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Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse (2021)
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Gajin svet 2 (2022)

New Archive Items
V28084 (DVD)
V28083 (DVD)
V28075 (DVD)
V28074 (DVD)
V28073 (DVD)

Most Wanted
Birdman (2014)
Haine, La (1995)
Ed Wood (1994)
Au hasard Balthazar (1966)
Uns et les autres, Les (1981)

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Stanko Kostanjevec (1961-)

References: IMDb | SFC

Miška (1985, Assistant Director, Film Editor)
Konjiček (1986, Film Editor)
Maja in vesoljček / Maya and the Starboy (1988, Film Editor)
Kavarna Astoria / Cafe Astoria (1989, Film Editor)
Nekoč je bilo / Once upon a time (1989, Film Editor)
Silicijev horizont (1989, Film Editor)
Ječarji / Jailers, The (1990, Film Editor)
Do konca in naprej / To the Limit and Beyond (1990, Film Editor)
Babica gre na jug / Grandma Goes South (1991, Film Editor)
Triangel / Triangle (1991, Film Editor)
Srčna dama / Queen of Hearts, The (1991, Film Editor)
Vse je pod kontrolo / Everything Is Under Control (1992, Film Editor)
Morana / Morana (1993, Film Editor)
Zrakoplov / Flying Machine, The (1993, Film Editor)
Radio.doc / Radio.doc (1995, Film Editor)
Halgato (1996, Film Editor)
Ekspres, Ekspres / Express, Express (1997, Film Editor)
Rabljeva freska (1997, Film Editor)
Barabe! / Rascals! (2001, Film Editor)
Izlet / The Excursion (2002, Film Editor)
Desperado tonic / Desperado Tonic (2004, Film Editor)
Dobro uštimani mrtveci / Dobro urejeni mrtvaci / Well Tempered Corpses (2005, Film Editor)
Mokuš / Mokush (2006, Film Editor)
Slovenija v cameri obscuri. 2. del: Religija, družina, delo. (2007, Director)
Slovenija v cameri obscuri. 1. del: Ljubezen. (2007, Director)
Slovenija v cameri obscuri. 3. del: Politika, vojna. (2007, Director)
Morje v času mrka / Sea at the Time of the Eclipse, The (2008, Film Editor)
Adria Blues / Adria Blues (2013, Film Editor)
Anina provizija / Ana's Commission (2016, Film Editor)

