Requiem for a Metamorphosis (Co-Production Company) |
Dolgi, široki in bistrooki (1955, Production Company) |
Ptič Ognjič in lisica Rjavica (1955, Production Company) |
Carja Trajana kozja ušesa (1956, Production Company) |
Sneguljčica (1957, Production Company) |
Rdeča kapica (1957, Production Company) |
Lev in miš (1957, Production Company) |
Semenke (1957, Production Company) |
Bilo je nekoč (1957, Production Company) |
Pikica in Tonček (1958, Production Company) |
Vodnjak želja (1958, Production Company) |
Lepota in zver (1959, Production Company) |
Oliver Twist (1959, Production Company) |
Hura soncu in dežju (1960, Production Company) |
Zrelostni izpit (1960, Production Company) |
Peter in volk (1961, Production Company) |
Pomladno srečanje (1961, Production Company) |
Till Eulenspiegel (1961, Production Company) |
Romeo, Julija in tema (1961, Production Company) |
Pesem (1961, Production Company) |
Modra vrtnica za princesko (1961, Production Company) |
Plešoči osliček (1961, Production Company) |
Lepa čevljarka (1962, Production Company) |
Otok zakladov (1962, Production Company) |
Cesarična in pastir (1962, Production Company) |
Dve nedelji (1963, Production Company) |
Meni je sedemnajst let (1963, Production Company) |
Starec in živalca / Kobilica in konj / Veseli kužki (1963, Production Company) |
Nil, Evfrat, Tigris (1963, Production Company) |
Klovn in njegov cirkus (1964, Production Company) |
Starši naprodaj (1964, Production Company) |
Dvojčka (1964, Production Company) |
Goli kralj (1964, Production Company) |
Strip, strup, denarja kup (1964, Production Company) |
Čudežni pisalni strojček (1964, Production Company) |
Primosh Petelin, pretkan ko obedin (1965, Production Company) |
Cesarjev slavček (1965, Production Company) |
Partizanski miting (Mati in Birokrat) (1965, Production Company) |
Ambrosio ubija čas (1965, Production Company) |
Dva lopova (bivša) (1965, Production Company) |
Ples tatov (1966, Production Company) |
Kapitan John Piplfox / Kapetan Džon Piplfox (1966, Production Company) |
Čarodejni mangovi listi / Mango Leaf Magic (1966, Production Company) |
Pepelka (1966, Production Company) |
Razbojniki iz Kardemomme / Folk og rovere i Kardemomme by (1966, Production Company) |
Recital poezije Franceta Prešerna (1967, Production Company) |
Trije mušketirji / Les Trois Mousquetaires / Trzej muszkieterowie (1967, Production Company) |
Velika pustolovščina Toma Sawyerja / The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / Tom Sawyer Abentour (1967, Production Company) |
Hodl de Bodl (Dve vedri vode) (1967, Production Company) |
Narobe stvari v mestu Petpedi (1967, Production Company) |
V pesmih slava se bo brala od naroda do naroda (1968, Production Company) |
Trije debeluhi / Tri tolstyaka (1968, Production Company) |
Čarovnik iz Oza / The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1968, Production Company) |
Čudoviti zanesenjaki / The Fantasticks (1968, Production Company) |
Ukradeni čebulici / O rapto das cebolinhas (1968, Production Company) |
Cipek in Capek / Max und Moritz (1969, Production Company) |
Rdeča kapica / Crvenkapa (1969, Production Company) |
Pavlihčeva skrivnost / Das Geheimnis des Puppenspielers (1969, Production Company) |
Hura za veselje (1969, Production Company) |
Sluga dveh gospodov (1970, Production Company) |
Oliver Twist (1970, Production Company) |
Silni bič (1970, Production Company) |
Vesela zgodba o žalostni princeski (1970, Production Company) |
V osemdesetih dneh okoli sveta / Le tour du monde en 80 jours (1971, Production Company) |
Roža in prstan / The Rose and the Ring (1971, Production Company) |
Snežna kraljica (1971, Production Company) |
Indijanci v Mali vasi / Wir spielen Indianer (1971, Production Company) |
Domača naloga na potepu (1971, Production Company) |
Trnuljčica preveč in trije palčki (1972, Production Company) |
Lepota in zver (1972, Production Company) |
Vilinček z Lune (1972, Production Company) |
Pridi, dedek Mraz (1972, Production Company) |
