production Company)
Dama v belem (1995, Production Company)
Žena francoskega poročnika (1995, Production Company)
Pomota (1995, Production Company)
Produkcija 1995 (1995, Production Company)
Vohuna (1995, Production Company)
Saj ni res, pa je (1995, Production Company)
Ne čakaj do konca (1995, Production Company)
Človek brez sence (1995, Production Company)
Povodni mož / The Underwater Man (1995, Production Company)
Lunar / Moonwalker (1995, Production Company)
Cesta v pekel / Road To Hell (1995, Production Company)
Lojze se je zbudil tako kot ponavadi / Lojze Woke Up As Usually (1995, Production Company)
Vinska trta (1995, Production Company)
Električni stol nad Ljubljano ali Kaj počne slikar z dvema kovčkoma / An Electric Chair Above Ljubljana or What a Painter Can Do With Two Suitcases (1995, Production Company)
Annie Hall (1995, Production Company)
Moje dekle je še mlado (1995, Production Company)
Zvedel sem nekaj novega (1995, Production Company)
Moj očka ima konjička dva (1995, Production Company)
Najino slovo (1995, Production Company)
Druga izmena (1995, Production Company)
Kratka zgodovina uboja (1995, Production Company)
Upor črvov (1995, Production Company)
Poskusi še enkrat, Woody / Play It Again, Woody (1995, Production Company)
Servant (1995, Production Company)
Baby can dance (1995, Production Company)
Kralj Lear (1995, Production Company)
Povabilo v grad / L´invitation au château (1995, Production Company)
Žlahtni meščan / Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (1996, Production Company)
Vrtiljak / Reigen (1996, Production Company)
Smehljaj / Smile, The (1996, Production Company)
Razigranost v levem in desnem očesu (1996, Production Company)
Pepelca / Cinders (1996, Production Company)
Diareja Co. / Diarrhea Co. (1996, Production Company)
Izgubljene besede / Lost Words (1996, Production Company)
Pavji krik / Peacock's Scream (1996, Production Company)
Učna ura / Lecon, La (1996, Production Company)
Matiček se ženi-Svatba-Kralj na Betajnovi-Ščuke pa ni-Halštat (1996, Production Company)
Ne/znani oder 14.5.96 - AGRFT 50 let (1996, Portrayee)
Nazaj v Ljubljano (1996, Featured)
Produkcija DI, GLR (1996, Production Company)
Shakespeare - prizori (1996, Production Company)
Plešasta pevka / La Cantatrice chauve (1996, Production Company)
Roll over Elise (1996, Production Company)
Ne/znani oder JAN.01 / DIUB/GLR - TVS (1996, Production Company)
Avantura (1996, Production Company)
Mačka na vroči pločevinasti strehi (1996, Production Company)
Izgubljene besede (1996, Production Company)
Državljanstvo na čakanju (1996, Production Company)
Spoved (1996, Production Company)
Zgodba (1996, Production Company)
Veliki bogovi (1996, Production Company)
Prehod (1996, Production Company)
V tvojih očeh (1996, Production Company)
Pred zajtrkom (1996, Production Company)
Lažna Ivana (1996, Production Company)
Antigona (1996, Production Company)
Gnostična maša (1996, Production Company)
Prizori (1996, Production Company)
Romeo in Julija/ Macbeth/ Richard III./ Othello (1996, Production Company)
Na veliki cesti (1997, Production Company)
Orkester / L'Orchestre (1997, Production Company)
Šala zažene (1997, Production Company)
Victor ali Otroci na oblasti / Victor ou les Enfants au pouvoir (1997, Production Company)
Enodejanke (1997, Production Company)
Hamlet (1997, Production Company)
Svatba (1997, Production Company)
Improvizacije - Vaje za ženski in moški glas - Ljubiti (1997, Production Company)
Produkcija prvi letnik (1997, Production Company)
Tri sestre (1997, Production Company)
Brez štroma / FREAKquences (1997, Production Company)
Čarobni prsti / Magic Fingers (1997, Production Company)
Vivere / Vivere (1997, Production Company)
Romeo in Julija iz Kočevskega roga / Romeo and Juliet of the Forest (1997, Production Company)
Koromandija / Xanadu (1997, Production Company)
Otroci na cesti / Children on Street (1997, Production Company)
Črepinjice / Breakages (1997, Production Company)
Ketna za princa (1997, Production Company)
Maraton Portorož 97jan. / Filmski festival slovenski zgodovina (1997, Production Company)
Človeški glas (1997, Production Company)
Etude 1997 / AGRFT (SVHS) (1997, Production Company)
The Pink Panter Theme (1997, Production Company)
Kje so tiste stezice (1997, Production Company)
The intertainer (1997, Production Company)
Razredni sovražnik / Class Enemy (1997, Production Company)
Santa putana (1997, Production Company)
Alergija / Alergy (1997, Production Company)
Solata za dve osebi (1997, Production Company)
Blagajničarka (1997, Production Company)
Neiztrohnjeno srce (1997, Production Company)
Režiserjeva izbira (1997, Production Company)
Mojca (1997, Production Company)
X Mas Morning (1997, Production Company)
Izpitni nastop iz dramske igre I (1997, Production Company)
Noč v hotelu / Night in a Hotel (1998, Production Company)
Prizori (1998, Production Company)
Prizori (1998, Production Company)
Sen kresne noči / A Midsummer Night's Dream (1998, Production Company)
Zven medenine / Misel lažnivka (1998, Production Company)
Zabava za rojstni dan / The Birthday Party (1998, Production Company)
Vbod / The Prick (1998, Production Company)
Stan / Stan (1998, Production Company)
Gola resnica / Bare Truth (1998, Production Company)
Rave do jutra in naprej / Rave Till The Morning And Further (1998, Production Company)
Zijalo / Zijalo (1998, Production Company)
Ne budite gospe / Ne réveillez pas Madame (1998, Production Company)
Desetka (1998, Production Company)
Zjutro / A.M. (1998, Production Company)
Sine / Sonny (1998, Production Company)
Rop stoletja / Robbery of the Century, The (1998, Production Company)
Oglas / Personal (1998, Production Company)
Dim ni kar dim / Smoking It Off (1998, Production Company)
Učene ženske / Les Femmes savantes (1998, Production Company)
Krt pri Savici (1998, Production Company)
Gibljive slike / AGRFT TVS 18.1.98 REŽ.. U.Kos (1998, Production Company)
Smešni preciozi / Les Précieuses ridicules (1998, Production Company)
Ne/znani oder jan.98 / AGRFT Di (1998, Featured)
Delirium Credens (1998, Production Company)
Bakanalije (1998, Production Company)
Umazane roke (1998, Production Company)
Solar 6 (1998, Production Company)
Upornik (1998, Production Company)
Krt v vrtcu (1998, Production Company)
Radio night (1998, Production Company)
Noč legvana (1998, Production Company)
Spal bom cel dan (1998, Production Company)
Oče (1998, Production Company)
Kratka zgodba (1998, Featured)
Kamni (1998, Production Company)
Ples stresa (1998, Production Company)
Frizerski salon (1998, Production Company)
Ne vem zakaj pesem (1998, Production Company)
Nesreča (1998, Production Company)
Predstava (1998, Production Company)
Špela (1998, Production Company)
Brez (1998, Production Company)
Like a Prayer (1998, Production Company)
Talec (1998, Production Company)
Menjava kož (1998, Production Company)
Brain killers (1998, Production Company)
Veter (1998, Production Company)
Lara (1998, Production Company)
Juš Kocham ce (1998, Production Company)
Susn (1999, Production Company)
Razbiti vrč / Der zerbrochne Krug (1999, Production Company)
Vilinček z lune / Pierrot valt van de mann (1999, Production Company)
Besi (1999, Production Company)
Obločnica, ki se rojeva (1999, Production Company)
Blodnje (1999, Production Company)
Sod smodnika, Nežnosti / Bure baruta,Carícies (1999, Production Company)
Bila sem tovarišica, ki je živela kot gospa (1999, Production Company)
Lepotica in Zver čakata Godota v češnjevem vrtu, nakar še smeh (1999, Production Company)
Medeja (1999, Production Company)
Žabe ali Prilika o ubogem in bogatem Lazarju (1999, Production Company)
Noe, Noe (1999, Production Company)
Kralj Lear / King Lear (1999, Production Company)
Čarobnik (1999, Production Company)
10. planet / Tenth Planet, The (1999, Production Company)
Ščetka / Brush, A (1999, Production Company)
Podobe mesta / City Images (1999, Production Company)
Prizori 99 (1999, Production Company)
Vojna zvezdič (1999, Production Company)
Vrt / Garden, The (1999, Production Company)
V tranzitu / In Transit (1999, Production Company)
Še dobro (1999, Production Company)
Avto (1999, Production Company)
Ižanska pravda (1999, Production Company)
Odlomki - A. P. Čehov (1999, Production Company)
Zavratne igre (1999, Production Company)
Jezero / Lake, The (1999, Production Company)
Kaj bi še rad? / The Ultimate Guide for Bachelors (1999, Production Company)
Z nožem / With the Knife (1999, Production Company)
Scenarij (1999, Production Company)
Le v sanjah si tu (1999, Production Company)
Ljubim jo (1999, Production Company)
Fraza (1999, Production Company)
Najlepši valček (1999, Production Company)
Ukinjena proga (1999, Production Company)
Ponedeljkov stric (1999, Production Company)
Do zadnjega diha (1999, Production Company)
Napevi (1999, Production Company)
Kalinka (1999, Production Company)
Fi-fi (1999, Production Company)
Bad boy (1999, Production Company)
Anybody seen my baby (1999, Production Company)
Muha-ha-ha (1999, Production Company)
Verjemi ljubezni (1999, Production Company)
When doves cry (1999, Production Company)
Bog lonaj (1999, Production Company)
51, 52 (1999, Production Company)
Stari banjo (1999, Production Company)
Gori gori moja zvezda (1999, Production Company)
Ruska ruleta? (1999, Production Company)
Avtobiografija (1999, Production Company)
Poslednja cigareta (1999, Production Company)
Na vozičku (1999, Production Company)
Red Line, The (1999, Production Company)
Strah (1999, Production Company)
Galerija (1999, Production Company)
Štrom majster (1999, Production Company)
Ah, ženo, ženo! (1999, Production Company)
Fx, trik u glavo (1999, Production Company)
EPP (1999, Production Company)
Rock'n'roll afera (1999, Production Company)
Cesta / Road, The (2000, Production Company)
Malomeščanska svatba / Die Kleinbürgerhochzeit (2000, Production Company)
Portreta z ozadjem / Two Portraits With Background (2000, Production Company)
Poslednji trak / Krapp's Last Tape (2000, Production Company)
Ljubezni trud zaman / Love's Labour's Lost (2000, Production Company)
Arkadija (2000, Production Company)
Prizori in Županova Micka (2000, Production Company)
Cid / Le Cid (2000, Production Company)
Belle Paris ali Obračun v Louvru (2000, Production Company)
Reklame, Prizori iz vsakdanjega življenja, Cankar (2000, Production Company)
Vaje v slogu - Žrtve mode bum bum (2000, Production Company)
Z ljubeznijo / With Love (2000, Production Company)
AGRFT - promocija / AGRFT dok. TVS (2000, Production Company)
Figurae veneris / Figuae Veneris (2000, Production Company)
MyWay / MyWay (2000, Production Company)
Zlatko! / Zlatko! (2000, Production Company)
Matura / The graduation (2000, Production Company)
Obleka dela človeka / Fine feathers make fine birds (2000, Production Company)
Nekoga moraš imeti rad / You Have to Love Somebody (2000, Production Company)
Žile / Žile (2000, Production Company)
Milagros / Milagros (2000, Production Company)
Dvakrat na teden / Twice a Week (2000, Production Company)
Flašofon / Bottlephone (2000, Production Company)
Gusarski pohod / No more Heroes (2000, Production Company)
Tišina pred nevihto / Calm Before the Storm (2000, Production Company)
Predor / Tunnel, The (2000, Production Company)
Zanamci (2000, Production Company)
Richard III. (2000, Production Company)
Pomota (2000, Production Company)
Večerja (2000, Production Company)
Ime mi je Bojan (2000, Production Company)
Arkadija / Arcadia (2000, Production Company)
Arkadija (2000, Production Company)
Arkadija (2000, Production Company)
Slani dež / Rain of Tears (2000, Production Company)
Puhlež / The Shallow Man (2000, Production Company)
Fiddler on the Roof / Goslač na strehi (2000, Production Company)
Chicago / Chicago (2000, Production Company)
Cabaret (2000, Production Company)
Zmagoslav Tretji (2001, Production Company)
Psiha / Psyché (2001, Production Company)
Shopping and Fucking / Shopping and Fucking (2001, Production Company)
AGRFT / Ne/znani oder Febr. 01 (2001, Production Company)
Kralj Lear / King Lear (2001, Production Company)
Striček Vanja / Djadja Vanja (2001, Production Company)
Ljubiti (2001, Production Company)
Pod mlečnim gozdom / Under Milk Wood (2001, Production Company)
Knjige na potepu / Books On Wheels (2001, Production Company)
Pavle / Pavle (2001, Production Company)
Oblak / Cloud, The (2001, Production Company)
Hot dog / Hot dog (2001, Production Company)
En dan / One Day (2001, Production Company)
Gledališki songi Kurta Weilla (2001, Production Company)
Maska / Mask, The (2001, Production Company)
Snow Angel / Snow Angel (2001, Production Company)
Nasvidenje ljubezen (2001, Production Company)
Modra soba / The Blue Room (2001, Production Company)
Dekle treh očetov / The Girl of Three Fathers (2001, Production Company)
Striček Vanja (2001, Production Company)
To je to (2001, Production Company)
Matematika (2001, Production Company)
SKA (2001, Production Company)
Šola zapeljevanja (2001, Production Company)
Norma (2001, Production Company)
Hamlet (2001, Production Company)
Piaf - Cocteau / Piaf - Cocteau (2001, Production Company)
Berlinski cabaret in Marlene Dietrich (v letih 1920 - 1930) (2001, Production Company)
Ameriški gledališki song (2001, Production Company)
My fair lady / My fair lady (2001, Production Company)
Happy End / Happy End (2001, Production Company)
Nunsense / Nunsense (2001, Production Company)
Orgazmus / Orgasmus (2002, Production Company)
Salamanška jama / La cueva de Salamanca (2002, Production Company)
Lulu (2002, Production Company)
Ljubezen zdravnik / L'Amour médecin (2002, Production Company)
Hamlet / Hamlet (2002, Production Company)
Hoja po jajčnih lupinah / Walking on Eggshells (2002, Production Company)
Sorodne duše (2002, Production Company)
Amfitrion / Amphitryon (2002, Production Company)
Kostanjeva krona (2002, Production Company)
Ljubosumni starec / El viejo celoso (2002, Production Company)
Paviljoni ali Kam grem, od kod prihajam in kaj je za večerjo / Paviljoni, ili kuda idem, odakle dolazim i šta jedem (2002, Production Company)
Modra soba (politik in manekenka) / The Politician and Model (2002, Production Company)
Nočitev z zajtrkom / Bed and Breakfast (2002, Production Company)
Na čakanju / Waiting (2002, Production Company)
Zlato srce / Golden Heart (2002, Production Company)
Che Sara / Che Sara (2002, Production Company)
Izlet / The Excursion (2002, Production Company)
Boš pa mrzlo jedo / So, You Will Eat It Cold (2002, Production Company)
Odlepljeni / Unplugged (2002, Production Company)
Ukradeni otroci / Stolen Children, The (2002, Production Company)
Mesečniki danes spijo / Sleepwalkers Sleep Tonight (2002, Production Company)
Ko bom jaz umrl, bo en majhen pogreb / When I Die, It Will Be a Small Funeral (2002, Production Company)
Filmski prizori, praktične naloge kandidatov FTV / Sprejem FTV 2002-03 (2002, Production Company)
Selitev / Moving Away (2002, Production Company)
Fužine zakon / Fužine Rules (2002, Production Company)
Klara / Klara (2002, Production Company)
Nedelja / Sunday (2002, Production Company)
Jez (2002, Production Company)
Modra soba (dramatik in igralka) (2002, Production Company)
Hamletina iz Hrastovcev (2002, Production Company)
Rdeča soba / The red room (2002, Production Company)
Suša / Drought (2002, Production Company)
O čem govoriva? / What Are We Talking About? (2002, Production Company)
Tamala (2002, Production Company)
Tamara / Tamara (2002, Production Company)
Karlo Jederman/ Jaz Karlo Jederman (2002, Production Company)
Dobr´ je / It´s Okay (2002, Production Company)
Poslednji Krappov trak / Krapp's Last Tape (2002, Production Company)
Karlo Jederman/ Gnar song (2002, Production Company)
Paviljoni ali kam grem, od kod prihajam in kaj je za večerjo (2002, Production Company)
Prekleti kadilci (2002, Production Company)
Krisskoross (2002, Production Company)
Vsakdo od nas kdaj v samoti uzre svoj obraz (2002, Production Company)
Svila (2002, Production Company)
