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TOXIC x Zakaj ne pišem (2024)
Opraviti z Eddyjem (2025)
Édouard Louis, ou la transformation (2022)
Historias para no contar (2022)
Šterkijada (2023)

New Archive Items
A8840 - Preizkus umetniške nadarjenosti - avtorsko besedilo (Ne)znanci (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8839 - Ena pesem (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8838 - Naloga za sprejemni izpit - Brez strahu (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8837 - Zanos/Razpoka: analiza uprizoritve Razpoka v MGL (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8836 - Analiza dramskega dela Čakajoč Godota (2024, entrance exam paper)

Most Wanted
Vieux fusil, Le (1975)
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
Driver, The (1978)
Akahige (1965)
Mongol (2007)

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Jože Gale (1913-2004)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mati - Bitenc, Miklavc, Danilova, Jan, Gale, Česnik, Kovič, Peček - Karel Čapek: Mati. SNG Drama Ljubljana, 31. 10. 1945.
Fotografija je last: SLOGI (SGM).
Neg.: S.LXIII, 87; neg. 1597 Mati - Gale, Danilova - Karel Čapek: Mati - I. dej. SNG Drama Ljubljana, 31. 10. 1945.
Fotografija je last: SLOGI (SGM).
Neg.: S.LXIII, 84; neg. 1591 Mati - Gale, Peček, Jan, Kovič, Danilova, Česnik, Bitenc - Karel Čapek: Mati - III. dej. SNG Drama Ljubljana, 31. 10. 1945.
Fotografija je last: SLOGI (SGM).
Neg.: S.LXIV, 1; neg. 1594 Mati - Gale, Peček, Jan, Kovič, Danilova, Česnik, Bitenc - Karel Čapek: Mati - III. dej. SNG Drama Ljubljana, 31. 10. 1945.
Fotografija je last: SLOGI (SGM).
Neg.: S.LXIII, 86; neg. 1595 * * Prešernove nagrade - 1971 Prešernove nagrade - 1974 Prešernove nagrade - 1974 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Protekcija - Peček, Nablocka, Levar, Daneš, Slavec, Drenovec, Rakar, Cesar, Simčič, Gale - Branislav Nušić: Protekcija. SNG Drama Ljubljana, 24. 2. 1941.
Fotografija je last: SLOGI (SGM)
Neg.: S. LXIII, 67; sig. 1482
Rusko vprašanje - Jan, Gale, Levar - Konstantin Mihajlovič Simonov: Rusko vprašanje.
Neg.: S.XXVIII, 16; sig. 758 Rusko vprašanje - Levar, Gale - Konstantin Mihajlovič Simonov: Rusko vprašanje.
Neg.: S.XXVIII, 18; sig. 759 Sumljiva oseba - 821 - * * * * * Trideset let slovenske Drame - film - Trideset let slovenske drame - film, scenarij in režija: Jože Gale. Triglav film, Ljubljana, 1949. Delovni posnetek s snemanja Kranjskih komedijantov Bratka Krefta.
Fotografija je last: SLOGI (SGM).
Neg.: S.X, 57; sig. 747 * * Zimska pravljica - ?, Gale, Danilova, ??, Juvan, ?, Levstik - William Shakespeare: Zimska pravljica. SNG Drama Ljubljana, 8. 3. 1946.
Foto Slovenija 3244.
Neg.: S.LXIV, 79; neg. 1616 Zimska pravljica - ?, Levar, Juvan, Gale - William Shakespeare: Zimska pravljica - V. dej.
Fotografija je last: SLOGI (SGM).
Neg. S.LIII, 36; sig. 649

References: IMDb | SFC

Solza kot kaplja (Director)
Velika skušnjava (1939, Actor)
Protekcija (1941, Actor)
Voda (1942, Actor)
Mati (1944, Actor)
Punt (1944, Director, Actor)
Kralj na Betajnovi (1944, Actor)
Snubač (1944, Actor)
Težka ura (1944, Actor)
Raztrganci (1944, Actor)
Namišljeni bolnik / Le Malade imaginaire (1944, Actor)
Sumljiva oseba / Сумњиво лице (1944, Actor)
Mati / Matka (1945, Actor)
Zimska pravljica / The Winter's Tale (1946, Actor)
Rusko vprašanje / Russkij vopros (1947, Actor)
Na svoji zemlji / On Our Own Land (1948, 1st Assistant Director)
Slovenska drama v letih 1919-1949 (1949, Screenwriter, Director)
Kekec / Kekec (1951, Director, Screenwriter)
Draga Ruth / Dear Ruth! (1952, Director)
Filumena Marturano (1955, Director)
Tuđa zemlja / Tuja zemlja (1957, Director)
Vratiću se / Vrnil se bom (1957, Director)
Družinski dnevnik / Family Diary (1961, Director)
Zunaj pred durmi / Draussen vor der Tür (1961, Director)
Srečno, Kekec / Good Luck, Kekec (1963, Director)
Kekčeve ukane / Kekec's Tricks (1969, Director)
Onkraj / Beyond (1970, Director)
Slavje slovenskega filma (1975, Featured)
Pustota / Wasteland (1982, Director)
Ljubezen nam je vsem v pogubo / Love is the Ruin of Us All (1987, Director, Screenwriter)
Portret Jožeta Galeta (1992, Featured)
Portret Jožeta Galeta (2002, Featured)

