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Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse (2021)
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A8675 - Schengen (2024, )
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Birdman (2014)
Haine, La (1995)
Ed Wood (1994)
Au hasard Balthazar (1966)
Uns et les autres, Les (1981)

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Matjaž Berger

Analna metafora - kot mesto...-digit. kopija - pdf.

Note (in Slovenian): Diploma iz dramaturgije, št. 264; diploma iz gledališke režije, št. 688.

Lepota in narod (1986, Dramaturg)
Izpitni nastop iz dramske igre II (1986, Dramaturg)
Smešni preciozi (1988, Dramaturg)
Zaprta vrata / Huis clos (1989, Dramaturg)
Premi govor (1990, Actor, Director)
Rešen / Saved (1990, Actor, Director)
Nastopi klovnov (1990, Director, Actor)
Lov na čarovnice (1991, Director)
Kar hočete (1991, Director, Director)
Rdeče (1991, Director, Author)
Norge (1992, Director)
Nomadi lepote (1994, Author)
Triumf (1995, Director)
Ne/znani oder - Borštnikovo srečanje (1996, Participating)
Galileo Galilei (1996, Director)
Kons 5 (1996, Director)
Nikoli me ne vidiš tam, kjer te jaz vidim (1997, Director)
Traumdeutung, Die / Interpretacija sanj (1999, Director)
Glas (Rihard II., Henrik V., Rihard III.) (1999, Director)
Traumdeutung, 1900, Die (2000, Director)
Salzberg, Der (2001, Director)
Proslava ob dnevu državnosti (2001, Director, Screenwriter)
Ime rože (2002, Director)
Fiziki (2003, Director)
Fragma: Merica sreče / Fragma: An Ounce of Luck (2008, Actor)
Hlapci (2010, Director)
PogUM (2011, Director)

Items to borrow from AGRFT Archives:
A2495 - Marksizem in forma - problem v - efekta (seminar - synopsis, Paper Author)
A2495 - Seminar o Brechtu, 1. del (seminar - student paper, Paper Author)
A2589 - Galileo Galilei (entrance exam paper, Paper Author)
A2782 - L'esthétique, c'est l'éthique (graduation thesis, Paper Author)
A8532 - Analna metafora - kot mesto novejše zgodovine SFRJ (graduation thesis, Paper Author)
A2781 - Prologomena k "epskosti" gledališkega podjetja Bertolta Brechta (graduation thesis, Paper Author)
A2777 - Analna metafora - kot mesto novejše zgodovine SFRJ (graduation thesis, Paper Author)
A72 - Fassbinderjeva filmska strategija - Lili Marlen kot subverzivni umetniški produkt (seminar - student paper, Paper Author)
A4934 - Die Traumdeutung (seminar - excercises, Subject of discussion)
A6093 - Brechtov ukrep kot "oblika gledališča prihodnosti" (graduation thesis, Paper Author)
A8154 - Adept, letnik VIII, številka 2, 2021/2022 (magazine, Interviewee)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Aleksandar Djordjević (28.7.1924-27.4.2005)
Krzysztof Komeda (27.4.1931-23.4.1969)
Aleksander Pešut (27.4.1977-)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
