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Last Entries
Študija Ibsen/Strindberg (2025)
Vaje in improvizacije (2024)
Urbani teatr - OHO (1969)
Pasijon - OHO (1968)
Kozmologija - OHO (1969)

New Archive Items
A8922 - Pupilija, papa Pupilo pa Pupilčki - tv snemanje (1969, )
A8923 - Pupilija, papa Pupilo pa Pupilčki - tv snemanje (1969, digital photograph, BW)
A8921 - Pupilija, papa Pupilo pa Pupilčki - predstava (1969, )
A8920 - Pupilija, papa Pupilo pa Pupilčki - predstava (1969, digital photograph, BW)
A8919 - Gledališki projekti skupine OHO (1968, digital photograph, BW)

Most Wanted
Lighthouse, The (2019)
Samourai, Le (1967)
Bling Ring, The (2013)
Pervert's Guide to Cinema, The (2006)
Wild (2014)

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Etida za slovenske begunce (1989)

Country of Origin: Slovenia
Length: 9min 29s (108m)
References: SFC | Arhiv RS
Original project format: 16mm, 1,37:1, colour, sepmag, mono
language: Slovenian
premiere date: 26.9.1989
short fiction
an AGRFT student production/project
3. year 1988/1989 FR III.

Amir Muratović (Director)
Amir Muratović (Screenwriter)
Sven Pepeonik (Director of Photography)
Zvezdana Sabotič (Film Editor)
Franci Slak (Actor)
Jože Mraz (Actor)
Maja Šugman (Actor)
Anton Nanut (Actor)
Violeta Tomić (Actor)
Franci Slak (Mentor - za montažo)
Jože Babič (Mentor - za režijo)
Andrej Inkret (Mentor - za scenaristiko)
Srečko Meh (Featured)
Jože Babič (Featured)
Janez Čuček (Featured)
Jaša Jamnik (Featured)
Boris Kopitar (Featured)
Alja Tkačev (Featured)
Miran Pešič (Featured)
UL AGRFT (Production Company)
Ludwig van Beethoven (Composer)
Andrej Knaflič (Sound Designer)
Boris Romih (Sound Recordist)
Janez Stare (Light Designer)

Videotapes and DVDs available at Videoteka AGRFT:
in place 1148 (VHS, available)
in place 1241 (VHS, available)
in place 1912 (VHS, confined)
in place 3557 (VHS, available)
in place 9967 (DVD, available)
in place 10203 (DVD, original - not available)
in place 10204 (DVD, lost)
in place 10205 (DVD, available)
in place 11825 (DVD, lost)
on lend 14885 (DVD, on lend)
on lend 14886 (DVD, on lend)
in place 14887 (DVD, available)
in place 14888 (DVD, available)

Units available in FTV Archive:
FTV1010 (Betacam SP, limited, IN PLACE)

6. Internationale Juvenale (1991) - Silbermedaille

Festival Applications:
22e Rencontres internationale Henri Langlois (1998, in competition);

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2025 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Haskell Wexler (6.2.1926-27.12.2015)
François Truffaut (6.2.1932-21.10.1984)
Predrag Vranešević (27.5.1946-6.2.2022)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