Mentoring Work:
Štafeta mladosti (1963), Kriza vesti (1966), Telefon (1967), Variacije (1968), Zapuščena zgodovina (1968), Orfej in Evridika (1968), Drobno življenje (1968), Polikarp (1969), Smrt pijancev (1970), Sin (1970), Steklenica vode (1970), Freska (1970), Maja (1970), No in (1970), Plave noči (1970), Sodba (1971), Kodri (1971), Izraz (1971), Filip Filip (1971), Vladimir Skrbinšek (1971), Pot je končana, potovanje ne (1971), Dvorana (1971), Odkritje (1971), Trenutek resnice (1971), Pantomima (1972), Letenje v praznini (1972), Ja sam ... / Jaz sem ... (1972), O seljaku i pijesku (1972), Priština (1972), Impresije (1972), Portret Lidije Sotlarjeve (1972), Hruške (1973), Starinar (1973), Kavarna (1974), Izdajalsko srce (1974), 1370 gr (1974), Črna pega čez oči (1974), Hruške (1974), Ali naj te z listjem posujem? (1974), Exitus (1974), Moderato cantabile (1974), Gotska plastika na Slovenskem (1974), Gosenica (1975), En dan življenja Vinka D. (1975), Igra (1975), Beli azil (1975), Brez ljubezni se pretikaš skozi življenje, živi mrtvec (1975), No pasaran (1976), Aničina hiša / Annie's House (1976), Moja Ljubljana (1976), Plave kite (1976), Portret (1976), Tisnikar (1978)

Items to borrow from AGRFT Archives:
A4225 - Trideset let AGRFT (seminar - screenplay, Featured)

Items to borrow from AGRFT Archives (Mentoring):
A1124 - "Z" (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A1099 - Bitka na Neretvi (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A1251 - Želimir Žilnik: Rani radovi (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A1250 - Jean-Luc Goddard: Pierrot le fou (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A7832 - Orson Welles: Državljan Kane (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A776 - Vtisi ob ogledu filmov (seminar - student paper, Mentor), A830 - Športno življenje (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A831 - Tom Jones (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A759 - Tom Jones (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A757 - dr. France Prešeren (shooting script, Mentor), A861 - Zidovi in čas (shooting script, Mentor), A859 - Omicron (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A775 - France Kosmač: Lucija (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A870 - Balada o trobenti in oblaku (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A917 - Prosojnost (shooting script, Mentor), A900 - Veselica (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A973 - Analiza filmov Matjaža Klopčiča (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A7128 - Variacije (project documentation, Mentor), A974 - Alfred Hitchcock: Ptiči (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A918 - Pietro Germi: Gospe in gospodje (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A1096 - Sidney Lumet: Človek iz zastavljalnice (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A1121 - Peščeni grad (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A1153 - Živoin Pavlović - "Kad budem mrtav i beo" (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A1098 - Joseph Losey - Nesreča (Accident) (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A58 - Trening (project documentation, Mentor), A1123 - Vatroslav Mimica: Ponedeljek ali torek (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A1097 - Knut Hamsun: GLAD (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A7569 - Vaje pri prof. Galetu (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A7570 - Vaje pri prof. Galetu (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A7571 - Vaje pri prof. Galetu (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A1409 - Za dolar več (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A1246 - Mirko Grobler "Nočni izlet" (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A1329 - Kratki dokumentarni filmi Maka Sajka (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A1245 - Jacques Tati (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A1195 - S. M. Eisenstein (seminar - student paper, Mentor), A1152 - Sergej Mihajlovič Eisenstein (seminar - student paper, Mentor), A1275 - Fenomen Žaka Tatija (graduation thesis, Mentor), A1330 - 2001 - odiseja v vesolju (seminar - excercises, Mentor), A1291 - Michelangelo Antonioni: Trilogija: Avantura, Noč, Mrk (graduation thesis, Mentor), A7568 - Oglarska sekira (project documentation, Mentor), A1623 - Nežnost (graduation thesis, Mentor), A1552 - En dan življenja Vinka D. (seminar - project documentation, Mentor)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2025 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Georges Méliès (8.12.1861-21.1.1938)
Rudolph Maté (21.1.1898-27.10.1964)

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