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Last Entries
Scandal Sheet (1952)
Shockproof (1949)
Power of the Press (1943)
Adventure in Sahara (1938)
Mediterraneo: The Law of the Sea (2021)

New Archive Items
V28156 (Blu-ray disc)
V28158 - Samuel Fuller, Storyteller, volume 2 (Blu-ray disc)
V28161 (Blu-ray disc)
V28160 (Blu-ray disc)
V28159 - 4K Ultra HD (Blu-ray disc)

Most Wanted
Vieux fusil, Le (1975)
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
Driver, The (1978)
Akahige (1965)
Mongol (2007)

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Rupa (2006)

Luknja / Hole, The
Nagrada Golden Frame - Kipec z diplomo Nagrada Golden Frame - Kipec Rupa, Nad luknjo - Mama in poštar nad luknjo, total Rupa, Odločanje - Stjepan v luknji premiščjuje, bližji plan Rupa, Poštar - Poštar stoji nad luknjo in gleda vanjo. Rupa, Prepričevanje - Mama in brat Božo v luknji prepričujeta Stjepana, da pride ven. Rupa, Snemanje - Ekipa na snemanju nad luknjo. Rupa, V luknji - Stjepan stroji v luknji z bombo v roki.
Country of Origin: Slovenia
Length: 11min 5s (133m)
References: SFC
Original project format: S-16mm, 1,77:1, colour, DAT, stereo
language: Croatian
premiere date: 21.9.2006
short fiction
an AGRFT student production/project
4. year 2005/2006 FR IV.

Summary:The story of a family that lives in post-war period. Older son has dig a shelter and has hide in it, mother is worried, young brother does not pay attention. When postman bring the letter for older son situation became much more serious.
Opombe:Delovni naslov: Človek v luknji/U rupi
Marko Šantić (Director)
Marko Šantić (Screenwriter)
Jure Černec (Director of Photography)
Jurij Moškon (Film Editor)
Leon Lučev (Actor, Stjepan)
Božidarka Frajt (Actor, Mama)
Saša Tabaković (Actor, Poštar)
Rakan Rushaidat (Actor, Božo)
Žiga Flajs (Actor, Sin)
Stanko Kostanjevec (Mentor - za montažo)
Miran Zupanič (Mentor - za režijo)
Andrej Inkret (Mentor - za scenaristiko)
UL AGRFT (Production Company)
Jožica Šmid (Producer)
Miha Ferkov (Set Designer)
Katja Golob (Set Designer)
Mateja Lupše Svete (Costume Designer)
Julij Zornik (Sound Designer)
Marko Feri (Music Performer)
Marko Poeschl (Organizer)
Mirjam Kavčič (Make-Up Artist)
Marko Tajić (Sound Recordist)
Frane Povirk (Sound Recordist)
Marijan Mlakar (Composer)
RTV Slovenija (Co-Production Company)

Videotapes and DVDs available at Videoteka AGRFT:
in place 9179 (DVD, available)
in place 9180 (DVD, lost)
on lend 9181 (DVD, on lend)
in place 10208 (DVD, original - not available)
on lend 10209 (DVD, on lend)
in place 10399 (DVD, available)
in place 12280 (DVD, available)

Units available in FTV Archive:
FTV1282 (Betacam SP, limited, IN PLACE)
FTV1304 (Digital Betacam, limited, IN PLACE)
FTV1326 (Betacam SP, limited, with Slovenian subtitles, IN PLACE)
FTV1326 (Betacam SP, limited, with English subtitles, IN PLACE)
FTV1344 (Betacam SP, limited, with English subtitles, IN PLACE)
FTV1345 (Betacam SP, limited, with English subtitles, IN PLACE)
FTV1346 (Betacam SP, limited, with English subtitles, IN PLACE)
FTV1394 (Betacam SP, limited, with English subtitles, IN PLACE)
FTV1478 (Betacam SP, limited, with Slovenian subtitles, IN PLACE)

Units in AGRFT Archive:
A5140 - Rupa (screenplay, confined)
A5141 - Rupa (shooting script, confined)
A5142 - Rupa (project documentation, confined)
A5143 - Rupa (CD-ROM, confined)
A5143 - Rupa (CD-ROM w/Digital Stills, confined)
A5144 - Rupa (photograph, confined)

13. Sarajevo Film Festival (2007) - Specijalno priznanje
Young Cinema Art - World Student Film festival (2007) - One of Equal Award Student Jury
10. Mostra delle scuole Europee di cinema (2008) - International Award for the Best Film

Festival Applications:
Filmfestival der Filmakademie Wien 2007 (2007, in competition); Next International Short and Medium Length Film Festival (2008, in competition); Young Cinema Art - World Student Film festival (2007, in competition); Fike 2007 - Evora International Short Film Festival (2007, not accepted); 13. Sarajevo Film Festival (2007, in competition); 10. Festival Slovenskega filma (2007, in competition); Festival du film d'Aubagne (2008, in competition); KurzFilmFreunde Köln (2007, in competition); Zagreb film festival (2007, in competition); 17. Film Festival des osteuropäischen Films (2007, not accepted); Mednarodni festival študentske filmske in video produkcije "Filofest" (2007, not in competition); 19. Trieste Film Festival (2008, in competition); 10. Mostra delle scuole Europee di cinema (2008, in competition); 38. Tampere Film Festival (2008, not accepted); Tribeca Film Festival (2008, applied); 6. International Human Rights Film Festival of Paris (2008, not accepted); Maremetraggio - International Short Film and Debut Work Festival (2008, in competition); Festival International de Film de Fribourg (2008, in competition); Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen (2008, not accepted); 13. Shadowline SalernoFilmFestival (2008, in competition); 14. Aye Aye Film Festival (2008, applied); 14. Bradford Film Festival (2008, in competition); 3. International AFIA Film Festival (2008, in competition); 17. dani Hrvatskog filma (2008, in competition); Tiscali In Short Contest (2008, in competition); 20. Festival International du Court-Metrage des Ecoles de Cinema (2008, in competition); 11. Festival du Court Metrage de Bruxelles (2008, not accepted); DIAGONALE Festival des Österreichischen filmsk in Graz (2008, in competition); 14. Medfilm Festival 2008 (2008, in competition); 3. Balkan Snapshots Film Festival 2008 (2008, in competition); Week of Balkan cinema (2009, special screening); 9. Festival Internationales des coles de cinéma (2009, in competition);

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Idea: Simona Ješelnik, Tanja Premk Grum, Martin Srebotnjak, Barbara Sušec-Michieli
© 2004, 2025 by UL AGRFT & Martin Srebotnjak. All Rights Reserved.
All data & media contained herein are property of UL Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
Permission for any kind of use must be granted from UL AGRFT in written form.
On This Day
Jeanne Moreau (23.1.1928-31.7.2017)
Gregor Strniša (18.11.1930-23.1.1987)
Iva Zupančič (23.1.1931-14.4.2017)

Theatre Catalogue
In Slovenian Theatre Catalogue you can search for theatre performances by production company or theatre season.
