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Birdman (2014)
Haine, La (1995)
Ed Wood (1994)
Au hasard Balthazar (1966)
Uns et les autres, Les (1981)

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Janez Vajevec (1946-2021)

Čas in Conwayevi - Čas in Conwayevi - Čas in Conwayevi - Čas in Conwayevi - Čas in Conwayevi - Čas in Conwayevi - Gospa ne bo zgorela - Gospa ne bo zgorela - Gospa ne bo zgorela - Gospa ne bo zgorela - Gospa ne bo zgorela - Gospa ne bo zgorela - Gospa ne bo zgorela - Gospa ne bo zgorela - Gospa ne bo zgorela - Hamlet - Hamlet - Hamlet - Improvizacija v Versillesu - Improvizacija v Versillesu - Improvizacija v Versillesu - Improvizacija v Versillesu - Lepa Vida - Lepa Vida - Lizistrata - Lizistrata - Lizistrata - Lizistrata - Lizistrata - Lizistrata - Lizistrata - Lizistrata - Lizistrata - Lizistrata - Lizistrata - Mirina, Kinesias - Madame Sans-Gene - 2. prizor Madame Sans-Gene - 2. prizor Madame Sans-Gene - 2. prizor Madame Sans-Gene - 2. prizor Skupinska slika sodelujočih - Sluga dveh gospodov - 2. zasedba Sluga dveh gospodov - 2. zasedba Sluga dveh gospodov - 2. zasedba Zmaj: Antikvariat 2 - Zmaj: Borba - Zmaj: Prihod - Zmaj: Scenska - Žena pred obzidjem - Žena pred obzidjem - Žena pred obzidjem -

Spalnik Hiawatha / Pullman Car Hiawatha (1966, Actor)
Ukročena trmoglavka / The Taming of the Shrew (1966, Participating)
Trije mušketirji / Les Trois Mousquetaires / Trzej muszkieterowie (1967, Actor)
Lepa Vida (1967, Actor)
Sluga dveh gospodov / Il servitore di due padroni (1967, Actor, Actor)
Čas in Conwayevi / Time and the Conways (1967, Actor)
Marija Stuart (1967, Actor)
Madame Sans-Gene (1967, Actor)
Pokopljite mrtve / Bury the Dead (1967, Actor, Actor, Actor)
Zapuščena zgodovina (1968, Narrator)
Sonce, vsesplošno sonce / Universal Sun (1968, Actor)
Gospa ne bo zgorela / The Lady's Not for Burning (1968, Actor)
Zaprta vrata / Huis clos (1968, Actor, Actor)
Piknik v nedeljo / Sunday Picnic (1968, Actor)
Lizistrata / Lysistrate (1968, Actor, Actor)
Hamlet (1968, Actor)
Improvizacija v Versillesu (1968, Actor)
Žena pred obzidjem / Große Schmährede an der Stadtmauer (1969, Actor)
Steklenica vode (1970, Narrator)
Rešen / Saved (1971, Actor)
Minotavromanija (1985, Actor)
Marko Marin. Dobri Duh Gledališča in Njegova 'Speča lepotica' (2001, Featured)
Zmaj / Dragon (2011, Actor)
Velika imena malega ekrana - Vaclav Hudeček (2012, Featured)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Aleksandar Djordjević (28.7.1924-27.4.2005)
Krzysztof Komeda (27.4.1931-23.4.1969)
Aleksander Pešut (27.4.1977-)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
