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Mirjam Kavčič (1970-)

Alenka, scenska fotografija - KJE SI STARI: Ekipa - Triada 2012: priprave na snemanje 3 - Nihče ni rekel, da te moram imeti rad: set foto 1 -

Pet majskih dni / Five Days in May (1997, Make-Up Artist)
Ščetka / Brush, A (1999, Make-Up Artist)
Vrt / Garden, The (1999, Make-Up Artist)
Cesta / Road, The (2000, Make-Up Artist)
Z ljubeznijo / With Love (2000, Make-Up Artist)
Figurae veneris / Figuae Veneris (2000, Make-Up Artist)
Nekoga moraš imeti rad / You Have to Love Somebody (2000, Make-Up Artist)
Žile / Žile (2000, Make-Up Artist)
Nepopisan list / What Now, Luka? (2000, Make-Up Artist)
Pavle / Pavle (2001, Make-Up Artist)
Oblak / Cloud, The (2001, Make-Up Artist)
Hot dog / Hot dog (2001, Make-Up Artist)
Zlati prsti / Golden Fingers (2001, Make-Up Artist)
Dekle treh očetov / The Girl of Three Fathers (2001, Make-Up Artist)
Orgazmus / Orgasmus (2002, Make-Up Artist)
Zlato srce / Golden Heart (2002, Make-Up Artist)
Izlet / The Excursion (2002, Make-Up Artist)
Odlepljeni / Unplugged (2002, Make-Up Artist)
Selitev / Moving Away (2002, Make-Up Artist)
Fužine zakon / Fužine Rules (2002, Make-Up Artist)
Modra soba / Blue Room (2003, Make-Up Artist)
Sezona 90/91 / Season 90/91 (2003, Make-Up Artist)
Nočno življenje (2003, Make-Up Artist)
Črvi / Worms (2003, Make-Up Artist)
Elektro-Orson / Elektro-Orson (2003, Make-Up Artist)
Vlažnost 81% / Humidity 81% (2003, Make-Up Artist)
Dan v mestu / Day In the City (2003, Make-Up Artist)
Stebri družbe 1 (2003, Make-Up Artist)
Solza / The Tear (2003, Make-Up Artist)
Jaz sem Vinko / I am Vinko (2004, Make-Up Artist)
Uspavanka / Lullaby (2004, Make-Up Artist)
C'est la vie / C'est la vie (2004, Make-Up Artist)
Kyrie (2004, Make-Up Artist)
Stari Tišler (2004, Make-Up Artist)
Rd bi vidu pot (2004, Make-Up Artist)
Alter Ego / Alter Ego (2004, Make-Up Artist)
Dialog (2004, Make-Up Artist)
God(n) (L)ess musician (2004, Make-Up Artist)
Brucka v Ljubljani (2004, Make-Up Artist)
Sedem ur v pet poglavjih (2004, Make-Up Artist)
Philosophy ands (2004, Make-Up Artist)
Nora (2005, Make-Up Artist)
A mia madre - Moji materi / To my Mother (2005, Make-Up Artist)
Snubač / The Proposal (2005, Make-Up Artist)
Veliki pobeg / The Great Escape (2005, Make-Up Artist)
Sanje / Dreaming (2005, Make-Up Artist)
Ko naju več ne bo / When the Two of Us Are Gone (2005, Make-Up Artist)
Raj je raj na Rock otočcu / Paradise is Paradise on Rock Otocec (2005, Make-Up Artist)
Macbeth / Macbeth (2005, Make-Up Artist)
Ukročena trmoglavka (2005, Make-Up Artist)
Hamlet / Hamlet (2005, Make-Up Artist)
Podoknica brez primere (2005, Make-Up Artist)
Časovna zmešnjava / Time Mess (2005, Make-Up Artist)
Gverilci / Guerrilla Men (2005, Make-Up Artist)
Aljoša, 21 let (2006, Make-Up Artist)
Puške gospe Carrar (2006, Make-Up Artist)
Avdienca / Audience (2006, Make-Up Artist)
Rupa / Luknja / Hole, The (2006, Make-Up Artist)
Moje male ljubice / Some Girls (2006, Make-Up Artist)
Kdo se boji Virginie Woolf (2006, Make-Up Artist)
1/2 / 1/2 (2006, Make-Up Artist)
Prezgodaj dva metra spodaj / Almost Six Feet Too Deep (2006, Make-Up Artist)
Obleka / A Dress (2006, Make-Up Artist)
Desno / To the Right (2006, Make-Up Artist)
AGRFT poje pri Gajotu (2006, Make-Up Artist)
Job / Job (2007, Make-Up Artist)
Osa / Wasp, The (2007, Make-Up Artist)
Srce je žalostno / The Heart is Sad (2007, Make-Up Artist)
Klepet s Piko / A Chat with Pika (2007, Make-Up Artist)
To je Slovenija / This is Slovenia (2007, Make-Up Artist)
Vučko / Wolfy (2007, Make-Up Artist)
Pogrešal te bom / I'll Miss You (2007, Make-Up Artist)
Mladi virtuozi - kvartet klarinetov / Young virtuosos - Quartet of clarinets (2007, Make-Up Artist)
Roki na steni / Hands on the Wall (2008, Make-Up Artist)
Nebo nad blokom / Sky Above the Town (2008, Make-Up Artist)
Samoupravni organ / Communist Man, The (2008, Make-Up Artist)
Bajsa / Fatty, The (2008, Make-Up Artist)
Soldat / Soldier (2008, Make-Up Artist)
Hedda Gabler, konec / Hedda Gabler, The End (2008, Make-Up Artist)
Hedda Gabler, trikotnik / Hedda Gabler, Triangle (2008, Make-Up Artist)
Hedda Gabler, album / Hedda Gabler, Album (2008, Make-Up Artist)
Hedda Gabler, rokopis / Hedda Gabler, Manuscript (2008, Make-Up Artist)
Darilo / Present, The (2009, Make-Up Artist)
Trst je naš! / Trieste is Ours (2009, Make-Up Artist)
Obletnica / Anniversary (2010, Make-Up Artist)
Za zaprtimi očmi / Behind Closed Eyes (2010, Make-Up Artist)
Kje si stari? / What's up, dude? (2011, Make-Up Artist)
Zmaj / Dragon (2011, Make-Up Artist)
Limonada / Lemonade (2012, Make-Up Artist)
Šanghaj / Shanghai Gypsy (2012, Make-Up Artist)
Čefurji raus! / Chefurs raus! (2013, Make-Up Artist)
Anja Ganja / Anja Ganja (2017, Make-Up Artist)
Butalci / The Wonderful People of Butale (2018, Make-Up Artist)
Nihče ni rekel, da te moram imeti rad / Nobody Said I Have to Love You (2019, Make-Up Artist)
Alenka / Alenka (2023, Make-Up Artist)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Jean Vigo (26.4.1905-5.10.1934)
Rapa Šuklje (26.4.1923-13.4.2013)
Anton Tomašič (26.4.1937-)
Nika Likar (26.4.1982-)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
