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Opraviti z Eddyjem (2025)
Édouard Louis, ou la transformation (2022)
Historias para no contar (2022)
Šterkijada (2023)
Homo-mensura - Projekcija in pogovor o Filipu Kalanu Kumbatoviču (2024)

New Archive Items
A8849 - Prešernova nagrada za magistrsko delo Deklici: Hibridno avtobigrafsko dokumentarno... (2024, )
A8850 - Prešernova nagrada za vlogo režijo diplomske produkcije Kako jemati njeno življenje (poskusi) (2024, )
A8851 - Prešernova nagrada za vlogo Sofije v diplomski predstavi med tem ko... (2024, )
A8913 - Prešernova nagrada za magistrsko delo (2024, )
A8911 - Prešernova nagrada za asistenta produkcije (2024, )

Most Wanted
Vieux fusil, Le (1975)
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
Driver, The (1978)
Akahige (1965)
Mongol (2007)

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Božji otroci (2012)

Children of God
BOŽJI OTROCI: Foto 1 - BOŽJI OTROCI: Foto 2 - BOŽJI OTROCI: Foto 3 - BOŽJI OTROCI: Foto 4 - BOŽJI OTROCI: Foto 5 - BOŽJI OTROCI: Foto 6 - BOŽJI OTROCI: Foto 7 - BOŽJI OTROCI: Scena - Diploma podeljena na 20. Mednarodnem filmskem festivalu Listapad v Minsku (Belorusija) - Nagrado so prejeli Katarina Rešek za kratki dok. film Moje ime je Ogledalo, Katarina Morano za kratki dok. film Benjamin in Domen Martinčič za kratki dok. film Božji otroci oz. prejela jo je UL AGRFT. Preklete podlasice: Domen Martinčič 2 -
Country of Origin: Slovenia
Length: 14min 7s
Original project format: HDV, 1,77:1, colour, stereo
language: Slovenian
short documentary
an AGRFT student production/project
2. year 2011/2012 Documentary film implementation – directing

Summary:An usual day of two teenagers, Nitja and Aljaž, starts about five o'clock in the morning. The family gathers at the ritual, dedicated to Krishna. After the meditation there is a class – at home. Nitja and Aljaž don't go to elementary school. They spend their days in the countryside, in the hilly surroundings of Kriška vas. But soon a time will come when Aljaž should have decided upon his future and whether he is going to stay at home or make a step into a different world that awaits him in a nearby school.
Domen Martinčič (Director)
Domen Martinčič (Screenwriter)
Jan Perovšek (Director of Photography)
Blaž Gracar (Film Editor)
Eduard Čehovin (Mentor - za grafiko)
Karpo Aćimović Godina (Mentor - za kamero)
Olga Toni (Mentor - za montažo)
Jan Zakonjšek (Mentor - za režijo)
Miroslav Mandić (Mentor - za scenaristiko)
Aljaž Gopal Mihelič (Featured)
Nitja Mihelič (Featured)
Kalindi Mihelič (Featured)
Janja Mihelič (Featured)
Blaž Mihelič (Featured)
UL AGRFT (Production Company)
Jožica Šmid (Producer)
Sveto Makič (Gaffer)
Samo Jurca (Sound Designer)
Marko Tajić (Sound Recordist)
Blaž Gracar (Assistant Director)
Luka Dragović (Coordinator - RTV Slovenija)
RTV Slovenija (Co-Production Company)
Blaž Gracar (Film Music Composer)

Videotapes and DVDs available at Videoteka AGRFT:
in place 17078 (DVD, original - not available)
on lend 17079 (DVD, on lend)
on lend 17080 (DVD, on lend)
on lend 17081 (DVD, on lend)
on lend 17082 (DVD, on lend)
on lend 17317 (DVD, on lend)
in place 19794 (DVD, available)

Units in AGRFT Archive:
A5753 - Božji otroci (project documentation, confined)
A5936 - Diploma podeljena na 20. Mednarodnem filmskem festivalu Listapad v Minsku (Belorusija) (, confined)

Minsk International Film Festival "Listapad" 2013 (2013) - Diplome for the attention to the issue of young person self-identification in the complicated contemporary reality

Festival Applications:
15. Festival slovenskega filma (2012, in competition); 2. Višegrajski filmski forum (2012, special screening); Filofest 2012 (2012, special screening); Kinodvor - AGRFT predstavlja (2013, special screening); European Short Film Festival 2013 (2013, not accepted); Minsk International Film Festival "Listapad" 2013 (2013, in competition); International Film Festival Etiuda&Anima 2013 (2013, applied); Filmski festival Herceg Novi - Montenegro Film Festival 2013 (2013, not accepted); Ziferblat - AGRFT filmski večeri (14. 5. 2017) (2017, special screening);

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2025 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Cary Grant (18.1.1904-29.11.1986)
Jean Mitry (7.11.1907-18.1.1988)
Gilles Deleuze (18.1.1925-4.11.1995)
Takeši Kitano (18.1.1947-)
Kevin Costner (18.1.1955-)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.

Nagrajenci Grossmannove nagrade
Žirija je prvo nagrado za leto 2024 in s tem odkupno nagrado v višini ...