Igračke z napako (1973, Production Company) |
Androkles in lev (1973, Production Company) |
Burka o jezičnem dohtarju in Plešasta pevka (1973, Production Company) |
Pika Nogavička (1974, Production Company) |
Hočete igrati z mano? (1974, Production Company) |
Poslednji trak / Krapp's Last Tape (1974, Production Company) |
Srečni dnevi / Happy Days - Oh les beaux jours (1974, Production Company) |
Zugo in njegova senca (1974, Production Company) |
Žrtve mode bum-bum (1975, Production Company) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (1975, Production Company) |
Ptički brez gnezda (1975, Production Company) |
Zmaj (1976, Production Company) |
Pavliha in Mica / Punch and Judy (1976, Production Company) |
Tika taka srabaraka (1976, Production Company) |
Župan Kozelj in njegovi (1977, Production Company) |
Obtoženi volk (1977, Production Company) |
Najdihojca (1978, Production Company) |
Abecedarija (1978, Production Company) |
Lahkih nog naokrog (1978, Production Company) |
Pastirci pri kresu in plesu (1978, Production Company) |
Sen zelenjavne noči (1978, Production Company) |
Cica v metroju (1979, Production Company) |
Gulliver, velik in majhen (1979, Production Company) |
Martin Krpan (1979, Production Company) |
Zlata ladja (1979, Production Company) |
Čenčarija (1979, Production Company) |
Nebotičniki, sedite! (1979, Production Company) |
Šuhu in leteča princesa (1980, Production Company) |
Peržani (1980, Production Company) |
Missa in A minor / Maša v a-molu (1980, Production Company) |
Robinzon in človek Petek (1981, Production Company) |
Šola za klovne (1981, Production Company) |
Medejina otroka (1981, Production Company) |
Ujetniki svobode (1982, Production Company) |
Smrad opera (1982, Production Company) |
Kokori (1982, Production Company) |
Hladna vojna babice Mraz (1982, Production Company) |
Razredni sovražnik (1982, Production Company) |
Jaz nisem jaz I (1983, Production Company) |
Romeo in Julija (1983, Production Company) |
Nočni čuvaj v živalskem vrtu (1983, Production Company) |
Jaz nisem jaz II (1983, Production Company) |
Ana (1984, Production Company) |
Bolna nevesta (1984, Production Company) |
Strah in pogum (1984, Production Company) |
Ne bojte se pesmi (1984, Production Company) |
Lepotica in zver ali Kaj se je zgodilo z Danico D.? (1985, Production Company) |
Levitan (1985, Production Company) |
Resničnost (1985, Production Company) |
Ostržek (1985, Production Company) |
Blodnje (1986, Production Company) |
Besi (1986, Production Company) |
Alica v čudežni deželi (1986, Production Company) |
Zločin na kozjem otoku (1987, Production Company) |
Slovenska savna (1987, Production Company) |
Medved Pu / Winnie - The - Pooh (1987, Production Company) |
Balkon (1988, Production Company) |
Atlantida (1988, Production Company) |
Dramski observatorij Zenit (1988, Production Company) |
Šeherezada (1989, Production Company) |
Bakhantke (1989, Production Company) |
Odisej in sin ali Svet in dom (1990, Production Company) |
Skrivnosti (1990, Production Company) |
Butalci (1990, Production Company) |
Pohujšanje po Cankarju (1991, Production Company) |
Krokar (1991, Production Company) |
Veter, pesek in zvezde (1991, Production Company) |
Noč gostov (1991, Production Company) |
Prihajajo (1992, Production Company) |
Tri sestre (1992, Production Company) |
Psiha (1993, Production Company) |
Susn (1993, Production Company) |
Tartif (1993, Production Company) |
Živalski kabaret (1993, Production Company) |
Alica v čudežni deželi (1994, Production Company) |
Roberto Zucco (1994, Production Company) |
Gospodična Julija (1994, Production Company) |
Družinski album (1994, Production Company) |
Arterija (1994, Production Company) |
Kupola, 1 : 10.000.000, vertikalni tunel (1994, Production Company) |
Lepa Vida (1995, Production Company) |
Celica (1995, Production Company) |
Butterendfly (1995, Production Company) |
Leonce in Lena (1995, Production Company) |
Klovni (1995, Production Company) |
Slepe miši (1996, Production Company) |