Improvizacije (2002, Production Company)
Silvie Arc Popović (2002, Production Company)
Modra soba / Blue Room (2003, Production Company)
Stebri družbe / Samfundets stötter (2003, Production Company)
Hamlet / Hamlet (2003, Production Company)
Kerst (2003, Production Company)
Sezona 90/91 / Season 90/91 (2003, Production Company)
Eringekrepata (2003, Production Company)
Hladen otrok / Odveč / Španska vas / Trainspotting / Das kalte Kind / Redundant / The Conduct of Life / Trainspotting (2003, Production Company)
Klinika Kozarcky (2003, Production Company)
Ukročena trmoglavka / The Taming of the Shrew (2003, Production Company)
No History - Know History - Part 1, 2 (2003, Production Company)
Zgodba z zahodne strani / West Side Story (2003, Production Company)
Dva (2003, Production Company)
Metamorfoze3 / Metamorphoses (2003, Production Company)
Nočno življenje (2003, Production Company)
Enco, hvala / Enco, thank you (2003, Production Company)
Oko sokolovo / Eye Of The Tiger (2003, Production Company)
Črvi / Worms (2003, Production Company)
Elektro-Orson / Elektro-Orson (2003, Production Company)
Vlažnost 81% / Humidity 81% (2003, Production Company)
Dan v mestu / Day In the City (2003, Production Company)
Bolje kot orgazem / Better Than An Orgasm (2003, Production Company)
Ali sem ti seksi? / Do You Think I'm Sexy? (2003, Production Company)
Kapljica v morju (2003, Production Company)
Klinika Kozarcky (2003, Production Company)
Buc buc buc (2003, Production Company)
Stebri družbe 2 (2003, Production Company)
Stebri družbe 3 (2003, Production Company)
Sever jug (2003, Production Company)
Kaj nam škodi / What is Hazardous for Our Health (2003, Production Company)
Kostanjeva krona (2003, Production Company)
Addiction / Addiction (2003, Production Company)
(NE)ODVISNA (2003, Production Company)
Norec (2003, Production Company)
Prerez semestralnega učnega programa v obliki učne ure (2003, Production Company)
Stebri družbe 1 (2003, Production Company)
Stebri družbe 4 (2003, Production Company)
Solza / The Tear (2003, Production Company)
Moja si / You are Mine (2003, Production Company)
Electric cute / Electic cute (2003, Production Company)
Ona spi (2003, Production Company)
Nočna tarifa (2003, Production Company)
Hlapci, Dogodek v mestu Gogi, Vrnitev Blažonovih, Vojaška skrivnost (2004, Production Company)
Dva gospoda iz Verone / The Two Gentlemen of Verona (2004, Production Company)
Jaz sem Vinko / I am Vinko (2004, Production Company)
Slastni mrlič (2004, Production Company)
Zabava za rojstni dan / The Birthday Party (2004, Production Company)
Nekaj eksplicitnih fotk / Some Explicit Polaroids (2004, Production Company)
Zločini srca / Crimes of the Heart (2004, Production Company)
Seksualna perverzija v Čikagu / Sexual Perversity in Chicago (2004, Production Company)
Strežni jašek / The Dumb Waiter (2004, Production Company)
Peter Kržišnik / Peter (2004, Production Company)
Štejemo / We Count (2004, Production Company)
Avgust Šek / Avgust Sek (2004, Production Company)
Dom za spominjanje / A Home to Remember (2004, Production Company)
Ljudomrznik / Le Misanthrope ou l'Atrabilaire amoureux (2004, Production Company)
Očetnjava / Fatherhood (2004, Production Company)
Sošolca / Schoolmates (2004, Production Company)
Sanje / Dreams (2004, Production Company)
Dora in Fredi / Dora and Fredi (2004, Production Company)
Cabaret / Kabaret (2004, Production Company)
Uspavanka / Lullaby (2004, Production Company)
C'est la vie / C'est la vie (2004, Production Company)
Kyrie (2004, Production Company)
Pisarniška zgodba (2004, Production Company)
Stari Tišler (2004, Production Company)
Rd bi vidu pot (2004, Production Company)
Alter Ego / Alter Ego (2004, Featured)
Dialog (2004, Production Company)
Dialog (2004, Production Company)
God(n) (L)ess musician (2004, Production Company)
Ločitev v 4 korakih / Divorce in Four Easy Steps (2004, Production Company)
Naše sardine / Our Sardines (2004, Production Company)
Sluga / Servant (2004, Production Company)
Razredni upornik (2004, Production Company)
Sigmundove sanje / The Dreams of Profesor Sigmund (2004, Production Company)
Kaj si zares mislim o Woodyju Allenu / What I Realy Think About Woody Allen (2004, Production Company)
Hlapci / The Miniors (2004, Production Company)
Pa tako lep dan / Day Dreamer (2004, Production Company)
Podganar / The Ratman (2004, Production Company)
Mladi virtuozi (2004, Production Company)
Postrvin kvintet (2004, Production Company)
Brucka v Ljubljani (2004, Production Company)
Sedem ur v pet poglavjih (2004, Production Company)
Cabaret / Cabaret (2004, Production Company)
Umetnost giba I., II., III. letnik (2004, Production Company)
Kaligula (2004, Production Company)
Beli dež (2004, Production Company)
Linč (2004, Production Company)
Sozhino (2004, Production Company)
Vonj po... (2004, Production Company)
Philosophy ands (2004, Production Company)
Smrt in ostale pomembne stvari v življenju (2004, Production Company)
Tona brona (2004, Production Company)
Metoda Butoh (2004, Production Company)
Na živce mi greš (2004, Production Company)
Barve: Bela (2004, Production Company)
Nora (2005, Production Company)
Stanovanje v tretjem nadstropju / Apartment on the 3rd Floor (2005, Production Company)
Postrvin koncert (2005, Production Company)
Latino groove (2005, Production Company)
Barve / Colours (2005, Production Company)
Štiršekspir (2005, Production Company)
Zaprta vrata / Huis clos (2005, Production Company)
Na dnu / Na dne (2005, Production Company)
Samotni zahod / The Lonesome West (2005, Production Company)
Flaša resnice (2005, Production Company)
Pop / Priest in Prison (2005, Production Company)
Pičke / Peaches (2005, Production Company)
Grenki sadeži pravice / Grenki sadeži pravice (2005, Production Company)
Učene ženske / Les Femmes savantes (2005, Production Company)
Agamemnon / Aγαμέμνων (2005, Production Company)
Noži v kurah / Knives in Hens (2005, Production Company)
Reka na Poljskem / River in Poland (2005, Production Company)
Primer: Vain / The Vain Case (2005, Production Company)
Pes, ki je umrl ob pravem času / The Dog Died at the Right Time (2005, Production Company)
A mia madre - Moji materi / To my Mother (2005, Production Company)
Angoraangora / Angoraangora (2005, Production Company)
Sretan put Nedime / Good Luck Nedim (2005, Production Company)
Quick View / Quick View (2005, Production Company)
Snubač / The Proposal (2005, Production Company)
Nevidni človek / The Invisible Man (2005, Production Company)
Telegram / Telegram (2005, Production Company)
Veliki pobeg / The Great Escape (2005, Production Company)
Sanje / Dreaming (2005, Production Company)
Gramatikus / Gramatikus (2005, Production Company)
Telegram (2005, Production Company)
O miši in zidu (2005, Production Company)
Ko naju več ne bo / When the Two of Us Are Gone (2005, Production Company)
Raj je raj na Rock otočcu / Paradise is Paradise on Rock Otocec (2005, Production Company)
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2005, Production Company)
Macbeth / Macbeth (2005, Production Company)
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2005, Production Company)
Ukročena trmoglavka (2005, Production Company)
Hamlet / Hamlet (2005, Production Company)
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2005, Production Company)
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2005, Production Company)
Podoknica brez primere (2005, Production Company)
Časovna zmešnjava / Time Mess (2005, Production Company)
Jaz pa grem na zeleno travco (2005, Production Company)
Aljoša, 21 let (2006, Production Company)
Puške gospe Carrar (2006, Production Company)
Ples besed / Dance of Words (2006, Production Company)
Avdienca / Audience (2006, Production Company)
Libero / Libero (2006, Production Company)
Miza, ki tudi laže / Table, that also Tells Lies (2006, Production Company)
Rupa / Luknja / Hole, The (2006, Production Company)
Moje male ljubice / Some Girls (2006, Production Company)
Idiot (2006, Production Company)
Vladimir (2006, Production Company)
Sen kresne noči / Midsummer Night's Dream (2006, Production Company)
Kisli maček / Vinegar Tom (2006, Production Company)
Kdo se boji Virginie Woolf (2006, Production Company)
Bratje Karamazovi / The Brothers Karamazov (2006, Production Company)
Pokemon je za froce / Pokemon is for Kids (2006, Production Company)
Seksualna perverzija v Chicagu / Sexual perversity in Chicago (2006, Production Company)
Improvizacija v Versaillesu / L'Impromptu de Versailles (2006, Production Company)
Teorija igre, 1 (2006, Production Company)
Zdravnik po sili / Le Medicin malgre lui (2006, Production Company)
Pomembno je biti Ernest / The Importance of Being Earnest (2006, Production Company)
Briga me (2006, Production Company)
Kot ptič / Like a Bird (2006, Production Company)
1/2 / 1/2 (2006, Production Company)
Prezgodaj dva metra spodaj / Almost Six Feet Too Deep (2006, Production Company)
Obleka / A Dress (2006, Production Company)
Hej, tovariši / Hey Ho Comrades (2006, Production Company)
Končno na svojem (2006, Production Company)
Sunfall / Sunfall (2006, Production Company)
Elegy / Elegy (2006, Production Company)
Polka je najlepša stvar (2006, Production Company)
Ti si ob meni (2006, Production Company)
Nataliteta (2006, Production Company)
Desno / To the Right (2006, Production Company)
Živela vlada / The police (2006, Production Company)
Kamni / The Stones (2006, Production Company)
Deit (2006, Production Company)
Prekooceanski let (Zgodba o Lindberghu) (2006, Production Company)
Inkognito / Incognito (2006, Production Company)
AGRFT poje pri Gajotu (2006, Production Company)
Teorija igre, 2 (2006, Production Company)
Mirjana Borčič, portret filmske pedagoginje (2006, Production Company)
Intervju Ljubana Strune (2006, Production Company)
Stane Podobnikar - Stanči scenski mojster slovenskega filma (2006, Production Company)
Peter Zobec - portret (2006, Production Company)
Tonski mojster Franci Velkavrh (2006, Production Company)
Tintagilesova smrt / La mort de Tintagiles (2006, Production Company)
Primat II. (2006, Production Company)
Beyond (2006, Production Company)
Mrtvec živi (2006, Production Company)
Umetnost giba I.,II.,III. letnik (2006, Production Company)
Mala gledališka raziskava o samoti (2006, Production Company)
Intuicija je konica spoznanja (2006, Production Company)
Babilonski rov (2006, Production Company)
Al Araf (2006, Production Company)
Človek ne jezi se (2006, Production Company)
Zabava na plaži pri Suarez Guaran Sanchez / Beach Party at Suarez Guaran Sancez (2006, Production Company)
Finally Woken They / Finally Woken They (2006, Production Company)
Dr. Savič / Dr. Savič (2006, Production Company)
Nina in zajec / Nina and the Rabbit (2006, Production Company)
Dr. Savič / Dr. Savič (2006, Production Company)
Black / Black (2006, Production Company)
Kolaček (2006, Production Company)
Dr. Savič / Dr. Savič (2006, Production Company)
Dedicated Follower of Fashion / Dedicated Follower of Fashion (2006, Production Company)
Lovišča hrabrih (2006, Production Company)
Dr.Savič / Dr.Savič (2006, Production Company)
Igrala je igrala (2006, Production Company)
Jerusi / Jerusi (2006, Production Company)
Skušnjava / Temptation (2006, Production Company)
Iz opusa Janka Ravnikarja - klavirski recital / Janko Ravnikar opus - piano recital (2006, Production Company)
Kvartet kitar, nokturno za violino in kitaro / Guitar Quartet, Nocturne for violin and guitar (2006, Production Company)
Mladi virtuozi - kitarski duo Črnobelo / Young virtuosos - Quartet of clarinets (2006, Production Company)
Dva / Two (2007, Production Company)
Etuda (2007, Production Company)
Driada (2007, Production Company)
Kralj Lear / King Lear (2007, Production Company)
Nora Nora / Nora Nora (2007, Production Company)
Job / Job (2007, Production Company)
Medeja / Medea (Μήδεια, Mēdeia) (2007, Production Company)
Tri sestre / Three Sisters (Три сестры) (2007, Production Company)
Fiziki / Die Physiker (2007, Production Company)
Časopis na oder (2007, Production Company)
Plesne predstave - gib (2007, Production Company)
Umetnost giba I.,II.,III. letnik (2007, Production Company)
Rogovci (2007, Production Company)
Amor magister optimus / Love is the Greatest Teacher (2007, Production Company)
Družina / The Family (2007, Production Company)
Agape / Agape (2007, Production Company)
Osa / Wasp, The (2007, Production Company)
Srce je žalostno / The Heart is Sad (2007, Production Company)
Proti oknu / Against the Window (2007, Production Company)
Klepet s Piko / A Chat with Pika (2007, Production Company)
Dedek Mraz / Grandpa Frost (2007, Production Company)
To je Slovenija / This is Slovenia (2007, Production Company)
Vučko / Wolfy (2007, Production Company)
Bordo rdeča / Burgundy Red (2007, Production Company)
Razsutje - igre poslednjih dni / Games of the Last Days (2007, Production Company)
Pogrešal te bom / I'll Miss You (2007, Production Company)
Kot dva polža / Like Two Snails (2007, Production Company)
Lucifer / Lucifer (2007, Production Company)
Turčin / Turčin (2007, Production Company)
Poslovilna večerja / Farawell Dinner (2007, Production Company)
Anatolova poroka / Anatol's Wedding (2007, Production Company)
Potujoči stroj (2007, Production Company)
Lost and Found (2007, Production Company)
Embrio / Embrio (2007, Production Company)
Podelitev Univerzitetnih Prešernovih nagrad (2007, Production Company)
Metoda Butoh (2007, Production Company)
Gledališče in politike predstavljanja (2007, Production Company)
Dvojne igre / Double Games (2007, Production Company)
Škandal / Affair (2007, Production Company)
Kaj zdaj? (2007, Production Company)
Doktor Savič / Doktor Savič (2007, Production Company)
Dr. Savič (2007, Production Company)
Umetnost giba II. - plesna kompozicija (2007, Production Company)
Mladi virtuozi - kvartet klarinetov / Young virtuosos - Quartet of clarinets (2007, Production Company)
Mladi virtuozi; Trio Irenema, Duo Decorde (2007, Production Company)
Dvominutno sovraštvo (2007, Production Company)
Svila (2007, Production Company)
Pasijon (2007, Production Company)
Vrba (2007, Production Company)
Prva devinska elegija (2007, Production Company)
Povodni mož (2007, Production Company)
Uklenjeni Prometej (2007, Production Company)
Črtomir (2007, Production Company)
Lolita (2007, Production Company)
Sprašujem te vse o tebi (2007, Production Company)
Norec (2007, Production Company)
Parfum (2007, Production Company)
Slončki / Elephants (2008, Production Company)
Romulus Veliki / Romulus the Great (2008, Production Company)
Preizkus (2008, Production Company)
Utva / Seagull, The (Чайка, Čajka) (2008, Production Company)
Spol (2008, Production Company)
Sozij (2008, Production Company)
Šola za može / The School for Husbands ( L`école des maris) (2008, Production Company)
Susn / Susn (2008, Production Company)
Razredni sovražnik / Class Enemy (2008, Production Company)
Filoktet / Philoktetes ( Φιλοκτήτης / Philoktētēs) (2008, Production Company)
Variacije na smrt Trockega / Variations on the Death of Trotsky (2008, Production Company)
Besede, besede, besede / Words, Words, Words (2008, Production Company)
Plešasta pevka / The Bald Singer (La Cantatrice Chauve) (2008, Production Company)
Macbeth / Macbeth (2008, Production Company)
Othello / Othello (2008, Production Company)
Romeo in Julija / Romeo and Juliet (2008, Production Company)
Opera za tri groše / Threepenny Opera (Die Dreigroschenoper) (2008, Production Company)
Pozdravi / Les salutations (2008, Production Company)
Kandid ali optimizem / Candide, or Optimism (Candide, ou l'Optimisme) (2008, Production Company)
Umetnost giba I., II., III. letnik (2008, Production Company)
Na senčni strani Alp / On the Dark Side of the Alps (2008, Production Company)
Skrbnik / Caretaker (2008, Production Company)
Roki na steni / Hands on the Wall (2008, Production Company)
Lasje / Hair Extensions (2008, Production Company)
Nebo nad blokom / Sky Above the Town (2008, Production Company)