Mentoring Work:
Barve / Colours (2005), Pop / Priest in Prison (2005), Reka na Poljskem / River in Poland (2005), Primer: Vain / The Vain Case (2005), Pes, ki je umrl ob pravem času / The Dog Died at the Right Time (2005), A mia madre - Moji materi / To my Mother (2005), Angoraangora / Angoraangora (2005), Boli? (2005), Sretan put Nedime / Good Luck Nedim (2005), Quick View / Quick View (2005), Ko naju več ne bo / When the Two of Us Are Gone (2005), Ples besed / Dance of Words (2006), Libero / Libero (2006), Miza, ki tudi laže / Table, that also Tells Lies (2006), Rupa / Luknja / Hole, The (2006), Pokemon je za froce / Pokemon is for Kids (2006), Kot ptič / Like a Bird (2006), 1/2 / 1/2 (2006), Prezgodaj dva metra spodaj / Almost Six Feet Too Deep (2006), Obleka / A Dress (2006), Hej, tovariši / Hey Ho Comrades (2006), Amor magister optimus / Love is the Greatest Teacher (2007), Družina / The Family (2007), Agape / Agape (2007), Osa / Wasp, The (2007), Srce je žalostno / The Heart is Sad (2007), Proti oknu / Against the Window (2007), Klepet s Piko / A Chat with Pika (2007), Dedek Mraz / Grandpa Frost (2007), To je Slovenija / This is Slovenia (2007), Vučko / Wolfy (2007), Bordo rdeča / Burgundy Red (2007), Embrio / Embrio (2007), Vodni čut / Sense Of a Water (2008), Janez Janša: projekt / Janez Janša: The Project (2008), Darilo / Present, The (2009), Lov na race / Duck Hunting (2009), Trst je naš! / Trieste is Ours (2009), Samo še en obrat / Just Another Turn Around (2009), Moški / Real Man, A (2010), Obisk / Visit, The (2010), Klinci / Rascals (2010), Veter v meni / Wind Inside Me, The (2010), Za zaprtimi očmi / Behind Closed Eyes (2010), Beli zajec / White Rabbit (2011), Nikamor 13:22 / Nowhere 13:22 (2011), Kje si stari? / What's up, dude? (2011), Nad mestom se dani / Sunrise Over the City (2011), Pobeg / Escape (2011), Zmaj / Dragon (2011), DEAD FATHER, Kam je odšel naš Veliki Oče? / DEAD FATHER, Where Did Our Great Father Go To? (2012), Maks / Maks (2012), Messi se je poškodoval / Messi injured (2012), Amelia / Amelia (2012), Divji vzhod / Wild East (2012), Časotresk / Time Turn (2012), Kam / Where to (2013), Ivan brez življenja / John Lacklife (2013), Kopanje / Diving In (2013), Prihodi odhodi / Arrivals Departures (2013), Ta zahvalni dan / This Thanksgiving Day (2013), 100 točk / Top Score (2013), Plavanje / Swimming (2014), Talenti / Talent Show (2014), Tujca / Strangers (2014), Prespana pomlad / Springtime Sleep, The (2014), Nazaj / Backwards (2015), Na novo / Anew (2015), Male ribe / Little Fish (2015), Riot Ana / Riot Ana (2015), Slastni gnus / Delicious Disgust, The (2016), Misli / Thoughts (2016), Šum / Interference (2016), Jogi in škatla / Jogi And a Box (2016), Oropana duša / Robbed Soul (2016), 1319. dan / 1319th Day (2016), Spran / Washed Out (2018), Uvajanje / Apprenticeship (2018), Iva, 24 / Iva, 24 (2018), Trenutek / Moment, The (2018), Češnjevi kolački / Cherry Cupcakes (2019), Nihče ni rekel, da te moram imeti rad / Nobody Said I Have to Love You (2019), Zlata verižica / Golden Necklace (2019), Prelom / Fracture (2020), Transnebesna železnica / Trans-celestial Railways (2020), Kar pozabiš, odide z vetrom / What You Forget Goes Away With the Wind (2020), Otava / Otava (2021), Maks / Maks (2021), Soseda / Neighbours (2021), In je ostala noč / And the Night Remained (2021), Sprintaj mi ljubezen / Password is Love, The (2021), Nočko, mami! / Sweet dreams, mommy! (2021), Drugi so molčali / Others Remained Silent (2022), 2030 / 2030 (2022), Deuce / Deuce (2022), Iz mesca v mesec / Month To Month (2022), Punjene paprike / Stuffed Peppers (2022), Daljne njive / Faraway Fields (2022), Gnida / Scum (2022), Alenka / Alenka (2023), Hoffmanov zakon / Hoffman’s Law (2023), Razglašena / Out of Tune (2023), Grobo tkane niti / Threads (2023), Premalo vsega / Lack of Everything (2023)

Items to borrow from AGRFT Archives:
A7052 - Karikature sodelavcev FTV oddelka za razstavo ob 70. letnici AGRFT (poster, Depictee)