Silence Silence Silence (1996, Production Company) |
Mesto, kjer nisem bil (1996, Production Company) |
Veselja dom / Puzzle Home (1996, Production Company) |
Galileo Galilei (1996, Production Company) |
Intervju s paradoksom (1996, Production Company) |
Walter Parsifal (1997, Production Company) |
Moške fantazije (1997, Production Company) |
Zvonar (1997, Production Company) |
Tirza (1997, Production Company) |
Nikoli me ne vidiš tam, kjer te jaz vidim (1997, Production Company) |
Kralj Ojdipus (1998, Production Company) |
Naloga (Spomin na revolucijo) (1998, Production Company) |
Deklica in kontrabas (1998, Production Company) |
V samoti bombažnih polj (1998, Production Company) |
Pika (1998, Production Company) |
Traumdeutung, Die / Interpretacija sanj (1999, Production Company) |
Kdo se boji Tennesseeja Williamsa? (1999, Production Company) |
Svinčnik piše s srcem (1999, Production Company) |
Hinkemann (1999, Production Company) |
Sen kresne noči (1999, Production Company) |
I tempi passati (1999, Production Company) |
Utva (1999, Production Company) |
Glas (Rihard II., Henrik V., Rihard III.) (1999, Production Company) |
Hiša Bernarde Alba (2000, Production Company) |
Traumdeutung, 1900, Die (2000, Production Company) |
DRRREAM (2000, Production Company) |
Mary Poppins (2000, Production Company) |
Juliette Justine (2000, Production Company) |
Peter Pan ali Deček, ki ni hotel odrasti (2001, Production Company) |
Hamlet (2001, Production Company) |
Tri sestre (2001, Production Company) |
Salzberg, Der (2001, Production Company) |
Fedrina ljubezen, 4.48 Psihoza (2001, Production Company) |
Ime rože (2002, Production Company) |
Ubu / I. del: Poljaki (2002, Production Company) |
Preganjanje in umor Jean-Paul Marata (2002, Production Company) |
Supremat (2002, Production Company) |
Zrno soli (2002, Production Company) |
Soba srečanj / Maison des rendez-vous (2002, Production Company) |
Sneguljčica in sedem palčkov (2003, Production Company) |
Play It Again, Caligula (2003, Production Company) |
No. 203 - Duh resnice (2003, Production Company) |
Fiziki (2003, Production Company) |
(2003, Production Company) |
Obličja iz peska (2003, Production Company) |
Nič igranja, prosim! / No Acting Please (2003, Production Company) |
Poroka (2004, Production Company) |
Kekec. Gibalna premetanka s tekstom. (2004, Production Company) |
Kaspar (2004, Production Company) |
Učna ura (2004, Production Company) |
Lulubaj (2004, Production Company) |
Che Guevara (2005, Production Company) |
Kraljica Margot (2005, Production Company) |
Ep o Gilgamešu (2005, Production Company) |
Othella (2005, Production Company) |
Fragile! (2005, Production Company) |
Ena in druga (2006, Production Company) |
Kitov trebuh (2006, Production Company) |
Jašek (2006, Production Company) |
Somrak bogov (2006, Production Company) |
Kleist (2006, Production Company) |
Visoka pesem (2007, Production Company) |
Ljubezen na smrt (2007, Production Company) |
Pekarna Mišmaš (2007, Production Company) |
Don Juan. Kdo? / Don Juan. Who? (2007, Production Company) |
Kok ti men zdej dol visiš (2007, Production Company) |
Mlado meso (2007, Production Company) |
Dance or Die (2007, Co-Production Company) |
Hiša Marije Pomočnice (2008, Production Company) |
Razdejani (2008, Production Company) |
Zločin in kazen (2009, Production Company) |
Nižina neba (2009, Production Company) |
Preklet naj bo izdajalec svoje domovine! / Damned be the traitor of his homeland! (2010, Production Company) |
Pohujšanje v dolini šentflorjanski (2011, Production Company) |
Glengarry Glen Ross / Glengarry Glen Ross (2014, Production Company) |
Imela bi otroke, vrt in petnajst zajcev (2015, Co-Production Company) |
Norčevanje teme (2015, Executive Producer) |
Kompleks Ristić (2015, Production Company) |
Hiša Bernarde Alba / La casa de Bernarda Alba (2016, Participating) |
Odilo. Zatemnitev. Oratorij. (2018, Co-Production Company) |
Kralj na Betajnovi (2018, Participating) |
Dan po (2019, Participating) |
PALOMA (2020, Co-Production Company) |