Vodni čut / Sense Of a Water (2008, Production Company)
Dan v Benetkah / Day in Venice (2008, Production Company)
Janez Janša: projekt / Janez Janša: The Project (2008, Production Company)
Tračnice (2008, Co-Producer)
Eva (this is my life) (2008, Participating)
Vezuv (2008, Participating)
Samoupravni organ / Communist Man, The (2008, Production Company)
Bajsa / Fatty, The (2008, Production Company)
Soldat / Soldier (2008, Production Company)
Ni vse črno belo / Not everything black and white (2008, Production Company)
Kolaž - Ljubljana je bulana (2008, Production Company)
Kolaž - Maljčiki (2008, Production Company)
Klavirski recital: F. Schubert, Impromptus op 90 št.3 v ges-duru (2008, Production Company)
Klavirski recital: S. Prokofjev, Sonata št. 3 v a-molu, op. 28 (2008, Production Company)
Klavirski recital: D. Scarlati, Sonate g-dur K146 L349, d-dur K33 L424, g-dur K125 L487 (2008, Production Company)
Klavirski recital: P. I. Čajkovski, Dumka op. 59 (2008, Production Company)
Klavirski recital: F. Chopin, Ballade op. 52 f-mol (2008, Production Company)
Hedda Gabler, konec / Hedda Gabler, The End (2008, Production Company)
Hedda Gabler, trikotnik / Hedda Gabler, Triangle (2008, Production Company)
Hedda Gabler, album / Hedda Gabler, Album (2008, Production Company)
Hedda Gabler, rokopis / Hedda Gabler, Manuscript (2008, Production Company)
Trava (2008, Production Company)
Preizkus z jabolkom / The Apple Test (2008, Production Company)
Fragma: Merica sreče / Fragma: An Ounce of Luck (2008, Production Company)
Fragma: V roju kresnic / Fireflies (2008, Production Company)
Fragma: Nekakšen sindrom / Fragma: A Kind of Syndrome (2008, Production Company)
Fragma: Ljubezen je energija / Fragma: Love=Energy (2008, Production Company)
Partita v d-molu, BWV 1004, Allemanda (2008, Production Company)
Baletna zmešnjava, G. F. Händel: Suita v G-Duru (2008, Production Company)
Štiri skice za portret Janeza Drozga (2008, Production Company)
Hudournik (2008, Production Company)
Brata po mleku (2008, Production Company)
XX (2008, Production Company)
Cirkulana 41 (2008, Production Company)
Dva obraza (2008, Production Company)
Zadnji tango: v baletni (2008, Production Company)
Jurij in zaklad želvjega jezera (2008, Production Company)
Slakonjak (2008, Production Company)
Hvala za 8 (2008, Production Company)
Narcisa (2008, Production Company)
Šemalšemal (2008, Production Company)
Preobrazba (2008, Production Company)
Nastop (2008, Production Company)
Črnobela (2008, Production Company)
Človek (2008, Production Company)
Kakršnasem (2008, Production Company)
...samo trening........ (2008, Production Company)
Dolgčas (2008, Production Company)
Romeo in Julija (2008, Production Company)
Vincent in Moje življenje (2008, Production Company)
Kasandra (2008, Production Company)
Rigoleto (2008, Production Company)
Izkušnja v celici številka 38 (2008, Production Company)
Inšallah, Madona, Inšallah (2008, Production Company)
Tri ljubezni (2008, Production Company)
Mesečni deček (2008, Production Company)
V Swannovem svetu (2008, Production Company)
Muhe (2008, Production Company)
Slike Doriana Graya (2008, Production Company)
Klavirski recital: S. Prokofjev, Visions Fugitives, Op. 22, 1-11 (2008, Production Company)
Klavirski recital študentov AG, O. Messianen: La Merle Noir (2008, Production Company)
Cambiada, La (2008, Production Company)
Trnuljčica - Variacije Aurore (2008, Production Company)
Sestrična / The Cousin (2009, Production Company)
Hamlet / Hamlet (2009, Production Company)
Projekt Hamlet (2009, Production Company)
Helena / Helen (Ελένη / Elenē) (2009, Production Company)
Fedra / Phaedra (Phèdre) (2009, Production Company)
Improvizacije, prizori iz vsakdanjega življenja, govorno oblikovanje (2009, Production Company)
Borutovo poletje (2009, Production Company)
Ana / Ana (2009, Production Company)
Medved, Snubač, Jubilej (2009, Production Company)
Vas lahko zapeljem? (2009, Production Company)
Tartuffe ali Prevarant / Tartuffe ou l'Imposteur (2009, Production Company)
Saloma / Salomé (2009, Production Company)
Modra soba / The Blue Room (2009, Production Company)
Umetnost giba I., II., III. letnik (2009, Production Company)
Noga mi je bosa (2009, Production Company)
Krištofove slike / Krištofove obrazy / Krištof's Pictures (2009, Production Company)
Zlatolaske 2009 (2009, Production Company)
Darilo / Present, The (2009, Production Company)
Lov na race / Duck Hunting (2009, Production Company)
Trst je naš! / Trieste is Ours (2009, Production Company)
Kralj Matjaž / King Mathias (2009, Production Company)
Dotik / The Touch (2009, Production Company)
Vasi pod vodo / Villages Under Water (2009, Production Company)
Tabataba / Tabataba (2009, Production Company)
Žlahtna plesen Pupilije Ferkeverk (2009, Production Company)
Emergency Lane (2009, Production Company)
To White (2009, Production Company)
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2009, Production Company)
Srečko / Lucky (2009, Production Company)
Nočni let / Night Flight, The (2009, Production Company)
Solze v dežju / Tears in the Rain (2009, Production Company)
Samo še en obrat / Just Another Turn Around (2009, Production Company)
Memento Mori - Sing Us a Song / Gust of Wonder (2009, Production Company)
Kolaž / Collage (2009, Production Company)
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2009, Production Company)
Nevidni prah / Invisible Dust (2009, Production Company)
Igraj kolce (2009, Production Company)
Filozofija in gledališče (2009, Production Company)
Vloga gledalca v gledališču danes (2009, Production Company)
Mali princ (2009, Production Company)
Mož s podstrešja (2009, Production Company)
1984 (2009, Production Company)
Hamlet (2009, Production Company)
Zločin in kazen (2009, Production Company)
Tujec (2009, Production Company)
Preobrazba (2009, Production Company)
Craigovi marjoneti (2009, Production Company)
Nesrečna Marinka (2009, Production Company)
Drage dame, hvala! (2009, Production Company)
Love (2009, Production Company)
Javno (2009, Production Company)
Obvious (2009, Production Company)
Neznam.Nemorem.Neupamsi.Kajti?Jazja.Ahja! (2009, Production Company)
Hvala za spomine (2009, Production Company)
Ko se zbudim (2009, Production Company)
Vsi imamo Marjana v sebi (2009, Production Company)
Delovni jopič (2009, Production Company)
Negativ (2009, Production Company)
Klavirski trio Amarilis: A. Dvorak (2010, Producer)
Obletnica / Anniversary (2010, Production Company)
Moški / Real Man, A (2010, Production Company)
Hodnik / The Corridor (2010, Production Company)
Življenje je sen / La vida es sueño (2010, Production Company)
Bolezen mladosti / Krankheit der Jugend (2010, Production Company)
Konec igre / Fin de partie (2010, Production Company)
Zlatolaske 2010 (2010, Production Company)
Umetnost giba II. in III. letnik (2010, Production Company)
George Dandin / George Dandin (2010, Production Company)
Marjetka , str. 89 (Stara Sablja, Frajer, Mučenik)* / Gretchen 89ff (2010, Production Company)
Marjetka , str. 89 (Črtavec, Freudovec, Začetnica)* / Gretchen 89ff (2010, Production Company)
Marjetka , str. 89 (Diva, Dramaturginja, Hospitant)* / Gretchen 89ff (2010, Production Company)
Marija Stuart / Maria Stuart (2010, Production Company)
Improvizacije (2010, Production Company)
Naša demokracija / Our Democracy (2010, Production Company)
Antigona / Ἀντιγόνη (Antigóne) (2010, Production Company)
Večer treh kratkih zgodb Edgarja Allana Poeja (2010, Production Company)
Večer treh kratkih zgodb Edgarja Allana Poeja (2010, Production Company)
Večer treh kratkih zgodb Edgarja Allana Poeja (2010, Production Company)
Janez Janša. Boga ni. Vse je dovoljeno. (2010, Production Company)
Obisk / Visit, The (2010, Production Company)
Klemen Klemen / Klemen Klemen (2010, Production Company)
Klinci / Rascals (2010, Production Company)
Generacija Južne Afrike / Generation of South Africa (2010, Production Company)
Veter v meni / Wind Inside Me, The (2010, Production Company)
Za zaprtimi očmi / Behind Closed Eyes (2010, Production Company)
Plešasta pevka / The Bald Soprano (2010, Production Company)
Tartuffe (2010, Production Company)
Bojim se zaspati / I'm Afraid To Sleep (2010, Production Company)
To nisi ti / Maska (2010, Production Company)
Dr. Savič / Doctor Savic (2010, Production Company)
Kamijondžije (2010, Production Company)
Župnikov konjiček / Parson's Pleasure (2010, Production Company)
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2010, Production Company)
Kolaž - Odboj (2010, Production Company)
Grenak konec / Bitter End (2010, Production Company)
Klic v sili / Emergency Call (2010, Production Company)
Jaz : sem : samo : slučajno : jaz (2010, Participating)
Dinamika sprememb v slovenskem gledališču 20. stoletja (2010, Publisher)
Polifonično švica super Mario in njegova pravica (2010, Production Company)
Doktor Savič (2010, Production Company)
Doktor Savič (2010, Production Company)
Doktor Savič (2010, Production Company)
Tears in Rain (2010, Production Company)
Money (2010, Production Company)
Ana in Oli (2010, Production Company)
Privid (2010, Production Company)
Življenska pot (2010, Production Company)
Nevideno (2010, Production Company)
Samo kritičen (2010, Production Company)
Breme (2010, Production Company)
Če......................................... (2010, Production Company)
Nenazadnje (2010, Production Company)
Enisto (2010, Production Company)
There and back again (2010, Production Company)
Božanska komedija (2010, Production Company)
Na klancu (2010, Production Company)
Murphy (2010, Production Company)
Starec in morje (2010, Production Company)
Tisoč veličastnih sonc (2010, Production Company)
Mala čarovnica iz Portobella (2010, Production Company)
Otroka reke (2010, Production Company)
Pianista (2010, Production Company)
Ne vem še (2010, Production Company)
Za zavesami (2010, Production Company)
Guba (2010, Production Company)
Bolha in teleskop (2010, Production Company)
(Ob)viseti (2010, Production Company)
Hamlet (2010, Production Company)
Mirko in Lojz (2010, Production Company)
Art (2010, Production Company)
Kerozin (2010, Production Company)
Feršterker (2010, Production Company)
Barve: 3 fluorescentne barve - rdeča, rumena, zelena (2010, Production Company)
Improvizacije (2011, Production Company)
Tartuffe / Tartuffe, ou l'Imposteur (2011, Production Company)
Utva / Čajka (2011, Production Company)
Lepotica in zver (2011, Production Company)
Postaja / Station, The (2011, Production Company)
Trio Evterpa / Trio Evterpa (2011, Production Company)
Ensamble 4 Saxess (2011, Production Company)
Beli zajec / White Rabbit (2011, Production Company)
Srečanje oblakov (2011, Production Company)
Besedila za nič (2011, Production Company)
Pod perutnico noči (2011, Participating)
Kaj zdaj? (2011, Production Company)
Medeja / Μήδεια / Mēdeia (2011, Production Company)
Žabe (2011, Production Company)
Alkestida / Ἄλκηστις (2011, Production Company)
Zavratne igre / Jeux de massacre (2011, Production Company)
Izdajalsko srce (2011, Production Company)
Berači (2011, Production Company)
Zamorka (2011, Production Company)
Upornik (2011, Production Company)
Crucifixion (2011, Production Company)
V kaverni (2011, Production Company)
Ni obale Ni (2011, Production Company)
Vergerij (2011, Production Company)
Grmače (2011, Production Company)
Ozvezdje - Súhvezdia / Star constellations (2011, Production Company)
Pogovor z Veno Tauferjem na UL AGRFT (2011, Production Company)
Umetnost giba I., II. in III. letnik (2011, Production Company)
Cesar / Emperor, The (2011, Production Company)
Besni prerok / Furious Prophet, The (2011, Production Company)
Peter Bossman dobrodošel / Welcome Peter Bossman (2011, Production Company)
Smeti / Garbage day (2011, Production Company)
Časovna banka / Time Bank (2011, Production Company)
Poročnik in kurat / Lieutenant and Curate (2011, Production Company)
Boben usode / Drums of destiny (2011, Production Company)
Kot kakšna žival se počutiš, ko si zaljubljena? / With what kind of animal do you associate with, when you're in love? (2011, Production Company)
Nikamor 13:22 / Nowhere 13:22 (2011, Production Company)
Kje si stari? / What's up, dude? (2011, Production Company)
Nad mestom se dani / Sunrise Over the City (2011, Production Company)
Preklete podlasice / Damn those weasles (2011, Production Company)
Izpit / Exam, The (2011, Production Company)
Onkraj (2011, Production Company)
Mesidž (2011, Production Company)
Gramofon (2011, Production Company)
Od nas neče dobiti niko ništa (2011, Production Company)
Kill Kenny - When it's over (2011, Production Company)
Cyrano de Bergerac / Cyrano de Bergerac (2011, Production Company)
Sean Conneries, The - Bedn da smrdim (2011, Production Company)
Astronavt (2011, Production Company)
Rock Partyzani - Anka Partizanka (2011, Production Company)
Pobeg / Escape (2011, Production Company)
Rock Partyzani - Vsi v en glas (2011, Production Company)
Sean Conneries, The - Never Ever (2011, Production Company)
Kill Kenny - Tarirariii (2011, Production Company)
Zmaj / Dragon (2011, Production Company)
Karadžićev test / Karadžić's test (2011, Production Company)
10 minut pred: Slike smrti (2011, Production Company)
Asimptota konca (2011, Production Company)
Me doy cuenta de que me faltas (2011, Production Company)
Odpisana (2011, Production Company)
Kje smo - tu smo (2011, Production Company)
Svetloba noči (2011, Production Company)
Poslednji ples? (2011, Production Company)
Croquis (2011, Production Company)
Življenje se vali skozi tebe kot ogromen plaz (2011, Production Company)
Inferno (2011, Production Company)
Night's Dawn, The (2011, Production Company)
Slovenska zborna izreka (2011, Production Company)
Monte Cristo (2011, Production Company)
Beg (2011, Production Company)
Ravnovesje (2011, Production Company)
Volk (2011, Production Company)
M.E.D (2011, Production Company)
Kolaž: Radiohead - Creep (2011, Production Company)
Doktor Savič / Doctor Savic (2011, Production Company)
Šok terapija (2011, Production Company)
Prepih (2011, Production Company)
Šporget (2011, Production Company)
Parnas (2011, Production Company)
FeTeVe (2011, Production Company)
Ne se sončit (2012, Production Company)
Tri sestre, Utva (2012, Production Company)
Don Juan (2012, Production Company)
Priredba Učenih žensk J. P. Moliera: Učene pičke ali Naj svet šumi (2012, Production Company)
Potohodec (2012, Production Company)
Noč akademij - Triada 2012 (2012, Production Company)
DEAD FATHER, Kam je odšel naš Veliki Oče? / DEAD FATHER, Where Did Our Great Father Go To? (2012, Production Company)
Zadet pravi čas (2012, Production Company)
Kri - nolina (2012, Production Company)
Božji otroci / Children of God (2012, Production Company)
Kdo in kaj / Who and What (2012, Production Company)
Pasji ravs (2012, Production Company)
Železniška postaja Litija (2012, Production Company)
EN stolEN stol (2012, Production Company)
INN - GLORIUS BODIES (2012, Production Company)
VIETNAMSKI PüJSKI (2012, Production Company)
Julij Cezar / The Tragedy of Julius Caesar (2012, Production Company)
Rihard III (2012, Production Company)
Mojster in Margareta (2012, Production Company)
Mali princ (2012, Production Company)
Plašč (2012, Production Company)
Preobrazba (2012, Production Company)
Norveški gozd (2012, Production Company)
Tarahumari (2012, Production Company)
Karkoli je bolje kot nič? (2012, Production Company)
Primadona (2012, Production Company)
Salbutamolum (2012, Production Company)
Snooze (2012, Production Company)
Prisila (2012, Production Company)
Popol (2012, Production Company)
Razpeti mladiček (2012, Production Company)
Al dente (2012, Production Company)
Poročilo akademiji (2012, Production Company)
Benjamin / Benjamin (2012, Production Company)
Maks / Maks (2012, Production Company)
Messi se je poškodoval / Messi injured (2012, Production Company)
Franček in Otilija / Franček and Otilija (2012, Production Company)
Hamlet / Medij (2012, Production Company)
