Official working hours of both Theatre Archive and Videotheque:Monday | 10am-1pm | Wednesday | 10am-1pm |
Zadnja šolska naloga (1961)
L'empire (2024)
Nič igranja, prosim! (2003)
Človek v lupini ali Kako nekaj povedati z jajci (2022)
Lutkovna animacija I (2023)
A8725 - Izginem - strahovi v režijskem procesu - digit. kop. (2024, )
A8725 - Izginem - strahovi v režijskem procesu (2024, )
A8724 - Ribolov (2023, project documentation)
V28148 (DVD)
A8723 - Cvetenje (2024, project documentation)
Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
Wizard of Oz, The (1939)
Stanley Kubrick, A Life in Pictures (2001)
Art of Kurosawa, The (2013)
Clockwork Orange, A (1971)
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Viba film
Kekec / Kekec (1951, Production Company) |
Puščica / Arrow, The (1960, Production Company) |
Nočni izlet / Night Trip (1961, Production Company) |
Kurir Nejček / Messenger, The (1961, Production Company) |
Izkopana bojna sekira / Unburied Hatchet (1961, Production Company) |
Mariborski teden / Maribor's Week (1961, Production Company) |
Zimska zgodba / Winter Story (1962, Production Company) |
Dediščina bratov Lumiere / Heritage Of The Lumiere Brothers (1962, Production Company) |
Srečno, Kekec / Good Luck, Kekec (1963, Production Company) |
Primer strogo zaupno / Highly Confidential (1963, Production Company) |
Občan Urban / Citizen Urban (1963, Production Company) |
Strupi / Poisons (1964, Production Company) |
Derby / Derby (1965, Production Company) |
Turnir pri Šumiku / Sumik Tournament, The (1965, Production Company) |
Amandus / Amandus (1966, Production Company) |
Kriza vesti (1966, Co-Production Company) |
Na petelina / Capercailzie Hunt (1966, Production Company) |
Jutrišnje Delo / Tomorrow’s Delo (1967, Production Company) |
Podobe iz sanj / Pictures From A Dream (1967, Production Company) |
Samomorilci, pozor! / Suicides Beware! (1967, Production Company) |
Kovček / Suitcase (1968, Production Company) |
Plamen v dvonožcu / Fire Within (1968, Production Company) |
Ko sem majhen bil, sem bil zdrav, vesel / When I Was Little, I Was Healthy And Merry (1969, Production Company) |
Občan Urban je glav 'ca / Citizen Urban - Smart Head (1971, Production Company) |
Kraljevi brivec / King's Barber (1971, Production Company) |
Slavica exception / Slavica Exceptional (1971, Production Company) |
Cukrarna / Cukrarna (1972, Production Company) |
Življenje po vzorcu / Life In A Pattern (1973, Production Company) |
Razstava gotske plastike na Slovenskem / Gothic Plastic Art In Slovenia (1974, Production Company) |
Promiskuiteta / Promiscuity (1974, Production Company) |
Sončni dnevi občana Urbana / Sunčani dani građanina Urbana / Sunny Days Of Citizen Urban / Sonnige Tage des Bürgers Urban (1975, Production Company) |
Xenia na gostovanju / Xenia On Tour (1975, Production Company) |
Narodna noša / National Costume (1975, Production Company) |
Aničina hiša / Annie's House (1976, Co-Production Company) |
Sarabanda za 17. regiment / Sarabande For The 17th Regiment (1976, Production Company) |
Led in ogenj (1977, Production Company) |
Darilo, ki pomeni upanje - dializa / Gift Of Hope - Dialysis, The (1977, Production Company) |
Oton Župančič / Oton Župančič (1978, Production Company) |
Monolog Ivana Potrča / Monologue Of Ivan Potrč (1978, Production Company) |
Žabe / Frogs (1978, Production Company) |
Ubij me nežno / Kill Me Tenderly (1979, Production Company) |
V službi socializma in boga / In The Service Of Socialism And God (1979, Production Company) |
Osebno življenje skulpture (1980, Production Company) |
Ristanc (1981, Production Company) |
Valček za Taužentarjeva dva / Taužentars' Waltz (1981, Production Company) |
Učna leta izumitelja Polža / Apprenticeship of the Inventor Polž (1982, Production Company) |
Portret Gabrijela Stupice / Portrait Of Gabriel Stupica (1982, Production Company) |
Dih / Breath of Air, A (1983, Production Company) |
Ljubezen / Love (1984, Production Company) |
Kasač (1984, Production Company) |
Zima (1986, Co-Production Company) |
Portret Avgusta Černigoja / Portrait of Avgust Černigoj (1986, Production Company) |
Ljubezen nam je vsem v pogubo / Love is the Ruin of Us All (1987, Production Company) |
Maja in vesoljček / Maya and the Starboy (1988, Production Company) |
Koza je preživela / But the Goat Survived (1991, Co-Production Company) |
Striček Vanja / Дядя Ваня (1992, Participating) |
Obiskovalec / The Visitor (1995, Co-Production Company) |
Sestrična / The Cousin (2009, Technical Support) |
Grobo tkane niti / Threads (2023, Technical Support) |
Premalo vsega / Lack of Everything (2023, Technical Support) |
Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli © 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo. Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
Branislav Nušić (8.10.1864-19.1.1938)
Le Corbusier (8.10.1887-27.8.1965)
Rouben Mamoulian (8.10.1897-4.12.1987)
France Kosmač (3.10.1922-8.10.1974)
Lidija Kozlovič (8.10.1938-1.6.2009)
Jože Trtnik (8.10.1947-)
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
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