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Last Entries
Šterkijada (2023)
Homo-mensura - Projekcija in pogovor o Filipu Kalanu Kumbatoviču (2024)
3. AGRFT festival - 2024 (2024)
Umetniško delo (performans v trajanju) - Bortšnikov performativ (2023)
Selfie brez retuše (2016)

New Archive Items
A8794 - Univerzitetne Prešernove nagrade 2024 - digit. foto B - Agmisterij (2024, digital photograph, color)
A8793 - 3. Agrft festival 2024 - Homo-mensura - digit. kop. A3 plakata (2024, )
A8791 - 3. Agrft festival 2024 - Homo-mensura - tisk verzija plakata (2024, )
A8791 - 3. Agrft festival 2024 - Homo-mensura - digit. kop. A1 plakata (2024, )
A8790 - 3. Agrft festival 2024 - Homo-mensura (2024, poster)

Most Wanted
Interstellar (2014)
Shi mian mai fu (2004)
Pina (2011)
Nostalghia (1983)
Freudlose Gasse, Die (1925)

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Benjamin (2012)

BENJAMIN: Foto 1 - BENJAMIN: Foto 2 - BENJAMIN: Foto 3 - BENJAMIN: Foto 4 - BENJAMIN: Foto 5 - BENJAMIN: Katarina Morano - BENJAMIN: snemanje 1 - BENJAMIN: snemanje 2 - Diploma podeljena na 20. Mednarodnem filmskem festivalu Listapad v Minsku (Belorusija) - Nagrado so prejeli Katarina Rešek za kratki dok. film Moje ime je Ogledalo, Katarina Morano za kratki dok. film Benjamin in Domen Martinčič za kratki dok. film Božji otroci oz. prejela jo je UL AGRFT.
Country of Origin: Slovenia
Length: 28min 45s
Original project format: HDV, 1,77:1, colour, stereo
language: Slovenian
short documentary
an AGRFT student production/project
2. year 2011/2012 Documentary film implementation – directing

Summary:The Documentary follows 12 year old autist named Benjamin. He isn't trapped in social norms and learned behavioral patterns, so his guidance in life is through what he feels. Benjamin is authentic and direct, but people quite often misunderstand him. He loves trains and numbers so he spends lots of time at the Ljubljana train station with his mother Maja. Maja drives the city bus, which is not only her work, but also relaxation. She is the link between Benjamin and his brother Tadej, who loves Benjamin, but has hard times with him too.
Opombe:Posneto 10., 11. in 12. januarja 2012. Delovni naslov: Sem, sva, smo
Katarina Morano (Director)
Katarina Morano (Screenwriter)
Maksimiljan Sušnik (Director of Photography)
Jan Lovše (Film Editor)
Jan Zakonjšek (Mentor - za filmsko režijo)
Eduard Čehovin (Mentor - za grafiko)
Karpo Aćimović Godina (Mentor - za kamero)
Olga Toni (Mentor - za montažo)
Miroslav Mandić (Mentor - za scenaristiko)
Aldo Kumar (Mentor - za zvok)
Benjamin Prosenc (Featured)
Tadej Prosenc (Featured)
Maja Sedej Prosenc (Featured)
Marija Sedej (Featured)
UL AGRFT (Production Company)
Jožica Šmid (Producer)
Boris Orehek (Gaffer)
Blaž Gracar (Participating - glasbeni prostor)
Tristan Peloz (Sound Designer)
Petra Trobec (Music Performer)
Marko Tajić (Sound Recordist)
Emil Kozole (Graphic Designer)
Luka Dragović (Coordinator - RTV Slovenija)
RTV Slovenija (Co-Production Company)
Petra Trobec (Film Music Composer)

Videotapes and DVDs available at Videoteka AGRFT:
in place 17078 (DVD, original - not available)
on lend 17079 (DVD, on lend)
on lend 17080 (DVD, on lend)
on lend 17081 (DVD, on lend)
on lend 17082 (DVD, on lend)
on lend 17317 (DVD, on lend)
in place 19147 (DVD, original - not available, with English subtitles)
in place 19147 (DVD, original - not available, with English subtitles)
in place 19148 (DVD, available, with English subtitles)
in place 19149 (DVD, available, with English subtitles)
in place 19794 (DVD, available)

Units in AGRFT Archive:
A5743 - Benjamin (project documentation, confined)
A5936 - Diploma podeljena na 20. Mednarodnem filmskem festivalu Listapad v Minsku (Belorusija) (, confined)

Prešernova nagrada, UL AGRFT (2012) - Prešernova nagrada UL AGRFT
Prešernova nagrada, UL AGRFT (2012) - Prešernova nagrada UL AGRFT
Prešernova nagrada, UL AGRFT (2012) - Prešernova nagrada UL AGRFT
Minsk International Film Festival "Listapad" 2013 (2013) - Diplome for the attention to the issue of young person self-identification in the complicated contemporary reality
16. podelitev nagrad Zlatolask za ustvarjalske dosežke v študijskem letu 2011/12 (2013) - Najboljši kratki dokumentarni film

Festival Applications:
15. Festival slovenskega filma (2012, in competition); 2. Višegrajski filmski forum (2012, special screening); XXXII International VGIK Student Festival (2012, in competition); Filofest 2012 (2012, special screening); International Student Film Festival Sehsüchte 2013 (2013, applied); 8. CILECT PRIZE COMPETITION - 2013 (2013, in competition); Kinodvor - AGRFT predstavlja (2013, special screening); 24. Trieste Film Festival (2013, in competition); European Short Film Festival 2013 (2013, not accepted); Hamburg International Short Film Festival 2013 (2013, not accepted); China International New Media Shorts Festival and KingBonn Award 2013 (2013, applied); Busan International Short Film Festival 2013 (2013, applied); Student Academy Awards 2013 (2013, applied); Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival 2013 (2013, not accepted); Sarajevo Film Festival 2013 (2013, not accepted); Shnit International Shortfilmfestival 2013 (2013, not accepted); St.Petersburg International Student Film Festival BEGINNING 2013 (2013, applied); Revija slovenskega dokumentarnega filma 2013 (2013, special screening); Rencontres Henri Langlois Festival 2013 (2013, applied); Munich International Festival of Film Schools 2013 (2013, not accepted); International Cinematographers' Film Festival "Manaki Brothers" 2013 (2013, special screening); Minsk International Film Festival "Listapad" 2013 (2013, in competition); International Student Film and Video Festival of Beijing Film Academy (ISFVF) 2013 (2013, applied); Fide 2014 - International Student Documentary Films Festival (2014, applied); CineMAiubit International Student Film Festival 2013 (2013, in competition); AGRFT kratki študentski filmi v KMKC Kompleks (2014, special screening); Noč kratkih filmov 2014 - Slovenska kinoteka Ljubljana (2014, special screening); Mladinski center Krško, Večer AGRFT filmov in filmov Akademije za umetnost Beograd (2015, special screening); Ziferblat - AGRFT filmski večeri (30. 4. 2017) (2017, special screening); CAMERIMAGE International Film Festival (2018, special screening); Teden Univerze v Ljubljani - Projekcija kratkih filmov študentov UL AGRFT (2019, special screening);

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Christopher Plummer (13.12.1929-5.2.2021)
Steve Buscemi (13.12.1959-)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.

Kratki igrani film Razglašena nagrajen na festivalu VGIK
Kratki igrani film Razglašena je prejel posebno nagrado za najboljšo režijo ...
