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Last Entries
Édouard Louis, ou la transformation (2022)
Historias para no contar (2022)
Šterkijada (2023)
Homo-mensura - Projekcija in pogovor o Filipu Kalanu Kumbatoviču (2024)
3. AGRFT festival - 2024 (2024)

New Archive Items
A8584 - Žival, človek, stroj (2023, photograph)
A8821 - Pisna naloga (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8820 - Dogodek v mestu Gogi (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8819 - Kovček (2024, entrance exam paper)
A8818 - Perpetum mobile (2024, entrance exam paper)

Most Wanted
Remains of the Day, The (1993)
Vieux fusil, Le (1975)
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
Driver, The (1978)
Samsara (2011)

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Bližje (2017)

Bližje: foto 1 - Bližje: foto 2 - Bližje: foto 3 - Bližje: foto 4 - Bližje: foto 5 -
Country of Origin: Slovenia
Length: 13min 16s
Original project format: HDV, 1,85:1, colour, stereo
language: Slovenian
short fiction
an AGRFT student production/project
1. year 2016/2017 FR I.

Summary:Domen, a student, has to welcome his estranged grandmother to his appartment, as her room in the nursery home is being made over. Spending time together they try to get along, but that comes difficult for both of them. At night Domen vists his girlfriend, where he stumbles over a bouncing ball, and back home, back home, watching television, Domen`s grandmother tries to convince him to remember how she made him breakfast when he was young. He refuses. After that life becomes a little bit stranger for him.
Matjaž Jamnik (Director)
Matjaž Jamnik (Screenwriter)
Vid Uršič (Director of Photography)
Kristian Božak Kavčič (Film Editor)
Jošt Jesenovec (Actor, Domen Jurij)
Metoda Zorčič (Actor, Mati)
Maksimiljan Franceschini Muhič (Actor)
Nika Vidic (Actor, Nataša)
Simon Tanšek (Mentor - za kamero)
Olga Toni (Mentor - za montažo)
Martin Srebotnjak (Mentor - za režijo)
Miroslav Mandić (Mentor - za scenaristiko)
UL AGRFT (Production Company)
Frederic Chopin (Composer - Valček v cis molu št. 2 op. 64)
Gaja Naja Rojec (Set Designer)
Gaja Naja Rojec (Costume Designer)
Harald Wetter (Music Performer)
Jan Martin Jamnik (Script Supervisor)
Matjaž Jamnik (Organizer)
Jan Martin Jamnik (Organizer)
Daša Bezjak (Make-Up Artist)
Ivana Vogrinc Vidali (Assistant Director)
Kristian Božak Kavčič (Sound Technician)

Units in AGRFT Archive:
A6915 - Bližje (project documentation, confined)

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2025 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Lev Kulešov (13.1.1899-30.3.1970)
Henri Langlois (13.11.1914-13.1.1977)
Rado Likon (13.1.1949-)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.

Nagrajenci Grossmannove nagrade
Žirija je prvo nagrado za leto 2024 in s tem odkupno nagrado v višini ...
