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Official working hours of both Theatre Archive and Videotheque:

Last Entries
Zadnja šolska naloga (1961)
L'empire (2024)
Nič igranja, prosim! (2003)
Človek v lupini ali Kako nekaj povedati z jajci (2022)
Lutkovna animacija I (2023)

New Archive Items
A8725 - Izginem - strahovi v režijskem procesu - digit. kop. (2024, )
A8725 - Izginem - strahovi v režijskem procesu (2024, )
A8724 - Ribolov (2023, project documentation)
V28148 (DVD)
A8723 - Cvetenje (2024, project documentation)

Most Wanted
Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
Wizard of Oz, The (1939)
Stanley Kubrick, A Life in Pictures (2001)
Art of Kurosawa, The (2013)
Clockwork Orange, A (1971)

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Frane Povirk

Sejalec (1985, Sound Recordist)
Beautiful side (hard) / Beautiful Side (Hard) (1987, Sound Recordist)
Od Kneippa do kofeta s smetanco in nazaj (1992, Sound Recordist)
Plaža / Beach, The (1994, Sound Designer, Sound Recordist)
Lunar / Moonwalker (1995, Sound Recordist)
Električni stol nad Ljubljano ali Kaj počne slikar z dvema kovčkoma / An Electric Chair Above Ljubljana or What a Painter Can Do With Two Suitcases (1995, Sound Recordist)
Koromandija / Xanadu (1997, Sound Recordist)
Zijalo / Zijalo (1998, Sound Recordist)
KramArt (1998, Sound Technician)
Chubby was here - Šumiju v slovo / Chubby Was Here - Farewell Šumi (1999, Sound Recordist)
Podobe mesta / City Images (1999, Sound Recordist)
Flašofon / Bottlephone (2000, Sound Recordist)
Nepopisan list / What Now, Luka? (2000, Sound Recordist)
Dora in Fredi / Dora and Fredi (2004, Sound Recordist)
Libero / Libero (2006, Sound Recordist)
Miza, ki tudi laže / Table, that also Tells Lies (2006, Sound Recordist)
Rupa / Luknja / Hole, The (2006, Sound Recordist)
Kot ptič / Like a Bird (2006, Sound Recordist)
Roki na steni / Hands on the Wall (2008, Sound Recordist)
Majoš (2010, Sound Recordist)
Obisk / Visit, The (2010, Sound Recordist)
Generacija Južne Afrike / Generation of South Africa (2010, Sound Recordist)
Župnikov konjiček / Parson's Pleasure (2010, Sound Recordist)
Peter Bossman dobrodošel / Welcome Peter Bossman (2011, Sound Recordist)
Kuharska knjiga dr. Angele Piskernik / Kochbuch von Dr. Angela Piskernik, Das (2012, Sound Recordist)
Zlati teptači (2012, Sound Recordist)
F. S. Finžgar: Zapuščina strica Jurja (2012, Sound Recordist)
Ljubljansko jutro, benečanski večer (2013, Sound Recordist)
Bila so Titova mesta / They Were Tito’s Towns (2017, Sound Recordist)
Ivan in Karla (2018, Sound Technician)
Muzej norosti (2020, Sound Recordist)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Branislav Nušić (8.10.1864-19.1.1938)
Le Corbusier (8.10.1887-27.8.1965)
Rouben Mamoulian (8.10.1897-4.12.1987)
France Kosmač (3.10.1922-8.10.1974)
Lidija Kozlovič (8.10.1938-1.6.2009)
Jože Trtnik (8.10.1947-)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.

Impulz prejel posebno omembo za študentski film
Kratki dokumentarni film Impulz je prejel posebno omembo za študentski ...
