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D-mol (2023)
Vrtnarji ovenelih rož (2024)
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A8721 - Spreminjevalci podob - digitalna kopija (2024, )
A8721 - Spreminjevalci podob (2024, )
A8720 - Uporaba javne razsvetljave pri digitalni filmski fotografiji (2024, )
A8719 - Gogi (2024, project documentation)
A8718 - Bonaca (2024, project documentation)

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Five Easy Pieces (1987)
Condamne a mort c'est echappe, Un (1956)
Vitalina Varela (2019)
Cavalo Dinheiro (2014)
Kes (1969)

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Ljudožerci - 2. del (2023)

Cannibals - Part 2
Ljudožerci, 2. del: Foto 1 - Ljudožerci, 2. del: Foto 2 - Ljudožerci, 2. del: Foto 3 - Ljudožerci, 2. del: Foto 4 - Ljudožerci, 2. del: Foto 5 - Ljudožerci, 2. del: Snemanje - Scenarij za 2. del mini TV serije Ljudožerci - Snemalna knjiga za 2. del mini TV serije Ljudožerci -
Country of Origin: Slovenia
Length: 37min 36s
Original project format: HD, 1,77:1, colour, stereo
language: Slovenian
TV mini series
an AGRFT student production/project
5. year 2022/2023 TVR IV.

Summary:The family turns the chapel into an inn. Pajot and Falac drag Marija into the basement and kill her. Major and Tenente enter the chapel. The major, who is an officer of the occupying army, treats Tenente, an Italian officer, like a dog, puts a stick on him, and Tenente jumps over it. Marta and Majdalenka entertain Major and Tenent. They eat human flesh together. The Major and Tenente grab Majdalenko and Marta and the bottle and tray of steaks and leave. Neznanka also appears, who is rebellious against the Major's army. He agrees with Pajot that he will give meat to the rebellion. Later, Pajot issues a punter to Major.
Opombe:Omnibus, mini TV serija v treh delih. Posneto aprila 2023. Nosilec končanega projekta je datoteka DNxHD 185 50i.
Damir Vintar (Director)
Damir Vintar (Screenwriter)
Damir Vintar (Film Editor)
Gojmir Lešnjak (Actor, Pajot)
Gregor Gruden (Actor, Falac)
Karin Komljanec (Actor, Matilda)
Kaja Petrovič (Actor, Majdalenka)
Alja Krhin (Actor, Marija)
Mojka Končar (Actor, Marta)
Vojko Zidar (Actor, Komtur)
Domen Valič (Actor, Tenete)
Nika Manevski (Actor, Neznanka)
Ludvik Bagari (Actor, Major)
Jožica Šmid (Mentor - za produkcijo)
Igor Šmid (Mentor - za televizijsko režijo)
Marko Naberšnik (Mentor - za televizijsko režijo)
UL AGRFT (Production Company)
Jožica Šmid (Producer - Oddelka za film in televizijo)
Tomaž Kisovec (Gaffer)
Tatjana Kortnik (Set Designer)
Meta Sever (Costume Designer)
Tristan Peloz (Sound Designer)
Moldavia National Chamber Orchestra (Music Performer - Antigona)
Benjamin Intartaglia (Music Performer - Die Meistersinger von Nürenberg, WWV 96)
Sonatori Fiorentini (Music Performer - Grave Violin Sonata in A minor, Op.6 No.6)
Chorus Pro Musica (Music Performer - Requiem in D minor, K. 626)
United States Marine Band (Music Performer - The Diplomat)
Vesna Kačanski Badmus (Script Supervisor)
Anita Ferčak (Make-Up Artist)
Aleš Obrulj (Sound Recordist)
Štefan Polajžer (Prop Master)
Stefan Weisman (Composer - 4th Place)
Stefan Weisman (Composer - Ad Lib)
Victor Carbajo (Composer - Antigona)
Richard Wagner (Composer - Die Meistersinger von Nürenberg, WWV 96)
Tomaso Albinoni (Composer - Grave Violin Sonata in A minor, Op.6 No.6)
Victor Carbajo (Composer - Killed by the Sky)
Benedikt Wagner (Composer - Praeludium for Organ, Op. 2)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Composer - Requiem in D minor, K. 626)
John Philip Sousa (Composer - The Diplomat)
Nenad Živković (Grip - barvanje in patiranje)
Klemen Kekec (Graphic Designer)
Vukašin Stepančić (Assistant Director)
Blaž Andrašek (Assistant Director)
Nina Bevk (Associate Producer)
Timotej Strlič (Associate Producer)
Gal Nagode (Associate Producer)
Ema Muc (Associate Producer - Oddelka za film in televizijo)
Tina Žen (Assistant Costume Designer)
Miha Rudolf (Assistant Sound Recordist)
Rok Jurečič (Assistant Sound Recordist)
Jure Žigon (Assistant Sound Recordist)
RTV Slovenija (Co-Production Company)
Neža Tretnjak (Vision Mixer)
Benjamin Friškovec (Vision Mixer)
Matic Mohorič (Chief Camera Operator)
Martin Vidic (Camera Operator)
Anže Prevodnik (Camera Operator)
Sara Hauptman (Camera Operator)
Blaž Potokar (Camera Operator)
Maša Virant (Camera Operator)
Barbara Pavlin (Assistant Make-Up Artist)
Štefan Polajžer (Assistant Set Designer)
Maja Štojs (Colour Correction)
Gregor Bregar (Technical Manager)
Luka Lozinšek (Vision control)
Boštjan Kisovec (Vision control)
Gregor Strniša (Based on the Work of - Ljudožerci)
Domen Kovaček ()
Matevž Tekavčič ()
Jan Aleš Mlinar ()

Units in AGRFT Archive:
A8538 - Prešernova nagrada za režijo za tv omnibusa Ljudožerci (, original - not available)
A8665 - Ljudožerci (project documentation, original - not available)

Prešernova nagrada UL AGRFT (2023) - Prešernova nagrada za režijo

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2024 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Márta Mészáros (19.9.1931-)
Jean-Claude Carriere (19.9.1931-8.2.1921)
Jeremy Irons (19.9.1948-)

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