Kaj dobim, če svetu odvzamem rdečo? (2012, Production Company)
Zaprta vrata (2012, Production Company)
Goli obed (2012, Production Company)
Domača bolezen za smrt (2012, Production Company)
Pad (2012, Production Company)
Ni ga ni ga (2012, Production Company)
Limonada / Lemonade (2012, Production Company)
Na poti / On the Road (2012, Production Company)
Zid / Wall (2012, Production Company)
Vsiljivka / Intruder, The (2012, Production Company)
Kekec, tri dni pred poroko / Kekec, Three Days Before Marriage (2012, Production Company)
Mladost / Youth (2012, Production Company)
Sedmina / The Afters of a Funeral (2012, Production Company)
Ko sem se pogledala v ogledalo, sem bila videti stara (2012, Production Company)
Amelia / Amelia (2012, Production Company)
Divji vzhod / Wild East (2012, Production Company)
Orfej / Orfeo, L' (2012, Production Company)
Časotresk / Time Turn (2012, Production Company)
Montaža ekstaza (2012, Production Company)
Krvavice / Bloody Sausages (2012, Production Company)
Na polno slab dan / Worst day ever (2012, Production Company)
Po Magrittu / After Magritte (2012, Production Company)
Od zdaj naprej boš ti likal (2012, Production Company)
Kar hočete (2012, Production Company)
Frker (2012, Production Company)
Bit (2012, Production Company)
FeTeVe (2012, Production Company)
Ljubim mestece (2012, Production Company)
Glasbeni triumf (2012, Production Company)
Do dna (2012, Production Company)
Filmski almanah (2012, Production Company)
Kultura (2012, Production Company)
Gang novice (2012, Production Company)
Machine de Molière, La (2013, Production Company)
Produkcija prvega letnika dramske igre, gledališke režije in dramaturgije (2013, Production Company)
Umazane roke / Les Mains sales (2013, Production Company)
Metamorfoze (2013, Production Company)
Ničesar ne obžalujem (2013, Production Company)
Butoh / Butoh (2013, Production Company)
Kaligula et al. (2013, Production Company)
Rešeni (2013, Production Company)
Predstava ob jezeru (Zidar) (2013, Production Company)
Beg / Escape (2013, Production Company)
Bencin / Gasoline (2013, Production Company)
Punce / Girls (2013, Production Company)
Pomladi / Spring (2013, Production Company)
Kam / Where to (2013, Production Company)
Ivan brez življenja / John Lacklife (2013, Production Company)
Moje ime je Ogledalo / My name is Mirror (2013, Production Company)
Na kolesih zgodovine / On the Wheels of History (2013, Production Company)
Medijski projekt: Murko / Media product: Murko (2013, Production Company)
Sesalnik / Vacuum Cleaner, The (2013, Production Company)
Kings, Love and Shakespeare's Rock'n'roll (2013, Production Company)
Predstava ob jezeru (Grabnar) (2013, Production Company)
Predstava ob jezeru (Divjak) (2013, Production Company)
Stoli / Les Chaises (2013, Production Company)
Skomine / Crane (2013, Production Company)
Služkinji / Les Bonnes (2013, Production Company)
Pluton (2013, Production Company)
Babe stare (2013, Production Company)
Striptiz (2013, Production Company)
Pozabljeno slovo (2013, Production Company)
Kirtan (2013, Production Company)
Naga na Prešercu (2013, Production Company)
BUTOCáN (2013, Production Company)
Zjutraj se zbudim pa te ni in se vprašam zakaj... (2013, Production Company)
Sodobne plesne tehnike I, II, III (2013, Production Company)
Izhod / Leave, The (2013, Production Company)
Pleme , to sem jaz (2013, Production Company)
Trilogija gospodar prstanov (2013, Production Company)
Trenuci (2013, Production Company)
Peti element (2013, Production Company)
Frida ali o bolečini (2013, Production Company)
Tihi škrebetavec (2013, Production Company)
People ain't no good (2013, Production Company)
Minotaver (2013, Production Company)
Kralj Lear (2013, Production Company)
J. L. Galeb (2013, Production Company)
Črni deček (2013, Production Company)
Lucifer in Lilith / Lucifer and Lilith (2013, Production Company)
Prepričanje / Belief (2013, Production Company)
Njen otrok / Her Child (2013, Production Company)
Kopanje / Diving In (2013, Production Company)
Prihodi odhodi / Arrivals Departures (2013, Production Company)
Ž'vali (2013, Production Company)
Avgust / Avgust (2013, Production Company)
Ta zahvalni dan / This Thanksgiving Day (2013, Production Company)
100 točk / Top Score (2013, Production Company)
Skupinska razstava kustomgrafskih skic, fotografij in kostumov (2013, Participating)
Skušnja (2013, Production Company)
Skozi kostum spregovorim (2013, Production Company)
Starinski plesi (2013, Production Company)
Urškine sanje (2013, Production Company)
Lazar (2013, Production Company)
Nindri Indri (2013, Production Company)
Bushido (2013, Production Company)
Ali ljubiš mrliče z živim srcem (2013, Production Company)
Nedeljsko kosilo (2013, Production Company)
Nastop (2013, Production Company)
Iz zakladnice neuspeha (2013, Production Company)
Brez naslova (2013, Production Company)
Neverjetno neprijetno (2013, Production Company)
Ob kaminu (2013, Production Company)
Tematike (2013, Production Company)
Kumbukumbu (2013, Production Company)
Triko (drugi del, r. Ramšak) (2014, Production Company)
Triko (prvi del, r. Lucu) (2014, Production Company)
Produkcija 1. semestra GLR, DI in DSU (2014, Production Company)
1981 (2014, Production Company)
Berenika / Bérénice (2014, Production Company)
Andromaha / Andromaque (2014, Production Company)
Britanik / Britannicus (2014, Production Company)
Protection (2014, Production Company)
Balet in ples I (2014, Production Company)
Balet in ples II (2014, Production Company)
Vsa ta ljubezen (2014, Production Company)
MGL & AGRFT ROCKS! (2014, Participating)
Zdaj letim! (2014, Production Company)
Tik pred revolucijo: Mladost (2014, Production Company)
Produkcija II. semestra GLR, DI in DSU (2014, Production Company)
Zaljubljenca v podzemni železnici, 1. del, r. Ramšak / The Underground Lovers (2014, Production Company)
Zaljubljenca v podzemni železnici, 2. del, r. Lucu / The Underground Lovers (2014, Production Company)
Avtorski projekt: Uspeh (2014, Production Company)
Penelopa (2014, Production Company)
Pogreb (2014, Production Company)
Biljard na hard (2014, Production Company)
Maskiran kriminal (2014, Production Company)
Free Božidar / Free Božidar (2014, Production Company)
Rejnica / Foster Mom (2014, Production Company)
Zdravo! / Nazdar! (2014, Production Company)
Hiša odprtih rok / House of Open Arms, The (2014, Production Company)
Mladi Menendes / Diego Menendes: The Early Years (2014, Production Company)
Moja lasulja (2014, Production Company)
Kdo hudiča je Aydin Demir?! / Who the Fuck is Aydin Demir?! (2014, Production Company)
Obljubu si / You Promised (2014, Production Company)
Proti toku (2014, Production Company)
Iluzije (2014, Production Company)
Cmurek (2014, Production Company)
Mornar (2014, Production Company)
Severne Elegije (2014, Production Company)
Črni deček (2014, Production Company)
Way of Peaceful Warior, The (2014, Production Company)
Odeje (2014, Production Company)
Ženske (2014, Production Company)
Čakajoč Godota (2014, Production Company)
Dnevnik uživalca mamil (2014, Production Company)
Baal (2014, Production Company)
Na cesti (2014, Production Company)
Plavanje / Swimming (2014, Production Company)
Talenti / Talent Show (2014, Production Company)
Tujca / Strangers (2014, Production Company)
Prespana pomlad / Springtime Sleep, The (2014, Production Company)
Svetlo črna / Bright Black (2014, Production Company)
Vroča lazanja / Hot Lasagne (2014, Production Company)
Nisem ji pomahala, ko se je odpeljala z busom, čeprav vem, da je pogledala ven / I Didn't Wave Her Goodbye When She Left On a Bus Even Though I Knew She Looked Outside (2014, Production Company)
Potenje morskega ježka / Sweating of Sea Urchins, The (2014, Production Company)
Gotska okna (2014, Production Company)
16 (2014, Co-Production Company)
Tretji zaplodek (2014, Production Company)
Stebri soli (2014, Production Company)
Podoba iz otroštva (2014, Production Company)
pretekLOST (2014, Production Company)
Postrgavček ali moja nit (2014, Production Company)
Peti element II (2014, Production Company)
Bimbo(m) (2014, Production Company)
Poslednji trak (2014, Production Company)
Taleportala (2014, Production Company)
Kopati za ognjem (2014, Production Company)
Sodobne plesne tehnike I, II, III (2014, Production Company)
Balet in ples II (2014, Production Company)
Balet in ples I (2014, Production Company)
Stolpa (2014, Production Company)
Urbana histerija (2014, Production Company)
Another point of view (2014, Production Company)
Petek, 13. april 2001 (2014, Production Company)
Panopticon (2014, Production Company)
Zvezda v baletni (2014, Production Company)
Gledališče upora - simpozij v sklopu Borštnikovega srečanja / Pogovor o partizanskem gledališču z Ivanko Mežan, Zoro Konjajev in Aleksandrom Valičem (2014, Production Company)
Pogovor z uspešneži (2014, Production Company)
Herostrat (2014, Production Company)
Interpretacija sanj Alexandra McQuera (2014, Production Company)
Časovni stroj (2014, Production Company)
Dobro jutro - dober dan! (2014, Production Company)
Betl Ham (2014, Production Company)
Gremo mi po znanje (2014, Production Company)
Med zvokom in glasbo (2014, Production Company)
Keš, avti in r'n'r (2014, Production Company)
Glej kaj vem (2014, Production Company)
Urban life (2014, Production Company)
Filmska delavnica 2014 (2014, Production Company)
Čiščenje idiota (2015, Production Company)
Gozd se svetlika (2015, Production Company)
Jaz ali kdo drug (2015, Production Company)
Hamlet (2015, Production Company)
Produkcija I. semestra GLR in DI (2015, Production Company)
Striček Vanja (2015, Production Company)
Kralj Lear (2015, Production Company)
Banana Split (2015, Production Company)
Kaj pa bi, če bi (2015, Production Company)
Imela bi otroke, vrt in petnajst zajcev (2015, Production Company)
Tretji zaplodek - radijska igra (2015, Production Company)
Čas, minevanje (2015, Production Company)
Služkinji (2015, Production Company)
C8H11N (2015, Production Company)
Cardiophillia (2015, Production Company)
Soba (2015, Production Company)
Kar's naredu s' naredu ali šešir od kamenja (2015, Production Company)
Od mene k tebi (2015, Production Company)
Aj voliš - aj volim (2015, Production Company)
Tashi delek (2015, Production Company)
Munubu (2015, Production Company)
Okostja meduz (2015, Production Company)
UMRIuMIRU (2015, Production Company)
Rez (2015, Production Company)
MARAT: PO (2015, Production Company)
Jagababa (2015, Production Company)
Nostalgija (2015, Production Company)
Kdo je napravil Vidku srajčico (2015, Production Company)
Hipolit (2015, Production Company)
Henderson, kralj dežja (2015, Production Company)
Komunistični manifest (2015, Production Company)
Nevarna razmerja (2015, Production Company)
Zvezdnate noči (2015, Production Company)
Jonatan Livingston Galeb (2015, Production Company)
Božanska komedija - Pekel (2015, Production Company)
Skomine (2015, Production Company)
Ž (2015, Production Company)
Leteča opica, čepeči tiger - zlata pest uničenja / Boj s svojo senco (2015, Production Company)
Filmska delavnica 2015 (2015, Production Company)
Prizoratorij (2015, Production Company)
Plešasta pevka (2015, Production Company)
La Justice ali utrujajoče ravnovesje (2015, Production Company)
Plešasta pevka (2015, Production Company)
Služkinji (2015, Production Company)
Tik pred revolucijo: Kako sem postal terorist (2015, Production Company)
Gospod Nahtingal Včeraj Zdaj (2015, Production Company)
Norčevanje teme (2015, Production Company)
E.T.I.D.A. (2015, Production Company)
Moj Devetsto (2015, Production Company)
Csillag (2015, Production Company)
Medeja, Medeja, Medeja (2015, Production Company)
Avtorski projekt: O ... (2015, Production Company)
Ognjeni fantje / Fire Boys (2015, Production Company)
Tri sestre (2015, Production Company)
Mikrofon v zidu (2015, Production Company)
Za ščepec premalo soli (2015, Production Company)
Coitus interruptus (2015, Production Company)
Alex / Alex (2015, Production Company)
Surovo meso (2015, Production Company)
Hana (2015, Production Company)
Smeh (2015, Production Company)
Zahajanje (2015, Production Company)
V postelji s Titom / Sleeping With Tito (2015, Production Company)
Ravnotežje / Balance (2015, Production Company)
Veverce / Squirrels (2015, Production Company)
Punca brez imena / Girl Without a Name, The (2015, Production Company)
Nazaj / Backwards (2015, Production Company)
Na novo / Anew (2015, Production Company)
Male ribe / Little Fish (2015, Production Company)
Riot Ana / Riot Ana (2015, Production Company)
Krhanje lepote / Abrasion of Beauty (2015, Co-Producer)
Živalski vrt / ZOO (2015, Production Company)
Sodobne plesne tehnike I (2015, Production Company)
Sodobne plesne tehnike II (2015, Production Company)
Zborovanje ptic / Manteq Al - Teyr (2015, Co-Production Company)
Pravila igre (2015, Production Company)
Popokatepetl (2015, Co-Production Company)
Balet in ples I (2015, Production Company)
Ne nazaj / Just Not Back (2015, Production Company)
Ameriška / American Story (2015, Production Company)
Recepcija (2015, Production Company)
Zvočno snemanje branja dramskih besedil na FBS (2015, Production Company)
Triko (2015, Production Company)
Vaje v slogu (2015, Production Company)
Sem in se ne izprašujem zakaj (2015, Production Company)
Pravica do avanture / Right to Adventure, The (2015, Co-Production Company)
Nalezljivo veselje / Joy (2015, Co-Production Company)
Ples limon / Lemon Dance (2015, Co-Production Company)
Stoječi komik (2015, Production Company)
Ritm stil (2015, Production Company)
U cirkusu (2015, Production Company)
Kreni plus - 1. oddaja (2015, Production Company)
Kreni plus - 2. oddaja (2015, Production Company)
Kreni plus - 3. oddaja (2015, Production Company)
Kreni plus - 4. oddaja (2015, Production Company)
Kreni plus - 5. oddaja (2015, Production Company)
Mini opere (2016, Co-Producer)
Džroazanmo (2016, Production Company)
Antigona (2016, Production Company)
Kralj Ojdipus (2016, Production Company)
Malomeščanska svatba / Die Kleinbürgerhochzeit (2016, Production Company)
12 (2016, Production Company)
Soneti (2016, Production Company)
Balet in ples I (2016, Production Company)
Balet in ples II (2016, Production Company)
Torzo (2016, Production Company)
Naj gre vse v Pi ali kako sem si zapomnil 3141 decimalk (2016, Production Company)
Počivaj v miru (2016, Production Company)
Ljubezen in smrt (2016, Production Company)
Šola letenja / Sodobne plesne tehnike I (2016, Production Company)
Tehnične ovire / Sodobne plesne tehnike II (2016, Production Company)
Gibna razstava - Peformance / Sodobne plesne tehnike I in II (2016, Production Company)
Hiša Bernarde Alba / La casa de Bernarda Alba (2016, Production Company)
Molieremobil (2016, Production Company)
GRU - GRU (2016, Production Company)
Srečanje (2016, Production Company)
Slastni gnus / Delicious Disgust, The (2016, Production Company)
Morbideja / Morbidea (2016, Production Company)
Povej naprej / Tell On (2016, Production Company)
Tuper vare / Tuper Vare (2016, Production Company)
Hočem bit slon (2016, Production Company)
Misli / Thoughts (2016, Production Company)
Šum / Interference (2016, Production Company)
K.A.O.S. / C.H.A.O.S. (2016, Production Company)
Vis-a-vis / Vis-a-vis (2016, Production Company)
Domov k spominu / Back To The Memories (2016, Production Company)
Kontaktna improvizacija (2016, Production Company)
Gospod golob / Mister Pigeon (2016, Production Company)
Jogi in škatla / Jogi And a Box (2016, Production Company)
Oropana duša / Robbed Soul (2016, Production Company)
Agape - obredi ljubezni / Prvi del / ženske (2016, Production Company)
Agape - obredi ljubezni / Drugi del / moški (2016, Production Company)
Odtisi / Impressions (2016, Production Company)
Avtorska kompozicija II (2016, Production Company)
Avtorska kompozicija III (2016, Production Company)
Ljubljana - München 15:27 / Ljubljana - München 15:27 (2016, Production Company)
Slekla se bom v rumeno (2016, Production Company)
