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Last Entries
Znamke, nakar še Emilija ... (1969)
Scandal Sheet (1952)
Shockproof (1949)
Power of the Press (1943)
Adventure in Sahara (1938)

New Archive Items
A1950 - Tone Slodnjak (1981, seminar - student paper)
V28156 (Blu-ray disc)
V28158 - Samuel Fuller, Storyteller, volume 2 (Blu-ray disc)
V28161 (Blu-ray disc)
V28160 (Blu-ray disc)

Most Wanted
Vieux fusil, Le (1975)
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
Driver, The (1978)
Akahige (1965)
Mongol (2007)

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Georges Méliès (1861-1938)

References: IMDb

Zgodovina filma / Lumiere: Delavci prihajajo iz tovarne, Prihod vlaka (Featured)
Homme de tête, Un / Four Troublesome Heads, The (1898, Director)
Danse du feu, La / Pillar of Fire, The (1899, Director)
L'homme orchestre / One-Man Band, The (1900, Director)
Jeanne d'Arc / Joan of Arc (1900, Director)
L'homme à la tête en caoutchouc / India Rubber Head, The (1901, Director)
Barbe-bleu / Bluebeard / Sinjebradec (1901, Director)
Voyage dans la Lune, Le / Potovanje na luno (1902, Director)
Aventures de Robinson Crusoe, Les / Robinson Crusoe (1902, Director)
Cake-walk infernal, Le / Cake-Walk Infernal, The (1903, Director)
Mélomane, Le / Music Lover, The (1903, Director)
Chaudron infernal, Le / Infernal Boiling Pot, The (1903, Director)
Royaume des fées, Le / Kingdom of Fairies, The (1903, Director)
Voyage à travers l'impossible, Le / Impossible Voyage, An (1904, Director)
Cartes vivantes, Les / Living Playing Cards, The (1904, Director)
Roi du maquillage, Le / Untamable Whiskers, The (1904, Director)
Transmutations imperceptibles, Les / Imperceptible Transmutations, The (1904, Director)
Tripot clandestin, Le / Scheming Gambler's Paradise, The (1905, Director)
Légende de Rip van Winckle, La / Rip's Dream (1905, Director)
Dirigeable fantastique, Le / Inventory Crazybrain and His Wonderful Airship, The (1905, Director)
Affiches en goguette, Les / Hilarious Posters, The (1906, Director)
Quat'cents farces du diable, Les / Merry Frolics of Satan, The (1906, Director)
Fée Carabosse ou le poignard fatal, La / Witch, The (1906, Director)
Locataire diabolique, Le / Devilish Tenant, The (1909, Director)
Illusions fantaisistes, Les / Whimsical Illusions (1909, Director)
portret Melies Georges / začetki filma, francoski režiser, zgodnja znanstvena fantastika (1997, Featured)
Magie Méliès, Le / Magic of Melies, The (1997, Portrayee)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2025 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Edward G. Robinson (12.12.1893-26.1.1973)
Paul Newman (26.1.1925-26.9.2008)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
