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Official Hours
Official working hours of both Theatre Archive and Videotheque:

Last Entries
Žlahtna plesen Pupilije Ferkeverk (1969)
Voranc (2025)
Kino '84: Jim Jarmusch (1984)
Študija Ibsen/Strindberg (2025)
Vaje in improvizacije (2025)

New Archive Items
A8939 - Čehov material - foto negativ ČB (2024, photograph (negative) BW)
A8938 - Čehov material - foto negativ B (2024, photograph (negative) C)
A8937 - Čehov material - foto kontakt B (2024, photograph (contact) C)
A8936 - Ay, Carmela - foto negativ ČB (2024, photograph (negative) BW)
A8935 - Ay, Carmela - foto negativ B (2024, photograph (negative) C)

Most Wanted
Bling Ring, The (2013)
Fargo (1996)
Pervert's Guide to Cinema, The (2006)
Permanent Vacation (1980)
Wild (2014)

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Jimou Čang

Note (in Slovenian): Angl. zapis: Yimou Zhang

Hong gao liang / Red Sorghum (1987, Director)
Da hong deng long gao gao gua / Dvigni rdečo svetilko / Raise the Red Lantern (1991, Director)
Shanghai Triad / Šangajska triada (1993, Director)
Road Home, The / Pot domov (1999, Director)
Turandot Project, The / Projekt Turandot (2000, Featured)
Jing čiong / Heroj / Hero (2002, Director)
Shi mian mai fu / Hiša letečih bodal / House of Flying Daggers (2004, Director)
San qiang pai an jing qi / Ženska, pištola in špageterija / Woman, a Gun and a Noodle Shop, A (2009, Director)
Yi miao zhong / Ena sekunda / One Second (2020, Director)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2025 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Georges Simenon (13.2.1903-4.9.1989)
Jože Babič (13.2.1917-10.5.1996)
Ljerka Belak (13.2.1948-21.4.2021)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