Par poletja / LoveQuiz 2016 (2016, Production Company)
Inhibis - Sleep (2016, Production Company)
Usmiljenje / Charity (2016, Production Company)
Persons from Porlock - Avalanche Peak (2016, Production Company)
Life is Life (2016, Production Company)
Veselko (2016, Production Company)
Jazz in the pants - Prikrita odtujenost (2016, Production Company)
Zgodba o jabolku (2016, Production Company)
Nimaš pojma / You Don't Have A Clue (2016, Production Company)
Big City Woman (2016, Production Company)
Zamejen / Bordered (2016, Production Company)
S trebuhom za kruhom (2016, Production Company)
V njenih čevljih (trije monologi) (2016, Production Company)
Mož, ki je imel ženo za klobuk (2016, Production Company)
Cikel radijskih oddaj Literarni nokturno (2016, Production Company)
1319. dan / 1319th Day (2016, Production Company)
Konec / End, The (2016, Production Company)
Obisk / Visit (2016, Production Company)
Izredna produkcija - zvočno snemanje produkcije Umetniške besede študentov DI (2016, Production Company)
Cikel študijskih radijskih produkcij UL AGRFT (2016, Production Company)
Štirideset plus minus dve* (2016, Production Company)
Človek (2016, Production Company)
Sodobne plesne tehnike I (2016, Production Company)
Glavišur (2016, Production Company)
Kr eni športi (2016, Production Company)
Obrazi (2016, Production Company)
Press Space To Start (2016, Production Company)
AGRFT aerobika 3 (2016, Production Company)
AGRFT aerobika 2 (2016, Production Company)
Popotnik (2016, Production Company)
Gibna razstava in life performance ob praznovanju 70 let AGRFT (2016, Production Company)
Plesni nastop ob svečani podelitvi akademijskih Prešernovih nagrad, diplom in magisterijev (2016, Production Company)
Vaje in improvizacije (2017, Production Company)
Odets (2017, Production Company)
Murlin Murlo (2017, Production Company)
Modra (2017, Production Company)
Seksualna perverzija / Sexual Perversity in Chicago (2017, Production Company)
So rdeči čeveljčki dovolj za nostalgijo po modrini neba? (2017, Production Company)
Zločin in kazen (2017, Production Company)
Skica za srce (2017, Production Company)
Mlada umetniška beseda (2017, Production Company)
Tempestas (2017, Production Company)
Stanja (2017, Production Company)
Hamlet (2017, Production Company)
Ljubezničenja (2017, Production Company)
Vas lahko zapeljem? (2017, Production Company)
Tumor v glavi! (Jovo na novo) (2017, Production Company)
Macbeth / The Tragedy of Macbeth (2017, Production Company)
Dogodek v mestu Gogi (2017, Production Company)
Tistega dne so se vsi sprehodili domov (2017, Production Company)
Cikel radijskih oddaj Literarni nokturno (2017, Production Company)
Literarni večer mlade umetniške besede (2017, Production Company)
Upornik (2017, Production Company)
Čevljarna / Shoemaker (2017, Production Company)
Človek ne jezi se / Don't Get Mad Dude (2017, Production Company)
Stereotipi / Stereotypes (2017, Production Company)
Tu in tam / Here and There (2017, Production Company)
Sestreljeni / Stricken, The (2017, Production Company)
Kamniti čevlji (2017, Production Company)
Anja Ganja / Anja Ganja (2017, Production Company)
Ati / Dad (2017, Production Company)
Prazne sobe / Empty Rooms (2017, Production Company)
skEna (2017, Production Company)
Mrtvi kot / Blind Spot (2017, Production Company)
Sanje neke ptice (2017, Production Company)
Bližje / Closer (2017, Production Company)
Izhod / Escape (2017, Production Company)
500 let / 500 Years (2017, Production Company)
Brata / Brothers (2017, Production Company)
Maruška / Marushka (2017, Production Company)
Katarza / Catharsis (2017, Production Company)
Kralj Kantor / King Kantor (2017, Production Company)
Kar ostane / What Remains (2017, Production Company)
Kikibio in žerjav / Chichibio And the Crane (2017, Production Company)
Podpišite tukaj / Sign Here (2017, Production Company)
Šumenje / Static (2017, Production Company)
Starinski plesi (2017, Production Company)
Živeti / To live (2017, Production Company)
Ples Krinolin (2017, Production Company)
Še sreča! / Lucky for us! (2017, Production Company)
Akademija / Academy (2017, Production Company)
Otrok, ki je ustvaril svet (Rekvijem) (2017, Production Company)
Sinja ptica: V deželi spomina (2017, Production Company)
Gostija (2017, Production Company)
Po kreativni poti do znanja (2017, Production Company)
Klanec Siromakov / Hill of the Poor (2017, Production Company)
Razdejani / Blasted (2017, Production Company)
Lačen / Hungry (2017, Production Company)
AKTV - INT. - NEKJE - NEKDAJ - 1. 6. 2017 (2017, Production Company)
AKTV - 25. 5. 2017 - UMETNICE in OBISK (2017, Production Company)
AKTV - 20. 4. 2017 (2017, Production Company)
Plesni nastop ob svečani podelitvi akademijskih Prešernovih nagrad in diplom (2017, Production Company)
Plesni nastop ob svečani podelitvi akademijskih Prešernovih nagrad, diplom in magisterijev (2017, Production Company)
Dan nominirancev: Ikarus, zgodba o poletu (2017, Producer)
Dan nominirancev: Fant, dekle in sivolasi gospod (2017, Producer)
Dan nominirancev: to jabolko, zlato (2017, Producer)
Dan nominirancev: Naše gledališče (2017, Producer)
Okusne duše / Tasty Souls (2018, Production Company)
Risk / Risk (2018, Production Company)
Oleanna / Oleanna (2018, Production Company)
Zimska pravljica / The Winter's Tale (2018, Production Company)
Se mi vsaj ni treba poljubljati (2018, Production Company)
Ukročena trmoglavka / The Taming of the Shrew (2018, Production Company)
Takšne so nas izbarli (2018, Production Company)
Blitz Kids (2018, Production Company)
Starinski plesi (2018, Production Company)
Nežka / Nellie (2018, Co-Production Company)
Sen 59 (2018, Production Company)
Moje zimske počitnice (2018, Co-Production Company)
Mavrično bela (2018, Co-Production Company)
Zlata ribica (2018, Production Company)
Miroslav (2018, Production Company)
Polmrak (2018, Production Company)
Mlada umetniška beseda (2018, Production Company)
Idomenej / Idomeneus (2018, Production Company)
Kakor dih / As Breath (2018, Production Company)
00111101 (2018, Production Company)
Strah (2018, Production Company)
XX (2018, Production Company)
Stabat mater (2018, Production Company)
Abel in Kajn (2018, Production Company)
Umor ljubezni, beg pred odpuščanjem (2018, Production Company)
In my secret life (2018, Production Company)
Prigode Toma Sawyerja (2018, Production Company)
Ženske, ki tečejo z volkovi (2018, Production Company)
Miracle in the Andes (2018, Production Company)
Handmaid's Tale, The (2018, Production Company)
Žabe (2018, Production Company)
Piknik na robu ceste (2018, Production Company)
Deklica z vžigalicami (2018, Production Company)
Tramvaj poželenja (2018, Production Company)
Man's search for meaning (2018, Production Company)
Alica v čudežni deželi (2018, Production Company)
Juri Muri v Afriki (2018, Production Company)
Mit o Sizifu (2018, Production Company)
Balada o Sneguročki (2018, Production Company)
Erazem (2018, Production Company)
Skušnja (2018, Production Company)
Dvoje sva in hkrati eno (2018, Production Company)
Srebrno rebro (2018, Production Company)
Kralj na Betajnovi (2018, Production Company)
Starci (2018, Production Company)
Noč akademij A3 (2018, Participating)
Vse bo v redu (2018, Production Company)
Čarovnica iz zgornje davče (2018, Production Company)
Dejanje 7 (2018, Production Company)
Glasni gon (2018, Production Company)
Galuboja (2018, Production Company)
Martin (2018, Production Company)
Ljubezen dan mladosti (2018, Production Company)
Z eno nogo v sanjah (2018, Production Company)
Vem veš (2018, Production Company)
KILA_O BRECHTA (2018, Production Company)
Avto stop (2018, Production Company)
Nikar mi ne pobegni / Soil Stories (2018, Production Company)
Ples ljubezni / Dance of Love (2018, Production Company)
Živali, pozdrav! / Animals, Attention! (2018, Production Company)
Spran / Washed Out (2018, Production Company)
Assunta / Assunta (2018, Production Company)
Mrak / Dusk (2018, Production Company)
Balet II (2018, Production Company)
Ona išče senco, on čaka / She's Looking For a Shadow, He's Waiting (2018, Production Company)
Ujetnica časa / Prisoner of Time, The (2018, Production Company)
Satirikonijada (2018, Production Company)
Šakuntala 117, Spominjanje ljubezni, (2018, Production Company)
Hlapec Jernej in njegova pravica (2018, Production Company)
Uvajanje / Apprenticeship (2018, Production Company)
Butalci / The Wonderful People of Butale (2018, Production Company)
Zgodovina zapuščanja / History of Abandonment (2018, Production Company)
Miroslav (2018, Production Company)
Ufuri (2018, Production Company)
Izredna produkcija - Literarni večer mlade umetniške besede (2018, Co-Production Company)
Vaja (2018, Production Company)
Živela je ženska (2018, Production Company)
Univerzitetno prvenstvo v družabnem plesu (2018, Participating)
Plesna kompozicija I. (2018, Production Company)
Prah (2018, Production Company)
Yaamaam, ker je bilo, kar je bilo (2018, Production Company)
Balet I (2018, Production Company)
Iva, 24 / Iva, 24 (2018, Production Company)
O luni, mesecu in njunem odsevu / On the Moon, Luna, and Their Reflection (2018, Production Company)
Trenutek / Moment, The (2018, Production Company)
18,75 / 18.75 (2018, Production Company)
Žrtve radia BUM BUM (2018, Production Company)
AKTV 7. 6. 2018 - 2. del (2018, Production Company)
AKTV 7. 6. 2018 - 1. del (2018, Production Company)
AKTV 10. 5. 2018 - 2. del - Late night show s Tejo (2018, Production Company)
AKTV 10. 5. 2018 - 1. del (2018, Production Company)
Revizor (2018, Production Company)
Pomagajte Anji (2018, Production Company)
Božična ujetnika (2018, Production Company)
Znalčki: O lovcih (2018, Production Company)
Down The Line (2018, Production Company)
Irena ne morem več! (2018, Production Company)
Holiday Inn (2018, Production Company)
Super 8 (2018, Production Company)
Dick Skinners (2018, Production Company, Production Company)
AKTV 19. 4. 2018 (2018, Production Company)
AKTV 29. 3. 2018 (2018, Production Company)
Zdravo je biti divji (2018, Production Company)
Plesni nastop ob svečani podelitvi akademijskih Prešernovih nagrad, diplom in magisterijev (2018, Production Company)
Dan po (2019, Production Company)
Otroci na oblasti / Power to the Children (2019, Production Company)
Antiprojekt Unesco (2019, Production Company)
Še ni koncepta (2019, Production Company)
Od blizu / Closer (2019, Production Company)
Cikel Literarnih nokturnov s študenti UL AGRFT (2019, Co-Production Company)
Zlatolaske 2017/2018 (2019, )
Déj`a vu (2019, Production Company)
Teden slovenske drame: Bralne uprizoritve študentov AGRFT (2019, Production Company)
Žetev in Kletev (2019, Production Company)
Tobu (2019, Production Company)
Samoborba (2019, Production Company)
od A do T (2019, Production Company)
Na oni strani mavrice (2019, Production Company)
Nismo poslednji (2019, Production Company)
...in spet iz tišine... (2019, Production Company)
Saburra (2019, Production Company)
Lamur (2019, Production Company)
Onyo (2019, Production Company)
Ne vem (2019, Production Company)
V dih (2019, Production Company)
Grta pa Dovta (2019, Production Company)
Olympia Stadion / Olympia Stadium (2019, Production Company)
Občutki padanja (2019, Production Company)
Skrivni svet vil in čmrljev (2019, Production Company)
Gibalne tehnike in veščine 1 (2019, Production Company)
Namišljeni bolnik (2019, Production Company)
Mehaničen (2019, Production Company)
Jaz sem ti (2019, Production Company)
Epicenter ali zadnji tektonski premik (2019, Production Company)
Mala terca (2019, Production Company)
Med nama (2019, Production Company)
Koža boža kožuh (2019, Production Company)
Jastog (2019, Production Company)
Ana Karenina (2019, Production Company)
Ure do večnosti (2019, Production Company)
Kdo je napravil Vidku srajčico (2019, Production Company)
Kreon (2019, Production Company)
Srečen kot Lazzaro (2019, Production Company)
Aladin (2019, Production Company)
Grof Gloster (2019, Production Company)
Vklenjeni Prometej (2019, Production Company)
Peter in volk (2019, Production Company)
Vesoljska odiseja (2019, Production Company)
Čarovnikov vajenec (2019, Production Company)
Dežela ptic / Birdland (2019, Production Company, )
Črna skrinjica (2019, Production Company)
Kralj Lear / King Lear (2019, Production Company)
Požar / Fire (2019, Production Company, )
Oda petju (2019, Production Company)
Preteklost / Past, The (2019, Production Company)
Trenje / Friction (2019, Production Company)
Češnjevi kolački / Cherry Cupcakes (2019, Production Company)
Nihče ni rekel, da te moram imeti rad / Nobody Said I Have to Love You (2019, Production Company)
Tehnike govora I (2019, Production Company)
Pasji dnevi / Dog Days (2019, Production Company)
Zmenek / Date (2019, Production Company)
Ko umrem, sem srečen (2019, Production Company)
Posebna ponudba / Special Offer (2019, Production Company)
Alzheimer Cafe / Alzheimer Cafe (2019, Production Company)
V zadnjem vagonu je v tretjem kupeju sedela ob oknu / In the Last Carriage, in the Third Compartment, a Lady Sitting at the Window (2019, Production Company)
Počemučka: Piano and Screaming (2019, Production Company)
Zlata verižica / Golden Necklace (2019, Production Company)
Simpozij (2019, Co-Producer)
Narezano življenje / Sliced-up Life (2019, Production Company)
Garderoba / Wardrobe (2019, Production Company)
Beli zajec, rdeči zajec / White Rabbit, Red Rabbit (2019, Production Company)
Tudi jaz vidim / I See in the Dark (2019, Production Company)
Avtoštop / Autostop (2019, Production Company)
Poslušajte, gospod Marjan / Why don't you listen, Mr. Marjan (2019, Production Company)
Trezi / Trezi (2019, Production Company)
Usodni napevi (2019, Production Company)
Filofest 2019 (2019, Participating)
Mini opere: Anatomija misli (2019, Co-Production Company)
Mini opere: Stari ima vedno prav (2019, Co-Production Company)
Mini opere: Nepotrebna (2019, Co-Production Company)
Mini opere: Uspavanka v sobi brez oken (2019, Co-Production Company)
Mini opere: Gaja (2019, Production Company)
AKTV 30. 5. 2019 - 1. del (2019, Production Company)
AKTV 30. 5. 2019 - 2. del (2019, Production Company)
AKTV 16. 5. 2019 (2019, Production Company)
AKTV 25. 4. 2019 (2019, Production Company)
Sejem želja (2019, Production Company)
Če se kosti, mišice in sklepi sprostijo, gotovo zaspiš (2019, Production Company)
Moj fant piše slabo poezijo (2019, Production Company)
AKTV 21. 3. 2019 - 2. del (2019, Production Company)
Čas ne zabriše spomina / Time Does Not Erase Memory (2019, Production Company)
Filmski poklic - Direktor fotografije (2019, Participating)
Filmski poklic - Montažer (2019, Participating)
Filmski poklic - Oblikovalec zvoka (2019, Participating)
Filmski poklic - Producent (2019, Participating)
Filmski poklic - Scenarist (2019, Participating)
Minutna drama: Odpri vrata! / Minute Drama: Open the Door! (2019, Production Company)
Mlada umetniška beseda (2019, Co-Production Company)
Gaganje / Gasping (2020, Production Company)
Fantazma grande (2020, Production Company)
Aškerčeva v gradnji (2020, Production Company)
Pasjedivščina: Moja pasja dogodivščina (2020, Production Company)
Roberto Zucco / Roberto Zucco (2020, Production Company)
Ljudožerci (2020, Production Company)
H genotipu Hamlet (2020, Production Company)
Sodobne plesne tehnike 2 (2020, Production Company)
Sodobne plesne tehnike 1 (2020, Production Company)
Kazimir in Karolina / Kasimir und Karoline (2020, Production Company)
Izohipse (2020, Production Company)
Gmajna / Gmajna (2020, Production Company)
Gibalne tehnike in veščine 1 (2020, Production Company)
Velika prispodoba med nebesom in zemljo (2020, Production Company)
Pot (2020, Production Company)
Ona (2020, Production Company)
Butoh (2020, Production Company)
Padli angel (2020, Production Company)
V svojem svetu (2020, Production Company)
Tam nekje je... (2020, Production Company)
Ritem krvi (2020, Production Company)
K sebi (2020, Production Company)
Karatejc (2020, Production Company)