Items to borrow from AGRFT Archives (Mentoring):
A5790 - Ko naju več ne bo (project documentation, Mentor), A5791 - Miza, ki tudi laže (project documentation, Mentor), A4155 - Angoraangora (seminar - screenplay, Mentor), A4135 - Moji materi - A Mia Madre (seminar - shooting script, Mentor), A4140 - Pes, ki je umrl ob pravem času (seminar - shooting script, Mentor), A4154 - Angoraangora (seminar - shooting script, Mentor), A4159 - Sretan put Nedime (seminar - shooting script, Mentor), A4160 - Sretan put Nedime (seminar - screenplay, Mentor), A4164 - Quick view (seminar - shooting script, Mentor), A4165 - Quick view (seminar - screenplay, Mentor), A4149 - Blackout (Boli?) (seminar - shooting script, Mentor), A4392 - Prezgodaj dva metra spodaj (seminar - screenplay, Mentor), A4963 - Pokemon je za froce (shooting script, Mentor), A4964 - Pokemon je za froce (project documentation, Mentor), A4962 - Pokemon je za froce (screenplay, Mentor), A4393 - Prezgodaj dva metra spodaj (seminar - shooting script, Mentor), A4957 - 1/2 (screenplay, Mentor), A4958 - 1/2 (screenplay, Mentor), A4959 - 1/2 (project documentation, Mentor), A4947 - Proti oknu (screenplay, Mentor), A4948 - Proti oknu (shooting script, Mentor), A5140 - Rupa (screenplay, Mentor), A5141 - Rupa (shooting script, Mentor), A5142 - Rupa (project documentation, Mentor), A4949 - Proti oknu (project documentation, Mentor), A5621 - Agape (project documentation, Mentor), A4602 - Oglas (shooting script, Mentor), A4603 - Oglas (storyboard, Mentor), A5431 - Vučko (project documentation, Mentor), A5611 - Klepet s Piko (project documentation, Mentor), A5612 - Dedek Mraz (project documentation, Mentor), A5613 - Amor Magister Optimus (project documentation, Mentor), A5622 - Agape (project documentation, Mentor), A4952 - Bordo rdeča (screenplay, Mentor), A4953 - Bordo rdeča (shooting script, Mentor), A4954 - Bordo rdeča (project documentation, Mentor), A5097 - Osa (project documentation, Mentor), A4892 - Srce je žalostno (screenplay, Mentor), A4893 - Srce je žalostno (shooting script, Mentor), A5097 - Osa (shooting script, Mentor), A4586 - Praga (shooting script, Mentor), A4895 - (CD-ROM, Mentor), A4778 - Vodni čut (screenplay, Mentor), A4779 - Vodni čut (shooting script, Mentor), A4780 - Vodni čut (project documentation, Mentor), A4997 - Darilo (screenplay, Mentor), A5006 - Moški (screenplay, Mentor), A4998 - Darilo (shooting script, Mentor), A4999 - Darilo (project documentation, Mentor), A5007 - Moški (shooting script, Mentor), A5008 - Moški (project documentation, Mentor), A5011 - Lov na race (screenplay, Mentor), A5012 - Lov na race (shooting script, Mentor), A5013 - Lov na race (project documentation, Mentor), A5016 - Trst je naš! (screenplay, Mentor), A5017 - Trst je naš! (shooting script, Mentor), A5018 - Trst je naš! (project documentation, Mentor), A5175 - Trst je naš! (storyboard, Mentor), A5432 - Veter v meni (project documentation, Mentor), A5504 - Obisk (project documentation, Mentor), A5509 - Klinci (project documentation, Mentor), A5587 - Nad mestom se dani (project documentation, Mentor), A5624 - Pobeg (project documentation, Mentor), A5586 - Kje si stari? (project documentation, Mentor), A5746 - Zmaj (project documentation, Mentor), A5585 - Nikamor 13:22 (project documentation, Mentor), A5745 - Messi se je poškodoval (project documentation, Mentor), A5744 - Maks (project documentation, Mentor), A7589 - Analiza in reinterpretacija vloge montažerja in montažnih procesov v slovenskem filmskem prostoru (, Mentor), A7588 - Filmski čas in prikaz mislenih ter čustvenih stanj likov (, Mentor), A7572 - Ustvarjanje resnice (, Mentor), A8153 - Nevidne veščine v montaži (, Mentor), A8674 - Struktura in elementi pripovedi (, Mentor)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Jean Vigo (26.4.1905-5.10.1934)
Rapa Šuklje (26.4.1923-13.4.2013)
Anton Tomašič (26.4.1937-)
Nika Likar (26.4.1982-)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