Saloma (2020, Production Company)
Starec in morje (2020, Production Company)
Faust - Marjetkina zgodba (2020, Production Company)
Žute dunje (2020, Production Company)
Price of Salt, The (2020, Production Company)
Vse bo v redu (2020, Production Company)
Krekhed (2020, Production Company)
Self Makes You Weak, The (2020, Production Company)
Becoming (2020, Production Company)
Strah (2020, Production Company)
Žid (2020, Production Company)
Po mehaniki po-po-po pomaranči (2020, Production Company)
ICE NINE (2020, Production Company)
White warrior of Zaloška, The (2020, Production Company)
Kill Jože (2020, Production Company)
Gibalne tehnike in veščine II (2020, Production Company)
Kill Bill (2020, Production Company)
PALOMA (2020, Production Company)
Gospodar prstanov - poslednji dvoboj (2020, Production Company)
Musical (2020, Production Company)
Tebi (2020, Production Company)
Golota glasu (2020, Production Company)
Balet On Line (2020, Production Company)
Quatromeron (2020, Production Company)
Balet I (2020, Production Company)
Quatromeron - Pogovor po premieri (2020, Production Company)
Ikozaedra (2020, Production Company)
Gaea (2020, Production Company)
On Line Čehov (2020, Production Company)
O škodljivosti (2020, Production Company)
Astrovid-19 (2020, Production Company)
Kvartet - videoprojekcija / Quartett (2020, Production Company)
Prelom / Fracture (2020, Production Company)
(Ne)vidni / (In)visible (2020, Production Company)
Goli pianist ali Mala nočna muzika (2020, Production Company)
Pepelni drobci / Ash Dust (2020, Production Company)
Maghisterija (2020, Production Company)
Kvartet (2020, Production Company)
Nič več kot to, kar je (2020, Production Company)
Sam (2020, Production Company)
Minutna drama (2020, Production Company)
Alenka / Alice (2020, Production Company)
Nenavadna čajanka / Mad Tea Party (2020, Production Company)
Apokalipsa / Apocalypse (2020, Production Company)
Zavrti me / Spin Me (2020, Production Company)
Poletje na Chengdujski 19 / Summer on Chengdu str. 19 (2020, Production Company)
Senzorialno v gledališču: na sledi vonjav v vsakdanjem življenju in onkraj njega (2020, Organizer)
Kakšna plodna predstava: muzej naših ljubezni (2020, Production Company)
Transnebesna železnica / Trans-celestial Railways (2020, Production Company)
649 E 14 (2020, Production Company)
Čutenje giba / Feeling the move (2020, Production Company)
Sodobne plesne tehnike - Graham (2020, Production Company)
Sodobne plesne tehnike - Balet osnove (2020, Production Company)
Sodobne plesne tehnike - MA kombinacije (2020, Production Company)
Sodobne plesne tehnike - vaje za 2. letnik (2020, Production Company)
Kar pozabiš, odide z vetrom / What You Forget Goes Away With the Wind (2020, Production Company)
Filmski poklic - Režiser (2020, Participating)
Filmski poklic - Animator (2020, Participating)
O, sranje! / Oh, Sh*t (2020, Production Company)
Pod točko razno / Request under AOB (2020, Production Company)
Quatromeron (2020, Production Company)
Obletnica / Reunion (2020, Production Company)
Od daleč in od blizu: študijski fragmenti (2021, Production Company)
Strah in beda Tretjega rajha / Furcht und Elend des III. Reiches (2021, Production Company)
Otava / Otava (2021, Production Company)
Mnogo ljubezni za nič (kolaž prizorov iz Shakespearja) (2021, Production Company)
Mislila sem, da bo konec sveta drugačen (2021, Production Company)
Maks / Maks (2021, Production Company)
Stevardesa (2021, Production Company)
Katera pot vodi drugam (2021, Production Company)
Mala nočna (2021, Production Company)
Mo(r)je (2021, Production Company)
My Morning Routine (2021, Production Company)
Odhajanje (2021, Production Company)
Osvobajanje (2021, Production Company)
PA (2021, Production Company)
Sedijo v krošnjah otroci (2021, Production Company)
Standing (2021, Production Company)
V jami tičim (2021, Production Company)
Zavetje (2021, Production Company)
Starec in morje (2021, Production Company)
Utelešenje (2021, Production Company)
Kaligula (2021, Production Company)
Macbeth (2021, Production Company)
Predator in luna (2021, Production Company)
Evangelij po Mateju (2021, Production Company)
Dioniz (2021, Production Company)
George Orwell - 1984 (2021, Production Company)
KAN (2021, Production Company)
Butoh (2021, Production Company)
Ekstaza (2021, Production Company)
Klet-ka (2021, Production Company)
Fatamorgana / Mirage (2021, Production Company)
Žabe (2021, Production Company)
Noži v kurah / Knives in Hens (2021, Production Company)
Dramakurbija (2021, Production Company)
Krpan / Krpan (2021, Production Company)
A mamo? (2021, Production Company)
Jagababa (2021, Production Company)
Končna (2021, Production Company)
Limona (2021, Production Company)
Boj bližine (2021, Production Company)
Kje se bom zbudil jutri? / Where will I wake up tomorrow? (2021, Production Company)
Avdicija / Audition (2021, Production Company)
Sodobne plesne tehnike - vaje za 1. letnik (2021, Production Company)
Ion (2021, Production Company)
Soseda / Neighbours (2021, Production Company)
Erik, 8 let / Erik, 8 Years Old (2021, Production Company)
La Tortuga / La Tortuga (2021, Production Company)
Priložnost / Opportunity (2021, Production Company)
Slovo / Farewell (2021, Production Company)
Janko Žonta / Janko Žonta (2021, Production Company)
In je ostala noč / And the Night Remained (2021, Production Company)
Hočem osvojiti svet 3. 1 (2021, Production Company)
Izginem / Jeg forsvinner (2021, Production Company)
Hočem osvojiti svet 2.1 - Igralka na prepihu kultur (2021, Production Company)
Sprintaj mi ljubezen / Password is Love, The (2021, Production Company)
Karantenski blues (2021, Production Company)
Kajuh - dokumentarni literarni kamišibaj o Karlu Destovniku (2021, Production Company)
Na drugi strani (2021, Production Company)
Filmski poklic - Kolorist (2021, Participating)
Poskusi (njenega) življenja (2021, Production Company)
Filmski poklic - Skladatelj filmske glasbe (2021, Participating)
Filmski poklic - Asistent režiser (2021, Participating)
Vse železo bo zarjavelo in se uničilo v moji krvi (T. Šalamun) (2021, Production Company)
Deleuzov čas (2021, Production Company)
Teden slovenske drame: Dan nominirank in nagrajenk: potem že tečem (2021, Producer)
Teden slovenske drame: Dan nominirank in nagrajenk: Tega okusa še niste poskusili (2021, Producer)
Teden slovenske drame: Dan nominirank in nagrajenk: Delo in deklica I-V: Drame tlačank (2021, Producer)
Teden slovenske drame: Dan nominirank in nagrajenk: Nemeš: Franc (2021, Producer)
Dan nominirank in nagrajenk: Okrogla miza (2021, Producer)
Slovenski pasijon (2021, Production Company)
Tri Moskve (2021, Production Company)
Kornelj / Kornelj (2021, Production Company)
Na poti / On the Way (2021, Production Company)
Nikolaj / Nikolaj (2021, Production Company)
Kastrirati kameleona / To Castrate a Cameleon (2021, Production Company)
Ambienti (2021, Production Company)
Rodna gruda / Cradle (2021, Production Company)
Nočko, mami! / Sweet dreams, mommy! (2021, Production Company)
Skušnja je boljši izraz za vajo (2022, Production Company)
Praznovanje / The Birthday Party (2022, Production Company)
Steklena menažerija / The Glass Menagerie (2022, Production Company)
Bambina / Baby Doll (2022, Production Company)
Mačka na vroči pločevinasti strehi / Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (2022, Production Company)
Woyzeck (2022, Production Company)
8372 (2022, Production Company)
Ljubezen gre skozi želodec (2022, Production Company)
52. Teden slovenske drame: Dan nominirancev, 2022 (2022, Production Company)
52. Teden slovenske drame: logocentrična komedija za sedem punc o delcih, revoluciji in gledališču (2022, Production Company)
52. Teden slovenske drame: Usedline (2022, Production Company)
52. Teden slovenske drame: Zgodba o bakrenem kralju (2022, Production Company)
52. Teden slovenske drame: Weltschmertz (2022, Production Company)
BITI BITJE (2022, Production Company)
-IZEM (2022, Production Company)
Schindlerjev seznam (2022, Production Company)
Šel je popotnik skozi atomski vek (2022, Production Company)
Cast Away-Brodolom (2022, Production Company)
Kurent (2022, Production Company)
Povodni mož (2022, Production Company)
Jean-Paul Marat (2022, Production Company)
Mit o Sizifu, Sisyphus and the Sudden Lightness (2022, Production Company)
Črne maske (2022, Production Company)
Skodelica kave (2022, Production Company)
Virginia Woolf (2022, Production Company)
O, moja sobitja (2022, Production Company)
Dvojni plesni večer: Kava, črna (2022, Production Company)
Dvojni plesni večer: Metamorfoze (2022, Production Company)
Vsaj veš, da si (2022, Production Company)
Dobro jutro tovariši (2022, Production Company)
Sideways (2022, Production Company)
Ničti prostor (2022, Production Company)
10-minutna dramska besedila študentov AGRFT: V senci (2022, Production Company)
10-minutna dramska besedila študentov AGRFT: Zemlja joče (2022, Production Company)
10-minutna dramska besedila študentov AGRFT: Ali imam štručko v pečici (2022, Production Company)
10-minutna dramska besedila študentov AGRFT: Vrata (2022, Production Company)
ALT + F4 (2022, Production Company)
Tartuffe (2022, Production Company)
L. V. (Lepa Vida) (2022, Production Company)
Kar pustim, ostane / What I Leave, Remains (2022, Production Company)
Bolezen mladosti (2022, Production Company)
Butalski pripovedovalski večer (2022, Participating)
Ko se žgem, 1. del: Ženska z vrečkami (2022, Production Company)
Ko se žgem, 2. del: Zamrzovanje (2022, Production Company)
Ko se žgem, 3. del: Deklica z vžigalicami: avtobiografska adaptacija (2022, Production Company)
Ko se žgem, 4. del: Deklica (2022, Production Company)
Romantične duše / Romantic Souls (2022, Production Company)
Spominček / Souvenir (2022, Production Company)
Dolgoročne posledice kratke izjave (2022, Production Company)
1/4 koraka / Quarter of a Step (2022, Production Company)
Triadni balet - reinterpretacija, 2022 / Das Triadische Ballet (2022, Production Company)
Kvadraturin (2022, Production Company)
Ines / Ines (2022, Production Company)
To je moj dom / This is My Home (2022, Production Company)
Biti oče / Being a Father (2022, Production Company)
Drugi so molčali / Others Remained Silent (2022, Production Company)
2030 / 2030 (2022, Production Company)
Deuce / Deuce (2022, Production Company)
Krik: Prvi glas (2022, Co-Production Company)
Stanovanje 33 / Apartment 33 (2022, Production Company)
Iz mesca v mesec / Month To Month (2022, Production Company)
Stopnje žalovanja / Five Stages of Grief, The (2022, Production Company)
Punjene paprike / Stuffed Peppers (2022, Production Company)
Mehurčki / Bubbles (2022, Production Company)
Konfrontacija podzavesti / Confrontation With the Subconscious (2022, Production Company)
50/50 / 50/50 (2022, Production Company)
tartif (2022, Production Company)
Od kod, dekle, si ti doma (2022, Production Company)
Dama slanih oči (2022, Production Company)
Pljuča (2022, Production Company)
Daljne njive / Faraway Fields (2022, Production Company)
1. AGRFT festival (2022, Organizer)
Gnida / Scum (2022, Production Company)
Kante / Clunkers (2022, Production Company)
Debeluška (2022, Production Company)
Človek v lupini ali Kako nekaj povedati z jajci (2022, Production Company)
Nekje daleč nekaj bo (2023, Production Company)
Učna ura / La Leçon (2023, Production Company)
Striček Vanja: Študija (2023, Production Company)
Plešasta pevka (2023, Production Company)
Kdo bo? (2023, Production Company)
Dan nominirancev za nagrado Slavka Gruma, 53. TSD - Tekst telesa (2023, Production Company)
Dan nominirancev za nagrado Slavka Gruma - Kako je padlo drevo (2023, Production Company)
Dan nominirancev za nagrado Slavka Gruma - Te igre bo konec (2023, Production Company)
Dan nominirancev za nagrado Slavka Gruma - deklici (2023, Production Company)
Dan nominirancev za nagrado Slavka Gruma - Meja (2023, Production Company)
Bralne uprizoritve 10-minutnih dramskih besedil študentov AGRFT (2023, Production Company)
Pesem ptic v drevesnih krošnjah (2023, Production Company)
ŽIVAL-ČLOVEK-STROJ (2023, Production Company)
Spreminjevalci podob (2023, Production Company)
Nekoč so govorila drevesa (2023, Production Company)
Nekoč pred davnimi časi je v kraljestvu daleč stran živel plemič... (2023, Production Company)
Zob me boli (2023, Production Company)
Sabljanje (2023, Production Company)
Oladi, Neli (2023, Production Company)
Where is my sister? (2023, Production Company)
Disco Inferno (2023, Production Company)
Mali princ (2023, Production Company)
Preobrazba (2023, Production Company)
Morje izgubljenega časa (2023, Production Company)
Za soncem (2023, Production Company)
Gospodična Julija (2023, Production Company)
Kralj na Betajnovi - pot J. Kantorja (2023, Production Company)
Grmače (2023, Production Company)
Slepci (2023, Production Company)
Spirited Away (2023, Production Company)
Amerikanci (2023, Production Company)
Nesporazum (2023, Production Company)
Enosmerna ulica 1 (2023, Production Company)
Enosmerna ulica 2 (2023, Production Company)
Zločin na Kozjem otoku (2023, Production Company)
Balet II (2023, Production Company)
Razdejani (2023, Production Company)
"I do" (2023, Production Company)
Performativni dan 1 (2023, Production Company)
Balet I (2023, Production Company)
Alenka / Alenka (2023, Production Company)
2. AGRFT festival (2023, Producer)
Kaj pa z Rdečo kapico?: 2. AGRFT festival (2023, Production Company)
2. AGRFT festival: Festivalski performativ (2023, Production Company)
2. AGRFT festival: Pišem ti (2023, Production Company)
2. AGRFT festival: Astrov: študija (2023, Production Company)
Domčani / Juvies (2023, Production Company)
Umirajoči bog Triglav (2023, Co-Production Company)
2. AGRFT festival: Krik: Vrzeli (2023, Co-Production Company)
Dušan / Dušan (2023, Production Company)
Hoffmanov zakon / Hoffman’s Law (2023, Production Company, Production Company)
Impulz / Impulse (2023, Production Company)
Razglašena / Out of Tune (2023, Production Company)
Simonova vila / Simon's Villa (2023, Production Company)
Smrt / Smrt (2023, Production Company)
O nekem življenju (2023, Production Company)
Komaj nič (2023, Production Company)
Mali princ / Little Prince, The (2023, Production Company)
Razrezana pita / Sliced Pie (2023, Production Company)
Živeti v dvoje (2023, Production Company)
Dober film / Good Movie (2023, Production Company)
Mama mami (2023, Production Company)
Ribolov / Fishing (2023, Production Company)
Osebna / Papers (2023, Production Company)
Ljudožerci - 1. del / Cannibals - Part 1 (2023, Production Company)
Ljudožerci - 2. del / Cannibals - Part 2 (2023, Production Company)
Ljudožerci - 3. del / Cannibals - Part 3 (2023, Production Company)
Motorist / Motorbiker (2023, Production Company)
deklici (2023, Co-Production Company)
Grobo tkane niti / Threads (2023, Production Company)
Premalo vsega / Lack of Everything (2023, Production Company)
53. Teden slovenske drame: Dan nominirancev za nagrado Slavka Gruma (2023, )
Odmev (2023, Production Company)
Območje zaupanja / Circle of Trust (2023, Production Company)
Zbogom (2023, Production Company, Production Company)
D-mol / D-moll (2023, Production Company)
Lovedolls walk free (2023, Production Company)
Lutkovna animacija I (2023, Production Company)
Agmisterij (2024, Production Company)
Instalacija (2024, Production Company)
medtem ko skoraj rečem še ali prilika o vladarju in modrosti (2024, Production Company)
Alica: nekaj solilogov o neznosnosti časa (2024, Co-Production Company)
Dober človek (2024, Production Company)
Ostanejo samo občutki (2024, Production Company)
QR koda: avtorski projekt (2024, Production Company)
Performativni dan 2 (2024, )
Plesna produkcija (2024, Production Company)
Normalni ljudje (2024, Production Company)
Utva (2024, Production Company)
Okrogla miza Gledališče prihodnosti - prihodnost gledališča? (2024, Production Company)
Bralne uprizoritve 10-minutnih dramskih besedil študentov AGRFT: Zakaj smo torej tukaj? (2024, Production Company)
Bralne uprizoritve 10-minutnih dramskih besedil študentov AGRFT: Hortulanus (2024, Production Company)
Bralne uprizoritve 10-minutnih dramskih besedil študentov AGRFT: Na robu sveta (2024, Production Company)
Bralne uprizoritve 10-minutnih dramskih besedil študentov AGRFT: 00:00 (2024, Production Company)
Bralne uprizoritve 10-minutnih dramskih besedil študentov AGRFT: Smrdiš po lepem (2024, Production Company)
Bralne uprizoritve 10-minutnih dramskih besedil študentov AGRFT: Trpljenje srednje - (2024, Production Company)
Dan nominirancev - nagrada Slavka Gruma, 54. TSD, Kranj (2024, Production Company)
Dan nominirancev - nagrada za mladega dramatika, 54. TSD, Kranj (2024, Production Company)
Nagrade Zlatolaska za študijsko leto 2022/2023 (2024, Production Company)
Dan nominirancev - nagrada Slavka Gruma, 54. TSD, Kranj - Budnost zimskega jutra (2024, )
Dan nominirancev - nagrada Slavka Gruma, 54. TSD, Kranj - Nezakonske matere (2024, )
Dan nominirancev - nagrada za mladega dramatika, 54. TSD, Kranj - grem greš greva... (2024, )
Dan nominirancev - nagrada za mladega dramatika, 54. TSD, Kranj - Čisto pravi deček (2024, )
Dan nominirancev - nagrada za mladega dramatika, 54. TSD, Kranj - Mimobežnice (2024, )
Zgodbe iz družinskega dnevnika (2024, Production Company)
Vzklitje (2024, Production Company)
Misli neba (2024, Production Company)
Odhajanje (2024, Production Company)
Ujede in jetniki spominov (2024, Production Company)
Kako se gradi človeka (2024, Production Company)
Drevo življenja (2024, Production Company)
Tekma (2024, Production Company)
Beau comme un dieu (2024, Production Company)
Dom domu dom (2024, Production Company)
Težka voda (2024, Production Company)
Dogodek v mestu Gogi - Hana (2024, Production Company)
Nordijska mitologija - Pred začetkom in po njem (2024, Production Company)
Nebo davnega poletja - Odsev (2024, Production Company)
Preobrazba (2024, Production Company)
Težka voda (2024, Production Company)
Figurae Veneris Historiae (2024, Production Company)
Strindberg med genialnostjo in norostjo (2024, Production Company)
Drame princes - Smrt in deklica I-V (2024, Production Company)
Ven?! (2024, Production Company)
Ide gas (2024, Production Company)
Iskanje sreče ali kdo je tu nor (2024, Production Company)
Prostor igre (2024, Production Company)
Conference of the Birds, The (2024, Production Company)
Kako jemati njeno življenje (poskusi) (2024, Production Company)
Ay, Carmella (2024, Production Company)
Čehov material (2024, Production Company)
Trnek / Hook(ed) (2024, Production Company)
Prtljage (2024, Production Company)
Bonaca / Bonazza (2024, Production Company)
Gogi / Gogi (2024, Production Company)
Juha / Soup, The (2024, Production Company)
Vrtnarji ovenelih rož / Gardeners of Withered Flowers (2024, Production Company)
Cvetenje / Blooming (2024, Production Company)
Lutkovna animacija I - napovednik (2024, Production Company)
Lutkovna animacija I (2024, Production Company)

Nagrada za najboljšo predstavo po izboru občinstva - QR-koda (2024, 5. festival FUGA)
Diplome for the attention to the issue of young person self-identification in the complicated contemporary reality (2013, Minsk International Film Festival "Listapad" 2013)
Nagrada Društva kritikov in teatrologov Slovenije (2017, 52. Borštnikovo srečanje)
Zlatolaska 2017/2018 za gledališko produkcijo v celoti (2019, Zlatolaske, nagrade študentom AGRFT za dosežke v 2017/2018)
Zlato priznanje za - Občutki padanja (2019, Živa 2019, Festival plesne ustvarjalnosti mladih)

Items to borrow from AGRFT Archives:
A6705 - Gledališki list AGRFT, poletni semester, 2015/2016 (playbill, Publisher)
A6154 - Amadeo 2014 (, Production Company)
A4718 - Opera za tri groše (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A7938 - Priporočila študijske komisije AGRFT (document, Subject of discussion)
A7939 - Korespondenca ZŠJ AGRFT (letter, Subject of discussion)
A7941 - Stenografski zapisnik izredne akademijske skupščine z dne 20. 5. 1971 (document, Subject of discussion)
A7940 - Dokumenti študijske komisije 1970/71 (document, Subject of discussion)
A7937 - Dokumenti sej akademijskega sveta (document, Subject of discussion)
A8638 - Tri medigre - časopisni članki, odzivi, ocene (, Production Company)
A8312 - Zločin na Kozjem otoku (typescript, Production Company)
A5507 - Blagoevgrad 2005 - nagrada za režijo (photograph, Production Company)
A4371 - Fotografije DIUB+GLR 05/06 (DVD-R, Production Company)
A4621 - Fotografije DIUB+GLR 05/06 (DVD-R, Production Company)
A4483 - Želim postati...dramaturg/igralec/režiser - akademska učna pot (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion)
A4486 - Akademijske težave (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion)
A4485 - Dramaturgija na AGRFT (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion)
A4843 - Portreti pedagoških in nepedagoških delavcev AGRFT, 2006-2007 (CD-ROM w/Digital Stills, Production Company)
A4383 - Vse dneve in tedne in leta ... (newspaper article, Subject of discussion)
A4638 - Mala gledališka raziskava o samoti (playbill, Production Company)
A4490 - Zakaj se upreti? (seminar - student paper, Subject of discussion)
A5261 - Portreti študentov AGRFT 2006-2007 (CD-ROM w/Digital Stills, Producer)
A5197 - Driada (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5204 - Tri sestre (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5205 - Tri sestre (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4752 - Lost and Found (playbill, Production Company)
A4509 - Medeja (CD+R with Digital Stills, Production Company)
A4666 - Fiziki in Tri sestre (DVD, Production Company)
A4667 - Fiziki in Tri sestre (DVD, Production Company)
A4673 - Kralj Lear (CD, Production Company)
A5194 - Kralj Lear (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4672 - Kralj Lear (CD, Production Company)
A4516 - Oderuh 2006/2007, poletni semester (playbill, Publisher)
A4653 - Oderuh 2007/2008, zimski semester (playbill, Publisher)
A4511 - Medeja, 2 (CD+R with Digital Stills, Production Company)
A4510 - Medeja, 1 (CD+R with Digital Stills, Production Company)
A5192 - Kralj Lear (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5193 - Kralj Lear (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5195 - Kralj Lear (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5196 - Driada (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5198 - Driada (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5199 - Driada (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5206 - Fiziki (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5207 - Fiziki (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5208 - Fiziki (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4844 - Portreti brucov, 07/08 (, Production Company)
A4842 - Portreti AGRFT, 2008-2009 (DVD+R Digital Photography, Producer)
A4863 - Plešasta pevka, Macbeth, Othello, Romeo in Julija (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A4671 - Razredni sovražnik/Šola za žene/Šola za može/Sozij/Susn/Utva (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A5189 - Spol (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A4684 - Razredni sovražnik (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4685 - Razredni sovražnik (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A4681 - Šola za može (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A4678 - Susn (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4679 - Susn (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A4676 - Utva (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4677 - Utva (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5209 - Romeo in Julija (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5210 - Othello (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5211 - Macbeth (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5212 - Opera za tri groše (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5213 - Opera za tri groše (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5214 - Plešasta pevka (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5215 - Plešasta pevka (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5216 - Plešasta pevka (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4670 - Razredni sovražnik/Šola za žene/Šola za može/Sozij/Susn/Utva (, Production Company)
A4719 - Opera za tri groše 1 (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A4823 - Oderuh 2008/2009, zimski semester (playbill, Publisher)
A4674 - Nova generacija režiserjev: večera, ki vlivata upanje (newspaper article, Subject of discussion)
A6252 - Repertoar AGRFT, 4 (, Production Company)
A4686 - Sozij (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A4687 - Sozij (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4688 - Sozij (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5190 - Spol (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4682 - Razredni sovražnik (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4683 - Razredni sovražnik (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5200 - Variacije na smrt Trockega (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5201 - Variacije na smrt Trockega (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5202 - Variacije na smrt Trockega (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5203 - Variacije na smrt Trockega (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5217 - Plešasta pevka (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4689 - Sozij (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4680 - Šola za može (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4668 - Utva in Razredni sovražnik (DVD, Production Company)
A4669 - Utva in Razredni sovražnik (DVD, Production Company)
A5218 - Hamlet (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5230 - Tartuffe (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5231 - Tartuffe (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5232 - Tartuffe (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5233 - Tartuffe (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4826 - Evripid: Helena (leaflet, Production Company)
A5079 - Oderuh 2009/2010, zimski semester (playbill, Publisher)
A5402 - Portreti AGRFT 2009/2010 (photograph, Production Company)
A4828 - Borutovo poletje, Hamlet, Projekt Hamlet (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A4829 - Borutovo poletje, Hamlet, Projekt Hamlet, kopija 1 (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A4882 - Oderuh 2008/2009, poletni semester (playbill, Publisher)
A5234 - Saloma (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5222 - Fedra (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5223 - Fedra (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5224 - Projekt Hamlet (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5225 - Projekt Hamlet (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5238 - Modra soba (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5239 - Modra soba (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5240 - Modra soba (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4989 - Medved Snubač Jubilej. Tartuffe. (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A4992 - Medved Snubač Jubilej. Tartuffe. kopija (, Production Company)
A4990 - Medved Snubač Jubilej. Tartuffe. Saloma. (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A4993 - Medved Snubač Jubilej. Tartuffe. Saloma. kopija (, Production Company)
A4991 - Modra soba. (CD-ROM w/Digital Stills, Production Company)
A4994 - Modra soba. kopija (CD-ROM w/Digital Stills, Production Company)
A4827 - Večer v Kinodvoru (newspaper article, Participating)
A4827 - Večer v Kinodvoru (newspaper article, Subject of discussion)
A4841 - Fedra, kopija 1 (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A4824 - Helena (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A5219 - Hamlet (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5220 - Helena (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5221 - Helena (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5226 - Medved, Snubač, Jubilej (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5227 - Medved, Snubač, Jubilej (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5228 - Medved, Snubač, Jubilej (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5229 - Medved, Snubač, Jubilej (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5235 - Saloma (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5236 - Saloma (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5237 - Saloma (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5241 - Modra soba (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A4840 - Fedra (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A5180 - Hodnik. Bolezen mladosti. Konec igre. Življenje je sen. (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A5181 - Hodnik. Bolezen mladosti. Konec igre. Življenje je sen. kopija (, Production Company)
A5185 - Življenje je sen. kopija (, Production Company)
A5184 - Konec igre. kopija (, Production Company)
A5183 - Bolezen mladosti. kopija (, Production Company)
A5182 - Hodnik. kopija (, Production Company)
A5243 - Življenje je sen (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5244 - Življenje je sen (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5637 - Theatre Systems in Smaller European Countries (typescript, Participating)
A4383 - Plešasta pevka v Peruju (newspaper article, Subject of discussion)
A5246 - Hodnik (photograph (negative) C, Production Company)
A5247 - Hodnik (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5248 - Hodnik (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5249 - Hodnik (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5250 - Konec igre (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5251 - Konec igre (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5252 - Konec igre (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5253 - Konec igre (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5418 - Oderuh 2010/2011, zimski semester (playbill, Publisher)
A6587 - Oderuh, IV/2, 2010 (, Production Company)
A5501 - Dramatik Peter Božič (typescript, Participating)
A5255 - Bolezen mladosti (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5256 - Bolezen mladosti (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5257 - Bolezen mladosti (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5400 - Portreti AGRFT 2010/2011 (photograph, Production Company)
A5401 - Portreti AGRFT 2010/2011 (photograph, Production Company)
A5242 - Življenje je sen (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5245 - Življenje je sen (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5254 - Bolezen mladosti (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5278 - Oderuh 2009/2010, poletni semester (playbill, Publisher)
A5422 - Utva (CD-ROM w/Digital Stills, Production Company)
A5480 - Utva, kopija 1 (CD-ROM, Production Company)
A5481 - Tartuffe (CD-ROM w/Digital Stills, Production Company)
A5486 - Portret: Dekan AGRFT - Aleš Valič (CD-ROM w/Digital Stills, Production Company)
A5499 - Oderuh 2010/2011, poletni semester (playbill, Publisher)
A5483 - Lepotica in zver (CD-ROM w/Digital Stills, Production Company)
A5484 - Lepotica in zver, +web (CD-ROM w/Digital Stills, Production Company)
A5489 - Utva, 1. - 4. dejanje (photograph (negative) C, Production Company)
A5490 - Utva, 1. - 4. dejanje (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5491 - Tartuffe (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5493 - Lepotica in zver (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5494 - Lepotica in zver (photograph (contact) BW, Production Company)
A5495 - Tartuffe (photograph (negative) C, Production Company)
A5496 - Tartuffe (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5497 - Lepotica in zver (photograph (negative) C, Production Company)
A5487 - Utva, 1. - 4. dejanje (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5546 - Medeja (, Production Company)
A5550 - Žabe (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A5548 - Zavratne igre (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A5544 - Alkestida (CD-ROM w/Digital Stills, Production Company)
A5765 - Oderuh 2011/2012, poletni semester (playbill, Publisher)
A5740 - Slovenija bere Hlapce (, Production Company)
A5706 - Učene pičke, fotografije 1 (photograph (negative) C, Production Company)
A5707 - Učene pičke, fotografije 2 (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A5708 - Učene pičke, fotografije 3 (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A5732 - Zadet pravi čas (poster, Production Company)
A6076 - Fotografije B - Po Magrittu (map with files, Production Company)
A5869 - Ničesar ne obžalujem, kopija 1 (, Production Company)
A5872 - Umazane roke, fotografije B, ČB (, Production Company)
A5875 - La Machine de Moliere, kopija 1 B, ČB (, Production Company)
A5874 - La Machine de Molière, fotografije B, ČB (, Production Company)
A5878 - Oderuh 2012/2013, zimski semester (playbill, Production Company)
A5916 - Služkinji (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A5917 - Kings, love and Shakespeare's Rock'n'roll, fotografije ČB, B (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A5918 - Kaligula et al., fotografija ČB, B (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A5919 - Stoli, fotografija ČB, B (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A5920 - Predstava ob jezeru, fotografija ČB, B (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A5921 - Predstava ob jezeru (Zidar), fotografija ČB, B (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A5922 - Predstava ob jezeru (Divjak), fotografija ČB, B (DVD+R Digital Photography, Production Company)
A6031 - Oderuh, poletni semester, 2013/2013 (playbill, Production Company)
A6074 - Oderuh, zimski semester, 2013/2014 (playbill, Publisher)
A5876 - Metamorfoze, fotografije B, ČB (, Production Company)
A5877 - Metamorfoze, kopija 1 B, ČB (, Production Company)
A6843 - Dokurama (poster, Production Company)
A6153 - Tretji zaplodek (typescript, Production Company)
A6201 - Adept, let. I, št. 1, 2014/2015 (magazine, Publisher)
A6027 - Gledališki list AGRFT 2013/2014, zimski semester (playbill, Publisher)
A6028 - AGRFT (zimski semester, 2013/2014) (leaflet, Publisher)
A6104 - Program gledaliških produkcij AGRFT, poletni semester, 2013/2014 (leaflet, Producer)
A6141 - O konceptu predstave Lepotica in zver (graduation thesis, Production Company)
A6200 - Gledališki list AGRFT, zimski semester 2014/2015 (playbill, Publisher)
A6162 - Grabnar: Uspeh - negativ B (photograph (negative) C, Production Company)
A6163 - Grabnar: Uspeh - negativ ČB (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A6164 - Grabnar: Uspeh - kontakt B (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A6165 - Grabnar: Uspeh - kontakt B (photograph (contact) BW, Production Company)
A6166 - Grabnar: Uspeh - digitalna B/ČB (, Production Company)
A6167 - Zdaj letim - negativ B (photograph (negative) C, Production Company)
A6168 - Zdaj letim - negativ ČB (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A6169 - Zdaj letim - kontakt B (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A6170 - Zdaj letim - kontakt ČB (photograph (contact) BW, Production Company)
A6171 - Zdaj letim - digitalna fotografija B/ČB (, Production Company)
A6172 - Zaljubljenca v podzemni (Ramšak) - negativ B (photograph (negative) C, Production Company)
A6173 - Zaljubljenca v podzemni (Ramšak) - negativ ČB (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A6174 - Zaljubljenca v podzemni (Ramšak) - kontakt B (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A6175 - Zaljubljenca v podzemni (Ramšak) - kontakt ČB (photograph (contact) BW, Production Company)
A6177 - Zaljubljenca v podzemni (Lucu) - negativ B (photograph (negative) C, Production Company)
A6178 - Zaljubljenca v podzemni (Lucu) - negativ ČB (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A6179 - Zaljubljenca v podzemni (Lucu) - kontakt B (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A6180 - Zaljubljenca v podzemni (Lucu) - kontakt ČB (photograph (contact) BW, Production Company)
A6181 - Mladost - negativ B (photograph (negative) C, Production Company)
A6182 - Mladost - negativ ČB (photograph (negative) BW, Production Company)
A6183 - Mladost - kontakt B (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A6184 - Mladost - kontakt ČB (photograph (contact) BW, Production Company)
A6185 - Mladost - fotografija ČB/B (, Production Company)
A6186 - Penelopa - negativ B (photograph (negative) C, Production Company)
A6187 - Penelopa - negativ ČB (photograph (negative) C, Production Company)
A6188 - Penelopa - kontakt B (photograph (contact) C, Production Company)
A6189 - Penelopa - kontakt ČB (photograph (contact) BW, Production Company)
A6190 - Penelopa - fotografija B/ČB (, Production Company)
A6191 - Vsa ta ljubezen - fotografija B (DVD+R Digital Photography C, Production Company)
A6244 - Kaj pa bi, če bi (leaflet, Production Company)
A6251 - Šeligova nagrada - 1981 (, Production Company)
A6266 - Gledališki list AGRFT, poletni semester 2014/2015 (playbill, Publisher)
A6287 - Prizoratorij (, Producer)
A6288 - Marat Po (, Producer)
A6289 - Služkinji - Sara Lucu (DVD+R Digital Photography C, Producer)
A6290 - Služkinji - Sara Lucu (DVD-R Digital Photography BW, Producer)
A6296 - Plešasta pevka - Madon (DVD+R Digital Photography BW, Producer)
A6297 - Plešasta pevka - Madon (DVD+R Digital Photography C, Producer)
A6298 - Plešasta pevka - Ramšak (, Producer)
A6299 - La Justice, fotografije (, Producer)
A6300 - Moj Devetsto (, Producer)
A6301 - E.T.I.D.A. (, Producer)
A6391 - Zborovanje ptic - fotografije (, Producer)
A6392 - Krhanje lepote - fotografije (, Producer)
A6393 - Pravila igre - fotografije (, Producer)
A6394 - Portreti študentov AGRFT - 2014/2015 (DVD+R Digital Photography C, Producer)
A6844 - Novi novi filmi 2015 (poster, Production Company)
A6302 - Nahtingal včeraj zdaj (, Producer)
A6268 - Plakat AGRFT, poletni semester 2014/2015 (poster, Production Company)
A6270 - Adept, let. I, št. 2, 2014/2015 (magazine, Producer)
A1876 - Jubilejna zgoščenka študentskih radijskih iger ob 70-letnici AGRFT (CD, Producer)
A6903 - Dramaturški dnevnik za uprizoritev Grozljivi gost (project documentation, Participating)
A6698 - Gledališki list AGRFT, zimski semester, 2015/2016 (playbill, Publisher)
A6842 - Novi novi filmi (poster, Production Company)
A7985 - Agape - Obredi ljubezni (Programme, Production Company)
A7986 - Agape - Obredi ljubezni (Programme, Production Company)
A6700 - Adept, let. II, št. 2, 2015/2016 (magazine, Publisher)
A6758 - Literarni večer mlade umetniške besede UL AGRFT in Radia Slovenije (Programme, Production Company)
A6757 - AGRFT 70 (Programme, Production Company)
A6771 - Zbornik ob 70 - letnici Akademije za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo Univerze v Ljubljani (monography, Production Company)
A6774 - Gledališki list AGRFT, zimski semester, 2016/2017 (playbill, Publisher)
A6815 - Adept, let. III, št. 1, 2016/2017 (magazine, Publisher)
A6816 - Tik pred revolucijo: Kako sem postal terorist (masters thesis - B, Production Company)
A6817 - Igralka in njen navdih (masters thesis - B, Production Company)
A6855 - Gledališki list AGRFT, poletni semester, 2016/2017 (playbill, Producer)
A6856 - Adept, let. III, št. 2, 2016/2017 (magazine, Publisher)
A6912 - Sanje neke ptice - plakat (poster, Producer)
A6913 - Sanje neke ptice - letak (leaflet, Producer)
A7015 - Adept. let. IV, št. 1, 2017/2018 (magazine, Publisher)
A7018 - Gledališki list AGRFT, zimski semester, 2017/2018 (playbill, Publisher)
A7823 - Aškerčeva 5, pred rušitvijo, Kemija (digital photograph, color, Active Coauthor)
A7824 - Aškerčeva 5, rušenje Kemije (digital photograph, color, Active Coauthor)
A7217 - Adept, let. V, št. 1, 2018/2019 (magazine, Publisher)
A1935 - Žrtve radia bum bum (CD, Co-Production Company)
A7142 - Gledališki list AGRFT, poletni semester, 2017/2018 (playbill, Publisher)
A7143 - Adept, let. IV, št. 2., 2017/2018 (magazine, Publisher)
A7027 - Gledališke produkcije UL AGRFT, zimski semester 2017/2018 (poster, Producer)
A7150 - Živa - Zlato priznanje, 1. letnik DI in GLR (, Producer)
A7151 - Živa 2018 (festival catalogue, Participating)
A7165 - Stoletje Hlapcev (Programme, Organizer)
A7166 - Mlada umetniška beseda (Programme, Production Company)
A7093 - Idomenej (typescript, Production Company)
A7101 - Kakor dih (poster, Production Company)
A7040 - Blitz Kids (poster, Producer)
A7041 - Blitz Kids - letak (leaflet, Producer)
A7055 - Vzkrik (leaflet, Participating)
A7061 - Kakor dih (leaflet, Production Company)
A7466 - Butalci (poster, Production Company)
A7465 - Večer AGRFT magistrskih filmov (poster, Production Company)
A7308 - Gledališki list AGRFT - poletni semester, 2018/2019 (playbill, Publisher)
A7253 - Živela je ženska - plakat (poster, Production Company)
A7255 - Zlatolaske 2019 - plakat (poster, Production Company)
A7307 - Gledališki list AGRFT - zimski semester, 2018/2019 (playbill, Publisher)
A7330 - Adept, let VI, št. 1, 2019/2020 (magazine, Publisher)
A7306 - Idejna zasnova Akademije za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo ob Tržaški cesti (, Subject of discussion)
A7449 - Mini operas, Divadlo na Orli, Brno (leaflet, Co-Production Company)
A7448 - Mini operas, Divadlo na Orli, Brno (Programme, Co-Production Company)
A7309 - Adept - let V, št. 2, 2018/2019 (magazine, Publisher)
A7412 - Otroci na oblasti - negativ ČB (photograph (negative) C, archived)
A7541 - Akademijski list, zimski semester, št. I/II, letnik VII 2019 (playbill, Publisher)
A7608 - Akademijski list, poletni semester, št. II/II, letnik VII 2020 (playbill, Publisher)
A7692 - Kvartet / Nova realnost (catalogue, Publisher)
A7692 - Kvartet / Nova realnost (catalogue, publisher)
A7699 - Adijo, Nazorka! (poster, Participating)
A7743 - Akademijski list, poletni semester, št. II/II, letnik VII 2020 (digital photograph, color, Producer)
A7654 - Adept, let VI, št. 2, 2019/2020 (magazine, Publisher)
A7654 - Adept, let VI, št. 2, 2019/2020 (magazine, publisher)
A7922 - Hočem osvojiti svet 2.1 - Igralka na prepihu kultur (programme sheet, Production Company)
A7922 - Hočem osvojiti svet 2.1 - Igralka na prepihu kultur (programme sheet, Publisher)
A8277 - Govor in prostor - simpozij (digital photograph, color, Producer)
A8320 - Govor in prostor - simpozij 2 (digital photograph, color, Producer)
A2076 - Karantenski blues (vinyl record, Production Company)
A7768 - Adept, letnik VII, številka 1, 2020/2021 (magazine, Publisher)
A7767 - Akademijski list AGRFT 2020/2021, zimski semester, letnik VIII, št. 1 (playbill, Publisher)
A7981 - Theatre European Alternatives, sept. 2021 - online kritika (review, Production Company)
A7983 - Generator:: (, Producer)
A8034 - 27. Mednarodni festival sodobnih umetnosti - Mesto žensk XX (Programme, Participating)
A7846 - Akademijski list AGRFT 2020/2021, letnik VIII, št. 1 - digitalna kopija (playbill, Producer)
A7848 - Akademijski list AGRFT 2020/2021, letnik VIII, št. 2 (playbill, Production Company)
A7848 - Akademijski list AGRFT 2020/2021, letnik VIII, št. 2 (playbill, Publisher)
A7918 - Adept, letnik VII, številka 2, 2020/2021 (magazine, Publisher)
A7919 - Adept, letnik VII, številka 2, 2020/2021 - digitalna kopija (magazine, Producer)
A7976 - Amfiteater, 9. letnik, številka 1, 2021 (magazine, Publisher)
A7979 - Premene v sodobni dramatiki po letu 2000 (Programme, Organizer)
A7980 - World Theatre Day 2021 Online Celebration (Certificate of Gratitude, Awardee)
A7980 - World Theatre Day 2021 Online Celebration (Certificate of Gratitude, Participating)
A8085 - Adept, letnik VIII, številka 1, 2021/2022 (magazine, Publisher)
A8099 - Vabljeni na ogled produkcij AGRFT (poster, Producer)
A8206 - Prešernova nagrada za magistrsko delo (, )
A8207 - Prešernova nagrada za magistrsko delo Je govorni (, )
A8208 - Prešernova nagrada za kostumografijo diplomske (, )
A8209 - Prešernova nagrada za magistrsko delo Kaj se skriva v tišini? (, )
A8234 - AGRFT festival 2022 (Programme, Production Company)
A8234 - AGRFT festival 2022 (Programme, Publisher)
A8235 - AGRFT festival 2022 (leaflet, Production Company)
A8210 - Predlog za Severjevo nagrado študentom DI (document, )
A8289 - Festival studentskog pozorišta, 2022, Novi Sad (Programme, Participating)
A8154 - Adept, letnik VIII, številka 2, 2021/2022 (magazine, Publisher)
A8155 - Adept, letnik VIII, številka 2, 2021/2022 - digitalna kopija (65 mm, publisher)
A8285 - "Krik: Prvi glas" (playbill, Co-Production Company)
A8321 - 1. AGRFT festival - letak (leaflet, Production Company)
A8322 - 1. AGRFT festival - poster (poster, Production Company)
A8323 - 1. AGRFT festival - program (Programme, Production Company)
A8281 - 1. AGRFT festival, vodstvo po razstavi - digit. foto B (digital photograph, color, Production Company)
A8282 - 1. AGRFT festival, vodstvo po prostorih - digit. foto B (digital photograph, color, Production Company)
A8283 - 1. AGRFT festival, igrane TV drame - digit. foto B (digital photograph, color, Production Company)
A8100 - Vabljeni na ogled produkcij AGRFT (poster, Producer)
A8101 - Vabljeni na ogled produkcij AGRFT (poster, Producer)
A8102 - Vabljeni na ogled produkcij AGRFT (poster, Producer)
A8104 - Vabljeni na ogled produkcij AGRFT - digitalna kopija, poster (, Producer)
A8105 - Teden slovenske drame: Dan nominirancev, 2022 (programme sheet, Participating)
A8152 - Akademijski list UL AGRFT 2021/2022, letnik IX, št. 2 (playbill, Publisher)
A8274 - Portreti AGRFT - zaposleni in študenti, spet. 2022 (digital photograph, color, Production Company)
A8275 - Portreti AGRFT - zaposleni in študenti, nov. 2022 (digital photograph, color, Production Company)
A8083 - Akademijski list AGRFT 2021/2022, letnik IX, št. 1 (playbill, Publisher)
A8286 - International Student Theatre Festival - Danail Chirpansky, program (Programme, Participating)
A8325 - Dan nominirancev za nagrado Slavka Gruma (programme sheet, Participating)
A8309 - Viri strahu (brochure, Participating)
A8599 - 2. AGRFT festival 2023 - Letak/urnik dogodkov (leaflet, Producer)
A8597 - Adept, letnik IX, številka 2, 2022/2023 (magazine, Publisher)
A8645 - Zlata paličica: Krik: Prvi glas - digit. kopija (Certificate of Gratitude, Producer)
A8305 - Akademijski list UL AGRFT 2022/2023, letnik X, št. 1 (playbill, Publisher)
A8306 - Akademijski list UL AGRFT 2022/2023, letnik X, št. 1 - digit. kopija (, Producer)
A8307 - Adept, letnik IX, številka 1, 2022/2023 (magazine, Publisher)
A8459 - Akademijski list UL AGRFT 2022/2023, letnik X, št. 2 (playbill, Publisher)
A8598 - 2. AGRFT festival 2023 - Programska knjižica (Programme, Production Company)
A8598 - 2. AGRFT festival 2023 - Programska knjižica (Programme, Publisher)
A8606 - 2. AGRFT festival 2023 - program, digit. kop. (, Publisher)
A8608 - 2. AGRFT festival 2023 - digit. kop. - letak (, Producer)
A8609 - 2. AGRFT festival 2023 - digit. kop. - plakat (, Producer)
A8670 - Dan nominirancev - nagrada Slavka Gruma, 54. TSD, Kranj (programme sheet, Participating)
A8671 - Dan nominirancev - nagrada za mladega dramatika, 54. TSD, Kranj (programme sheet, Participating)
A8672 - Adept, letnik X, številka 1, 2023/2024 (magazine, Publisher)
A8667 - Vabljeni na Zlatolaske (poster, Active Coauthor)
A8675 - Akademijski list UL AGRFT 2023/2024, letnik XI, št. I (playbill, Publisher)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Maks Bajc (7.10.1919-25.9.1983)
Branko Miklavc (13.3.1922-7.10.2011)
Matija Milčinski (7.10.1945-)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.

Impulz prejel posebno omembo za študentski film
Kratki dokumentarni film Impulz je prejel posebno omembo za študentski ...
